SATTDAY, Joly «4, I To Give Concert Tonight BERKELEY, Cal., July 24.— The eyesight and health of stu­ dents are menaced through un- *scientlflc mating and lighting ar- rangements in some of the class­ rooms at the University of Call- foria. Professor F. A. Wall, New York eye specialist, told campus organisations. Wall Is conducting classes in optometry at the uni­ versity summer session. Visiting in Ashland— ODD FELLOW AOTIVITI®* Watch this space every day. Regular Meeti igs Subordinate every Thursday. Bcampment, le t and 3rd Tues- iys. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4 th ruilHlTl , ♦ 150-tf 411— 1 ; Tom Daly is confined to 'home by, illness. Archie Pgnington of Tilla­ mook, is spendng a few days in Ashland visiting former friends. Mr. Penlngton lived in Ashland years ago. Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo at The Vanity Beatgy Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 198-tl ond term to office,” a Wrong Lighting Harms Students executive the courtesy of a see­ the state highway department. ' The woman governor asks re- electidk on her record in office and the State Democratic Execu­ tive Committee departed fr o w jta custom by giving her a “tota of confidence’’ and appealed to the democrats to '‘accord a faithful School Teacher Dies Instantly his Stopped In Ashland— .Visiting in Ashland— J Mr. and Mrs. L.’ A. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jordan, of Santa Rosa, California, are vlslt- Ing in Ashland enroute to Seat­ tle. They are guests of the Co- Jumbip hotel.- r- ’ ■ ■ Mrs. Elinor Quillón. Elizabeth Quillón add Elinor Quillón, of Eugene, and Augusta De Witt of Portland, stopped In Ashland at the Hotel Ashland last evening en- rhute'to Crater Lake and Diamond Lake. ■— Try our 60c Merchants* Lunch. ’ Get -your window screens and Every day from 11 to 2 at Jha screen doors at Jordan Sash .and Plaza Confectionery. 162-tf Cabinet Works. 264-tf Ripe Crawford peaches, fine for ■TO Klamath Falls— nning. Ashland Fruit A Pro. •I Mrs. John Enders and daughter isn. 274-tf JBhirley will go to Klaptath Falls ¡tomorrow to visit Mrs. Ender’s Left for McCloud— ’parents. Mt. and Mrs. Jacobs. Miss Velta Ackley left last They expect to spend a w e p k night for McCloud to spend the there. week-end with her parents.'s . Real Therm us Bottles — Mc­ Nair Bros. Moths will not find a place to stay if clothes are cleaned before putting away. Ashland Cleaners “LtfMAko Likenesses.” Stud!« and Dyers, 36 First street. 261-tf Ashland on The Plaza. Renali Corn Solvent, McNair. p \ J { ; • . M h n a d W a ¿ u n k o ! Tampa, V lö r td a ^ s tiX ä in Á sh ú n T T o visit Hrs. W .C . Park, while vis­ iting on tthe coast I ‘ ! . We specialise to 60c lunches— Ashland Caía. ' 2*3-1 mo Paulserud’s Suits look* better, last longer. 230— tf Installing W ater System*— The XL Electric store is in-' stalling a water system at the Vogell home in Talent. ' 4 •, ’ ---------- W ood- Newcomb for wood. Phone 631. N e w -in Ashland, all „kinds of millwood at 106 Water street,’ Just below, the mill. Special prices now ón 6 load lots, direct from the Mills at Medford. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker In charge. 264-1-mo.* Returned from Diamond Lake— R. L. Wardfe, Miss Pearl War- dle and Robert Redwine return­ ed from Diamond Lake last even­ ing where they spent the past week. They returned by way of Crater Lake. JOHNSON IMPELLER WASHER T Fried chicken Covered Wagon, Stopped In A s h la n d - Eddie Lee and family and Phoenix, Ors. 266-1 mo.* Mrs. A. B. Lee of San Francisco, are stopping In Ashland at the J. H. Snyder ot Portland has Hotel Oregon enroute north. taken a position with the Tidings, Harper Method Scalp Treat­ Rapid impeller action that in the mechanical department. , , ments, Paper Curling, Marcelling washes a tuhfull of clothes Th» Fountain for cold drinks, Bobbing, by appointment only. in 4 minutes! ice creams, candles and tobacco. Phone 317J, Mrs. Andrey Trobee. 