Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 08, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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tour ot the western halt at the
United Staton.
- » «
T eth er Flanagan w ill not be
with the bore very Ions, planning
to return to Omaha within the
next few weeks.
* "J feel as though I should vIMt
homeless la d s ,fo r a short
time,** aald Father Flanagan. “ J
want to aee them and I want te
know that., everything la coming
along fine.
Those hoys are my
wards. 1 am responsible for them
and I want them* to know that I
am thinking of them every minute.
I'm really homesick for these lads
of mine.?
* '
Father Flanagan has been a
“Father** to more than 1B00 lads
during the past eight years. Every
boy who has ever beeh under his
protecting roof w ill testify Jbud-
|y to the excellent treatment be
• ’
The Father Flanagan's Boys*
Homo shtfw w ill give ¿two per­
formances lb Ashland shortly at
Mis» P||HI Shrum and Clifford
ThorntgK M Portland, arrived In
Ashland4pmi evening to visit Miss
Shrum’s Meter, Miss Ethel Shrum.
Mr. Thornton returned to Port­
land this morning, Miss Shrum
will spend several days In Ash-
hoeal ¡.PePsonat flotes
fo r V a n c o u v e r , .
Mrs. Core Roe and daughter,
“ Life-Like Likenesses,” Studio
who have been visiting tor the Ashland on The Plaza.
peat two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Held of B street, left this Visited .in Ashland-—
morning for Vancouver, B. 0.
Mrs. Ina Dymond of Minneap­
olis, is visiting In Ashland at the
Orree tailors are still giving home of her mother, Mrs, - Emma
» Ashland Lodge-NA 4«, t O. O. pants free with every s u it 281-1 • Beeler.
&. will confer the Third Degree
Jtmraday evening,' July $th. Re­ 'Rnroute South—
, Harper Method Scalp Treat­
C. Robertson of- Portland, in ments. Paper Curling, Marcelling
freshments will hh served after the
ceremony, Every Odd , Fellow tire transfer business, stopped In Bobbing, by appointment only.
* o t ld be present.
1 .Ashland at the Hotel Ashland Phone 217J, Mrs. Audrey TroSee.
entente-'to visit relatives in Los
t - . . .
J 99 Emerick Street, opposite High
fro m Tal ent- » ,
' - »60-1 mo
* Dr. T. W. McFadden of Talent
Orres Cleans Clothes.
spent the day in Aahlagd on bnsl-
Vbdtlng bi Grants Pasi
Mrs. Stanley Leonard went to
Grants Pass Tuesday to visit rel­
Resigned Position—
Garnett's Cafeteria, 93 North
Harold Bnnce resigned his posi­ atives for three weeks.
;L e ft
4 p m*
111. »•'
mlesion Is* charged«
•n - T he C lash of the W&VES,*' A WámerPiciur»
Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover
.and left today for Klamath Falls,
Left fbr Carbondale, flltaole—
¡Where he has accepted a position Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty
• P. J. Keller left on train No. with thé Copco Co. George Ross Shoppe, McGee’s Store.
"Glass permits the passage of
J5, the first of the week tor Oak­ Jr., has taken his place with the
the red or heat rays sad j^ y j
Taking Vacation—
land, California, where h ^ was Standard Oil Co. •
, which kill g e m s . That is why
et by hie son, Senator ‘K an t E.
Miss Jessie Guthrie Is taking a
'we put many windows In a house
week’s vacation from her work
( slier. They will zaotoi; back to
Çllff Payne makes doors.
, or a barn which wa desire |o be
at Enders Department store.
lils home in Carbondale, Illinois.
,«espe«tal|y e^nft^ry * - Pgysiclau«
Mr Koller has been visiting his Will Arrive Tomorrow—
WOOSTER, -Ohio, (U P )— Ey~ • use the red rays of light in treat­
daughter, Mra. Galbraith, of Fifth
Mrs. Harold Merrill of
• periments conducted at the Ohio ing many forms of disease, but it
wfroet, for the past year.
land is expected to arrive in
r Experiment Station here Indicate Is the ultra-violet rays . that are
land tomorrow morning to
that sunshine filtering through necessary for proper bone devel­
Flhe ripe apricots, for canning, for sota« time with Mr. and
window glass, upon vnrantg and. opment In children.”
Mrs. John Enders went to 1 invalids fails to build health and'
•ve mate per pound. Buy them F. R. Merrill.
Klamath Falls yesterday, where > vitality.
now tor the season for oots to
New books for the kiddles at she will leave her daughter, Shir­
nearly over. Ash. F ru it A' Pro.
