Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 28, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    By geographical lqpntion, by adaptabil­
ity and by its ability to care for the needs
apd comfort of the vacationist efficiently
and with a genuine air of hospitality, Ash­
land is not only the southern gateway to
Oregon hut it likewise is the playground
center of all of Southern Oregon.
Lake of the Woods
For «»side trip out of Ash­
land, and one which the visitor to
ibis section wííí long remember, a
week-end visit to Lake O ’ The
Woods will l o genuine trea t which
will live long in the memories of
those who are fortunate enough to
make it.
Crater Lake
Oregon’s greatest of scenic a t­
tractions — Crater- l^ake — is now
open for the 1926 auromer season.
The official opening, .of this noted
national park is s e t for tomorrow
• Ju ly 1 — hut because of ideal*
weather conditions ^ td because of
the excellence of the roads, C rater
Lake lodge lias been thrown open to
the public.
Ashland itself is a summer playground
offering rest and recreation to ‘ the auto
tourist or to the vacationist who wishes a
week or a month of geuuine rest in ideal
Nor is the autq camp in Lithia Park by
any means a miuor attraction of this cher­
ished municipal playground. Clean, cool
cabins, giant shade trees, winding path­
ways, water and gas and other conveniences
make it a stopping place for tourists where
real rest and enjoyment can come to the
tired traveler unbidden.
citizens, of Ashland and for ‘auto
tourists generally. I t is situated
high up in the Cascades, within
three hours driving distance from
Ashland. It is a delightful body of
water, where boating, fishing and
other summer sports arg available.
Then, top, Ashland is fortunately L:.-sned
with hotels which cab and..dQ proyide for'
the comfort of those who travel' as well as
those who desire to linger f6r a day or a
week in making .Ashland the Mecca for
their vacation jaunts. The Lithia Springs
hotel is the newest and the largest. I t was
boilt as a community project hut it is grow­
ing and prospering by reason of its genu­
ine service to the traveling public.
Visitors »to Ashland .should
make it a point to inquire about
Lake O’ The Woods. I t is one of the
numerous scenic spots which is easr
ilv available from this city.
C Nestled in the rolling foothill of the Sis-
kiyous, with climate and environment sec­
ond to none among the cities of the Pacific
northwest, Ashland — Oregon’s southern
gateway — bids welcome to tlie auto tour­
ist, the sportsman, the seeker for health
and the prospective home owner. •
One of the landmarks of Ashland is the
Ashland hotel, which for many years has
served the public well. Under-new man­
agement, even greater efforts are being
made to cate, for the tourists and the va­
The Jackson H ot S r H iiks out «loor attlmmtnR pool of lieaRh - Riving mineral water.
Is locatati Just north of the city.
' *
L ithia Park, so named from the bubbling
lithia water which Mother Nature has so
kindly provided, has long been known as
one of the most delightful and beautiful
city parks of any town of any size on the
Pacific coast. It ,4s a natural park, wind­
ing its cool and inviting’way up the can­
yon of Ashland Creek, almost in the center
of the city, tys Cppj lawns, its 'inviting
pools and lakes, its i/inuinerable flower
beds, its tennis courts, its lithiaf wlater and
other mineral waters, its simple granduer
as nature fashioned It, make it truly a ren­
dezvous for those who are seeking rest
and comfort during the lazy days of sum­
mer. - —-L -
? . '/
Jackson Hot Springs promises to become
one of the best known highway resorts of
the Pacific coast. For, by combining thè
health features with the recreational ad­
vantages, here is a park which will hold a
strong appeal to a lt
' ’ .
Competent and experienced matatorium
people are M. A. Mann and wife .and son of
Klamath Falls, who came to Ashland early»
this year and purchased the Ashland Nata-
torinin, just a stOUe’s throw- from Main
The huge natatorium has been remodel­
ed and fitted up with every convenience
The Rogue river, of course, is nationally> for those who desire a cooling plung« or
the medicinal mineral baths.
known for its fighting steelhead trout.
Zane Grey, popular »fiction writer, is m ak­
ing the turbulent Rogue famous in song
and story, as the greatest steelhead’stream
L et Ashland be your stopping place; the
in the United States.
rendezvous for youself and friends. Enjoy
. •
• » v '.-v c \ ; h
the many outdoor advantages which are
yours for the asking, and Ashland is will­
ing, aye eager, to rest her case with you
Hi- ,
The trout streams of Southern Oregon
are noted,-far and wide hnd'w ith Ashland
extending the hand of welcome to the va­
cationist, as well as the home-seeker, it
would-be impossible to'select a more de­
lightful headquarters for the welcome days
of vacation time.
■Coming hack to Ashland again, there are
other attractions whigh offer real recrea­
tion for the summer vacationist. Jaekson
Hot Springs, with its, large outdoor swim­
ming pool filled with health-giving min­
eral water, is not only- a playground Trat
a health resort of proven' worth as well.
Thia reaort
Summer tourists to Ashland
should by all means take this trip
to Crater Lake while in this section
of the state. Two routes are avail­
able, and because of th e excellence
of the roadways and scenery, the
entire circuit should b e made if the
tourist is to get the most out of i t
Crater Lake can be reached
from Ashland either through Med­
ford or K lam ath Palls. If going in
by Klamath Falls the motorist
should com© out by way of Med-
Jord, or-vice veysa. Both roadways
are delightful drives and well worth
the time of the tourist and vaca­
• • Ashland bids welcome to the angler, the
vacationist or the fam ily ’which is seeking
a desirable place in which 4° live. The
sincere and friendly hand of hospitality is
extended. It invites you to Southern Ore-
gorf for rest or for outdoor recreation.
A n Interior view of the AahUad Natatorium which h»« every
ronvenleNCp for a cooling plunge or a medicinal mineral bath.
' >
A shland
P a ra d is e
for the