SATURDAY, Jonc 10, IOSA. ABXELAMD DAILY TTO Il«» We are offering level grazing land; balance in 10 monthly payments. near principal town which Is on 20 par cent commission to re­ S. A. Martin and M. E. Patton, Mrs. A. A, Madden will spend transcontinental railway and sponsible agents. Address Public Of Forest Orove, stopped in Ash­ the weekxend in Medford as the national highway, 'right in the ^Service Sales Corporation, 639 land at the Hotel Ashland last FOR HALE: — Lo¿an berries, guest of Mrs. Blanche ^ineltarger. center'of the greatest activity at So. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. »veiling,, enroute to Berkeley, phone 485J or.cajl 1725 Boule­ and go, and eroat« of $14.87 1-2 per acre, 1-3 down, ' 246-lt* .where they will attend tht sum­ vard. W. E. Pierson. 246-tf A Daily Gbnmicie of tho«e who conio Hot weather suits at Orres mer session at the University of tailors next to McGees' Store. locai tateroat FOR! HALE: — 6 fine milch . , The water at the Ashland Nat California. goats. Toggenburgs. 1 fine buck. Madden retreads Urea. 63-tI will give you pep and radiant Inquire Ashland Realty Co. Springs Dance— Jackson Hot health. ODD FELIX) W ACTIVITIES In Myrtl- Point— • 246-3t* 246-1 L. A. Roberts is spending a few tonight. Loveland Laundry ‘ Service, of- •----- Watch this space every day. 'days in Myrtle Point on business. flee at Paulserud’s Tailor Shop.) Normal school text hooks at WANTED: — Tyro roomers and Regular Meetiigs Phone 119. Work guaranteed. J Elhart's Book Store. 246-lt Visited Brother— , boarders. 41 5th St. '• ‘ 246-3 Subordinate every Thursday. ______ - ____________ » W. A. Hansen of North Cove, The Rexa’.l One Cent Sale— next 246-iq Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues FOB HALE: — Team, wagon Returned from Eastern Oregoi Washington, In the Cranberry in­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th week.— McNair Bros. and harness, cheap for cash. 311 dustry there, made a short vlalt Mrs. Ella*Sperry and daughter, Form er R esident— 150-tf ¡ Tuesdays. 24.6-3* Mohairs, gabardines and Palin Mrs. Ernest Miller, of Portland/ Sarah, have returned to their In Ashland with his brother, L. Wimer Street. Beaches at Paulserud’s. 240-tf a former .Ashland resident, speut home on Mt. Ave., from Eastern H. Hansen, proprietor of the Ho­ V isiting in Ashland— WANTED:— Steady Job as ex­ several days in Ashland visiting Oregon, where they spent sev­ te l Ashland. Mr. Hansen was fa­ perienced man cook (married). Mrs. Clara Northrop of Gerber, « friends. She returned to Port­ eral months visiting relatives. vorably Impressed with Ashland City or camp, 1401 Boulevard. Califat nia, and son, Sherman, are Kiwanis Pioneer Meeting— In the account of the pioneers They expect to spend the sum­ and may possibly locate here. land the first of the week. spending a few days in Ashland 246-2t* mer here. 1 as the guests of Mrs. A. Avery. in attendance at the Kiwanis Pion­ eers mooting in the Friday Tid­ Helling Millers Hosiery to Miller’s Garnett’s Cafeteria, 93 North WANTEÏ) AT ONCEf — Man to ings, one of the pioneers was T"ggery— We specialize in 50c lunches— Main. lay pipe .for irrigation. M. E. Bond, 242-1-mo Beware of Moths! Clean your 243-1 mo E. H. Miller of the S. S. Miller Route 2, Phone 6F21. Ashland Cafe. 246-3 winter clothes before putting named as Koser. This should have Hosiery Co., of Redding, Pennsyl­ Stationery at Elhart’s. them away. Ashland Cleaning been J. R. Tozer, who was one FOR HALE: — Bed Davenport, Normal school text books at vania, was in Ashland today sell­ and Dying Works. 35 First Street. of the guests. • cheap. Inquire 75,Alida St. 246-lt ing Miller’s Hosiery to Miller’s Elhart’s Book Store. 'Stopped In Ashland— . 