Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 29, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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’ a "* . * '
pearanqp In th e United States.
It has been reported on shade
trees la Vancouver, B. C„ where
It was Introduced on
stock from Europe more than 20
(Concluded from last w eek) •
years ago. I t was thought prac­
A fte r school ago to reached, (he
tically exterminated by 1910, but
danger of overstimulation ia apt
unfortunately infestation must
have spread to wild growth, re­
land enroute through California,
present, sad the natural vising
sulting in the gradual increase
showing Miss Harris the western
of children w ith each other la
of recent years — Medford M all
They made a trip to
games and play. Aa they get old­
Subordinate every Thursday, Crater Lake yesterday.
er, extra lessons— music, dancing,
leampment, 1st aad 3rd Tqes- were guests of the Hotel Ash­
languages— nfty be a further
Stillm an’s Freckle Cream, 6«c
Rebekahs, 2nd and fth land last evening.
drain on their energy, and social
»—McNair Bros.
activities, such as club wdrk of
W ood-
various sorts, may 'flu the day’s
C liff Payne makes drain boards.
Newcomb tor wood. Phone <31.
program to overflowing. AU of
, C. A. Day of Portland spent the Now In Ashland, all kinds of
these things being good and de­
Baker Editor H e r e -
in Ashland on business. He millwood at 105 W ater atreet,
sirable, there to a^ temptation to
Bernard M alnwarlng, editor of overcrowd the child, but a wise
Stopped at the Llthia Springs Ittst below the m ilt. Special'prices
hotel last evening.
now on 5 load lota, direct from the Baker Herald at Baker, Ore., parent wJH always keep in mind
the mills at Medfqrd. M r. aad Mrs. stopped off in Ashland for a visit the balance between wprk and
i Ripe Crawford peaches, fige for J. A. Baker in charge. 284-1- m i.* this mofnlng enroute by auto to rest. It may bn adked, what to
Crater Lake. He expressed him­ the proper amount of sleep tor a
Canning. Ashland F ru it A Pro.
self as .being well pleased, with child of six, of eight, etc. The
274-tf Home Grown Watomneknu—
Fred Rapp of Talent brought this section of Oregon.
answer cannot be an exact one,
his first loqd of homegrown water­
V to tth * Parents ■ ,
since -it is p artly an individual
* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kipp of melons to Ashland this morning. News Man Here—
Children vary in the
Sacramento arrived in Ashland
Ruel 8. Moore of the United amount of sleep they need. But
" L ife -L ik e Likenesses,
yesterday to visit Mrs. Kipp's par-
Studio Press, is in Ashland today enroute a good guide is the table put out
fats, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. .A rant. Ashland on The Plaza.
to San Francisco, to which he has by the U n ite d . States Bureau of
Mrs. KiPP wil) be remembered as
been transferred from
Seattle. Education (prepared by the Lon­
L eft for Crescent City—
„ .
ifiss Phiiomene Arant.
Moore is a former Portland news­ don County Council).
M r. and , Mrs. Jim Putman and paper man and makes all his Ages in Years
Hours of Sleep
ily left yesterday tor Crescent trips between California and Ore­
¡ The Fonatala fe r cold drinks,
fee ereams, candles and tobacco» City to spend a weeks vacation. gon in a battered old Ford jrhlch
seems never to wear ont or give
Fried cblckqa Covered Wagon. him trouble.
* .
10-11 ’ .
Phoenix, Ora.
258-1 mo.*
' Mr. and Mrs. D. H ally of Cor­
Visiting Brother—
This Is likely to be insufficient
so ran, California, are stepping in ' Harper Method Scalp Treat­
Ed Conner of Port. Angeles, for . the malnourished, the "ner­
Ashland at the Columbia hotel.. ments, Paper Curling. Marcelling Washington, ah Ashland resident
vous,” or the below-par child.
Bobbing, by appointment only.
twelve years ago, is visiting in For such a child the hours of
Advaaee styles and fabrica in Phone 21TJ; Mrs. Audrey Trobee. Ashland with his brother, W . A.
sleep should be lengthened, o r
189 Em erick Street, opposite High
en’a dothiag a t Paulserud’a.
Conner, for the remainder of the better still, rest periods inserted
* . 278-tt
Into the day, to prevent fatigue.
Just as the individual child
Cafeteria, 92 North Fined for Speeding—
varies In the amount of sleep he
On his plea of guilty before requires, so he varies'in the tim e
Judge Taylor yesterday forenoon, at which he sleeps best.
Returned to Home—
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cochran, Mrs. Clifford, Wallace of. Ashland was children— and these are generally
C. L. Cochran and Mr. and Mrs. fined »10 for speeding a truck. the ones w hojteed sleep the most
Roy Braucht, who have been visit­ The charge was filed by Sergeant — do not go to sleep easily dt
O. O. Nichols of the state traffic night, bpt sleep late in the morn­
, Mrs. S. O. R ickley of West ing M r. and Mrs. E. R. Harris
department.— Medford Mall T rib ­ ing?
a reward for peacefnl resting.
