MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone a t Ashland. Pure domestic w ater helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading ftewspaper For Nearly Fifty Years - -- vou X I.IX ---- -------- Suceenur to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4Í TAX CUTS NOT ÏI TO COME FOR NEXT 2 YEARS LI Ben Stevenson Explains P ur­ pose of K lam ath’s New Highway Project PINCHOr CAVE HUGE SUN FOR DRY CAMPAIGN -------- ■ ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fa ct (Unltstt'. Press Wire Service) ------ -r4 NO. 248 ASHLAND, OREGON-, ffiK ShA V , JU NE 22, 192G Piriin Walks! V AUTO SEARCH smith and M W RIGHT UPHELD ARE REELECTED FI IN NEW CASE PLANS f PRPMfìNY Karl P. Nims Defeated by 10 Votes in Spirited Elec­ tion Yesterday Prominent Visitors to be in Federal Judge Bean Makes W. C, T. U. Leader in Penn­ V. .0 . N. Smith, chairman of Ashland for Normal Klamath Falls wants to coop­ Definite Ruling in Port­ sylvania Tells Probing tlie board, and W. If. McNair, School Dedication land Booze Case erate with Ashland and other Committee of Deal director, were reelected to the parts of Southern Oregon to make Ashland school hoard in a spirit's! BANQUET IS FEATURE APPROVAL IS GIVEN election STATE R ELIEF URGED the Klamath tourist bureau south SPEAKERS ARE HIRED yesterday. Karl P. Ninis, of the city of benefit to all of who was the candidate ef »he Dr. Henry Huzzalo, G overnor •Officer W ith in Rights In Looking Teinpeiauec Organization Ha« Executive Nay« Economy Program Southern Oregon. I’icrcc an d'O th er« W ill be younger element of residents anil For l.iqiiui* Without Heard» Big Fund AvuilaMe to So says Ben H. Stevenson., Has Keaclied Lim it by Till« City Guest« huslnss 'men, was defeated by Mr. Wuri ant Fight “ W ets” who is now in sole charge of th? Time Smith by the narrow margin c f 19 \ - new project. The exhibit build- Plans are fast nearing com ple­ PORTLAND, Ore., June 22.— votes. WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 2 WASHINGTON, J u n e .22.— (U -, >nk- he «aid, w ill he completed by Mr. McNair led the field with a tion for the laying of the corner­ An officer has a. right to search P ) — A gloomy picture of gi»v-j **,e en*l ° ( tilts month. It will — (U P )— Mrs. Ella M. George, > total of 635 votes. Mr. Smith re­ stone and the dedication of tho * * * f I an auto if lie has a reasonable erninental finances was presented ,)e filled with Klamath county «x- president of the Pennsylvania W. | i ¿ belief that It contains liquor even ceived 359 votes and Mr. Nims. new Southern Oregon State Nor­ to the country by President Cool-j hlblts. But he extends an Invlta-l C. T. U., testified liefnre the sen mal school here next Saturday af­ if he had no search warrant. Fed­ 3 19. idge in discussing th e adminlsu-a-J ilon <° A shland to place its llG j* U primary Investigating com- Tlie elertion brought out a ternoon. eral Judge Bean held Monday tlon economy program for 1927 I erature In the building and prom -! m lttee today that her organlzn- T it e cornerstone, fashioned morning In overruling a motion of heavier vole than lias been record­ and 1928 before the sem i-annual Iflei’ th»t It will he distributed ini-! ll< " h,rei1 »P«*akers to campaign ed in a local school election in from Ashland granite and lettered Royal Weckert for suppressing of government business m eeting. j partially for the information of against niPn running for office recent years, tlie bulk of the vot- hv the Blair Granite Works, will evidence. - t whom her organization opposed. Coolidge cautioned against a n y ; 3 *' nio,or tourists. Tlic evidence consisted of sev­ Inl> being done during the two he laid by Edgar E. Sesenlch of Tile witness stated thdt Gov­ hopes for further tax relief In 1 want to make this a coop- eral dozen bottles of liquor. It Is hours before the polls