w ith its guests, memhers fro m i Mrs. Mltchelmore reviewed t e r / two other organisations, the M ar- latareetingly an address given be- tha Gillette Chapter of Wegtrnin- fore a body of missionaries; the ater Guild and the ChrMflan Bn- address Intended (or the eneotfr- deavor Society gathered in the ngement. Of the out-going and new parlors oi the qkurqh for the missionary especially. I t was In- program an< sdelal hoar which spimUonal, and fn jl o f , helpful followed. suggestion also for the chucah A n executlTa bogrd meeting worker. at home, * preceded the regular meeting, a t Prayer followed to t the mls- whlch matters pertaining to the sloaartes both nt home and business of the organisation Were abroad. dtecaaaod. Tha «losing hoar of thb after- National and Foreign Mtsqtoss goon wae spent In a social way. each had pipes on tho program, j w ith lig h t refreshments served by M r's.8. D7 Taylor, president of M u I 4* * hoetesees, the Meedames. 8. M ir . Grace B. Andrews, Editor Calendar o f IffvesAs .1 TiWada), July 87^—Covered dish luncheon for I. Ó. O. F .,\ Ro- bekahs and f amili«». Six o ’clock. society was the W a r f o r the a i-j tarnoon and h e * serttfaod topics to a number who dimuesed thera interestingly and well. • A number presented t#u wprk! * Thursday, Jely l»k— Floral Show. Uthia Springs Hotel, ' ' . . Thursday, July 22.— Band Con­ cert,- Uthia P ark ^ t:#0 p. m. Thursday, July 8B— «eceptìdn Tor, T 7 0 meetings « ( th e Jackson County Medical Association are in the United States; the «rot, Civic Cfate M a rt* Pgroly social, and a t these the Mrs. W . H . Graham, who told in j Turodsv afternoon was tho reg- detall incidents relative to a a la r moating o f tho Civic Improve­ wives ahd families of the mem­ bers are entertained. One p o boarding school In Arkansas, in meat Clnb a t tho Club hoses. oun in tha winter aad Is a ban­ Which the bays not oakf. attended i quet and the other occurred Inst the school put built the school* the Rev. H. T. MRehClmere and family. All invited, particular-, Jy Normal faculty aad students. Frida,, J a l, 28— A lpha Chapter , O. B. S .P lcn ic. U th ia Park, • :30 p. m. • Friday, dniy 88— Flo ral ^h o w . Meric Mitchell wants te do everything she can to help the campaign per father W illia m D. M itchell, Is m aking, for governor of California. So she has taken to stumping the etate by airplane. This photo shows her peek­ ing out of the a x h p ’X of her plane. U thia Springs Hotel. Mtetey, July 88— Medford, Ash­ land and Klamath Falla loSgca ,of American Yeomen will hold a picnic at McCloud, oa tbs Rogue River. AU Yoemen and friends invited. • M a y . July 8U— W . R. c. Club. M rt. J. W MWs. » IS Almond The account of the marriage o( Miss Lillian Greer, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Elbert Rush Greer and Mrs. WUHam Schofield j r., of Los Angeles, aaaoancsteent of which was made In Monday'« 1». sue of the pdlnga, will of in, forest to the many friends of the family hpve In Ashland. - Congratulations and g 4 iln A Swishes are again extended Mr. and Mra. Schofield. ©• T s jio r, q . W . Andrews sad * W . J. M, Roes and Msg. dose Phine Foley who presided a t the U W , and dispensed hospitality, : tt tt tt n a n nature was'taken op except at the executive board session which preceded t$e social after­ noon. .. r.- ; . Tkern were » taw W * ! pres­ ent, among. y u m M r a UaldVeJJ and Mrs. Rltcbelmore, b o th 'b h t recently corns'tp dsktend. Mrs. Gordon MacCrackpn and Mrs. P . K . Hammond were hoet- eseee and sorted refreshments of Ice cream and cake from • pret­ tily appointed table. A ll-are asked to remember that the firs t and third Tuesdays of each month the Clvfc GhiK keep* open house and those newly come to Ashland ; guests o f the mem­ bers, and the membership are urged to come to Ilia Clubhouse a t that tim e. j-* f - » # # building as well. The work Ip Georgia pan dis­ missed» by Mrs. C, W . Mima, who spoke of the work in the large and then told of the efforts, against glrnost impossible A ^ s , of one young girl, who gave her Inherit­ ance, her efforts, friends and her­ self, but who succeeded beyor.d All expectations. a valla? mis­ sionary doing what she could to »meliorate ¿he conditions in her (Continued On Page FtTs) t e n community. valley to get better acquainted ating' In all Its phases as one with each other and to give op- that wopM ha particularly help- portnnlty te discuss problems In ful. ' « .< wkteft all are vitally interested, “M’hy'Named Valley yiew’*" thus making for cooperation and was told by Mrs. Reachart and concert of action. others and How Bellview received These two clubs are two of the its name was explained by Mrs. largest and most active In' thei Brown and Mrs. Tucker. The county ¿nd h>ve supported every. forgMr.-nagted fur its wonderful , progressive and forwaad looking' view gnd "BeRovue’ as It should rfnovement. ABoth ar» federated i b»; apelled fo r Ake 1 “beautiful’' clubs, with splendid programs q fivlS #. ' 1 bhlpfnl activities In their com -f ’ tnunltteg. •' "Summer Activities bf Valley ' They meet regularly: have ex- V,ew Club” WM discussed,by a cellent programs and jaany meet- nvMnb*r "b oss name was not se- ings la which the Home Bemon^ c ir *d' The speaker told of their stratlon Agent la present la her enter**lnmeat at the home of official capacity to advlte and as- Mr8, OIasgow aa the city and keeps its meetings dp throughout the vaca­ tion season. gf • The gaqetlngs ate held In the homes of the members part of the tíme at others, when the attend- •ance is too large, at the I. O, O. F. HalL a ‘ A Urgq- committee helps the hostess ig entertainment and in