242-tf • 246-3t* ‘‘Life-Like Likenesses,“ Studio Toggery. They are not related Mrs. L. T. Sales, Miss Sales, Visited In Ashland— however. Ashland on The Plaxa. jMlss E. Holland and Miss W. MALE HELP WANTED: — In Visiting in EasK’rn Oregon— Mr. and Mrs. Mars Parker of Gaines, of Palo Alto, where the newspapers, magazines, and other Miss Mildred Johnson is visit­ Give the Loveland Laundry ,young ladies have been attending Ontario. California, stopped at ing for two weeks with relatives TO THE VOTERS OF ASHLAND publications every day you read Service a trial. Flrt class work the Stanford University, stopped the White Star Auto Camp last in Fossill Hid M itc h elT . Oregon ■«bout the Boulder Canyon Dam SCHOOL DISTRICT AT and prompt service. Phone 119. in Ashland enroute north last evening and visited for a short We have filed as Candidates far irrigation and power project on 246-lt evening and.were guests of the time with Mrs. Ella B. Mills, this The Loveland Laundry Service re-election as Directors for the the Colorado River. • People Llthia Springs hotél. morning, before going on to Port­ car will start collecting laundry Ashland School District, at the everywhere are talking Arizona land. Monday, June 21st, and will col­ Resigned Posit ion— election on Monday. We feel that and taking advantage of the un­ Miss 'Lucille Gilmore has re- Dance every night, except Sun­ limited speculative opportunities. lect and deliver laundry every Hot snlphur tub baths, day we have given an economical and day. Phone 119. ■ 246-lt slgned her position at the First day, at fair grounds pavilion. Ad­ conscientious administration, and National Bank to take a rest for mission 10 cents. 242-10t or night, Jackson Hot Springs. In view of the building program Get your window screens and„8PVeral months. The position has Normal school text books at we have under way be believe we Flag Day Dance—Jackson Hot screen doors at Jordan Sash and "been filled by Miss June McFad- can serve the District better than Springs tonight. 24 6-lt Elhart’s Book Store. 246-lt Cabinet Works. 194tf. yen beginning Monday. Inexperienced Directors. If the people are satisfied with out ef­ To Attend Normal—- Notification— the county herd Vri«M4ng In Ashland— Business Visitor— Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harrang and Mrs. C. S. Burton of Modoc, forts we would appreciate their Alexander G. Pallant, repre­ inspector will tuberculine test the vote. senting the Cherry City Milling cattle of Aeshland Monday and children, of Foster, Oregon, ar­ Point, arrived In Ashland la?t V. O. N. SMITH, FOR ALL CARS rived last evening for a .visit with evening and will attend the Sum­ Co., Salem. Oregon, spent the day Tuesday. June 21 and 22. This W. H. McNAIR. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Berg. Their applies to cows for personal use mer Normal. She stopped at the In Ashland on business. 246-lt as well as Dairy use. The law re1 daughter, Miss Leona, will remain Hotel Ashland. One Cent Sale next Thursday, quires a charge or 25 centp a cow here to attend summer Normal. Paper curl a specialty. Llthia ' 245-2 Friday and Saturday.—McNair to be made. Madden eolia protected tires. Hotel Beauty Parlor. 228-tf Bros. Visiting in A sh lan d - Vivian Woodside, arrived in To Attend Hummer Normal— Try our 50c Merchants’ Lunch. From Pullman— A'shland today from Eugene, Miss Edna Kennedy, who Every day from 11 to 2 at The Eugene Detrick, who has been 162-tf attending Washington- State Col- where she has been attending the tanght in the Junior High this Plaza Confectionery. year, returned last evening from a lege at Pullman. Washington, ar-j University ot Oregon, visit with her parents in Chico, rived home yesterday to spend and will attend the summer Nor­ Phone 119 and Loveland Laun­ the summer vacation with his > parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. De- dry Service Car will call for and mal here. Hundreds of Beautiful deliver your laundry. Prompt ser­ trick. vice. 246-lt FOB MEN WHO WORK HARD Wall Paper Patterns from 8 P.M. 12 NÔON Factory workers, railroad men, GUY GOOD, Nctification—The county herd