276-41 199 Emerick Street, opposite High) A rust-proof, leak - proof, School. 260-1 mo Returned to Shale City— OHLY “THE MAN FOURSQUARE” W ith Buck Jones The Green Archer J k S » And a Comedy SU N D A Y ONLY Mias Blanche MacLean return­ ed to Shale City last evening, where she Is employed, after spending a few days In Ashland If yon are looking for a health builder, spend fifteen minutes a day In the water of the Ashland Nat. self cleaning copper tub, nickel-plated on the in ­ side. XL ELECTRIC Station GUY GOOD Phone 82 WANTED: — First mortgage loan of 1200.00 for three years on Income producing property, carrying >3000.00 Insurance. Ad­ dress Box 662. Ashland., 176«t* A PICK VP — 10 acres good free soil under ditch and good location — nearly all level for 8500. See the bargain firm. Ash­ land Realty Co. 276-3t FOE SALE: — Will sacrifice entire flock of R. I. Red chicka. mostly April hatched. Also heat­ ing stove, 83.00; cook stove, 37. Second house south Jackson Hot Springs. 275-2t PL E A SA N T M ESSAGE 31 W tiw S tn S A FOR «A U L —2 sllk-floes mat- --------- practically new, Call 276 Van Ness Avs. 276-1* Visiting Parents— Fonte Brown of Portland ar­ rived In Ashland today tor a short visit with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bartges of Wimer street. Visiting in Ashland— Daze Fontaine of Portland Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Bartges of Wimer street. One-Day Service SUNDAY, on Shoç Repairing Lithia Springs Hotel Agee’s Shoe Shop 339 E. Main Street Sheriff Sale! Decoret Varnish Stain An excellent finish for floors and furniture. Can be had In seven different colors which wUl give a stain and varnish at one operation. J- 0 . Rigg Paints, Varnishes and . W all Paper Phone 172 ■ Chieken Dinner 85c THE PLAZA rs The Last Straw! When the -paveipent is as hot as the sands o f Sahara and your throatfirf 'parch-, ed. there’s -phit-one solu- Step into our store where the air is cool and onr beverages cooler. ;, j Drinks that are refreshing —ice cream that is delic­ ious— the drinks that w ilt h it the spot. i¡¿¿¿ Äiit to ReUned— Can SefL ^ l j h e R^gjit Price See the car at the Park Garage, H U H tU U lftH U S U n itH H ifiH n i ......... T u m s ir n zsm zD . I I . Q . E N D E R S ,!J r .» jO w ner- ' i Z m . J n ‘___ „ ‘ A i The Enders Company U N D A Y Grants Pass If you will inspect your buildings you will find they THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER IS ALWAYS A QUIET TIME FOR PAINTING OR GENERAL REPAIR WORK— WHY WAIT ’TIL FALL WHEN EVERY ONE 18 BUSY Two Winning Teams 01 The League WHEN YOU CAN GET COMPETENT WORKMEN IN YOCR OWN TOWN * A ‘ ” • fl Is Your House Scaling or Chalking? PHONE 1«S AND WE WILL CALL, OR LEAVE BUNDLE« AT TEE 1 , ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. If you cook' meals you cannot avoid a hot kitchen, and the discomfort which follows. Our dining room is alway ing meals here enjoyable. TIR ED H O U SEW IFE Ashland Laundry Service is the care for the worn muscles and fraszlsd nerves that c o m e o n washday. Wet wash. Rough dry. Finished Work. Price ac­ cording to purse. We give you the service you want when yon want It. Try It Monday. Let Us Have The Hot Kitchen Thursday, where he Is employed with the S. P. A LSO Try One of Our Ice Cold Salads WANTED — Sealed bids on Chamber of Commerce Exhibit Building at S. JP. depot. Bids to bo opened Saturday, July 31, 1926, at 2:84 p. m. For furth­ er particulars see R. E. Detrick at city warehouse. This building would make a good shop, garage or poultry house. FOR R A I j E : Campbell’s Rapid Electric Fireless Range. Phone 55. 