closed ¡it Portland, the newly elected grant] 1928 and urged the stntes n nd' Prft**ve bureau, with all sections ernor Pinchot financed the W. C. master of the Masonic lodge of charged, taken from W eekert’s 7 o’clock last evening. local governm ents to save m o re! worklng in harmony." said Mr. T. U. program in the recent Penn­ Oregon. : car. and meet the same lim ita tio n s, Stevenson. "Our main purpose, sylvania primary. Dr. Henry Slizzalo. president of The officer heard that Weckert Mrs. George did not indicate which have been placed upon fed- course, 13 to get visitors to thP University of W ashington, j was to make a delivery and he !av eral agencies. ! Klamath. But we want them to the sum of monew spent by the ♦ » «• I in wait. When the car drove up will deliver the dedication ad­ Hound« W arning make the loop trip, and will urge temperance organization but front dress In the normal assembly hall and answered to the description The present estim ate of the | thenl K° through Ashland and other w itnesses it was learned Immediately after the cornerstone he held, he made (he arrest and surplus In the treasury at the end Medford either coming from or that a huge sum was available for I is laid. confiscated car and liquor. the support of candidates who of the fiscal year canno.t be tak­ going to Klamath." "Much lias been said about Louis Sherry 'Leaves Bulk 1 where registered today, and President Davison recently created a slit' campment a» Camp Jackson. It Is W ins Farm er-Labor Nom­ when he testified before the house i Norma «¡vans was blinded ami i «" servi"K • 30 <'«* » » fe n c e for Churchill felt confident that the an organizn'fcn of 55 pieces and ination for Governor Summer made Ils official ad­ Sheriff total registration would reach .'hlcchoiic liquor (raffle committee torn l.y the fangs of a mad dog 1 cOntemnt of Fet,eral has a coast-wide reputation ns a vent last night, and as If to give Peter M. Hoffman of Chlca£0>, above 200 before the close of the ST. PAUL, Minn., June 22. — !a»< to alleged eo-operation between here Tuesday. , musical organization. A special the new season a warm welcome, The girl’s injuries are stteli (hat conferred with liis lieutenants week. program of music has been pre­ the mercury began clim bing In (LP) — Magnus Johnson, former, ¡bootleggers and western hanks in slip will probably die. Tuesday on mutters pertaiqing to U. 8. Senator from Minnesota, ' wholesale liquor transactions, pared for the occasion. mid afternoon, m aking it a per­ The mother, Mrs. Norman Ev- (he Chicago crime wave. has apparently won 'the farmer! fect summer evening. The Middle Western Metropolis anr, attempted to nave her dattgh According to the calculations labor nomination for governor, i A < l | I ‘i , i ( J I p a r i o i l bus received its law enforcement ter. hut tile beast kept her off and will he opposed al the fall | ‘ . C Raouet Enthusiasts Asked to of government m etrologlsts, the wi many curious ways hut this until it was driven away by stones Meet a t Chamber Office summer season opened shortly be­ elections by Theodore Christian way I he first time the war on thrown by rescuers. Thursday Evening fore niignight of June 21. The sen, republican incumbent. ’« rime was ever directed from the forecast for todny— the' flrst sum ­ hoosegow of the-adjoining county. Every one who is interested in : The Ashland American Legion Administration Foes Block mer d a y —Is for continued warm holding a Tennis Tournament iri J post will hold a short hualneas » Attem pt to Quit By weather. Lithia Park this year Is invited to-J session at tho armory ibis eve­ v Close Vote attend a m eeting to be held in the! NEW YORK. June 22. — (LP) ning. The meeting lias been call- —- Any husband who stands by WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 22. Chamber of Commerce rooms i n 1 —i-------- j ed for 7:3« In order to permit and allows hls wife to try to com­ (U P )— Opponents of the adminis­ Thursday evening. June 24th. fJAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June members to attend the Iiand eon- mit suicide Is liable io arrest, it Last year a very su ccessfu l, tration plan to adjourn congress 22.