i I ASNEA*!* DAILY «DOHM PAGE FOUR TÀ m M ax , June W, 1&20 Bu*ineM Visitor— Undergoes Operation— Grace V. Brasier of Hornbropk Mrs. W. G. Sanders underwent Is a business visitor In Ashland an operation at the Sacred Hearts FOR RENT— Either two o r and a guest of the Columbia No­ hospital in Medford thia morn: i in». three room furnished apartment, tai. lights and water. $10 month. In ­ quire 440 Helman st. 242-1-wk \ Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover • Get yonr window screens and Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty screen doors at Jordan Sash and W ANTED— Young man at least Shoppe, McGee's Store. IW l.tl j Cabinet Works. , 194tf. In A sh la n d - 21, high school graduate, as ser­ Paul buy of Medford was vice station salesman for large Try our 50c Merchants* Lunch. Visiting in Ashland — among the visitors in Ashland corporation. Address Box 22. Every day from 11 to 2 at The Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Spencer of yesterday. Mr. Luy has just re­ care Tidings. >< 242-2 Plaza Confectionery. H 2 -ti Eugene, Oregon, are In Ashland turned from Eugene where he at­ for two days visiting friends and FOR SALE— 70 S. C. White tends the University of Oregon, Returned from N o r t h - relatives. Prof. Spencer has been Leghorn hens laying. 620 Elisa­ Mrs. Daisy McGarry returned with the Department of Educa­ beth St. 242-6 Paper curl a specialty. Monday from Portland and Seat­ tion of the University of Oregon Hotel Beauty Parlor. FOR SALE — F o r d roadster tle, where she spent several days for the past four years. with commercial body. Good on business. Cliff Payne makes awning condition. Smail refrigerator, Madden retreads tires. frames. Mohairs, gabardines and Palm three burner gas plate with 240-tf oven. Gas water heater, electric Beaches at Paulserud’s, BusinesstVisitor— Visiting Grandmother— iron, 137 Oak St. 242-tf C. A. Johnson, representing the Virgil Leslie of Medford has FOR SALE— 5 lots near high Visiting Parents— Federal Tire Co., spent the day been spending a week in Ashland Dr. Leon Patrick of Orange. in Ashland on business. visiting his granddaughter, Mrs. school on street with sewerage, 1 California, is in Ashland visiting lot, $300 or 5 for $1250, with Ellen Luman. He expects to re­ Hot anlpbur tub baths, da turn to Medford the last of the terms. 9 acres, large plastered his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Elmer Patrick, who or night, Jackson Hot Springs. house, barn, chicken houses, farm Patrick. week. toos, cow, some furniture and is employed in the First Nation­ Father’s Day Cards. Darling fruit, all for less than cost of im­ al Bank in Corvallis, is expected Studio. 241-1 provements. Brown & Rice, 63. in Ashland the middle of the week N. Main. 242-1 to visit with his parents and brother. Whitman’s Candles McNair WANTED— Heavy hens. Eagle Meat Market. Have you courage to buy a Lioeal * Personal flotes ODD FELLOW ACTIVITIES Watch thia space every day. Regular Mectiiga Subordinate' every Thursday. Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. _ ____ 150-tf Odd Fellows, Attention! The Initiatory Degree will he conftred by Ashland Lodge, Thursday evening, June 17th. Lets have a big turnout. Malta (>»nii