VEPVEHDAT, July »1, 1WC Aahlaad la not ml aa « c i t y o f horn«* and aelioola. Above la tiw A alilam l high achool, a modern a tm c tv re a ln iatcd in ideal «utronndlnfCN. In the fa il C hina pheaaaat h u n t! these game birds which a re brought pia in Oregon. Above a re apecimena o f by th é thouaanda in Honthern Oregon. thè Pacifie highway aa it Nature Has Lavished Her Southern Oregon, which is known as the Rogue rivers valley, and the Klamath luakes country, has more to offer the visitor than any other section of the Pacific* coast for those that love the great out doors. We have mountains, lakes, mailing streams,"and wonderful highways, and these lakes and streams abound with fish, arid our forests abound with game and game birds just as they did years ago. For a visitor coining into Oregon from Cal­ ifornia, as they start down the Siskiyou moun­ tains, after crossing the state line, they get their first view of this beautiful Rogue River Valley. Ashland is the first Rtop, and is so beau­ tiful that the visito'r regrets to have to leave, but they must gee* all of this wonderful land. Ashland has hotels for all classes of travelers, and an auto park for those who .wish to camp, and lathia auto, park is by far the most beam tiftil of any other. Here a person can drink their fill of Lithia water, which is known the world Over, and eamp alongside of a dashing IN SPONSORED BY: mountain stream, all the time in the oOol shade of the giant trees, and among the flowers of nil color and grace. ' \ ' A plunge in the Natatorium, which is fill­ ed with mineral water, will put riew life in any, person, also the outdoor plunge at Jackson Hot Springs, where the water comes out pf the earth nt a temperature of about seventy-five degrees. Cabins for rent * to the traveler can also be had at ^JaCkson Hot Springs, which are tlitfee miles north of the city. Next we go north over,the Pacific High­ way for forty five miles to the City of Grants Pass. There you leave the highway and travel south west to the Oregon Caves, a distance- of forty nine miles from Grants Pass. A very goyd resort where the visitor cau receive all the comforts, nnd a two hour trip through the caves, having every wonder explained by- a guide, is some thing long to be remembered. Back to Grants Pass and on down the Pacific highway to the delightful city of Med­ ford, which ¡8 the largest city in Southern Ore- i gon, and there the stranger turns to the north- cast on the Ccater Lake highway and for eighty five miles the thrilled visitor wishes-they had many more eyes so as to be able to see all the heafoty spots with out missing a single one. Bnt when they arrivé on the brink of Crater Lake all sense of reasoning is lost, for here a sight never before dreamed of is presented. It is true that this is in a class all by its self for there is only one Crater ' Lake in the world and here it is in Southern Oregon. A thous­ and ïeét above the water; looking doWn into that blue water, a color that no artist has been able to reproduce, and as you stapd there view­ ing this sight, the colors Change, and the over­ come person wonders if they are truly on this earth, o r in the great beyond.„* ' 'x.. ' ,, v»( T • \ f > It is. folly to try to describe the beauties of Crater Lake, all visitors must see its wonders and beauty for themselves. , Next we go south to Klamath Falls, over The Dalles-Califoripa highway, a distance of sixty-five miles. For twenty miles of this dist­ ance y Thia ph e t eg raah waa taken In A pril. No. S— Thia la th e ra a tlr