KlWANlANg o r t m s BBC* tío» (Established in 1870) Pnlttiolx d T” F WASHINOTOMWlf L E T T E K F s ft K rening Kxccpt Sunday by ASHLAND P R IN T IN G CO ............;..... Editor o ti {Continued From Page One) AfM O BY CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service W riter OFFICIAL CITY P Hoi Heck saya:. "Poverty will jp a man doin’ everything ex- pt gettin’ married." One Month ... Three Months Six Months ... Owe Tear ....... DISPLAY ADVERTISING Single Insertion, per. Inch ............ ............ Yearly Contracts One Insertion a week ----------- ..................... Two insertions a weak ....... .............................. Dally insertion — ...................._...... ................ Eire» insertion, per 8 point l i n e .......................................... — Bach subsequent insertion, 8 point line .........................— Card of Thanks ........................................................... ..............— . Obitunries, per line ................................. ,.......................... ......... * L uther H arrison, an ed ito rial w rite r on the O klahom a City Daily O klahom an, has w ritten a trib u te to th e so ld ­ ier dead in the puppy fields of B’ranee th a t is w orth w hile c u ttin g out and pastin g in vour scrap book. R ead i t th ru and th ru : • “ In northern F ran ce not fa r from N otre D am e L o r­ etto in the m idst of the plains of A rto is stan d s to d a y L an - te n ie Des Moris, o r in o u r E n g lish tongue “ th e la n te rn of th e d e a d .’’ O n the h ighest hill o f the shell-torn p lain , a t the peak of an im posing tow er, shines ou t on every darkened night, the solemn lig h t th a t keeps fo rev e r th e vigil of the dead. The g ia n t la n te rn w as erected by th e French republic as a moirument to those w h o ^rarity gave th e ir all to eave hom eland from th e H un. “ A round th a t la n te rn ’s base, as f a r as h u m an eye can see is a perfect ocean of w hite crosses m a rk in g p iti­ fully the resting place of the u n fo rg o tten dead. la te r a lly hundreds c f thousands of the sons of F ra n c e a re sleep in g there w aiting jieaeefully Qir th e b la st o f th e la st reveille. And not F rance alone has filled the lim e of th a t d.esolate plain with h er brav est and h e r best, fo r d e a th took to ll of m any nations to fill th a t fa r flu n g sepulchre. S c o ttish laddies are restin g there side by side w ith those Who broke beloved home-ties u n d er the lig h t o f A u stra lia n stars. la id s from M other E ng lan d re st w ith th e C eltic sons of Old Irelan d , and m any an A m erican fireside is desolate th a t some grave m ight lie filled u n d er th e w a tch ­ ful eye of the “ lantern of d e a th .” “ These men were not m u rd erers an d th e bugle note t b - ' called them foytli to b attle w as n o t the bugle note • ' m urderers. T he lands they loved w ere peaceful lands. T e flags- they followed were stan d ees flags, an d the cause they died to vindicate was am ong th e h o liest cause th a t ever m arshalled arm ies and called them to th e brink of hell. N either they nor th eirs coveted th e blood of w ar. As they w alked w ith star-eyed m aid en s th ru shady lanes and along the streets of q u iet c ities p la n n in g the life of love and ten d er service the dice o f d e a th w ere east in the palaces of Potsdam and the m adm en of B erlin sounded the tocsin of unexam pled w ar. “ T hey saw the long gray w aves of d e a th hacked by a nation “ prep ared to the last shoe b u c k le ” dash ag ain st th e w alls of unprepared nations. T hey saw S erb ia bu ried alive and B elgium driven to the w ashes of the*sea. T hey say arm y a fte r arm y of the A nglo-Saxon an n ih ila ted lie- cause tlioge arm ies came from a O ountty 'u n p rep ared hu t a country th a t scorned to tre a t w ith m u rd erers. T hey saw the opening veins of im perial F ra n c e , th e lilied n a ­ tion of p o etry and fire, and they saw th e 500.000 F re n c h ­ men who died a t V erdun. And th ey h e a rd th e triu m ­ ph an t foot-heats of a m ighty arm y th a t cam e u p o u t of th e w astes of (xean to plant the s ta rs of a W estern civili­ zation in the firm am ent of the east. A nd they saw m il­ lions of m angled limbs, m illions of blinded eyes, m illions of pUeous eorjies, th a t lay lifeless in th e bloody m ire be­ cause the peave-loving nations of th e e a rth w ere u n ­ p repared for the b u rstin g storm . “ AU is iieaeeful now along the p la in s of A rtois. The dews of m orning kiss the sca rle t b la n k ets woven by pop- pies above the bivouac of the dead. T he fa ilin g sunlight ear» ssec the crosses th a t m ark th e g rav es of a million “WfiJIlWI IlM'i '<»•«. The m glii w inds w h isp er ten d erly along flip rows of silent sleeper« from m a n y nation« who m eet­ ing here at la st under alien «kies keep fo rev er the m y ster­ ious rendezous of death.