« AeftLAND by bogey. Call 12J» 2nd St. ing and -His Daughter ¡ Upeat;: Personal flotes m a PLACES— Let us b u ll! year tir* placa. jVork guaranteed. E. ft. ¿traban, Rogue River, Ore. FOB ..R ftN T — ' Housekeeping . 278-1 mo.« rooms, suitable for, one to fear women.. Wood, light and water FOUND— Pair glasssa. Owner furnished, 9Y.59'gaeh per month. m ay have sam e by paying far ad. «1« H ilm an 8t. • * ¿. 272-4« Tidttge. 272-tf Stopped in A h KI juk I— Mrs. E. F. Schutse, Mrs. Helen Clay and Mr»-.-A. Fillinghast, of Hollywood, stopped in Ashland yesterday enroute north. They were guests of the Littyla Springs hotel. ’ 1 Mih. C . O . Holman w ill leave (his evening, /ok- Portland for a abort vlalt and from there w ill ga to, Olympia. Washington. She A p e rts to be gone for a month. S E M I-A N N U A L $ ’▼ ■ I* I H- _ .. r' $ t- i. * F P R IC E R E M N A N T T C ---- SATURDAY don p r o w THE» VALUE E . B . ISAAC To. C H IN G K tSM T , ,. WAMTBD t -A few I f you are looking for a health builder, spend fifteen minutes a day in the water of the Ashland N at .ne //•wATTHE BARRIER? atron Gut-Off . Track Too Weak Front Portland— ) lr . and M rs.»H. A. Hunsaker of Portland are stopping in Ash­ . land at the Columbia hdtel. ; PO RTLAND, Ore^ July 82.— |r P ))-< -O p * n in g o f the Natron lo t-o ff ot tho Händlern Pacific, - G e t your window screen« and screen doors at Jordan Sash and Cabinet Works. 254-tf “ Life-Like Likenesses,' Ashland on The Plaza. Left for Petaluma— Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helman left yesterday for their home In Pet­ Everett Acklln and the Bagley aluma after spending some time in family of Talent, went to Diamond Ashland visiting Mr. Hetman's Lake yesterday for a three days brother, Otis Helman and sister, Ashing trip. Mrs. Jane Carter. Ask for ’«Oauceta” N air Bros. 4»c.— Mc­ E. E. Heath end fam ily are moving from 620 Palm Avenne. to 955 Beach ' street. Today and Tomorrow » HEMKANNUAL HALF PRICE REMNANT SALE — SATURDAY DON’T MISS THIS ÌA L U E GIVING EVENT E. R. ISAAC CO. Dr. Hugh 8. Cumming, surgeon general of the U. 8. Public Health W M S, whose newspaper articles on health are read by millions dally, returns te America on the liner Berengarla after a vacation abroad. With him is his daughter. Diana Cumming. L eft for Portland ■ Klam ath Reporter Hevy * Sam Jordan le ft for Portland Tom B. Malarkey, reporter on the K lam ath Falls Evening 'Her­ this morning to attend a Radio ald, stopped off in Ashland this convention. H e expects to return , < morning enroute home after a Sunday eveaing. .month's vacation trip to Portland From M t, Shasta.... - and Seaside. W . A. Carleton and family of Madden soils protected Urea. Mt. Shasta, are in Ashland for a short visit. Harper Method Scalp Treat­ ments, Paper C urling. Marcelling Gnegtx nt Crandall H o m *— , Robbing, by appointment only. Mr. -and, Mrs. O. L. Randall ol Phonel 217J, Mrs. Audrey Trobee. L or Angeles, were guests of Dr. 19» Emerick Street, opposite H igh and Mrs. W . J. Crandall, yester­ School. 210-1 mo day. i — Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover Moths w ill not find a place to Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty stay If clothes are cleaned before Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 198-ti putting away. Ashland Cleaners and Dyers,.35 First street. 