Dr. R. M. Bethke, conducting
ley, to visit her grandparents, Mr. the study. Is using three groups
241-3 Elharts.
and Mrs. L. Jacobs, while Mrs. of baby chicks, a hundred to a,
Enders goes to the coast for a group' Each group Is housed and
Out o f Town Guests-*-
Mr. and Mrs. .L. Mlksch of visit with friends.
fed exactly alike — the only dif­
Bralmerd pratrvleW street have had a number
being in the sun porches
are visit- of Out of town gueat8 tlle pa8t
Fried chicken Covered Wagon. attached to-dach of the three
for a few three weeks;
Mr. and Mrs. A. Phoenix, Ore.
254-1 mo.* houses.
two days Mlksch of Long Beach arrived
One sun porch Js covered with
flrst, Mr. Mlksch is a cousin of Mr. M alting in A s h la n d -
window glasa; a second with a
- L. Mlksch They had not met for
Mrs. Dunning and daughter, of
for glass, and the third
1 fashion« thirty five years Mr. and Mrs. Lakeview are visiting Mrs. Jennie
wire screen. Re­
Ray Mlksch and four children Hervey at 371 Mountain Ave.
OMAHA, Neb., July ff.— Father
sults carefully kepb-end recorded !. J. Flanagan, founder and di-
visited for a few days and Just
by Dr. Bethke have revealed that
' • w | niter their departure. Mr. and Mrs.
Madden retread« tires.
63-t? the group of chicks kept under fictor of Father Fanagan’s Boys*
lome, has left for the Pacific
* Arthur C. Dell, of Philadelphia
the wire screen and the glass- 'oast to Join his troupe of home-
Hillsboro, arrived on Saturday, leaving Wed- I^-ft for Medford__
substitute, are even In size and. ssg lads who are now making a
her par- neaday noon. They came via the
Mrs. Mae K. Green left
all healthy and scratching.
:A»ee for northern route and will return to noen for Medford to risk
But the group securing Its
‘ their home through California and mother, Mrs. Kellogg and
of Old Sol’s rays strained
the southern states, making a tour Mrs. John Barneburg. I
through the window glass, la a
i place to which includes many states.
■ore and motley crew — some,
Madden nulls protected tires
some smaller than otherp,
Finest Imported and Domestic
them sickly, puny, weak­
perfumes— McNair Bros. ’’
lings, and almost all of them af­
Mrs. Frank Wolff, Mrs. William flicted with “stiff-legs" or rickets,
Business Visitor -u.
Wolff and Miss Rosie Wolff, of
F. M. Ewing of tifh Standard Portland, are visitors in Ashland causing the to fair over themselves
as they walk.
Oil Co of Portland spent yester­ and guests of the Lithla Springs
The lesson to be found from
day in Ashland on business.
these tests, Dr. Bethke points out,
339 E. Main Street
Is that window glass prevents the
Cara-Nome Face Powder— The
We specialize In 50c lunches—
Finest— McNair Bros.
Ashland Cafe.
243-1 mo violet rays, necessary to life and
From Talent—
To Chiloquin—
"Sun parlors, especially where
Mrs. John Robison o f Talent
Mrs. Emma Beeler, Mr. and they are to be used for babies,”
spent yesterdky in Ashland on Mrs. Merle Robison, Mrs. Ina
Dr. Bethke
advises mothers,
Dymond, nnd Mrs. H. E. Smith, "should have on section ot some I
spent the fourth in Chllcguln and
On and after July 9th, 1926, I, made a trip to Crater Lake Tues­ other substance than g l a s s
through whlph the sun’s rays can
the undersigned will not be re­ day.
reach th« infant direct. The crib
sponsible for bills made by Mrs.
be moved as the sun pas3«>
Dors'- Miller of 480, Mountain From Hilt —
Are., Ashland, Oregon. Mr. Adolph
Warren Doremns Is home for a
We hâve just placed on
few days from Hilt, where he Is
a new shipment of
/ No
A L W A Y S .M l» AT N iG H T -
TRY r a w
■ r-
F Q R RALR^nTrcopm hongs
paved gfreet. Lot 7 h x is £ Close
t o ^ R u ^ b 'm i ' M v d T s V '-tC W *
te rm e ,'$1900.
.* « 1 4 ?
A healthy person never feel
constantly tired.
Being “too
fr>R SAMS—««' s n . V
Bed ttrod" continually la ^ a s lg n of
March Pallets, from good laying, something wrong. When Jokt^R-
Gorddn, D anvlllt, I1L, found him­
strali». Phone « F 1 Í.
self “always tired at night and
FOUND— Gold watch and chain burdened w ith backache.** he took
Phone IJ 7 -L .
2$l-3 Foley Pills, h diuretic stim ulant
FO R R E N T — Unfurnished 5- for thè kidneys, end writes: “A f­
room house'.