* And above th em all «weojis the fadeless light ¿»f tile “ léantem e Ilea M o rte.” P a tie n t as tin* eye o f d estiny, vig ilan t an the lig h t of freedom , it t d l s the centuries th a t so long as lig h t Mid life endures th e son« of freedom w ill live and die th a t freedom Itself Hlláll not perish forever from th e e a rth . “ By no meant» are the rays th a t solemn lantern confined to the plain s of A rtois. T hey reach lieyond the ’b o u n d aries of th e nations of E urope. T h ey reach beyond Hie d e se rt o f the ocean an«! the ¡»land o f th e «en. They reach beyond the pale lips of the sou th ern hem isphere w here th e A nzac keep« alive the m em ory of freed o m ’» battle« u n d e r th e lig h t of the southerii crons. Y ou c a n ’t tell these day» w hether a girl i» good look o r not unless you catch h er w ith h e r face ju st washed TOM Do not let small spots or One-Day Service on Shoe Repairing ID JOBYNA UALST Agee’s Shoe Shop POLICED BY THE H PARAMOUNT REI 339 E. Main Street AT THE VINING THEATER TODAY AND TtÿSORROW DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made In advertis­ ing or job printing — our contributions will be In cash. you let ne clean them. dirt ruin your appearance. Slayer Of Spouse Sought In Canada Rates for Legal and M iscellaneous Advertising “ LANTERNOFTHE DEAD” Mr. nad Mrs. Brueet Putman, ar- More women are born than men, probably because the paint and llpatlck folks need the money. Poli'.ical, Display, per inch ............................. “ 7 Visiting in A«hl*ad— Mr. and Mrs. Troy Putman and It we were put on trial for onr thoughts, would anybody escape a Jail sentence) RATES to Tbit rsUtOHer fcr ««Y«roi < » m *. Troy and BraSst P«ti»an are brothers a t J. A. Putman sa g Mrs. given to your garnaeutd if big business dependa upó» one thing: A big man. By Mail and Rural Routes Phone 63 VANCOUVER, B. C., June «•— Police here are uniting with the police of many cities in search of Louis J. Ring, real estate man of Minneapolis, charged with first degree murder in the hysterious death of his wife, Bertha. Ring, who was indicted In Hen­ nepin county, Minnesota, disap­ peared about the time his wlte*3 body was found, April 23, in Lake Pepin, near Ellsworth, Wls. He was reported a few days ago in Winnipeg, Man., westbound. Mrs. Landes Now Mayor Of Seattle Don’t educate your hens. Keep them ignorant. Make poor fish out of them. A tleh'lays a million SEATTLE, June 8.-—(U P )- — eggs. Seattle has a new mayor today— and a petticoat government. The quickest way for a young The new mayor is Mrs. Bertha fellow to make BTOaey Is to be A. Knight Vandes, one of the born Into a rich family. most picturesque women of Am­ erica. She lias ¡surrounded herslelf Germany plana to lead th< world In aircraft building. Sh< with a group of new appointive once misled it In air castle build officials which she hopes will be ables to effect the “reasonably log. strict” law enforcement that she AU the old sayings are not demands. true. It never raips in the. Sphjars Desert and yet It doesn't pour. Wrestling Team W ill Make Tour COLLEGE, Corvallis, OC b ., (UP) — A five men wrestling team, representing the Oregon Aggies, will tour the United States next year, after the regular Intercolleg« late season, according to plans now being made by Robin Reed, coach. The tentative schedule calls for departure from here in May, th e first stfip being In California. Texas will be the next state vis­ ited, then Oklahoma a\id other southern states. H e r « ’« T h e P la c e « to get “S E R V IC E ” Williams Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Camel is the smoker-s I n the home, or at the dub-—hl grown, and these fine tobaccos are superbly blended, as in no other Busy office cr crowded street—- whenever friend meets friend, you cig are tte . Camels goes on forever, for they /tore aComcO never tire the. taste no matter how w h e rev e r liberally you smoke them. They simply never leave a dgaretty after­ Cam els are lighted, men come together in more friendly understanding« N o Four trains dally each way, includ­ ing ’’Seuthem C alifornia E xp rts,” direct via Satratnonto toLosAngeles T h e e n jo y m e n t o f will hear that magic invitation*"» And Profit by reduced roundtrip fares to California in effect throughout the summer. 16-day lim it tickets arc on sale dotty this year; roundtrip to Los Angeles and other Southern California points equally reduced. Also, seasdn tickets O ct. 31 lim it at slighdy higher cost (stopovers). taste. N o other cigarette in the other cigarette ever had or made world is like them. Millions of ex* so many friends or brought so much added friendliness to the perienced smokers who could well afford to pay mote will buy an< world as Camel, for Camel’s quality smoke only Camels, is a universal language. Whenever and wherever yoi Camel is more than a cigarette«., omet a friend» let that be a stand It is an experience in smoking en- joyment-—the finest this old earth ing invitation to the sheerest en affords. Camels contain the choio cigarette, joyment that ever came from 1 est Turkish and Domestic tobaccos * | * À H a ve a C am el! Tltl R. J . Reynold» T o b a teo Cotà^atey, W la tto ii-S a îa m , N . C Ö. N. Kramer, Ticket Agent—-Phone 43 •*•*!*« Cenada, and «bailar meeting« V. X. Alhsoa nt Ashland. were held hy all Kiwaals «let»« throaghon* the world. Proa. Hardy announced that the meet­ ing last night took the place of Friday, inn« 11th meeting, bat (hat aw Friday. Jans i»th . the Sum m er Fairness program «onhT M dedicated te »•Old 8ettt*nu” Bugine«« Managei ....... New« Bditor Maddr't Perkin« rtrad In AsMaBd last HOfcD ¿AN0UM» from tbelr hoiass la BrawnsrUha