ASHLAND DAILY TIDING S the condition of The Air ¿. •• S SAN YRANCIBCO, < W > Strenuous aUdsfM |rain ih < Intend­ ed to prepare girts for competition in O n fc s fc m s W tr a e i and Held — ...... Bditor News Editor Telephone 39 meet was condemned by D r. H er­ b e r t * . Btols, state superintendent of parent educajten, i n k * blen- nial report t o t k e California state hoard of health. , "H igh eehool girts should not engage in strMoous a|hlstiea if they are to mature into the .mothers of tom orrow /’ he de­ clared. D r. Btols, form er state snpsrln- tondeat of physical education said that he had received tbe backing o f the m ajority of CaSfomta high1 school principals in his effort to ■tamp Out strenuous competitive athletics fo r girls. *T have no- qaarrei w ith ath­ letics In mode ratios,” h e . said, hut I am opposed toWOcb a e r t ^ straining, atrengtk-eagter athletic events for girls a* fha ISO yard dash, tho S20 yard dash, high hurdle race* aad other athletic endeavors in w hU » ns high school dri should he allowed to 0 pete.” 6 * at Crater Lake national park-alpd at Crater ï.akè lodge over the \veek-eftd. An exhibit of Ashland flowers during these two or three days will be worth to Ashland many times the cost in time and money. It is a golden opportunity for spreading Ashland’s famé afar. It is to be hoped that the chamber of commetee will avail - N E W YO R K C IT Y , Jhrty 16— (U P )— The temporary brook in the boot wovo w^ieh prevaUed-on < the east coast for the past two < dags with a.heavy |o ll of death, < today .brought relief to some sec­ l I tions but the weather bureau was ’ unable to forecast a general end of the'spoil. ( U P ) — Now cornea the haaotacy- tom etar teeter, which w ifi ten you whether the »am ber o f red end white corpuscles ih ybuv blood hue beeq correctly counted. Thè proportion of red end white cor- B Y C H A R LE K P c STWW a RT NBA Service W rite r ; l»een successfully representing the people of his county iu If anybody knows the figure. procuring the passage of Senator Stanfield’s tax relief Madden does. He doesn’t say bill. . - "“about” so much, either, rfe sets Mr. Gorp was one of the first to perceive the possibil­ the sum down, to the last 66, and, ity pf the 18 counties of Oregon getting from the fed­ if there had been any, would havq eral government the five million dollars whic^i was lost included the cents. , > in taxes when the Oregon and California land grant lands Representative A- J. GrtfHn, al­ reverted to the government. It was lie who started the so an Appropriations Committee movement during the dying dnys of last year, and it was member, , , , . o. not long ago named 623,- he who went to Washington to push through the bill,. io» „ c e 2 the ”n“ Clal *’ lowaace In the interest of Vol­ remaining there uijtil it had been signed by the president. stead law enforcement, but Mad­ Mr. Gore is returning home to his friends and neigh­ den says Griffin omitted a great bors^ conscious of a wprk well done. And the people o' many Items. Jackson county are glad of the opportunity to give him The Tatter took into account only tl)e maintenance of tbe pro­ this spontaneous and rousing welcome. hibition unit and the eng»» Speedy steps should be taken by the proper G tT R E R ! -fH E k /E R S ID E A k A BROTHER ANO -X S lS tfe R Q uA R — B V S A A '7 !y >n it*s teething -------- grasshoppers were, larger they oould get Jobs at soda fountains. O. Cook, 42, a railroad em ­ ploye, asked to be allowed to spend th e-n igh t in a cell in the guard’s dry activities. county Jail. Once in the cell he Madden Includes also tbe Jus­ hanged himself with his suspend- tice Departm ent’s prohibition ers. a P*PeW I^M A new York theatrical producer 6»c«»tly died » t 61 Without ever kpving been in Jail at all. D on ’ t get the idea old pipe’s in his ttecOnd childhood and cutting teeth fust because he bites your tongue half off.. . ' ' ' V - / » * T hat bite” means that there’s som ething ’ wrong with your tobacco: either, it isn’t rneOowed properly or k isn’t cut fftoperly. ’ . If it’s the least bit raw or green it’s naturally harsh and hffey.. , while find? cut or granulated tobacco hums too fast and smokes hot and raspy. P ipe tobacco must be well-mellowed.. . it mu5t be cut to-burn slowly. And that’s exactly wky D octprs o f Pipeology recom m end Granger Rough Cut as a sure-cure for “pipe-bite.” For th e fam ous old W ellm an Recipe gives Granger a rich, spicy mellowness,. , a mellow­ ness all its own. A nd being rough cut, its large flakes bum slowly and smoke c o o t .. without the «lightest trace o f any b ite.. . Granger fe.PiPE THE HOMS TOWN PAPER istics recently compiled in the east and cover- failures over a jairiod of "yeafs showed that Iwwncss houses which efoaec) their doors through frouUles an average of 75 |jereent”faj49d to ml- in daily newypaiMirs. Indeed, in one city jt was hat 92 percent of the failures were firms which buy . «¡pace in daily newspajicrs. ‘ “:ly newspaper is just as innch a pu.hlie utiljty Lplant, the water plaat or similar public nocm- ' ally of the enterj»rising, puigressive merchants They will tell yon that their newspa|»er ad- l)»ortaat part of their business; that they ‘their daily newsftaper as the only certain, of getting their message before tho • ? . *- kept quart long ctumgii to *Ifct tiatf-«ia»d «In tl fo ftf rftâ “T H E S IL E N T èA T rt E Orongcr Rough Cut « made by tke,LjU ^ Tobacco Company