GBHMS ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the nse of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact b the rich ozone at Ashland, Pure domestio water help«. ................... ..... vce„ xu x Newspaper, Par, Newiïu. fW v Year a WlreBarvtce) £ to th* im t-W cakiy Ttdtoga. " M E " MNMGER !S & Truth of Fishing Trip to Crescent Ottv Given By Veracious Son Three Women Among Those Displace W h o Would _____________ V MitoflF A. Tergtason ' w jp »»eat fishing and we had wonderful aucceas,’’ boasted j^Poke'' Nininger upon his return TXXA8 HAB PRIMARY from a week’s vacation trip at Crescent City last night. "Yes,’’ echoed Mrs. Nininger, Star Voters Go to Polls To­ "Amos was the envy of everybody in B itte r Nominatine over there with his success at F ig h t both deep sea fishing and surf fishing.’’ , . ' ■ BY H. A. BARKER So fa r so good. The Nininger .* (U . P. Staff Correspondent) DALLAS, Texas, July 2 4 — (U - team-work was showing splendid P ) — Texans w ill b illo t today In results. But young Logan Nininger Isn't a two-party prim ary for the first an Inveterate angler like his dad. tim e in the state’s history. V irtu a lly A complete . ticket H e hash’t learned the value and headed by two gubernatorial can­ u tility of fish stories. In other didates la in the field on the re­ words, Logan "spilled the beans.” "W h at success did your dad publican ticket by vlrtune of the 14A.000 votes cast for Dr. ■ Geo. have at fishing?** he was asked. "Fine,’’ responded the . boy. Butte la .1134. State primary regulations require that more "H e got the biggest fish over tfc a i-146,000 ballots must be cast there and It only cost him a dol- by a party before a succeeding l*r . We met a fish boat Just as It reached shore and dad bought prim ary m ay be Invoked. the blrfgest tone they had.” T ry to Be«t “M a.” But • that wasn’t all. The WbHe the two-party primary is an Innovation In »tat» politics, youngster proudly boasted about chief interest centers In the ef­ the three crabs they had procur­ forts of democratic candidates to ed. Only the crabs were already eliminate Governor M iriam A. boiled and ¿key cost the family Ferguson and her husband, .for­ About as much as the "big fish mer governor James. K. Ferguson, .Amos caught.’’ Logan, undoubtedly. Is due for from the state political horizon. torrid session tonight when bis Six democrats including three women, seek to oocupy the gov­ dad learns of this frightful ex­ ernor’s chair in 1927. Outstand­ pose of bis fishing trip. ing among thfe opponents of the woman governor, who seeks re- election over the endorsement of the State Democratic Executive Committee, is Lynch Davidson, millionaire lumberman of Hous­ ton knd former lieutenant-gov ernor, and Dan Moody, youthful attorney-general. Moody la S3 Edith Wilmhns. Dallas attorney, with O. F. Zlmmermap, evange­ list. complete the fa t of democrat­ ic gubernatorial aspirants. BeAer ^Campaign W hile many of t.he issues of the campaign have been based eon the administration of the state's first woman governoi1, political ntter- »ances of the laat few weeks has made the campaign an arraign­ ment of "personalities.” In the center of the hectic cam paigir, as has be«m the case for the last fifteen years, "Farm er Jim ’’ Ferguson has borne the brunt of the effort to return his wife to office. Thrown on tha defensive, Ferguson has fought back savagely at charges hurled against his Wife’s administration, centering about her refusal to call a special session of the legis- lature to establish the status of 180,000,000 worth of disputed state road bonds and alleged ma­ chinations In Administration of (Continued On" F o n r)~ Employs Dynamite To Take His Life SE A TTLE, Wash., July 2 4 .