251-tf From Medford— . Mrs. Abbie Thomas of Medford From Medford— x spent the day in Ashland at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer of Andrews and Poley homes, Tues­ Medford, spent yesterday in Ash­ day. Mrs. D. W . Wheeler, Mrs. land visiting their daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Ma threw» and Miss Louise Paul Mara, * -« Wheeler, of Medford, were also guests o j the {Andrews^ in the L eft for Han F ra n c is c o - Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gill family left yesterday for Francisco, where they will relatives and friends foi weeks. * T ry our 60c Merchants’ Lunch Every day from I I to 2 at Th» Plata Confectionery. , 162-tf ViNiling In Ashland— Fred Dylus and Floyd Mammen of Vandalia*, Illinois, are stopping Word Received— ' Word was received this morn­ in Ashland at the Hotel Oregon. ing that H. P. Andrews of Logan, Kansas Is nulte seriously 111. Mr. Andrews w ill he remembered In Ashland, as he haa visited here many times. Hot Weather Necessities Electrical appliances, to reduce the severity of housekeeping during the hot summer months, «are no longer a luxury, but a necessity from the viewpoint of economy, convenience and greater satlsfactloa. ( Lulu McFadden, Hope. Ark.? ■ays, “ Before using Sorbol-Quad- rnple I could not use my eyes for reeding or sewing. My throat would throb and choke me. * t was abort of breath sad my heart would fael like it would jump out. I now do nil my work and am as well as before ’ ^ Bold at all drug ■tores, or write Sorbol Company. Mechanicsburg, Ohio.' Locally at Bolton’s Drug Store. i FOB SALE— Good wicker Camping— . C. N. Gilmore and fam ily are temping at Union Creek and from their w jll make trips to Dia­ mond and Crater Lakes and other points of Interest. Returned from Gold B e a c h - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ruger returned from Gold Beach yes­ terday, where they spent a weeks vacation. »’ , Iceless Refrigerators! May be stylish, but in A sh­ land they are not. Let us keep them pressed for you. Standard Gleaners 95 Oak St- » J Phone 106 W« D eliver GUY GOOD 346 E. Main Street cf contagion," asked the doctor, visiting the colored fam ily. , Phone 172 Delivered As You Want It Everything yon order­ ed, delivered exactly We specialize in thè fill­ ing of phone orders and give yon the finest of service. Two daily deliveries to nil parts of Ashland Ashland Feed & Grocery 353 E ast Main PILONE 214 E. R. I S A A C & C O The Quality Store SEMI - ANNUAL Half-Price , REMNANTS OF Silks, Woolens, Wash Goods, White Goods, Domestics, Curtain Mater­ ials, Cretonnes, Ribbons and Laces "fTe suah have, doctor," EASTMAN ▼where togothis Sum m er L e t u s h e lp y o u p la n y o u r v a c a tio n . G e t a c o p y o f “ O regonO utH ooT i’’—illu s­ tr a te d v a c a tio n g u id e ,fr o m y o u r local agen t. P rofit b y lo w su m m e r fares a n d fa st, co m fo rta b le serv­ ic e to th e beach es a n d o th e r resort p laygrou n d s. chorused the fam ily. "fPSve bought a sanitary cup and KODAKS meal! drink from it." Take every pv^antkm against the spread o f fire FILMS . . . but don’t «top there. Get sound insuthnee pro­ tection from this agency o f the Hertford F ue Insur­ Brownies $1.00 to $5.00 ance Company. Ask about the Iota fame to California and the East. Southern Pacific Lines . 1 T. fjo s ie r y SPECIAL lisle thread 35c a Pair M. K R A M ER , Tickst Agent Phone 48 3 Pair For $1.00 Next Winter To Order One«Day Service OB « Shoe Repairing Ashland Electric Supply "Hove you taken every pre­ caution against the spread Phone 82 J- o . Rigg, Paints, Varnishes and W all Paper Saturday Qet this book Today! . • We have many kinds of elec­ trical appliances which will make.summer work more of a pleasure. 