ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS .fr tMfff-VMpM«yre>---- r— '." * M a. Morrison Butm an, former­ Five men brought an eight-acre ly fielen Moore, of Whittier, Call- forest fire near But* lake under lfein ls, aecempanlefl by Miss oontrol last evening’ after It had JLoulse Marshall, strived ln Ash­ commenced in the afternoon. Tbs land yesterday to Visit relatives. fire, which was In the Crater Na­ Mrs. Eastman and Miss Marshall tional foreet In 'IKr Dead Indian are both teachers in the WhtP1 country, was largely put nnder tier school. They will spend the control through the use of a gaap- Pwm Idaho— ' 'summer vacation here. ’ / Itae- fire pnmp, with water from A. H. Swerm of LeWlston, Idaho a ditch running near the flsmee. Is a visitor la Ashland dürfiplny Try our iOc Marchants* Lunch. —-Medford Mail Tribune. at the Columbia hotel.* <- V< r T Wvery day from 11 to 2 at The > l a » Cpnfec iloaery. 1M-W Stationery at your stationers.-^- k> Elhsrt’s tìboti 'StnÜ.1 ’ Visiting GrandaecheeJ— ; Jesse Ashton Orègg'of Los An­ geles, arrived In Ashland Tuesday ; m S . ^ t Lito#rt7 Mr. sad Mrs. Lester De Armond to vldlt bis grandmother, lira. street. Is a gitosi At th» Barber aaaoaoce the bl^fi of s bsbf .boy C. A. Nimocka, who is the guest at the Cominantty hospital June for the summer of her alatori Mrs. home for;a few day«. H. 720 per year/close in. with I paving paid, east front, two batha. I fifrdwpotf floors, double garage, kitchens completely furnished, i many built-lns, ~ atoti&nary wash ! trays, house built-last fall, this is P gilt-edge- income property, price >6000, mortgage of >3000, would prefer cash for equity but «111 consider small clear place In or near Ashland as down pay- "J 'ment. Thomas Realty Co.. Med­ ford, Ore. 256-3* Hot salphur tab baths, «ay or night, Jackson Hot 8prlnga. Cliff Payn« m^kea shrives A fl|rsitffry-thriller, IX)HT— Juqe 29 on' Boulevard or Klamath Highway tan travel­ ling bag, man’s toilet articles. Hat. Return to Tidings Office. Reward. 256-3* >(*klasslfied Ada Bring? Results. Reported as Improved— Psul Winter, who has been III for the past weak, Is reported L. B. Boynton and Aana John- stoú of San Franotaco. a a visitors In Ashland stopping at the Hotel Ashland. PIA?O for, Baja stored near WANTftD. FARMS"--W. V want Ashland. Well - known Eastern farms for cash buyers. Deal with Piano factory w|ahes>lnstrunient owners only, R. Carpenter, I960 sbl4 at ones. - Sweet-toned, high 8. Washington, Denver. C10 monthly to good party. RENT— Furnished bouse, If Interested write . Cline Plaip llevard. 256-tf C o.,66 Front 8t. Portland, Ore. ' 250-10 FOR BAI -Barred ro¿k fry- era. Phone -J. 250-3 Poley and Aaron-Andrews' fam 11- Visiting in M ed ford - Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hodkinson, Garnett’s C a m m a , »3 North M a. Allan Autrey and small son, * 242-1-mo Robert Earl, are spending the day in Medford on business and pleas­ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Madden and ure. family will leave for Diamond Lake tomorrow for a vacation T» Tench In Medford— trip. They expect Jo retura Mon­ The Medford school board at day evening. Its meeting Tuesday evening elect­ ed Mies Florence T. Allen of Ash­ not celebrate lp one of land as , a teacher on the Jocpl i4’a Salto» 255-tf school staff next year In donarU mantel work to the «Ht» *»£ grade. Mies Allen « a s principal Mr and Mrg Ire W. FolRs I f the Hawthorne school in Ash­ and Mr. and M a. T. A. Raffaty. land for a npmber of years, and of Salem spent yesterday visit- lor the past t j o years has been a « « la Ashland. Mr. and Ma. strings. BI- Follia 'Visited Mr. and M a. O. teacher Ip the Junior high school hi Visalia, California. «ÇrtVjd'toAsb- THtttADAY, M ? ». 10M. We clean and block hats. They look almost like new. We clean and presa clothes and return them thè same day. Let us fix yon np for the Fourth. Standard Cleaner» HOikX M m m IM W« Pelivsr Wool Goods, Rayons, SilKs SUMMER FABRICS Wool Goods Clearance SILK CLEARANCE New I^ayon Prints Same as Sold First of Season at $1.00, picked up at Special and priced a t ........................ ..................... . 76c 89c Marydear Printed Muds . . . . . . . . . . 58c $1.85 Rayon Brocades now at .*........$1.49 $4-in. $2.50 Rayon Bordered Prints, $1.49 Special purchase on a lot of bordered print­ ed voiles in dress patterns a t ........... .*...$1185 50c Potted Voile w , ,4 / Buy Now For Fall Dresses and Skirts. $4.00 Chiffon Broadcloth n o w ...........$2.95 $5.00 to $6.00 Velour Coatings .. .....$2.95 54-in. Plain and Fancy Flannels and Wor­ steds, $3.75 values.......................... .„,.$2.95 Another lot, $2.95 to $3.45 values ,...$1.98 $2.75 Wool Crepe, Tan and G rey.... ...$1.75 - All French Serges at Half Price Qne lot fancy worsteds in stripe and check patterns for skirts and school dresses, 39 'Inches wide and $1.45 values at........ ..:98c $2.25 Taffetas in the best spring shades, Chiffon finish....:............................... $1.98 Black Silks For S u m m e r'S o q is ^ Black and Navy , 99C , W t e flaxous dresses and infants wear ..specially P*ieed. - Warner’s Corsets $1.75 $3.50 $5.00 $2.00 $5.50 Heavy Coating S a tin ............... $4.75 $5.50 Heavy Black Bengaline........... $4.75 $4.50 Black Crepe K n it............:....... :$2.95 Up to $3.45 value«’printed sijks * $1.50 flesh colored Bad- ium underwear ' $2.65 . Trioosham, Black and Brown <» *' Several Shades for Under wear in crepe de chine i f $1.45 1196 $1.2® »ft, Warner’s Corsets Wrap-arounds Wrap-arounds Wrap-arbunds Corsellette Ü22 j ^ ood S 1