— * ( U P ) — -A. 8. Alexander, 37, used dynamite to end his life here last night. He left notes telling of his Intention to blow himself up. Scattered bits of his body were found in a wooded hollow where he committed the act. THIS ISSUE Is distributed gratis to the guests of The Lithia Springs and Ashland H otel and to the dampers at Lithia Park and Jacksoa H ot Springs* camp grounds— a total of approxi­ mately 200 copies* each day— in order that Ashland's visit­ ors may know something of our city. Ashland Natatorial* The California Oregon Power Company r ' Lithia Springs Hotel Hotel Ashland L ith ia Park Beard Jackson Hot Springs /’ Olty of Ashland ’ Talent Irrigation District * NO. 275 M LEADER (M I S S E S VIOLATO) ASHLAND WARMLY p ^U Y PLAYS LOCAL BANQUET TO W. H. GORE TEAM? SUNDAY Colonel Ned M. Green of California Admits Mis- , conduct Charges Ashland Ball Club Expects Hard Fought G>me Here Tomorrow C A V I BOOZE MOHLER Federal Director Admits Acci Mows P rie r to Grand Jury Southpaw H u rle r Ready to Lead League Leaders to Another ¿I Tw o-Bt x»how Declared to bo Best t of its Kind Ever Held Here Victory Washington. D. C„ July 24.—- ( U P ) — Ned M. Green, prohibition adm inistrator for Northern Cali­ fornia and Nevada was today sus­ pended from office by Acting Sec­ retary of the Treasury Winston, pending an investigation of charg­ es of misconduct. Winston said Green had admitted staging drink­ ing parties in which he used liq­ uors he had sailed. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 24.— ( V P ) — Charges of drinking and playing-the role of boat with Both convicted of the same murder, Robert and Russel seized liquors, which were pre­ S cott greeted each other, in th e Chicago jail after Robert ferred •or»« earlier wmer this mis week weea against i( le ft) had been sentenced. If) life imprisonment. Russell Colonel Ned m . Green, were ad- under sentenoe of death and is to be hanged this fall, mltted by him today. — '------- Green la federal prohibition ad­ ministrator for Northern Cali­ fornia and Nevada. An Investi­ gation of his regime resulted tl|is week In publicly branding him as a liquor law violator and an­ nouncement was made that a fed­ eral grand Jury would be sum Federal Prohi Agente W ill Klamath Falls Child Bitten Refuse Permits to All -by Mad Dog Expected moned to sift charges against to Get Well Breweries him. When the accusation was first » WASHINGTON, July 24.— A K L A M A TH FALLS, Ore., July made Green Insisted he was the campaign to prevent the sale of 24.— (U P )— L ittle Francis Blain, victim of a "frame-up” on the worts, a m alt preparation easily six-year-old daughter of M r. and part of those whom be had prose­ convertible into real beer, has Mrs. Charles R. Blain, who waa cuted. . been sailed by the federal pro- recently bitten by a dog later -B u t upon his arrival here he found to be rahied, yesterday took hlbttton u n jt went Into conference with feder- Prohibition adm inistrate!» the third of a series of 14 hypo­ The Medford American Legion ___ M authorities, during which ware aotirted to refuse p m a a fa l dermic *e r injections which comprise Inti©»]*- •**» <• have admitted Boat .wRJ lA trodm * g n M mCenr treatment,, Badar the ’to breweries - snanafacturfng the the at the legion convention to be •oua charges. He admitted drink­ held at Coos Bay Instituting g ing and said he generally kept a concoCtloa-non • alcoholic whei g irl has suffered no ill effects first made but developing into from the treatm ent and th« at­ movement to Inaugurate by leg­ good stock of liquor In his rooms is. confident high power beer by addition of tending physician islation a state police force sim­ where he frequently entertained that no evil effects will result yeast. ila r to that now In effect in 24 parties of friends. from the daily injections Some courts have ruled pre states of the nnton, believing that viously that manufacture of worts Ih the establishment of this meth­ 1« legal, hut the government jig od of policing the state, greater pressing a case in the ' Chicago efficiency and more economy w ill federal court as lt contends that be the result, in comparison with worts is used as a medium fdr thé present system of overlapping, brewing real beer. authority and duplication of of­ CAMPAIGN ON BEER imi is u n PASTEUR TREATMENT ÖVEMUTTLE GIRL State Police is Being Advocated s By Medford Post ficers and law enforcement. Head ; of Navy to Extend T r ip ; Residents Hope . For Recognition W ashington ’ SALEM, Ore., July 24.— (U P ) — The state treasury .yesterday received a check for 8144,203.36 which covers the Inheritance tax on the estate of Mrs. Jeanette Meier', who died in Portland sev­ eral months ago. A total of 8326,000 has already been col­ lected in inheritance taxes. Treas­ ury officials believe a record w ill be established. Total Inheritance tax collections -last year were jh f r 24.