MATERIA GEEMS Cannot survive three months ia the rich ozone at Ashland. Pare domestio water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading pa pec For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. (United Pre«» Wire Sfervlce) VOL. XLIX Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volarne 41 D N i f i OF PW M g SUCCESSOR TO M I FIRECRACXtRS THIS M O W 61 H D BERT E. HANEY CHOSEN TODAY HOLD BANQUET ASHLAND, OREGON, TI ESDAV, JUNE H, 192 Hanged in Effigy NO. 1.36 POULTRY WILL ASHLAND CAN M t BI M I T O BECOME LARGE EXPECT MANY INDUSTRY HERE HOME SEEKERS New Idea Planned by S e c -! retary; Drive for N ew Members Goes Good Police and Fire Chiefs Say That A ll Violators W ill Be Arrested Ashland Declared to be Best Chamber Forum Luncheon All members of the Ashland Place in United States * Hears Good Report From chamber of commerce will have For Chickens F. M. Carter membership cards within the next Jefferson Myers of Portland Ashland, Medford and Klam ­ Police and fire officials are go­ Nam ed to U nited States ath F alls Members En- / ing to be more severe than usual Ship Board \ joy Function this year on persons who attempt COOPERATION URGED tp sell or shoot off firecrackers, bkstate rockets, Roipan candles or any “ Pop” Gate». Urges »lore l'alt)-; other fireworks this July 4 th, It ¡New Appointee was announced today by Chief of Prom inent Hinging, Dancing und Police McNabb and Fire Chiaf z Tills Cards Rulo A* week or 10 days, It was announc- SC H O O L PROSPECTS PROM ISING ed today by Secretary J. H. Fuller. ’ treasurer TO BE HELD Ashland Hliould Do Real Adver­ The membership cards will be a I ('birken Raisers to Receive In- convenience to members who trav­ struction From County tisin g Huys Ashland Hotel el to other cities and towns on th-' Agjent Fowler Owner Has Long Reen Democrat in State coast. Use. of the cards will give Ashland is destined to become “I do not believe any section of them nil tlie courtesies at the vis­ A city ordinance prohibits the WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 8. “Southern Oregon cities should iting organizations. the poultry center for Southern the country will appeal more to boost for the entire section— hot sale or use of all kinds of fire­ — (UP) — Jefferson Myers of The chamber of commerce also Oregon, and R. Q. Fowler, county the deposed lurmers of the Owens works, and because of the unusu­ Portland, prom&ent Oregon dem­ devote most of their time envy­ will print a small booklet giving i agent, will devote much of his Valley of California, than the ing other cities in the region And ally warm weather and dry ocrat, was today appointed to the the names nnd business addresses j time to the poultry Industry as Rogue River valley will,” F. M .' trying to take away something spring, which has brought a ser­ United States shipping board by Carter, who, with Olin Arnapiger, of all paid up members of the I well as to dairying an? farm crops from the other cities,’’ “Pop” ious fire hazard, no violations of President Coolidge. He succeeds chamber. This roster will be he has advised local poultry rais­ recently made a trip to that re­ Gates, of Medford, who was the any kind will be tolerated, the Bert E. Haney, also of Portland, printed and l>e ready for distribu­ ers). gion, stated at the chamber of who recently resigned after an main speaker at the Kiwanis In­ two officials said. tion immediately After the dose Another school (or poultry commerce forum today at noon, j The only fireworks display extended controversy with the of tile present membership drive. producers will be held in Ash­ ter-club gathering at Lithia Mr. Carter gave a clear, concise, Springs hotel last evening, stated. which will be tolterated will he the president. The drive is showing good pro­ land tills slimmer by Mr. Fowler, hihtory of the Owens Valley dis­ It is believed the senate will gress. according to reports receiv­ who says lie will stress this in­ “Ashland has many things ' that planned for the organized turbance and said that it was gen­ ed this morning, and the several which Medford hasn't, and never j .July 4th celebration by the I.lth- confirm the Portland man3 ap- dustry in this section of the erally understood