I malaria gbbmb Cannot survive three month* in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helpA Been XeAfond'« ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cure* nine cases out of ten of asthma. This ^ X p r o v e n fa c t . z Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Year* Wire Service) YOU XLIX Sncceaaor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volitino 41 ASHLAND, OBEQÔN, jtJKSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 NO. 273 FLOWER SHOW BAND CONCERT W ill FOREST FIRE BE STAGED TONIGHT AT HOTEL IS IN MUNICIPAL PARK SITUATION IS HIKE SUCCESS MUCH BEITER BALL PLAY^ hl L TRAGIC BE BANQUETGUESTS AT ROTEL TONIGHT HALTS Good Program Arranged by Ashland Musicians for Public Program • Promise of Two Months Ago Made Good by Directors And Fans Many V arieties o f Fragrant Oregon fo r e s t Officials B e­ The second of the series of pub­ Petals on E xhibit at lieved Over Decreasing lic concerts In Lithia Park w ilt Lithia. Hotel Hazard Now DEATH PLANS FOR CONCI Howard Hoff, Back In the almost-forgotten Appear Here days of early June when the Ash­ Drowns in be held at 8 o’clock this evening land baseball club was wallowing IS OPEN TO PUBLIC by the Ashland municipal baift SEV ER AL STILL BURN down in the musty cellar o l the RESUSCITATION FA IL S under the direction o l Carl Love­ Southern Oregon baseball league, W eather F alls to Dampen Spirits land. ‘ ' Conilltloi-a in Forests o f W ash­ the management of the team spoke Gritnts Pas« Farmer Givek ttp Life of Ashland'« Flower Following is the program which ington HI tow no Change *" acHJCthint lu .thls wise: • hi Heroic* Attempt at UnlflUAlMHlH . has been arranged; For Better “ Boys, ns soon as yon fellows Rescue March, “Celebrity,” »Richards get going and climb to the top Waltz, '‘Impassioned Dream,” • PORTLAND, Ore., July 22— Warm weather, absence of rain­ of the league we will give you a Death' of- one of their nt fall and lack of suf/tdeqt water Rosas. (UP) — Oregon fire fighters regular honest-to-goodness Jmn- by drowning in the Rogue for Irrigating flower gardens ap­ Fox TTot drag, "Thanks For the breathed 'a sigh of ’ relief today quet.” at Grants Pass parently cannot damper the en­ Buggy Ride,” BuTfano. - wlien the weather forecast was Well, the team is now perched i,he cancellation! thusiasm of Ashland's legion of From the Land of Birds, “The that the fir,* hazard would be re­ proudly at the top and Intends to which was ached flower cn jurists. Canaries,” Klein. duced... Two fires o f serious as­ stay there, so the banquet is at the Church of This was evidenced thia morn- Selection from VH. M. S. Pina- pect are horning In Oregon. A scheduled for 7 o'clock this even-'here this evening'! Jng when local residents, begl^n Ffcre”) Sullivan. fire near Vernonia completely de­ lng at the Lltliia Springs hotel. | Four, a quartet of students from flocking to the Lithia Springs ho­ Valse LamentBO, “The Prison­ stroyed buildings of an abandon,*,! Directors and a few other fans are ' La Verne College, La Verne, Cal. tel -erlth flower exhibits of all er’» Song,” Massey. Carl Loveland, ranch and is burning uncontroll­ sponsoring the big feed for the Howard Hoff, aged 20, and son-- kinds for the' two-day flower vocalist. ed. Due to favorable weather It Twenty persons were killed a id 22 injured, when fire d e s tr o y e d th e fa m o u s „old T w ilig h t players. of a Brethren minister at Glen­ show being held under the auspic­ Match, “Cacrollton,” King. Is believed It will bo under con- I n n in th e C a ts k ill M ountains a t H a in e s F a lls , X. V. M o st o f flip jn ju r e d w e re g u e s ts There will be fried chicken — dora^ Cal., met death in the swift es of the Ashland Floral Society. Star Spangled Banner. trol by tonight. w h o ju m p e d fro m w in d o w s of th e u p p e r flo o rs w hen th e y fo u n d th e m s e lv e s t r a p p e d by buttermilk and corn fed — from eiuvgnt bf the Rogue river when O pens Today A big fire in the Malheur na­ th e fla m e s . one of tlie finest poultry farms, his strength gave way as he was • The exhibits were all in place tional forest Is