— Ex­ tending his original Western it­ inerary, Secretary of the Navy W ilbur w ill go to Alaska after his arrival in Seattle, July 30. Residents of the northern ter­ 8626,000. ritory regard the coming visit with great satisfaction has a pos­ sible sign of seeing favorable ac­ tion in sight for several pending appropriations. M H AM D fflOJNDAMAGES R D M M M IS HHMBNHnBt Premier Poincare Expected to Lead Nation Ont of Present Peril PA R IS, July 24. — (U P )— France today faced Its financial problems w ith a new confidence under the leadership of the n a l U“ ‘° n * ll,Ch ,ncl" ded s,x “ -P” “ 1«™’ Raymond Poincare. who heads the new government, has gathered about him a new group of leaders, and has been assure dot 800 votes In the cham­ ber of deputies, with a possibility that It w ill reach 810. Mail Collection Boxes Are Being Placed in City Market Road Law Change is Sought A number of new U. 8. collec tion boxes have recently been ad­ By County Judges ded to the city delivery service system of the Ashland postoffice, all old boxes have been repaint­ ed, and the locatlqu of others has been changed. For (he benefit of the public a list of these boxes PO RTLAND, Ore., July 24.—r is appended. Ualrona should note The first of the five damage suits the hour or hours of collection on by Japanese m ill workers against the boxes they place their mall Toledo, Ore., citizens as a result in. These are printed on the of- the deportation riots there a card attached to each box: year ago, ended with a ju r y in the Corner Coolidge and North federal court awarding T. Ogura Main. 22600i He had asked for 825.- North Main and Van Nees. 000. Notice was filed that an Bush and High. appeal would be token. Hetman and Ohio. Ogura ahd other Japaneee la­ Church and North Main. borers claimed they had'been forc­ E. Main and Pioneer. ib ly ejected from Toledo by a Fob Lithia Springs Hotel corner. of citizens who were angered be­ East I»aln and Second. cause they ha< been employed In Public Library. > a m ill there. Fourth and B. Bonlerard at Lanes. Boulevard at corner Morse. THE WKATHRrP Union and Fairview. __ Oregon— F air In Interior and Boulevard at Palm Ave. cloudy and unsettled on coast Plesa, In front of P. O. Oriental Mill Worker at To- iedo Gete Only Small Sum He Sought Dirigible Norge Dismantled For Early Shipment M E H EÏB 7E M B BIG SUM TD OREGON State Receives Part of The Money ney Left By Wealthy Portland ’ woman H ä m WILL NOME, Alaska, j'uly 24. The dirigible Norge, dismantled and crated after its flight with the Amandsen -Ndblie-EUsworth expedition across the north pole 1» aboard the steamer Tanana. The Tangna left Nome with the airship last night. Upon arrival in the United States the Norge wHl be re-ship­ ped to Rome, the Italian consul at Seattle having been placed in charge of arrangement» PITCH • Sunny Mohler, with his India rubber sou(hpaw hurling- arm, la scheduled to start on the mound for Ashland tomorrow when the local club lines up against th« ito vamped Orants Pass club at the Jackson Hot Springs diamond. Phil O'Brien probably w ill do tile receiving for Ashland’s southpaw ace, with old reliable Emory Da­ vis and BUI Force as catcher ready to Ite p in any time. W ith Its new line-up Grants Pass Is now one of the strongest teams In the league and flguroa to give the local a real battle from start to finish. The new catcher, Collins, has made a ro- markahie difference In the play­ ing of the Grants Pass club, and with Michaels hurling to some­ body who can handle him, the Cavemen have a battery which is always threatening. The fact that Orants Pass toppled Medford from thez top of the heap and helped Ashland to ascend Indi­ cates the strength of thp club. The local club w ill present its usual lln e up in both the Infield and outfield, and expects to strengthen Its hold on the league leadership. * I ( is hoped that the fans will turn out In full force fqr tomor­ row’s game as only one mor« game w ill be played on the home field a ft /r ¿his Sunday, |g d wjjat- ever encouragement the boys get tomorrow will be Just that much aid in helping them to maintain their present winning gait. The game will start promptly at 2:30. F K S IIH R ID o m w r a • ) PORTLAND, Ore. .July 24.