Fork. Oregon, t o t a Ashland for
Children should be tanght what
a few days visiting her Bieter. Mrs.
confronts the mother— shall she sleep does "for them in repair
W h ittier, California.
waken the child pnd insist on hto work and in growth, also the beet
getting up in time for school? Or, condition for refreshing sleep—
Moths win not .find a place to
Have a Fitch Dapdraff Remover
she let him "have his sleep an open window, a dark room,
totaffae at The Vanity Beanty stay If clothes are cleaned befere
out ” There are good argumenta warm, light covering, etc. W il­
)«MM. McGee’s Store.
198-tl putting away. Ashland Cleaners
W A N TE D — Sealed bids on on' both sides andj the mother lingness to rest, plays its part,
and Dyers, 25 First street. 251-tf
Chamber of Commerce Exhibit must weigh them a ll and make
Building ato S. P. depot. Bids to a decision.
Madden sulle protected tires
be opened Saturday, July 31,
* On the one hand is the im­
1928, at 2:30 p. m. F or furth­
Wurphy, o f Baa Francisco, step­ Returned from Kansas—
portance or the child’s keepihg
er particulars see R. E. Detrlck a t
Charles Roberson returned last
ped la A shlald yesterday earonte
up w ith his class, and the char­
city warehouse.
This building
h o « *, frqm a trip north.
They Bight from Kansas, where he was
acter training Involved In meet­
would make a good shop, garage
Rèse guests ef the L lth ia Springs tailed by the death of his mother,
ing his
poultry house.
two weeks ago.
ether, the serious danger of the
het*»- * !
W A N T E D — Batteries to* re­ 'child getting deeper and deeper
Get your window screens and
charge. » l.p o . W e will buy yoar into the slough of fatigue.''
screen doors at Jordan Sash and
old battery. Claycomb Motor Co„ case must be decided on Its mer­
May be stylish, but ift A sh­
Cabinet Works.
Ford Garage. Phone 60.
279-tf its, but short rests during the
land they are not. Let us
day w ill be lik e ly to offer a so­
keep them pressed .lor you.
W e specialise in 50e lunchi
W A N T E D — fa n n e r cows,
lution. These rest periods should
Ashland Cafo.
calves, stock cattle, f e e d
be continued during Vacation for
• Mr. aad Mrs. W . P. Weathers
steers, state price. G. W .
$ f Longview.
Washington, and
the overactive but below-par
their guata, illas M arie Harris, of Puttlng la New Shelves—
Montague, Calif.
child, so that he may get the best
8chuermans Grocery to having
out of this period of playtime.
Atlanta, Georgia, stopped i a Ash-
qew shelves Installed today. The
W A N T E D — Field
Coils . and But "going to bed” and ‘'taking
store Is being' rearranged in gen­ Magnetos to recharge. Recharg­
96 Oak S t
Phon» 108
a rest” .are bug-bears to the aver­
ed by the new "Servwell” machine age child and It requires some
• W e D eliver
— the only one of its kind in reasons other than that it Is .
Buelneoa Vtoltor—
Southern Oregon.
Recharging "good for him ,” to make the go- I
Ivan Pease of Portland was »1.50. Claycomb Motor Company,
ing a w illing one. I f his co-opera-
in Ashland yesterday visiting Miss Gord Garage. Phone «0.
Gladys Hastings, who is spending
FO R SA LE— Horse, w a g o n
a two weeks vacation as gupat
‘of her brothers, Verne and Jean and harness. Snap if taken at
once. 850 A shlan^St.
’, 279-2*
Local ■ Personal flotes
Standard Cleaners
and for a daytime rest half ah
honr or twenty minutes of w ill­
ing quietude, outweighs in value
twice that length of tim e spent
In. tossing about. ,
A b ility to rest is, well learned
in -childhood. I t is an asset all
through life, and ope that too
many Americans lack.
AU too
many are the people who are
"too tired'* Whose condi­
tion and state of mind are the
despair of their friends.
dren can be trained to avoid thlg
p itfa ll by being given a right con-
cepttop of the relation of rest to'
activity and activity to rest. Not
by q u eiliag 'th e ir ardor, or mak­
ing them over-earefut, but by
showing them
how a proper
amount of rest w |ll enable them
to achieve their ambition, be it
what it may.
July Proving To
Be Lively Month
July is proving « lively month
for land settlement activities
promising to show a satisfactory
record as the opening month of
the second half o f 1928.'.
Although the « d v ert||id g of
Oregon’s fasm opportunities has
been te m p o ra rily ’discontinued to
be renewed in the fall, the quick­
ened interest of Eastern and Mld-
dlewestern farmers gathers mo­
mentum. The dally, m all of the
Land Settlement Department of
the State and Portland Chambers
of Commerce brings a grist of In­
quiries as well aa questlbnnalres
Marysville Has
* M
• - M A B V R V n
taa ^ Ba .H
gBj ’ Xtal-' - • l u
MB | J;
— (U F )-^ p p m e s which threat-
enbd to e n fu lf the busipess dis­
trict were halted early today af­
te r local tire fighters called on
the Yuba City department for
help. T ke damage is estimated at
approximately »500,000.
gu d Japaa.