that before ians and other civic organizations pointm'ent within a short time, teams expect to report a greatly will have, just as Medford has county. Ho will advocate poul­ long practically every farm in Mr. Myers is a former Btate increased membership hefore the sotpe things which Ashland hasn't. on the night of July 5th. This try as the leading industry on that region would be deserted. close of the present week. Ashland has beautiful Lithia Park, permit will be issued through the treasurer of Oregon and also a many of the smaller farms of The type of farmer is that of the ( mayor and city council. former state senator. He wa? which Medford can not duplicate, Jackson county. pioneer, a hard worker nnd a , “We simply wdnt to warn mer­ appointed state treasurer by Gov­ nor can Medford ever hope to take A middle western auto tourist home lover. He said Owens Val-1 chants that any attempts to sell ernor Walter M. Pierce to fill out this away from Ashland. If you who was In Ashland last week' ley was a shut-in community. I notice on Sunday there are many firecrackers or other fireworks ta the unexpired term of O. P. Haff. told a local business man that with no railroad facilities, and j times ntore Medford people in youngsters will be met jvith im­ who died while in office. he had written the department of •that the many advantages of thej mediate arrest and prosecution,” Mr. Myers .pa me to Washington your park than there are Ash­ agriculture at Washington. D. C., ' Rogue River valley would be ap-1 said Chief McNabb this morning. at the request of President Cool­ land people. We are proud that concerning a good location for en­ Here is the way the indigiiAiit citizens of Scottsbluff, Neb., predated, Lithia Park is In SAuthern Ore­ “A city ordinance provides, a se­ idge for a personal interview be­ vere penalty of both fine and im­ fore the appointment was made. expressed themselves when federal authorities refused' 80 W,H Comc i Portl&nd T a i l o r Among tering the poultry business. gon, and this is the way that all Aslilund Favored I Fully 80 of the farmers assured TAose Indicted for A lleg­ prisonment for persons who sell lo turn on the water in the North Platte irrigation district. i Messrs Carter and Arnspiger that Southern Oregon should feel about He says that the department, ed Crooked Work fireworks or persons who use the many advantages of this re­ Effigies of Dr. Hubert Work, secretary of the interior, they intended to come to Oregon replied by advising him it thought them, and we are determined that gion,” Mr. Gates said in cm- and Elwood Mead, commissioner of reclamation, were to look for a new home, and thej SEATTLE. Wash., June 8.— Ashland, Oregon, was the most the ordinance must be strictly phasilng the need of greater co­ enforced.” hanged from a lamp post. Each photo shows the two Jackson county delegates werei (UP)— Federal agents t o d a y Ideal location in the United States operation between the cities. that land in this county’ planned to continue wholesale for the poultry Industry. With effigies dangling side by siri» at the left is one view of assured Don’t Tell Walter would be Inspected. i arrests of 31 men indicted by the federal support and publicity such placards devoted to Dr. Worl and at the right is a view One of the earlier speakers hang company. Nearly a thousand can equal the famed Petaluma ness. Mr. Oates spoke of this, and I ready to function and that every investors nre said to have lort country ns a poultry and egg cen­ 8T. LOUIS. Mo.. June 8.— (UP) added: "But don't tell Walter (— , . courtesy should be shown the 8250,000. Those arrested to date ter. U niversity W ork — Rev. William E. Rutledge, edi­ Pierce about this, for he will cer­ L. P. Wilcox, who recently was Owens Valley visitors. He recom­ Include A. C. Parson of Seattle, tor of the “Preacher’s Magazine,” tainly want to put a tax on this mended that these prospective Rat Barkhurst of Portland. C. R. appointed county agent for Jack- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Baptist minister who swindled form of income if he hears of It.” settlers !>e shown about the^valley. St. Clair of Mollala, Wesley son county, will handle the horti­ The meeting, which was attend­ Eugene, Ore., June 8.