— General Improvement in the for, est fire situation over the Pacific northwest waa reported today the forecast belug "that it probably Actress Accuses Hollywood Doctor FA M S U W E S AS I M O F PEAK Worries to Death Over Tong Fights county would he expanded by the* men, died yesterday from high counties subject to tha direction blood preaaure, partly as the re­ of tka state ht»fcw*y commission. sult of worrying over the threat­ County J u d « Hunt of Marlon ening tong war. He wAs Injured county tad Judge Barnard of two weeks ago when he fell down Lana are cooperating in drafting it a ir s .' R» waa sent to a hospital the Amendments to the present Where excessive worry followed tew. by high blood preaaure killed him. .. VISIT LITHIA PARK While you Are a guest In our otty. ba certain to vllalt Lithia Park, a Playgrouud of many «ere«, with the main entrance nt the rlAs«. where Mature** duepeat beauties are found along tha Walks that lakd run through the forAet border­ ing On Ashland creek. CHANGE OF CRUELTY D E M WARDEN State Prison Head Declares He Will Run Place - His Own Way SALEM, Ore., July 24.— A let­ ter scrawled on penitentiary sta­ tionery found In the m ill race here yesterday by employes of the Kay woolen mills, charged Warden L il­ lie and other officials with the practice of cruelty on many of the convicts. It was speeirically Charged that the warden bad sent prisoners to the bull pen for long terms without sufficient provoca­ tion. Warden Lillie denied the charge of cruelty, but admitted that pris­ oners who refused to comply with the Institution rules had beep sent to the bull pen for terms ranging from 30 days to six months. He indicated that s tric t, discipline among the prisoners would coa- tiniie as long as be Is at the head of. the prison. No New Serious Blazes Re­ ported and Outlook is Brighter Today will- continue today and tomor row. No serious new blazes were reported to the forest service here. The only fire of any corf- sequence on private lands in Ore gon is burning on the property of the Green Mountain Lumber com­ pany in Clatsop county, accord Ing to the flae patrol association, Thu sltuaffon also is better in LOS ANGELES, July 24,— Dr. Washington. W alter R. Anderson, Hollywood physician, Is held to answer to the superior court for trial on cfarg ea of attacking Gloria Del Mar 19-year-old motion picture actress today. The alleged attack la said to have occurred In the g irl’s apartment, on June 18. Dr. Ander­ son w ill be held in Jail Until he Salem Man Will Seek to can furnish 816,000 ball. SALEM, Ore., July 24.— An ef­ fort will be mads at the next ses- elon of the le»lslature to amend the piarket raid fan law so that counties would direct the expend­ iture of their respective shares of the state market road fund. Mon­ PORTLAND, Ore., July 24.— ey received from -- Multnomah — I U P )— Louis —— Chung, -w, 48, « vuiun- China- W hat wag generally conceded to be one of the finest mid-sum­ mer floral displays ever shown in this city -^closed at the.« Lithia Springs hote| last night. In all, there were 52, sepurate contrib­ utors with 79 different varieties of flowers. Gladolias and dahlias predominated, although there was a generous sprinkling of other choice bloopis. The floral society, through Mrs. Lewis H. Jacks, desires to express Ito appreciation to. J. H. Sander for the palms loaned .for the ex­ hibit as well as to the individual contributors whose cooperation made the exhibit such a success. Tourists from California and other states declared it oue of the finest flower shows they had ever seen and admitted tt compared favorably with exhibits held in manjr» of the larger cities. The artificial pond containing the lilies exhlhlted by Mrs. Frank Jor­ dan held an especial appeal for the visitors. . '7~~ Amend Present Law at Session Next Year SALEM, Ore., July 24.