1 " XL ELECTRIC Station > a saeellent finish for floors and furniture. Cao bo bad la ■even different colon Which wOl give a ataln and varnlab a£ one operation. > A LE Som ething new for the home. Deoorot Varnish Stain b*- BAGGY KNEES IN BAGDAD From H ilt— - From Shasta City— Mrs. B. It. King of HUt spent Pedro Costello of Shasta City yesterday in Ashland. spent yesterday in Ashland. Wood— Newcomb tor wood. Phone 631. Now in Ashland, a ll kinds of mlllwood at 105 W ater street, Stopping In Awhland— just below (he m ill. Special price» Miss L. G. Pine and Miss E. V; now on 5 load lots, direct from Nlchellni of Berkeley are stop­ the m ills at Medford.-Mr. and Mrs. ping In Ashland, while on a tour J. A. Baker in charge. 264-1-m i.« of Southern Oregon. They are making tripa to Diamond and Left for Sacramento— Crater Lakes, and other points. Miss-Leona Ahlstrom left last They are guests of the Hotel Ash­ evening for Sacramento to spend- land. . a weeks vacation with friends. Goitre Caused * Suffering For . Seven Years FO B SAUS— Young Jersey calf. T . S. WIlfcy. P h o n eJ14-Y . 273-2« FO B E AUC - Two choice lots, 1 0 -1 0 0 'on paved at for less then cost ot pavem ent..|25 «town, bel. 96 a month. Brown and Rice, <3 N. Main 8t. 272 -tf ernes ittat He Has Passed-Awav Visiting in Ashland— Miss Gladys Hastlfigs arrived ifi Ashland the first of the week from Portland, to spend two weeks z- The AtneMeaa Legion A uxiliary visiting her brothers, Verne and will have a special meeting on Jean Hastings. 1 Friday ewening a t - 8 o'clock. The Sieetiag w ill be held at the en­ W e specialise In 60c lunckes— trance to Lithia Park. By order Ashland Cafa. - 243-1 mo o! vice-president. • 2 7 3 -lt Paulserud’s Suits look better, Guests o f Mrs. I . D. Applegate—- last longer. 260— tl Mrs. H. H . Sargent and Mrs. C. C. Chitwood of Jacksonville Returned from Philadelphia— were geests at the home of w Paul Oeser returned last night I. D . Applegate recently. from a seven weeks trip to Phila­ delphia by car. He will be em­ , C liff Payne makes b r a n d ployed in the new Associated Oil learda. . • Staltam, which is being built at the corner of E. Main and Boulevard. t Garnett's Cafeteria, 92 North Wain. 242-1-mo Fried chicken Covered Wagon. TO Vista, in Loe-Angeles— Phoenix, Ore. 254-1 mo.« Mrs. E. D. Jennings and bob ; Ward, left on No. 15 Tuesday for The Fountain for cold drinks, • visit of a tew weeks w ith rela­ ice creams, candles and. tobacco. tives sad friends in Loa Angeles. * . 270-tf more dis­ crim inating {customers, who ap­ preciate. registered Jersey milk from « 9260, two-year-eld, fresh Jersey heifer, can be accommodat­ ed at 10s par at. I f not too far away. R. D. Sanford, 30» Beach St., Ashland. 273.1« JtetitMivriy scheduled fo r August lb , Ime been /»defin itely postpon­ ed liecnune engineers declare the A healthy person neve/ feel ■park w ill not stand heavy trafile. constantly tfred. Being “too tired“ continually Is a sign of something wrong. When John R. Gordon, Danville, I l k , found him-, self “always tired a t'n ig h t and burdened w ith backache,“ he took Foley Pills, a diuretic stimulant , A TLA N TIC C IT Y . July 22. — for the kidneys, and writes: “A f­ So mera C. Jeffries, Somers ter a few doses, I felt better, Point, N. J., has been" declared could work w ith more ease, be­ “officially dead 'by court order came stronger and could sleep “which is the first promise of bis better." , Wha> Foley’s Pills have “ widow’s” aVgument that she 'done for others they may do for should collect' his insurance, but you. Guaranteed to give satis­ he Informs an Atlantic City news­ faction. Ask for Folsy Pills. paper that It isn’Pso. Sold everywhere. No. 4. Studio 271-2 YourBLOX Forseeing the shortage Which is almost certain, are receiving many carloads. W e can deliver du from the car. ASHLAND LUMBER 884 Oak St. Acrog» B. B. Track« Fancy Silks in Plaids W ONDERFUL VALUES 75c a Pair