Close in. Pbonp te r a , fewdoses, I fait better,
281-tf conld work 'w ith more ease, be­
came stronger sad could sleep
better.“ W hat Foley's Pilla bare
W e hnv® splendid 5-room mod­ dent for others they may do fa r
ern coltag ajlose in that we can you. Guarantied to give sette-
take any good car-ln as first pay­ faction. Ask for 5 Foley Pills.
ment. Ashland Realty Co.
2« 1-2 Sold everywhere.
No. 4.
S42-l-m o tion with the Standard Oil Co.,
Ohfe-Day Service
F O R BALE— 5-room modern
house. Large pantry. F r u it and
walnut* trees.
Nico shade on
paved street. Corner le t P»xl4«.
$3800. Good terms. Brown and
Rice, «3 N. Main.
2 « l-tt
Watch fot our Add
I 4
in j Friday Evenings
* Tidings
Bsxsll Oom Solvent
Shoe Repairing
Agee’s Shoe Shop
A t - *-“*« am*
;re is » mighty story of a
dk of wolves who are
iven from the forests by a
»ftiendoug fire and who
eep down upon the cattle
Ontry, ravaging, pillaging,
reading terror; a story of a
pi and a maid who be­
l t e d Lobo. the wounded
ider o f the pock; a tale of
4 heroism and swift ac-
Left for Seattle—
Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Brown left
yesterday for Seattle for a Expected Today—
month's stay on business and
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney are
expected to arrive in Ashland this
evening, from Oakland where
Ashland Natatorlnm's motto is they spent two months. They will
Cleanliness snd Purity. Visit ns. be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Sommer, who will visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner. Mrs.
Stopped |n Asftlwwl—
Sommers was forerly Miss Bllza-
H. J. Darby, of the Pendleton
beth Wagner.
Woolen Mills, accompanied by
Mra. Darby, stopped In Ashland
I^*ft for Ix>s Angclce—
yesterday on their retjyai to their
J. Z. Wing and Mrs. Whalley
home In Portland, from the south,
left today by car for Los Angeles
where they have spent tome time.
They weye gueets of the Hotel where Mrs. Whalley will make her
home. Mr. Wing will return to
The Fountain Confectionery for
ice cream, candle« and tobaccos Visiting in AsfUand—
of »II kinds.
Mta. Alvin Huth and son. df
San Antonio, Texas, have been
stopped la Ashland—
visiting in Ashland at the home
H. J. Darby, of the Pendleton of Mrs. Huth’a brother, Joe Smith
Woolen Mills, accompanied by of Hartteon street for the past
Mra. Darby, stopped In Ashland week. Mrs. Smith, and children.
yesterday* on their return to their Jlra. Huth nnd son. and Mias F. C.
home In Portland, from the south, Stanton and daughter, spent yes­
where they have spent some time. terday In Grants Pass at guests ot
They were gueets of the Ifotel Mrs. Kilbride. Mrs. Huth and
aon will visit in Seattle before
returning *to their home.
Try our 50c Merchant«- Lunch.
■Very day from 11 to 2 at Th-
Plesa Confectionery.
i<2-tr Baalaeea Viali«*—
H. R. Toung of the main office
Left for Portland—
of th« Stanard Oil Co, Portland.
Mra Elisabeth’ Van Sai
Is spending several days In Ash­
for Portland Tuesday, to
land on baslneaa and while here'
her heme with her slater,
Is visiting Earl CroW and V. D
Ella Rice.
Get yonr window screens
screen doors at Jordan Sash
Cabinet Works.
Everybody loves to hike through the canyons,
through the woods, on picnics, everywhere and to
these famous ranges with
the new Stainless Steel
Puller’s Hot Water
W ill not rah off or scale.
Comes In all colors as well
w hite
Call and See Them! -
Ashland Electric
Painfe, Varnishes and
Wall Paper
enjoy your outings to the limit, you want
Hiking Togs fur Comfort
Knickers, full and roomy, yet tailored n^at-
Tweeds, $3.75 - - Extra Sizes, Tweeds,
' t
. 346 E. Main Street
Phone 172
Silk K haki Knickers, $2.75
Middies, Khaki, $2.50
Our Teas and Coffees
Shirts, Khaki and Broadcloths, $1.95 and $2.75
If votl have a pet brand you
like, we have it fo sell.
We don’t offer you Some­
thing “ just as good”. We
sell only nationally known
braiids, and have your fav­
' •
•C .
* - ■ I
' .. ’’ V ’ ■ ‘ I- *
• .
• /
* • , ' 1 '
. ’
Sport Hose, 75c
orite that you’ve been using
for years.
* '
Suits, iflO.OO » and
■ - 5 •
. fc ... *
? ,
“It’s All Ready To Go”
» ' f
, Ashland Feed & Grocery
Kahki Outing^ Hats
Tweed Outing Hats
353 East Main
PHONU 1214
"Modern Artistic Photography"
— Studio Ashland od the Plesa.
« ’ t .* ...