i I de Contributed proximafe rncifpiie o tY f pr'cppl over AprH Of’ ■aids and a sain pf abqqt.12 per cent in distUlate eales tot < ithe B x r A i’L r M4l>bON same comparative porjodp. , united Tross Stall Corrtyipondepf Ot |he >274,808.18 collected in WASHINGTON, JP*e 4 « ,—(IF) i*->-It la bopet of tUq United States senate that, It furn^fiea origlnol law * t f f $ more news to th$ peopty of the One cefat pep gallon on gasoline country th|n any qther single and one-half cent pet jflHJo« on agency lpsi.d« or'outside thp goy- pistillate, :wMip U |7 ,7 it ,8 8 yr*» ernpenV derived? thrpugh thg . .t^itiopaj , Thousands of wor^s snap out tax lap which provides fjr a uni­ each day over telegraph wires form Impost fig tyro cent» per gal through the press associations and popula- ion qn all Mpds ot motor vehicle special services. On other days a fuel. „ million words' |n varlpus news­ Exceptionally, Interpitjpjr con­ paper stories are printed in pap­ r iri»iA the. thyroid is|4bdlly look­ ing is stunted; r a rely o f er three clusions may be drawn from such ers throughout the tf°r|4 PP°n feet in height with a iqipd lass statistic« with retprenc» to the in­ the thoughts and actions of the creased volump of motor vehicle 96 men, who comprise th e ,upper aegto than the average fogr year fupl sales apd taxes to be dsrlyod house of congress. old child and more the appear­ therefrom In the future- For ex- ¿nute Mon Nevef ance of an animal than pt a hu­ amle, th» tqW tj< paijj in ^ tty» A British rubber concession In Panama, a 'distillery raid in Pen-t Minóte to Spare man being. It is sonletinfeS po»; State for th eflrst four months of nsylvanla,, a primary to be in­ Stole to bring about klmoat nor­ 1926 fropj this saupty, ampunted vestigated, in Iowa, a commission mal growth and development by to >781,277fO|. The satye four to be sent to Tacna Arica, a dele­ psedl^g an Individual the th y ­ months of 19^6 s I jqw a. total- re­ gate to gq to the Geneva con­ roid gjands of animals. ■ v . ceived of >972,936.98, or a gain ference on something or ojher, a The substance manufactured by of >191,869.86, about 24 per cent Leoppld-Leob trirf in Chicago, in­ the thyroid that is so importaiff For the entire year of 1926 ,tbe jection of a government, in the requires a small quantity of IO- total for motor vehicle taxes pqid French chamber of deputies — , dtae. If this- is not present in Into the state aggregated >3,127.- anything In any part ot the world sufficient amount to enable the 188,27. Taking the percentage —calls for the attention ot,th e thyroid to do its v^ork easily, the of gain for the first four months senate. ■ - t necessity remaining the samfa, the of this year as a fa ir average, it under the, rules of *pnlimit,ed t|yrp|d will hav» to work hard­ is apparent that the total reven­ debate upon any subject, senators er to supply the demands of the ue to be derived from this source may express their opinion upon growing body and due to this for 1926 will approximately be the color of President Coolidge’s over work, the gland becomes 82,877,713.4^, an increase over hair or the price of ducks at any larger and is called a goiter. last year of >760,636.18. Varia­ moment they may see, fit. If the gland would always re­ tion from this estimate is, of Senators are proud of their main in this condition it would course, ei^irely possible, f t fig­ forum and call It the "most de- not, except for its appearance, be ures already in hand show the of much importance, but the de­ gasoline sales for May, 1926, do lberatlve bofly In the world." 'here is no other senate like it, mands of the body vary greatly not follow the same ratio of in­ Most of the others are restricted at different times so that the crease over the sales of the some by rules which limit their time glandular tissue so essential dur­ month in 1926. and their subjects. ing youth, adoleaence, puberty Tabulations show that from end early adult life becomes top February 26. 