276-81* fiery little m ovie ac­ tress, forced by F ate — and the police — to live among the h ill-b illie s o f Kentucky and Tennessee. Texas Pastor W ho K illed Man W iU Carry H is Case to People To Klamath Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winter will Mrs. Mary Taylor antj children spend tomorrow in Klamath Falls FORT WORTH, Tax., July 24. * returned to Hillsboro yesterday, visiting friends. — Cdrrylnf his case directly to after visiting for a few days with “the people,” Dr. J. Frank Norris her mother, Mrs. McAfee. will take ,hi> accustomed plact Left for Bandon— Sunday morning in the pulpit of lilr. and Mrs. Wk H. Hodkinson To M on tagu e- thp First Baptist church to “air” Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Paul and and Mrs. A. Autrfey left today tor the whole matter of his slaying of Roseburg where they will meet daughter, Pauline and Miss Mil­ C. D. Chipps, a Fort Worth busi­ Mrs. Chris Marx, ot Eugene, and, dred Howell of California, will from there will go fo Bandon to. ness man. spend tomorrow in Montague with friends. On their return, Miss spend the week-end. WHEN THE OLD BACK ACHES! Paul and Miss Howell will stop Just how hard It is for a man Returned from Topeka— off at Yreka to spend several days C. W. Chattln returned the first (or a woman, either with an ach­ with friends: of the week from Topeka, Kansas. ing hack to nerve himself to his task, no one but the sufferer cun Left for Portland— tell. “Whan my back hurts and To Lake o f the Wood»— Miss Helen Anderson left for Mr.,and î Mrs. Monté Briggs ar­ irregular, seefotions warn me 'of I Portland last evening to spend the rived in Ashland last evening from coming trouble,. I take Foley week-end with friends. , Los Angeles to visit Mr. Briggs i Ellis, a diuretic stimulant for the parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. .kidneys. They give me quick re-1 Returned from Klamath F alls— Briggs. They all left for the Lake , jsults. Ask Wm. F, Lagle, Ander- H. C. Galey returned thll morn­ of the Woods this morning to , “son, Ind., 402 W. 21st S t, about Foley., Pills. They are a reliable ing from Klamath Falls, where spend a week. he spent the past few days on valuable medicine, guaranteed to' give satisfaction. Oort, little. Sold business. i Working at Siskiyou»— Phil Bryant left for Siakiyous . ¡everywhere.— No. 1. Returned to H ills b o r o - Visiting In Ashland— : W. H. Tuarg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tuarg, Victor Lewis and Marlon Reported an Improved— Harris of San Frahclsco, are visit­ Mrs. J. P. Saunders ot the Misa Lena Bloom ot Portland Is ing In Ashland and are guests ot Boulevard, who has been quite 111, the house cheat ter the week of thé Lithia Springs hotel is reported as improved« Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enders. They Garnett’s Cafeteria, 9.8 North plan to make trips to Crater Lake »1A.. 242-1-mo sad Lake of; the Woods. TONIGHT Left for Lake of the Wood»— V Mrs. O. Winter and daughter, Mr«. Charles Bourne, and R. T. Vining le f t thia morning for the Lake of the Woods to spend a week. SEATTLE, July 24.— A sudden attack ot heart disease brought al­ most Inytlnt death to Miss Ber­ tha Supplee, a schdol teacher, as she was driving an automobile I north of the city late yesterday. The car was traveling about 20 I miles an hour when Miss Supplee I died, It left the road, ran into a field and overturned. Samu-r el Philbrick, oAner of the ma- chlqe, was uninjured. In the farfeof the committee'« aeti^i, Moody and Davidson hare scoured the state with an appeal to Asters to "rid the. state ot Ter- gusonlsm,” hallt, around the rts- mar goreraor’» admitted domina­ tion ot his « lie ’s administration. Re-election ot the womap gov- ernr. It Is charged, Is paramount to “sleetlda” of Ferguson to a fourth term. Ferguson was Im­ peached and restored from of floe In 1*17 while serving bis second PRESERVE THE SURFACE STAIN YOUR ROOF. KALSOMINE THE BATHROOM OR THAT ROOM IN THE ATTIC. WE WILL SEND YOU RELIABLE SUNDAY, workmen * Carson-Fowler