— (U P ) — - Brigadier G eneral: cert in Lithia park. Commander ,,, ... , 'appears. MEDFORD, Ore., June 22.— tournament was held with players „ ___ Sm edley D. B utler’s liq-uor d rag-'John E. Enders urges all tneni- CHICAOO, III., Jone 22. — (IP) on June 30 won a victory in the Rogers McDermott, a 19-year- In attendance from Roseburg, (U P )— Oregon guardsmen turned .— Prayers nnd songs for Catholic house yesterday afternoon when net brought in not only Colon'1 ! 'bers to f»e In nttenanep. old youth of tuli and husky build, into their hunks this morning af­ womanhood was the feature of a motion by Congressman M al­ Grant3 Pass, Medford and other Mrs. Ellen Giddings, widely Alexander W illiam s, retired com­ has been arrested for failing to points. It will be necessary to ter a lively battle with flames tin t i today’s session of tho Eucharistic den, Illinois republican, to send known Oregon pioneer, died early mander of the San Diego marine prevent his 17-year old wife, licked up two thouinnd acres of congress. Six thousand nuns will the Snell adjournment resolution hold the tournament this year a this morning at the fam ily lioine, base, but 10 lesser lights as well, Katherine, a high school chum, sage and scrub country on the Join thousands of lay women in to the ways and m eani committee little earlier on account of the ad­ from attem pting to die by taking j 107 North Main street from ail­ It became known here yesterdny. practice range of the artillery 17 singing the muss at Soldier's field, was adopted by a vote of 190 to vanced fruit harvesting season, poison. He is out tinder <5000 ments incident to advanced age. News of the arrest last Mnreh of miles northeast of here. therefore, everyone who Is Inter­ She was 84 years old. She had whllo hundreds of thousands of 134. The possibility of congress nine enlisted men nnd one officer hail on a technical charge of fel­ ested and Is willing to help mnke pilgrim s will w itness the spec­ remaining in session until the lived in Oregon for 72 years. on rum sm uggling charges was onious assault. EUGENE, Ore.. June 22.— | river and harbors bill is acted the tournament a success, wheth­ tacle. ___________________ I The funeral will be held from made public for the first time. (U P )— Entries from every lodge j er they will en 'p la y or not, upon by the senate is seen as a the family residence at 2 ' o’clock In tho state are expected for the result of this action. Is requested to meet Thursday Thursday afternoon with inter­ parade Thursday. In cohnectlon night. » ment in the Ashland Mausoleum. With the state convention of Elks Eugene — Bethol district will The Chamber of Commerce will Funeral arrangem ents are In build new <11,590 schoolhouse. here. Work was started yesterday; REEDSPORT, Ore., June 22.— sponsor such a program as far as charge of H. C. Stock. on decorating the city for the an!-1 ( u p ) — Fire which for ir time possible. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 22. — Umatilla Co. apple crop esti­ lered herd." j threatened to destroy the CHICAGO, June 22 — The (LP) — — The second day of the The Lithians will hold the first I section of the town of Florence, American historical association mated nt about 1150 carloads. > Pacific coast dental conference at of their Lithia park public dances I near here. *was brought tinder is starting a campaign for <100 which 1500 dental surgeons from In the new pavilion thl3 evening I control this morning after heavy to further the teaching of pure nil parts of the