1919, through April active for the body in later life 30, 1926, the tax on motor ve­ and ra*y cause any thing from a hicle fuel has contributed to the few symptoms which are merely State treasury the imposing sum dtatbaaeing to those which are of >11,776,237.36. Of the amount serious and may endanger life. Page Abide from the changes indi-1 collected under the law of 1921 (Continued , . r i i ■ From . . . • ■ ■ ♦ One) v ' f there had been refunded, up to catod an enlargement thyroid is of the Crowson hill land, because May 30, 1926, the sum of >436,- like many othelr abnormal struc­ 642.04 to the operators of farm of Its elevation. He thought d ture of the body and is partlcu- tractors, motor boats, commercio^ jwo million gtillon capacity res­ iraly liable to; | | spy tlpie ervoir 'there would be thé limit, that may & c|m e very serious cleaning establishments and in­ dustrial plants of various kinds if one that large could be built. placing the possessor's health if under the provision of the latr He alro expressed the opinion not life in jeopardy. * which authorized a return ot that Coy creek would not supply It would seem from the fore­ taxes paid pn motor vehicle fuel» sufficient water to fill even this going remarks that all one would used for other puroses than the size reservoir and that an addi­ need to do to prevent or cure operation ot automobiles over tional supply would have to be goiter would* be to qlve, every the publlc'-hlghways of Oregon. found, such as from Beaver creek one a little iodine and in a lgrge Only >26,062.03 was required for or otger source. measure that la so, but the Iodine It was generally agreed in the ENDERS BLOCK required to prevent goiter is so adznlnistkaltive ^expenses, includ­ ing the cost of auditing dealers’ discussion that wells would bq very little and iodine 1« such an accounts, together with all oth­ merely an experiment and would, active drug that much harm may undoubtedly, furnish only a small er overhead charges. be don# particularly to those in supply of water. It was brought adult life that it should never be out that there were no real taken except under the supervis­ pumping wells in the valley to en­ ion of a physician.” courage the city to believe that an experimental well would aid in solving the water question. ( NEW YORK, June 16. —- (U>) — The brilliant red and? silver train carrying the nobility of the Roman Cathqlic church to Chicago The Animal's Friend for the Eucharist congress, there A total of qenrly 300 coyotes left her« today. Keep .Flibs and other insects were killed by United States biol­ off yogr cows. Half-cei)i’6 worth Thousands gathered a t. the saves three quarts of milk. ogical saryey banters in Oregon, Grand Central to catch a gllmlpe Ha* been used by the "best dairy during May, according to the at the nine cardinals, led by Car# men since 18 #6. Big shipment monthly report issued recently by inal Bonsana, the legatee of the juet in. Stanley Jewett, leader of preda­ pope. Binder Twine *oA Crain Sack* tory animal control for the sur­ at ' vey. 28 bob cats, 223 porcupines. 136 badgers gnd 16 skunks were also killed during the month ft? 30 hunters working a total of lizabeth i pen 94^ and one-half hours, accord­ ing to tile report. The big kill of the month was mad« by H. H. HMBUT, Jun» 16.