which to select farmers, miners, mill-employeeR, inspector will tuberculine test the Visiting Mrs. Lilly— Mrs. Bradford and Mrs. Trulovs teamsters, and those constantly cattle of Ashland Moaday and Tuesday, June 21 and 22. This of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and expased to changing weather, who applies to cows for personal use Mrs. Edward Batchalsr of Oak­ work at hard physical labor, are TIRE SERVICE Paints, Varnishes and as well as Dairy use. The law re­ land, are gueata for a few days more or less subject to kidney Free air, w ater and C rank­ quires a charge of 25 cents a cow at the home of Mrs. J. R. Lilly ailments and kindred ills. J. G. W all Paper case Service at at 47 Union street. Wolf, Green . Bay, Wla., says: to be made. 24 5-2 “Foley Pills (a diuretic stimulant Williams Service Station Phone 172 Ashland Natatorium’s motto Is to the kidneys) relieved me of BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Bneinem Visitor— E. B. Miner returned to Port­ Cleanliness and Purity. Visit us. a severe backache, that had both­ ered me for several months. A land last evening after spending few bottles fixed me up in good several days in Ashland on busi­ Repainting— O. H. Johnson la having the | shape." Cost little, but a reliable. ness. interior and exterior of the front valuable medicine guaranteed to of his Jewelery store repainted, give satisfaction. Ask for Foley using the jasx finish. New drapes Pills. Sold everywhere.— No. 3 will also be put up. Returned to San F ran cisco— W eek-end in M e d fo r d - Rii route South— Mrs. Aplta Jarvis Parker aud Miss Frances Briggs will return to San Francisco this evening after spending three weeks visit­ ing friends in Ashland. b o c a l ■ P e r s o n a l f l o t e s TOO 1A1E 10 C O T Drop In For a Meal Anytime During the Week You will enjoy our noon lunches or our evening dinners. * » v SUNDAY EVENING DINNERS are always a treat Lithia Springs Hotel Êxifce BATTER IE 5 85c Ignition Experts Everything Electrical XL ELECTRIC Station EAT 85c THAT CHICKEN DINNER THE PLAZA J. 0 . Rigg Opening Dance ICE CREAM WHEN COMPANY COMES - - TODAY Clift Payne makes ladders. ONLY “DURAND OF THE BAD LANDS” with BUCK JONES TOMORROW ONLY Bave a Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 198-tf From Minlford— — Mrs. Lena Roseberry and Miss Nava Lonsberri, of Medford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Madden today. TO CULTIVATE A JU ST SERVE THEM Beautiful Complexion Ashland Creamery’s Pure , I F ruit Cream one must have first a thor­ oughly clean skin ns a foundation. J Qool T^efresbment fo r Quests Denney’s TI ASY’’LL BE DELIGHTED CLEANSING CREAM fir = 75c Enroll for a Good Course ' of Piano Instruction Charles S. Mitchell * SOLD IN BULK BY Lithia Park Platform. Tuesday Night, June 22 Following Band Concert SPECIAL MUSIC 162nd. Inf. 10-Piece Orchestra I Cleans the skin better than soap and water. ASHLAND CREAMERY .10 for the Evening OR 10c a Dance Lithia Springs Pharmacy Phone 116 128 Laurel St. w -'ii Last Call! JU ST ONE MORE REMINDER OF THE BEBE DANIELS ‘irnss Brewster's millions- a CIAUNCE BADGER Production FORD STERLING A de Inxe comedy and a gor geous fashion parade com . I billed. The hilarious tale of a pretty girl who had to squander a fortune — and coundn’t. SOUTHERN OREGON PAGEANT NORM AT, STUDENTS- We welcome you to Ashland. W e’re proud of our new school, of the tyjw of men and wo­ men 'who are going to # conduct it. , Let the Southern Oregon Normal School help fit you for.bigger and better things in life. And let the First National be of service to yon in any way possible. W hile you’re in Ashland, you’ll find it convenient to hank nt FIRST NATIONAL ASHLAND, OREGON BANK “Blazing The Tr 38” SEATS NOW ON SALE Chamber of Commerce * Prices—$1.50—$1.00—G0o—No Tax Remember The Dates Fair Grounds, Medford June 22 - 23 - 24 _ __ NORMAL SCHOOL Text Books a n d S u p p lie s ELHART’S BOOK STORE