west are assem- is distributed gratis to the im m ediately after Ih e open qljrj W 'lllS F x o n C l ’a lf O n 4«-uumu i’ud bueu dona, guests ITT Tffff Lftntft SVmiKR ■ Mett here fonnrt the dentists offer­ band concert. A 10-plece orches­ of the "synthetic kind now being ing to pull all aching teeth in and Ashland Hotel and to the .The Starting Point For MARSHFIELD, Ore., June 22 tra from the 162nd Infantry hand taught young America," campers at Lithia Park and .Portland free of charge. — U P )— C. B. Zeek o f . Bnndon will furnish music for the dance. Tourists I SEATTLE, Wash., June 22. —j Jackson Hot Springs camp was elected coramartder of tho Lithians will lie at the park in full (U P )— Pollen have completely j Spend a few days here and grounds— a t o t a l' of approxi­ sons of veterans of the O. A. R. uniform to assist In handling the exonerated Boh Gaines, father of visit the follow ing seenie won­ mately 200 copies each day— at the annual m eeting here today. crowds and caring for the com­ Sylvia Gaines, prAtty Smith col­ ders within a day’s driving in order that Ashland’s visit­ fort of the dancers. lege graduate, of nny complicity PORTLAND. Ore., June 22.— distance: ors may know som ething of In her brutal murder at Green (U P )— Mrs. Margaret Wlnesberg. our city. l4ike of The Woods Advertise In The Tidings. Lake last week. ABERDEEN. Wash., June 22. aged 27. was killed early this All registration records for the Klamath Falls morning when her car plunged — (LP) — J. Reynolds Lee, Chin­ Lithia Springs Hotel current year were again shattered Oregon Caves over a 80-foot bluff on Fairmount ese merchant of .Portland1, was Hotel Ashland at the chamber of commerce of­ Rogue River Fishing Spots killed Instantly, nnd three Chin­ boulevard. Ashland Natatorium fice yesterday when 237 cars Klamath River— Fishing ese companions were Injured In HILLSBORO. Ore., June 22.— California Oregon Power Co. I from other status registered nt the Jacksonville— County Seat W hile yon are a idlest In our city, bo certain to vlisit Lithia nn automobile crash near Porter, Oregon — Fair tonight Lithia Park Board | Ashland Gateway office. With (U P )— Ira Angelin, manager ofj Crater Lake—Open Later. Park, a playground of many acres, with the main entrance UiHVash., last night. and Wednesday. Cloudy Jackson Hot SpringB j summer officially here It Is ex- a newly established chain store' Beautiful Siskiyou Mountains at the Plaza, where Nalure»s deepest beauties are found ----------------- ----------- or fog alonit the coast. a City of Ashland along the walka that lead yon through the forest border­ ’ pected that the number of aulo here, died this morning as the re­ Diamond- Lake— Fishing Falls City — Streets will bt High temperature In the 8 , ing on Ashland creek. Talent Irrigation District ' registrations will Increase dally sult of Injuries sustained In ‘ an 8 ’graded and oiled. interior. (automobile crash 8unday. i from now on. President Coolidge Presents Gloomy Picture Before Budget Meeting « W IS GIVEN WILL GO TO PRISON FORMER BOOTLEGGER I BE EJ "¡FIRST PARK CONCERT TO BE HELD TONIGHT CIRE IS B r a BY MM DBG; MM D f Sheriff Serving Prison Sentence This is Opening Day of Summer MAY BE HELD HERE Watch Your Wife To Prevent Any Suicide Attempt CONGRESS MAY NOT ADJOORNjONE 30TH Post Will Meet Guardsmen Have Battle With Big Catholic Congress Sage Brush Fire Draws Huge Crowds Butler’s Dragnet Gets Nine Marines Aged Pioneer is Called by Death Many Elks Will March in Parade Dentists Willing To Extract Teeth Lithians to Hold • First Park Dance Sons of Veterans Elect Bandon Man THIS ISSUE * Blaze Threatens Town of Florence Better History Teaching Urged Father Of Girl ___ Ashland Woman Motorist Killed in Crash Portland Chinese Killed in Crash Registration of Autos Increase Chain Store Head Dies of Injuries VISIT LITHIA PARK