—French S c ie n t if ic p s e p a m a t io n s Gubser of Klamath Falla, who 'troops today storined the heights which aid and .stimulate killed 21 coyotes and 6 bob cat*, of Rankous. More than m * every natural function of the skin, which keep the tissues , rebels were rfciorted killed In the i.laAkw ; > * wividly healthy, and so make you lo v d v . too. An Eliza­ Mrs. Ellen tuman bto peen ill beth Arden Treatment is tor the past two week». O . ) based on three fundamental Steps. Cleansing, with Vent- tia n C lta n tm ^ Cream. Toning, w ith ArJena Skin Tonic and Sport Watch (C tmue^ Fffm 3 ^ ’ H i). McNair, proprietor of The The Park Garage, told of the Improve- «tot m6n;- he has made oto'the pro­ perty adjoining hMXpfagb' khd w stated that hq wonW he glad to JbC cooperate with thia, « 4 ^ ropging the atrip fit lStfd u I ff. Baders had suggested. He said t|t» small apses hb was urifag „ Would not Interfere with this and „ ' tpat the tilling station he had r 2», fin ish ed service to the autoisti at'|] Wjch he knew would make it a A,h( ■ripe popular parking place. The ipptter was referred to the city . attorney and the city engineer'to uote «^pertain If this strip was In the iu r , parking system and to report on ,u » status of the situation. a . dander Mr. Enders also brought before the counoll the matter of opening Uto entrance to Hargadine street! » pear the library. The Corners af Vain and Helman and In’front of property wherp the Associated I tyll. Is' preparing to construct a filling station were classed as E dangerous turns And the qfaeztion .. of cutting off part of the pave- ' • riant or parking was discussed.' t cooking usp ' j 3 a a m n l« ^ Economical CARSON?FOWLER •< ¥«* Ö» * lbr . c d In the Heart of Town FOB YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER Have y oflpvef thought how impQfta^| it m to teach your children |ha value of regular s o i a g t Jf ip even more iipporUnt then g leg- . w - . - One of our “ Puped Treasure” book hanks will help and encourage them to save. Doubt Identity of Tfßin Bobbers The Citizens Bapk of Ashland PARTICULAR PEOPLE USE Water Supply Dis- oussdd bv Council F W iW N PiekwfcM SttSS SystÇW « read a ASHL4ÄD TO ALL FOOTE SOUTH Because I t is made in one of the cleanest' shops iff Oregon and of the bes| of New Edison I n w iP g r a p h thg only opp th»| will play all wakas of Records withput ’ ■ injury to tfce Franklin Three ech^qlee dafly • : » Bakery e. « . g t iy *• ri- 1« tftéktf keAtetaa adepUMe tfuee p n . Palmer Piano ;; House ta Spring la all i< y ew M u to fteri ^lckwfct ff««* ggf Tewwy Pari Mrie at. Phoue 84 Catholic Leaders . Leave for Meeting Many Coyotes Were Killed Last Month To be lovely: i^se the preparations oj E French Storm The Heights of Rankous A ^ “I ’TS^GREAT I'1 S ftc ia l Astrmgnit. N o u r i s h ­ ing, with Orangt Skin tovJ or the delicate Vr/r* Crfam. ; .Our loè Cirain Business is by leip ’ “ d T h ese sanqe three step s, which supply every need of Ac skin, should be a part of Peil’s Comer Sturdy Walls ♦ »low or tedious aboutbuilding walls when Schumacher sheets In place and your wall is finished. Speed? Power! Mileage? Since the first automobile came into the West “Union Oil of California” has been studying these subjects with respect to motor cars. Qne Union ' Non-detonating ■ Union Gasoline, provi dag, and always has prow vided tó W estern motaoBts*. thi rum-tietonatinx IW ìtfa’ra HUMACHE8 W A U BO A 8D C O M . ift’o ’ hive /^gently ipure thffjx doubled the capacity -,r» Arden t fian Toilet frtfa ra tio n t nA B a ió n i Perfnmèi i Ans»U« Seitti« S«n Fnncfeeo paying 3 cents per gallon (ft excess of usual prices for them. Yet ynion.Costs no more, tfum other high grade fuels. , , , . . , . 1 1 V n t-.l » / A lw ays use Aristo M eter O il with non-detenat^ itig Union Gasoline because this combination mini imizes carbon to the extent that triotorS TR gbdd a n on t a li a t I.itttifli epoditfon ate mft for wtL|if yten tdthotil it} Our engtomers say we are making the liest Xcé'Uràùft’ th e ,-M r ig h t- fc-îTf vtkvO t ’"* s w iff WAW»WW ' creamery ! .u n 1 i WM K 8W A »»4 IT, Pto Hlfcr At 4 Chas. A. White 22 - ; A b W Ñ D ■ ■ f. tUMBMB.ÇO.