Ç tA S S I F I ALWfcAtoN s H IG H ^ > F P R lt)M ‘ KON <, , S U E . KtM .ÇRAijKât. SORE. , M u t i . VjOOk^ IM O \ i ¿ -6t« Phone 26 241- 1 mo- FOR SALE: — 2 shares Ltthto Springs hotel stock — tbs best PAINTING, Papering, Carpent­ reasonable cash offer received by aria« and Mason Work. New and the 20th, takes it. L. R. Hatcher. remodeling. Day or contract. 1878 Blvd. 243->t Wto. E. Gould, 462-A 221-1-mo. 211-1 mo.« FDR SALE: — 14 acres alfalfa with 4 room house and other WANTED— 108 old cars to Bldgs., 22600. Also 2 corner lots wrack. The Motor Market, 28 E. on the Boulevard, opposite new Main St. 236-mo.« Normal for 22000. Deakln, 201 B. Hain. 242-5t FOR SALK—Fine R. I. Fryers. Telephone 163 Will deliver. Also R. I. PttUets 162 Granite for sale. Phono 4F11. 242-4« FOR SALE—70 8. C. White Box Factory, Leghorn hens laying. 52O*ElIsa- deliver. betk St. , 242-8 StAne Mountain Trip Immediately following tbc tree PLANINO MILL planting cereinony the delegates JORDAN’S BASH AND ÓABINET Were driven over the Drul<| Hills WORKS, Corner Helman and along the famops Peachtree ▼an Ness. Phone 161. 184-tf Drive, where are found the beau­ tiful homes of the city. After a WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. fourteen mUe drive, we canto to For Service Stone Mountain, that great mass Dealers in Coal, Wood, Packing, of granite 700 feet high and Crating and 8torage. Long dist­ seven mlfes Jong, upon which it ance trucking. , is proposed shall be carved a T. L. POWELL— Central Trans­ memorial to the Southern Con­ fer — Good team and motor federacy which, according to Mr.. trucks. Good service at a rea­ Hollis Randolph, president of Stone Mountain Association “shall sonable price. Phone 82. outlast the ravaged of time and P A IN T IN G CONTRACTOR remalh throughout the ages as a memorial, not alone to tbc sold­ Thompson and Burlingame iers of the Confederacy, or to the Palutrrs and Decorators Paper Hanging '— Tinting a women of the South, but also to the achievements of the twentieth Specialty. century.” It was a wonderful trip.. Estimates gladly furnished, 1.00. A lUBU oí *mti~ Box Faetory. Phone . , .M H t ... ; — . ▼or bargains in Real f BroRp sad Rica. Estate toa't Porffet «he No. 8BP-L 1 « ding, R epcin ai, Ptuntog. TU Ingi, 'C arn et Work,' Roofln*. OeÀent Work, day or contrari. Blackwell, 61 f Elisabeth 8t. . 228-1 mp In spite of the fact that many .delegates returned to the ho’ol too late to get dinner before at­ tending tjie evening session, all wore happy and satisfied. talk Ddiping.’’ by^ 2RM RlisabetiK RproteinsL the big hjM-J ▼ftfttioj J f ? vMitli CI9λ ST lit* 'Tiv:et. !•«. Salem— -First National fixtures will cost 876,000, Bank! Rogue River haa potentialj minimum (or 80 ber cent of the ih . p. maximum and 202,000 h. p. I time. FLIES There is no better way for you to learn the true value 'of commodities in .general use than to read the advertisements day by day — regardless of whether or not you have any immediate intention of buying. Sprayer Free Hand Sprayer, 40c Those young housekeepers whose first experiences in marketing began in war-time have a “fixed idea of high prices. . Those of an older generation LiUve an equally strong conviction tfiut prices should he lower. With the shifting clutuges of a rapidly moving world lwth prices and values are bound* to fluctuate. A financier studies these trends with scrupulous care in published financial reports compiled by experts. An intelligent housewife may similarly make her­ self a competent judge of values by studying each day’s advertisements of the things she needs — ju?t as the broker studies his stock list. Then as she comes to buy she may do so with confidence in her knowledge. • MEMORIALS . Mark every gravel .with onr crystal gray, .for Immediate or Fall delivery. S. Penn 1st on Manager, 176 East Main. ' nyntol attUydea.. jub L. IfW .u r ; ichis* forms o f child -peydholoto id social« slM AgaRi the jaqiwl and »octal, sldq of child 'life ihftflt d^t' be negleHt ed7 He musit 8 E. Mala St. to's'churofc, near to a red cave.” g(ene, who'qe' a lp is to ibgl w ipf ’ . , 816-1-mo-« cilld nature,’ -bsbR gd/m