reported to be in the west. There also will be attempting to swim the stream. In the ball room and on the mez­ covering from 300 to 100 acres six ylellow bantam corn on the cob Steve Maxey, 24, a rancher, lost zanine floor shortly before noon miles south of Seneca and Is and. a lot of other good things his life in a futile attempt to save and everything was in readiness spreading west .through a stand for the hungry athletes. C. S. thgv|ife of the concert singer. when the exhibit formally opened of yellow pine. Richardson, manager of the Lithia Rescue Hails at 2 o’clock this afternoon. There is bnt little improve­ Springs hotel and one of the ar­ Wayne Bohn find Urban Hart­ By noon today 65 different var­ Ashland Asked to Help Cele­ ment In the Washington forest dent -ball fans, has promised a man, two other members of the ieties of flowers were on tho fire situation, according to forest brate L obbyist's Return feed that tho boys will long re­ quartet, swam out Into the swift numerous^ exhibit tables and the service officials. The Chelan na: Saturday member. • - i current in an effort to save the mezzanine floor of the new hotel i SEATTLE. July 22. — H | tional forest blazes are being The principal speech of the drowning men but were forced to was a veritable bower of color and ! W. H. Gore, who successfully fought by 375 men, but Several Passenger travel over the ent, was a business visitor in Ash- 8 Arrest of the country’s fragrance. Gladollas and dahlias lobbied for Senator Stanfield’? are still beyond control. Fires in Southern Pacific trains at the land. * ' 18 youngest beer runner was jjj evening will be given by "Duke” put back to shore, both at the predominated, with 70 species of tax relief bill, through ’which the Colville national forest on present time Is much above nor­ “The publicity apd advertis-1 8 claimed by Seattle police UI Marlow, who is reported to be point of exhaustion. an orator of unusual ability. The double tragedy occurred at the former and CO of the> latter Jackson county will get approxi­ Sheep creek and Seven Mile creek mal and prospects are that It will lng campaigns which have been 8 Tuesday, when they took Flowers were still coming to thq. mately 1760,000, will be given a and are still uncontrolled. continue for the remainder of the carried on jointly by the western 8 into custody an 11-year- 88 Sunny Mohler, southpaw, pitcher, the Gunter ranch, four miles west hotel this afternoon so this num­ royal reception when he returns railroads is beginning to have Its ' 8 old Uoy with a large auto­ 18 ' has consented to sing n couple of Grants Pass. The four young summer. ber of varities probably' will he home from the national capital ‘effect, and many easterners are 8 mobile and beer after he 8 of songs, while John Morgan will | vocalists had given a concert at This was the expressed belief now touring the w est by train,” 8 had ran the car. Inter a jj give a piano solo, “Those Weed, Grants Pass Tuesday nteht and Increased during tho day. . \ Saturday morning. today of John M. Scott, assistant The continued. “Then, too, there 8 telephone pole and smash­ g California Blues.” , r were enjoying a swim before com- „ The exhibit will l*e open until The Medford charifher of com­ passenger traffic manager of the ere not so many conventions Ini 8 ed the machine. All in all, it promises to be a lng on to Ashland for their ap­ 9 o’cldck this evening and will merce Is sponsoring a demonstra­ 8 Southern Pacific lines, who, with Ihp east this year, and people have nice largo evening for the ball pearance here tills evening. • start again tomorrow at 10 tion at the Medford railway sta­ players, whose sensational playing The bodies of both young men A. 8. Rosenbaum, of Medford,. inn opportunity of coming west to o'clock in the morning and con­ tion for Mr. Gore upon his arriv­ tile past six weeks has put them were recovered within a short tlin3 tinue until 9 o’clock at night. Tho al. and has asked the Ashland district freight and passenger ag- visit this section of the country.” Cairn W here Lewis out In -trout iu tho ball league. and Grants Pass physicians ° who general public is Invited to the ex­ chamber of commerce and the Clark EvaporatecH M t were called worked for several hibit. people of this city generally to Scene of Ceremony hours’ attempting to recusiclta’e participate in the reception. Two them but without avail. bands will be present to furnish SEASIDE, Ore., July 22. — (LP) Companions Heart-Broken music while people-are asked to. — Having reached the end of the Colonel Ned Green o f Cali­ The three sorrowing compan­ ; bring every kind of noise-making trail, the Columbia river histori­ fornia Accused of Ser­ ions of the young college man, device. cal expedition yesterday took part ious Charges .passed through here last even­ in the formal dedication of the Man Held Under Death Sent­ ♦ »• san F rancisco , Cai., July Over 100 Succumb cn Atlan- ing enroute to their home in Cali­ cairn on the spot- where Lewis Years rest lightly on 8 ence B lasts Hole in Wall fornia. Their concert tour has 22.— (UP) — Indictments char Dance H all Girls, Gamblers tic Seaboard; R elief is land Clark evaporated salt from the shoulders of R. D. 8 of H is Cell been brought to an abrupt close. lng Colonel Ned Green, feati-J And Others Are Taken the ocean. Governor Pierce pre­ Promised Sanford who lives on 8 The body of young Hoff is beipg tor Into Custody .CHICAGO, 111., July 22.— An prohibition administrator sided. The dedicatory address Beach street. Although 8 shipped to Glendora for burial. NorthfiSn California and Nevada, NEW YORK, July 22.— (UP) conditions was given by Frederick V. Hoi- I he is 75 years young, Mr. 8 , investigation into The young men had been sing­ SEATTLE. Wn„' July 22— "A with criminal negligence, miscon­ — as the death toll in the heat man of Portland, president of the Sanford Is still an enthus­ 8 ¡which will allow a prisoner to ing together as a quartet for * bunch of the boys were whooping1 Oregon' Historical society. iastic breeder of pure-bred 8 blast his way from Cook county duct and appropriation of seized wave mounted to well over 100 four yenrs and were to ha»e grad­ It up,” too much in Malamutcj KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.. July Jersey stock, and as proof 8 ! Jail is under way here today foi- liquors tor his own use. will be persons ami additional deaths uated from La Verne college next saloon style to suit federal prohl- 22— Sheriff Sam Starmer of of hb continued Interest 8 lowing the explosion of a bomb in sought next Monday when the were being reported hourly In the year. bitlon agents who visited the rail­ federal grand jury convenes. east,-the weather bureau promised he has just purcltased a j; "Murderer’s row” yesterday. Roseburg left yesterday for Doug­ The Grants Pass man, Steve road town of Tyec, high up In the Colonel Green says he welcomes relief for tonight. The heat wave The bomb, thought to have pair of fine registered 8 las county with Gifford Hamilton, Maxey, is snryived by his widow Cascades. Jersey cows and one calf 8; been placed by Henry J. Fernekes the investigation and Intimates passed thd mid-west where 60 are alias D. Martin, wanted north for and an Infant daughter. Dance hall girls and gambler?: dead. Seventeen succumed In the charges are a "frame-up.” which cost him approxi­ 8 midget bandit, under deatli sen- non-snpport and desertion of his so the agents said today, made Ohio, 5 In western Pennsylvania 8 tence, who has been characterized mately 8500. three motherless children. hasty exits from a combination and many In nil sections of New one of the moat desperate men ov- It is understood that the de­ dance hall, gambling resort and England and In other parts of the I er to enter the jail, tore a fifteen partment of Justice will drop the A public reception In honor of saloon that would have done cre­ Atlantic seaboard. ! inch hole in the wall of the build charges of white slavery against Rev. Hugh T. Mitchelmore and dit to Alaika of the gold rpsb lng but failed to blast the outer Hamilton In order to give him a wife will be held, at the Presby­ days. layer of bricks, thus preventing chance to support his three babies. terian church at 8 oclock this HOUSTON, Tex., July ____ the escape. Hamilton la charged with elop­ evening. ¡R^*v. Mitchelmore and (U P )— Two automobile loads o t Only Four of Party of F if­ ing from Reuben, near Glendale, wife and son arrived here recent­ armed men drove to the Ferguson teen Able to Reach Ore., with Mrs. Maybelle MagM, ly from Spokane. Secretary of The N avy Wil- prison farm today and shot nnd Shore in Storm who left two children and a hus­ bur to See President ! D A special invitation has been killed Guard W illiam Rader and band In Coos county. What issued to the' faculty and students Before Trip TORONTO, Canada. July 22.