Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, August 02, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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(W ikÙtaiied la 1ST« F
To Swim Channel
_____ Editor
Neva Editor
WHh to * deer s e w n
counUea to open on Augost L the
following feat of-ralea, takes from strong at. 4 O'rtoek this afternoon
the Ne» ta c k Bus. Wight he of after sfce begawah attempt to
tater’eet to* thé hunters.
swim the English channel. Dr.
1 — $11 deer hustsrs should Georgs Brweter of LoAdOn, who
•bund a hors at intervale * f U n started to swim the channel sev-
tirO » when. grOctofflflt through •fial hours after Miss Barrett,
abaadoUerf l e r attempt.
M y woodland.-
2 — Blow s u tls g hhotots shall
M op to t»S tig h t ash allow foster
Moving marksmen to pOss.
2-— A hunter aboSt to atop and
Sloot shall hold out BIS hand to
M dlcate ftf »h at direction hé fn-
tdhda shooting. ~
— Isolated hunters shall ho
«Squired to «and up colored flafoe
at Intervale of SO aeeosda.
•B — Othdr huntera may shoot nt
t i e flares, but not a t the hunters.
— A ll huntera becoming aepa-
«Sted from the mala body and
Wlahlng to s o r e through
htuah shall raise a banner n ot
Mha than eight feet long by tour
M et high w ith the inscription,
••positively not a deer, elk, moose
o f other quadruped.”
& 7 — AnyVuntev mlatahlng » fel­
Single taserUou, per inch
Political. Display, per inch
One Insertion a w e e k __ *
Two insertions a week __
Daily insertion
Rlrst insertion, per g point line .~»~
« Point ilns
Obituaries, per line
collection token to Advertising.”
tbaikkd pzrsonnsl ,
No discount win ba allowed ReHgi
1 111 m
bkpar . t *
E conom ist, are pretty generally agreed in df-htiinii
ing grew Vhlnee, #hctb<ft> 6 f a greeery, biuik, new «*ipe
railroad or hotel, that the “ goi
v p
value is as much an element to be
ible or physical properties.
In any line of business, t li e o n ,— — ..
and development o f the persomtol is AMai*
factor, and a primary determinant' betwet
In business, success or failure depends
of prudence used in selecting the personnel
ity of effort expended in its organization
ment. That costs are incurred in developing
and that when developed, the increased i
Accused Widow is
Released on Bail
’BY GltARLBS’ tflB t N W X R f
N E A S e rv k ^ W H te ^
during the recent great war. Though recruitij were.“ band-
picked,” no td speak, it took a large force o f capable army
officers the best part « f a year, even to partly qualify them
for ordinary m ilitary duty.
The question of the value of an emtjpyed, ' JffrgUhiréd
mid developed personnel become» of importance at thje
time, because raised in connection with federal valuation
of the railroads. The railroad managements contend that
by instructive sujærvixion, the new beginners in the course
of several years become more proficient, that during their
training, waste and damage result from their lack o f train­
ing and ex|K»rieuee, and that the increased proficiency of
the working force thus obtained, is an asset and an ele­
ment of value to be added to the physical value.
W hile for mere political advantage,w e may lie pre­
disposed to resist this method of procedure u s applied to
federal valuation of thé railroads, such an atlitude even
under the shelter o f political expediency, can find neither
justification nor precedent in recognized standards e f aj>r
praisal, nor in the accepted principles governing modéin
commercial ethics.
When a corjmraticm balances its hooks at tlie end of
the fiscal year, and slnrws u balance on the right side of
the ledger, there is general rejoicing among shareholders.
The United States Government, the largest corporation of
all ,has ju st finished one of its greatest years With a
surplus o f $.377,000,000. And this with lowered taxes!
Political wiseacres guffawed and party demagogues
scoffed, when the Mellon philosophy of lower taxes and
increased revenue first was set forth as the wisest policv
fo r the nation to pursue says the Ixis A ngeles Times
Alarm ing notices of inevitable deficits, if not approximate
bankruptcy, were broadcast by the pork-barrel minority.
The cataclysm not only has failed to materialize, but
an extremely fat surplus has apjieared instead. Fa-tber-
more, an immense saving in interest charges will be effect­
ed 1»y application of these additional funds to retirement
o f the public debt. ,
Going on the premise that alleviation of the federal
tax burden would heighteu-public confidence, and stimu- ’
late trade through easier money, the Secretary of the
Treasury has auq»ly <lemonstrated the practical applica­
tion of psychology to big business.
Income taxes for the last year vastly exceeded those
oT tlie previous tw elve months, as did customs receints.
low hanter for a deer or other
animal and shooting a t a «» and
missing shall forfeit his am ateur
standing and
be penalised
yards for unnecessary roughness.
*•— Any hunter shooting at a n -
nocher and h itting him shall he
i onsiderad guilty o f profession
il|s m and have his license sus-
I pended for 40 days.