— E lin Ination of Justice courts In all county seats and the establish ment of district oourta with, law yera elected as Judges, will be proposed in a )>ll lnow being pre­ pared here by Braaler C. Small, Justice of the peace for the Ba­ the legislature at Its next acaaldn. Is waa said that the bill haa the support of t^e state associa­ tion of Justice* of the peace, the Oregon state motor aasoclation. and many other organisatloas. The hili to he Introduced by Mr. Small Is somewhat similar to the one that created the district Judg- shlpa In Portland a few years ago. Under the provisions of the bill only lawyers would be eligible to serve ae Judges of the district courts. 1 NEAR MYRTLE POINT Falling Snag Strikes Clar­ ence Winkle. Causing Speedy Death M Y R T LE POINT. Ore., July 24. fU FT— Clarence W inkle, aged 18. of M ill Creek, waa killed at the Gait logging camp 12 miles from here yesterday when he was struck In th« head by a falling sqag. The heavy snag fell from a height of 40 feet and struck him in the neck. Hie neck was broken and skull fractured. The youth was rushed to a lo­ cal hospital but died as the «m- bulance reached here. He ia sur­ vived by his parents on M ill Creek. • Commission Will Investigate Park Early Next Month A presidential commission will visit Crater Lake national park And Diamond lake some time next lnonth to determine whether or not Diamond lake should Be in­ cluded in the Crater Lake nation­ al park reserve. News of the com­ ing of the commission was receiv­ ed here today from Superintend­ ent Thomson of the Crater park. 'Several federal officials and others under appointment by th© president w ill be here and after a thorough Investigation submit their report to the president. Resi­ dent« o f thia section are believed to be strongly opposed to putting Diamond lake In the national park. Local Chamber of Commerce to Honor Man Who Aicbd Tax Measure RESERVATIONS URGED Only tOO Persona to be Accom­ odated; Noisy Welcome Home . A Given W illiam H. Gore, pioneer Jackson county resident, who«* IndefatlguabiU efforts at Washing­ ton; D. C., aided materially in the passage of the Stanfield tax re lie f bill, will l>e tendered a compli­ mentary banquet by the Ashlands chamber of commerce at the L ith -' la Springs hotel next Tuesday eve­ ning. Approximately 60 local resi­ dents Joined in the noisy demon-; stratlon at the Medford railroad station this morning when Mr. Gore was welcomed home from the nation's capital. Band music, shouting and other noise-making efforts attested the genuine pleas­ ure of the people of Jackson, county over the successful culmin-- atlon o( Mr. Gore’s efforts. B id e t the terms of the Stan­ field measure Jackson county w ill* receive more than 8760,000 Which was lost to it in taxes when the Oregon and California railroad land grant reverted to the ¿overn- ment. Secretary Fuller said thia morning that the banquet for Mr. Gore will be limited to 100 per­ sons, so those desiring to make reservations are urged to do so Immediately. * ■' TRIO Of AIEEGED M A M E D Pohcg Nab Young Boyi from Burbank, Cal., on Tire Theft Charge Three boys from Burbank, Cal.. are In the city Jail here for the al­ leged attempted theft of a tire from a car In front of the Civic Club House. The boyg gave the names of Robert E. Anderson, ag­ ed 17; Wallace Manning, aged 18; Vincent Weber, aged 17. The Anderson boy takes al lthe blame according to Chief of Police Mc­ Nabb, who.placed the boys under arrest. They boys are also alleged to have driven north In a car on which installments «were still due, and the police received word from a Los Angeles finance company to hold the car for them. Banch Burned by Big Forest Fire ASTORIA. Orc.. July 24.— (U P )— A forest fire which started on the Green Mountain Logging company holding» In C 1 a t ■ o » county reached serious propor­ tions yesterday whan it destroy­ ed a donkey «engine as well aa buildings on a deserted ranch, ac­ cording to^rord reaching here today. The fire is still eating Ita way into tha green timber. s D im m in g Two sanitary and delightful plunges are available to tour­ ist» and others who visit Ash­ land during vacation days. The Ashland Natgtorlum, Just twe blocks below the naw Lithia Springe Hotel has two large plunges always available. At Jacksoa Hot Spriaga la a large open a ir plunge with bubbling mineral water. Oat tha habit of a daily awtaa in either of these plunges, t t will keep you At daring thcan summer days.