app^ B ' ‘I l With the advance of spring the influx of tourist* and homeeeekerti into Oregon from every section of the United States continues to grow in volume, preeent indica­ tions being that the year 1826 will sae the establishing of new high record« along this tide. Re­ port« to the office of 8am A. Koser. Secretary of State, fgpm I he thirty odd points in Oregon at which visitor« ate registered Bhow, that during the month of May. 18J6, no lees than 6,877 visiting non-resident automobiles entered the state, and that alncot January 1, the tide of Incoming ANT GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the D LUMBER at White Shield Home, 686 May- Phone 30. We fair. Ave., Portland, Oregon. 183-tf Jaw Breaking Words Can Be Translated H A M O Vro/T 1 Out m Piedmont Park, Atlanta, ’ a atone mark«« has been placed as a memorial .to "the woman With a Tieton," Mng fThcoffore Birney, a native Georgian and *(l founder pf the National Congreee.: ’ This spoh saored tp every paronV teacher member, was the scene of th e :ann«nl tree ptenttpg <»TB- OR; KRNHM A. MOODU—Pnac- , asony. Amid the awoet strain» iof i lice limited to eye. ear, uoee anri t music, prpylded by the. Bay, Scout threat—rX-ray including teeth. . hand., the long line of president* Office hour«, 18 to 12 and 2 > lead by the stately national presi­ H. Reeve, pagsed to 6, Swedanburg Bldg., Ash dent, , M rs.. in pro9essiop, pack garbed In land, Oregon. : robes pi blue and- gold, ■ ■ » ............... — . - - - - ■ .. » e w » U " - » T " . flowing C. ELLV8ON |H 1R F I carrying a boyl of earth from Dentisi , tbelr state. Bach president, in Citisene Bank Bldg. j , turn, stepped forward to the tree Office Pitone 181. Re*. PLope 184 L aed as she poured the earth from Evontofs By Agpointnent ’ -her bowl about the root* of the tree, said “My state brings to thee, Q tree,” and then told what the ’ soil she gave represented. The * tree was then dedicated to the National by Mrs. Reeve. rheme »8 OPEQAT i OH . . i 'T «.. 4 •., i " j GrgtaoUdrphy H ” < Offlds, t o s P ton aevA vetaa Telephone I P <• < : i FOR RENT: -U FursMtod. tiro roonli 'With ’Mfchouotto. 1 ft' 7tM » » n . aisoahaa s m it h . SL " ' ‘ s « ’ ‘ ‘ |4 2 4 f 1 VOR MAIM — t w o * » turuilah- rbyeldan and Rurgeqp M. danto hornet frisft, «heap, 182 FOR BENT— A dandy chicken , omico W »«« 1 « M rth at. > s»*i »o. • ranch, four buildings. 28.00 per Itoqms 1 ami 2 . Pirat Ratio MISCELLANE o F r month. - Deaton, 1 « < Mah». Bank Bldg. Office. Hoar*, ... . 24h-6i to IS Noon; s to S p. m.; 7 8 «venin*». FOR R8WT— Either two or three room furnished apartment, light« apd water. 110 month. Ie- quiip 440 Helman st. 242-1-wk FOR RfeNT — Splendid 4-room apartment; delightfully cool for WANTED — Small children summet ta d fhttaea heat la « ta ­ oared for while mothers work, tet. fiulltln conventgpces, lnchld- lag Sreplace. 818 Hargadlhi' si. reasonable at 188 Hargadine St.' 148-3« r ' ; 117-df WANTED: Lawn mowing and VOR BENT— Furnished house garden spading. 282 Granite. oh Laurel St. Inquire 102 Har- Phone 141. >04-1 mo.« gafftne. Phone 263-L. 888-« OAR WANTED: — House and several lots good ground to trade for car and some cash. Price 82180. H. C. Galey. No. 66 B. main 8t. 243-3t i To stand the test o f advertising merchandise must be good knows which of the many Fuller pre*, [' Hurts will give the jbipfc results for the work you have in rnfyd. Also, he’s a ? reliable merchant wfch in established 1 position in the comtaunity—in short a good man to do busmess with. The Fuller Dealer near« you is listed be­ low—when you need paint—patron- . 7. izeJhim. Aak him fflrthe Fuller Books, j ( ,7i^e Deaiew Sell F u lk f^ iw b and Vamitkes Interurban Stage Company ( A v a d o iän n J [ tMM»ao TWO THSOUOH STAGES DAILY' - EFFECTIVE APBH, 1ST • ■ ■» To r«u »aa law lw Aakhsd«t 7:0» A. M. «ad 10:50 A. « . 1 & W W . aim 1« w A S U *a««M S0 S, A f«r SoMbWg. cohmo UW • > > Followta» i*eni)i< to Portland Wo take pasHOUgers for all w a y points. For further iniormatiwi BBd i tickets caH,Ashland .Hotel, Telephone K tftL A H D - PORTIAHD, W 4l Qt lloaelnu« fot O om Bay Pohrti W » |h ta g s* to