— Men Held for “ Shame Sui­ kidnaped six white prisoner*. The charges will he placed against the pf the normal school to meet the Jail Hot Springs camp ■ said. “I already have good clues weeks ago, are ttll|, Just 1000 peared. Newspapers claim that late yesterday afternoon declared annual election here last night, iste and others who visit Ash­ grounds— a. total of approxi­ land am confident that I will be eggs. H. M. Reeve, a poaltrymau. the documents have been stolen It was virtually certain that Jack . succeeding Samuel J. Dickson of land during vacation days. The mately 200 copies each day— aide to run my abductors down.” blames the nearby arsenal explos­ and Intimate that a foreign or­ Dempsey and Gene Tunney would j Ashland Natatorlum, Juat two Toronto, Canada. In order that Ashland’s visit­ bloeka below the new Lithia ion at Lake Denmark for destroy­ ganization Is involved. meet in Chicago some time In j Springs H otel has tw o large ors may know something of ing their fertility. September,-probably Sept. 11th. blunges always available. our city. To borrow Is human, but to pay An important meeting of the back closely approaches the di­ At Jackson Hot Springs fo • Camp Fire Girl« who Intend to go large open air plunge with Advertise Iu I k e Tidings vine. Ashland Natatorlnm buhMfog mineral water. to Camp Mananu for the last two The California Oregon Power weeks of th* season will he held Company x Get the habit of a dally at ELDORADO, Ar., July 22.— at th? public library at 7:80 next Lithia Springs Hotel ' In either of these blunges kesn von St daring Robert W. Bradley) 20-year-old Monday evening: It la important ■ MANILA, July 22. — "Monkey Hotel Ashland RAINIER, Ore;, July 22.— The While you are a gaest In our city, he certain to vllalt Lithia army bugler, stationed at Beattie, that all members ot the orgahlxg- Lithia Park Board business” has reached the Phili­ grocery of Gross A Gross wax Park, a playground of many. acre*, with the main entrance Wash., today had a clear title to tlon be there a« several unusually Jackson Hot Spring* ppines. Representative Noel has destroyed by fire of unknown or- nt the Plaza, where Nature’s deepest b eau ties are found a 8200.000 »state left hijn by hia Important matters are to he dis­ City of Ashland introduced a bill forbidding the | Igtn this morning, along the walks that lead yon through the forest border­ foster-father, J. p. Bradley of cussed, according to an announce­ ing on Ashland ereek. Talent Irrigation District teaching of evolution In the Smackover, Ark. ment today by officers. GORE TO BE GIVEN Seattle Boasts- RAILWAY TRAFFIC ON COAST An Il-Year-Old NOW FAR ABOVE LAST SEASON Liquor Violator SAYS SOUTHERN PACIFIC HAN HKTÜRIC SPOT AT ASTORIA DEDICATED Jersey Breeder Shows He Still Has Lots of'Pep S M I M l OF , “OLD M S " RAIDED DESPERATE CONVICT TRIES FOR E F IM I» MANY ARE DEAD IN EASTERN HEATWAVE Erring Father is Taken Back Home; To Drop Charg es Plan Reception For New Pastor Of Local Church CONFERENCE WITH E Small Villages Wiped Out When Residents Leave CANOE IS CAPSIZED IS AGAIN DELAYED Lightning Cause Of Twelve Fires AIMEE D E B S ID SM M N A K Guard is Slain In Prison Break Four Fires Rage Near The Dalles Explosion Harms Incubator Eggs THIS ISSUE Valuable Treaty . Papers Are Gone O’Brien Elected By Police Chiefs Chicago Will Get Heavyweight Bout S W IM M IN G Camp Fire Girls Will Meet Monday- Army Bugler is Left Big Estate Evolution Scrap* Now Hits Manila VISIT LITHIA PARK Rainier Grocery < Store is Burned