bocal ; Personal Rotes ODD FELLOW ACTIVITIES Watch thia apace every day. Regular Meet! lgs Subordinate every Thursday. Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs. Sad and 4 th Tuesdays. 15O-tf nasinees Yis'toi— r* Tom Fusou of Medford was m business visitor in ' Ashland yes­ terday« "Life-Like Likenesses," Studio Ashland on Tiia Pisaa. ‘ Take a good book on your va ratkon trip.— Elharta. Mr. and Mrs. L. J , Ofres and daughter, Edna, Mrs. Ella Brown and their guea(s. R. Lind and daughter, Lillian, from Point Barrow. Alaaka, motored ' to Treks last evening. • ' • To Crescent Q ty— Misse« QertrndS and Helene Bfede left this mqrnlng for Cres­ cent City ta spend the week-end. HELP WANTED: — Expert**^ ced waitress or confectionery girl. Inquire at the Plata. 289-tf I Vom HlsUyou— Janet Knight of Siskiyou spent • WANTED: — Work, by high the day in Ashland. school boy..Phone 8. 289-tf Loft for P ortlan d .. * ------- - Stopped in A s h la n d - FOR LEASE: — A'mopey mak­ Hubert Oilmore left for Port­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Qorman land last evening, where he has er, Service Station, Lunck Couat- and daughter, of Hughson, Cali­ ter and Autq- Park at Siskiyou accepted a . position. fornia, stopped in Ashland at the Sum m it If yon are looking tor Columbia hotel, enroute to their big money and little work see Stopped in Ashlancb— home froiq_ a trip in Canada. Ashland Realty Co. 2<9-tt Eric L. Barr of the U. S. Navy. and Mrs. Barr, stopped in Ash­ A Week at the Coart— FOR HALE: —, 3 acre home land yesterday and were guests Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Elhart and aite, with big trees, / i o better site of the Hotel Ashland. son, Blllls, are spending a week’s in. Ashland. Easy walk to new vacation at the coast. grammar school, high school, new Get yonr window screens and normal. Wonderful view overlook­ screen doors at Jordan Sash and Harper Method Scalp Treat­ ing the city. SnlUMe for fine 3- Cabinet Works. 254-tf ments. Paper Carling; Marcelling acre hoaie-or sub-division.— If you Bobbing, by appointment only. are broke, don't answer thia. 1/ Kodak Finishing— McNair Bros, Phone 217J, Mrs. Audrey Trobee. you mean business, the terms wW 199 EmSrlck Street, opposite High suit you. Address R»y»H. Hawley, Takes Position— School. 288-1 mo Acampo, Calif, 2 8 9 -1 t T, M. Costley, who has employed with the Union Station, is in Portland, v he will be employed, in a 7 tieth Century Store. Trip to Oregon Caves— Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Good^ Mi». , Harold Merrill, and Mias Vern Mannel, will make a frip to the Oregon Caves tomorrow. Students and members of faculty o f t h e Ashland school of art left today for Cratar Lake where they will enjoy a week-end outing. The art school folks were to have been invited on the Ashland picnic st Crater Lake next -Tuesday, according to Sec­ retary Fuller of the chamber of commerce, but they decided to make a two-day trip of It Instead« HOLLYWOOD, C a l i f . , July IT. — (U P )— Ad­ mitting that he Is a ’’flop" before the camera Red Orange quit thq mov­ ies on short notice today, announcing he was going home to resume hia Job as ice man. "As a movie actor, I’m a good ice man.” said Red. “I g et my old Job back driving an fee truck a t 91* a week. Boy. I’m happy.” i ’ I j ij || 1 || I ■ I l ■ h w s t suopeaa FOR MEN WHO WORK HARD Faotppr workers, railroad men, farmers, miners, pill)-employees, teamsters, and those constantly exposed to changing weather, who work at hard physical labor, are more or lees subject to kidney ailments and kindred Hia. J . 0 . Wolf, Green « Bpy, ( Wia., says: “Foley Pill» (a diuretic stimulant to the kidneys) relieved me o f a sevure backache, that had both- ered ma for several months. A few bottles fixed me np In good! / t o make Ashland Creamery’s “Shasta” Ice Cream I t ’s made fi the very»' heit í I N G E R 'S . • A Lef Us Have The Hot Kitchen AJ FOUNTAIN «AND LUNÔHES 00k meals you cannot avoid a uen, and the discomfort which tot N E W Our dining room is always cool, mak ing meals here enjoyable. DINE HERE SUNDAY AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS The Automotive Shop Ws Snub With Cabrisi , • •. Snubbers . , . . . ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. SÍ Water 8tew t HOT POINT RANGES There is a great thrill in Dick’s Polo Game. “Bring in The Cream” ’ give satlsfacttorf. Aak for Pole** Pills. Sold everywhere.— No. fj Ice cream makes a s u c c e s s of any function -— easy to She leaves it with a Smile ) l^chaAd The love story of a dash­ ing prince, who knew how to be a gportamau when his country called, “ Play the game” and love beck, oned from the side-lines. THE Hints To The Hostess! SOME JUST < SUPPOSE M h vtoff- * . Fred Cashing and f u l l y m * t*çvlng from Worth Main to thi Wlaeor Gale, graduate of Med«, Drue residence on Second street. ford high school and aoa of Mrs. Floyd J, Cook, received an np. nointmenf to the V. B. Navy Vernon A. Decke.* returned to Academy a | Annapolis, according Pert Angeles, after visiting in to word ' received last Wednes­ Ashland with bis parents and day from Congressman W. s ; tidents to Visit at Cráter Red Grange Says He’s Not Actor; -, *85.00 , and up , Easy Terms Phone 82 Lime H 2T K Plaster Fire Brick Cement Fire Clay We will make you a liberal allowance for the tires you are now driving on in trade for brand-new, fully guaranteed United States Tires Now yon can have the satisfaction and comfort that compp from driving on the best tires obtainable with­ out sacrificing the nnusunl mileage in yonr present tires? ’' '■ f ' The time to trade is just after you buy yonr new car, but whether your tires are new or used, bring them in and get our proposition. ROYAL BALLOONS or CORDS and U8C0 BAL­ LOONS or CORDS add to your driving comfort,» deliver faithful service and long mileage and protect yonr car against the shocks of the road.* Every tire bears the name and trade-make of The United States Tire company and is sold wider the standard war- wanty. , 30*3 1-8 C o rd s.......... ........ 3 9*00 , 31-4 C ords.......... ......... .315.16 32-4 C ords............................ 318.00 334 Cords............ ;.. 31736 GUY GOOD We haVe a formula for White Wash which should have CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. Ia the Heart of Town JACKSON HOT SPRINGS GROUNDS KUMtCTHENtlS ASHLAND FANCY BRICK FOR FIRE PLACES XL ELECTRIC Station Lfthia Springs Hotel Tires and Replacement Parts Just AcrossTrom The Iàthia Springs Hôtel Ashland is on top—Help the boyi Sunday’s Game