A |l evidenee indicates that even
as this year is going to yield a
¡¡splendid) crop rtadrd for Oregon,
so its harvest of new settlers, to-
« t® d jp b a re »jieeees to agsured
them, w ill be abundant. Because
of favorable land values and the
realisation of the financial re»’’
turns to be made from specialty
farming in this State, the tide
of population to turning to Ore­
gon farms.
Anyhow, the French folks are
getting an Intensive knowledge of
bearing qigned statements of In ­
tention to corns to Oregon. Trains,
boats and automobiles *-»ro bring­
ing groups of deslrabfe farmers
eager for new homes in the midst
of Oregon’s "green grandeur.**
Many of these homeeeekers pass
through'the department’s gateway
offices at Ontario, where they are
greeted by <2 H . Fuse!, and nt
Ashland, where A rth u r Foster
represents the organisation.
Not a few of the prospective
farmers have tried their hand at
agriculture , in foreign countries,
letters o f inquiry having been re­
ceived lately by W . d . Ide, man­
ager of the State Chamber, from
men in Swltaerlnad, -Germany.
England, Denmark, Chile, Pern
Complete line of some­
thing new in
Dainty h a n d
shades in variety of col­
“ Homp of The
Johnson W asher”
Phone 32
Get Ready For That Hunting Trip.
W e have Gun«, Ammunition, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes. Just W h«t you K ill need.
B iggest L ittle Store in Town
Opposite New H otel — Open Evenings
Jaded appetites respond
to the tem pting food which
we serve of our new lunch
counter.' '
For Tomorrow
and he assured that he will
bring home the same choice
groceries that yon would se­
Baked Ham
Clean, Well-Cooked Food
And Prompt Service
Complete Fountain
N I N I N G E R ’S
Soda Fountain aad Loaches
Our customers place confi­
dence in our ability to fill
their orders the w ay they
want them, and for that rea­
son often send the children
o r ju st phone.
Ashland Feed & Grocery
353 E ast Main
PH O NE 214
FO R R E N T — 2-room furnish'
Fred Rapps' watermelons at
apartment for Aug. and Sept
tke Plaza Grocery.
*842 Blvd.
Returned from South—
Mr. and Mrs." Henry Reid, and
Miss Dorothy Reid, returned last
evening from Oakland, Stockton
and Santa Crwz, where they spent
the past two weeks on a vaca­
Children's, Books.— E lh a rt’s.
Parker Pens
McNair Bros.
F R E D RAPPS’ Watermelons at
the P lais Grocery.
O R A V E N S TIN E apples for sale,
<0 cents a bex. Bring your boi
and pick them.
171 Qranlte.
Phone 340-J.
WANTE ii — Stenographer ~ that
can take dictation' Permanent po­
sition to right party. Claycomb.
Ford Oarage.
Leaving for N a p a -
Mr. and Mrs. Olen McCoy are
leaving Saturday for Napa, Cali­
fornia. to spend a two weeks va­
One-Day Service
Stopped la Ashland—
Mary 8heahan,.M . C. Sullivan,
and Mra. Nellie Sheehan, of Los
Aagelre, stopped in Ashland en­
route north.
They were guests
of the Hotel Oregon,
, gentsT Locate the
iv ep ea . W rong again!
b id ! On<^ more!
td i 'efcfieiy, men — and
ladiea too for “ The
" Jkxmf O am e." It's
all will enjoy.
339 E. Main Street
Fresh stock typewriter ribbons
E lhart’s.
Fred Rapps* watermelons at the
Plata Grocery
27‘ - l
eh she# hides the little
*ee’8 Shoe Shop
Wow.Fata ,
A new apple and shade tree pest
is appearing in considerable num­
bers la the weetern part of the
state of Washington .according to
the bureau of entomology of the
United States ^apartment of agri­
culture. Ia techaieal terms It is
a eoccid, or species of scale In­
sect. This to Its first known an-
Hot Weather
Lithia Pavilion
Thursday, July 29
Electrical appliances, to redace
the severity of housekeeping
during the hot summer months,
are no longer a luxury, but
a necessity from the viewpoint
of economy, convenience and
greater satisfaction.
We have many kinds of elec­
trical appliances which will
make summer work more of a
* _ ___
Ashland Electric
Fifst Preliminary
Waltz Contest
Pilly's Famous
346 E. Main Street
Deooret Varnish Stain
A a excellent finish fo r floora
apd ftaraiture. Can bp had in
seven different colon which
w ill give a stain and varnish
a t one operation.
J- o . Rigg
. ‘PaintA, Varnishes and
W all Paper
Phone 173
You will find a complete stock as well as freft samples
and full information on
’< ■
Schumacher * Wall Board /
The Ashland Lui
On Oak Street Across
• W e w ill be glad to extei
Superior Wi
Bailroad T m ôks
(formation on this
ATTACHED, 82.50 V A L U E S............
tog RE­
sP leX tJ
Men’s Straw Hats 1-2 Price
BOY’S BLUE DENIM O V ER A LLS....................95c
MEN S BLUE DENIM O V ER A LLS.............. »1-25