•-— In < circumstance where
, two deer hunters shoot nt each
other at . the sumo tim e and both
miss« both Shalt precede to the
nearest zoological garden and
leave Ito to the keeper to decide
which looks the more Hke t in t
ROINT PLEASANT, N. J., July kind of animal. The hunter so
designated' shall return to the
(LP)31 — (IP) — Mrs. Frances 8.
heavy brash and allow the other
H all, held on two charges of mur­
man to ta k e *flfe shot a t him.
der in connection with the death
* • - — I t shall be the duty of the
o f her husband, R ev .B d w ard W . game wardens to place staffed
H a ll, and Mrs. E leario f-M llle, a heads of deer, moose and elk on
choi» »inger, hi 1P>2, Was'rslSas- trees at Intervals o f ovary »00
ed worn the county Jhfl late yes­ yards In air forests, so hanters
terday when the cdhrt1 granted On may know what
these animals
ordto permitting* k e f' to go at look like.
libaiffy u n d e r-91 5,0 0 0 -ball -bond.
11.— The placing of soft hate,
arrow collars, and ¿pert sMrto an
these animals to confuse huntera
Shall be considered bad sports­
12-— Whenever a hunter thinks
he sees a deer, elk or meoee be
shall blow a police whistle three
times before firing. The test la
W ' h a jt
chance pould a wet presidential
candidate— that lb, a candidate
who favored a national prohibi­
ting referendum, which would be
w et epough | qt all practical pur-!
poeas-r-atan«'n Ìk28T
' .
souri and Wisconsin, with 113
electoral votes among them.
Counting other states which are
suspected of having wet leanings,
H e political depesters reckon that
a moist candidate might start off
with as many as 167 electoral
votes scWod up from the very be-
glnning of the campaign, on that
slnad» issue.
« -W t
ajsw ed^ out
f t'a ia Queqt|on ‘ under pretty
Of the 266 required h | the elector­
sffMòus obnatteration at both Re-
a l college, would be a pretty nice
publican and Democratic party neat egg.
headquarters here.
; ,, <
Npt- that either national com­
mittee wants It "to become a pres­
idential issue. On Aito’ . contrary,
it's an issue that both kfe deadly
afraid of. T h e f simply ate forc­
ed te analyse |h e sltuaMyo, be-
eause of reports they're receiv­
ing from varlodt— and numerous
wet elates has pprung a» in the
N st year or tw»— states which
would subordinate -every, other
issue to fhaf of k>rOhlMVoo, If
given-an out-and-out wet presi­
dential eaadfatatq to vote far.
I i f this group the mehagers In­
clude, as certeinties, New Yjork,
Now Jersey, Maryland, Connecti­
cut. Delaware, Rhode Island. Mia-
Confessed Slayer
Gives Himself Up
Salem— Public Service Commis
slon grants permit to Central Pa­
rtite Rallrpad Company and eltj
of Klamath Falle,, to
2124,006 viaduct.
Golf seems ; to make a man
healthy so he can play more golf.
\ ;
M S MBtojE “fort
A S K '-/OH -1UH
B L O S S O M -A -U U
M t , B L O SSO M ? >
10 cents
Before you start your trip,
equip your car with Gab­
riel Snubbefs-—guaranteed
to give greater riding oom-
fort over detours and
roads rough and rolling.
and temper by protecting
your car and preventing
broken springs.
S dn bh en
''" - 3
Automotive Shop
in hate the smell o f cigarettes, there is no credit
for not amoking them.
L ittle Store in Town
W e have Gum , Ammunition, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes. Just W hat you w ill neetL
* ‘
M *ke yeur w ill betore golag In
aw l in M l ng white you are too hot.
- .
A giJto-ially designed telephone set for the use o f the
has been perfected in the Bell Teleidioae Laborator-
It w ill often a wonderful new world |o thorn* w I iohc
ness has made it difficult or itnpoegible to use the
HIM ■■ ,
Get Ready For That Hunting Trip.
In Franee, all thé cabinets
seem to be taking French leave.
ng a c o n se q u e n c e , th e n a tio n a l eoffers.
<1 S '»»<1
Notice Is hereby g lven ^h at by
virtue of S DECREE and OKDBR
o r SALJB In the .partition gait
whsMin desob G. Ambrose thM
Hattie K . Ambrose, husband and
wife, are pialatiffs, and M ary
E llin Deakln and J. J. 0O«kl».
Jr., are defendants, duty ' made
and rendered In the Circuit C o irt
of Oregon, for jaekson County,
on the 29th day of July, 191«,
authorizing the sale o f the real
property therein and hereinafter
described, I, the undersigned ref­
eree, w ill » t. the front dOor o f the
court bouse at Jacksonville, Jack-
son County, Oregon, on the l i s t
day of August, 1226, offer for
sale at public auction, and sell to
the highest bidder for chsfi’, A«»
following described premises, to-
**Ldt Number I f , o f B l o c k
Number 2, in the Bnder^s Addition
to the City of Ashland, Jackson
County, Oregon.”
said sale to be made subject to
confirmation by the Judge Of said
Circuit Court.
Dated at Jacksonville, Ore., this
2nd day Of August, 122«.
221-4 Mon.
the fish
trust’s net profits-are to large.
They eave money, time
Mila B erel.H O fH la f
a three weeks vacation
OhffmlW D telto
Wk flnuh With Gabriel
.. 8nubb«a . . . .
Ashland-made batter command* I higher price than
dny butter made in the Northwest.
The Aabland ( ’reamer}’, who are sellfug their butter
regularly on Seattle markets, are g i v i n g an addi­
tional premium above the regular- market price,
TW# is another indication that Ashland products
Ufe frtlperiuf. L et’s boost? home industries. Patronize
them, here at home.
The First National con gratu late the Ashland
Creamery on the superiority of theig product.