— (Special) scores cf pastors out of their Brooks, Charles Dewhite, Albert cultural end exclusively, while Hanseii Speaks ed by a large number of the Ki- — Klamath, Jackson. Josephine meager savings by selling them Alden W hitney, W ho Met N ew York Police Charge W. Curtis and Carl B. Riddell of Mr. Fowler will supervise the Lou Hansen, owner of The Ho- wanians from the three‘clubs of and Curry counties are repre­ stock in his Economy Oil com­ D eath Sunday, .to be Bur­ Her W ith Robberies 1 tel Ashland, who has Just returned Bellingham, and R. G. Lane, John poultry, dairy and crop work for Southern Oregon, Klamath Falls, sented ity 11 students on the pany, faces a federal prison term T otaling $30,000 ied Here Tomorrow ' from Spokane where he attended ! E. Epton, A. R. Evanson and A. the county. Medford and Ashland, was opened Greater Oregon committee which for the offense. The horticulturist is now en­ a Hotel Greeters convention, re- R. Hillard of Aberdeen. Rev. Rutledge was convicted NEW YORK, June 8. — (LP) — I . , . with song and prayer, and then to function during the summer Funeral services for Alden gaged ln expanding the fight , . , . I Ported that wonderful hospitality President J. H. Hardy called on ln ofder to attract the more de-'on a charge of using the mails to Whitney, who was killed Sundry Arraignment In th,, woman s , had l(een extendw, tQ (hpm against the *codiing moth, while Offers Cemetery the secretaries of the three clu:>s sirahle students to the University' defraud. Scores of persons whose in an automobile accident on the night court early today of Mrs. j He stated (ha| he also plans to give Increased „ of . . its . main to introduce their members. Carl and to help make the Semi-Centen1 connection with the church testi- Ashland-KlarAath highway, will Werner Dervoe was believed b 7 yimoV„ attention to control of the peach ! make advertising one P lot For Bonds blight. Loveland led ftie singing through­ nial celebration. October 18-28, a fled that his oil stock had about be held at one o’clock tomorrow police to have revealed to them efforts and that the city should the cash value of graduation di­ state-wide event. the mystery of a long series of afternoon from Trinity Episcopal out the program. Carl Tengwald from the Baptist Sun­ church in this city, with Rev. P .; Jewelry store robberies and to Mrs. have attractive booklets, none of The purpose of the committee, plomas read the “Kiwanis Greed” and which he could find in Portland CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 8.— K. Hammond officiating. Bur­ Dervoe’8 husband and 12-year-old and other places. Pres. Hardy followed with a wel­ it was stated, is not to get the day school. The deed to a cemetery lot In ial will be ln Ashland cemetery. child a possible chapter in the life come to the visitors, stating that largest number or students from L. S. Brown, a new member, Maine was offered to the' Judge Besides his widow and. thr'e of their wife and mother they had was introduced, and H.*L. Clay- for ball by Herbert E. Finney, such meetings boosted a deeper Klamath, Jackson. Josephine and children, Mr. Whitney is suriviv.-d never known before. •ynter-club nelaj-ionship and bet­ Curry counties, but to get the : comb and Earl Crow, who have when he was arrested on a charge The police charge directly toj proclire(j several new C. of C. of drunkenness. The offer, how- by the following relatives: Mis. ter fellowship among the business best quality, those who will bene­ fit most by the University train­ M. L. Whitney, his mother: bis Mrs. Dervoe robberies with loot- m embers, made reports. Vic Mills ever, was not acceptable to the men of Southern Oregon. Portland Police Looking for ing and are best fitted to do the* sisters. Miss Ruth Whitney. Mrs. totaling'|30,000 and they suspect I il(.te(, as chalrman of the meeting, court and Finney went to Jail. Music Enjoyed M ysterious A ssailant work. The committee, according Monte Briggs . of Los Angele her of others. Carl Loveland gave a solo, “I This Morning Never Knew.” and a ter this he to Virgil Earl, director of ath­ Veteran Solon, Albert Cum­ Mrs. H. V. Richardson of San letics, who is helping In the ’r- Chicago To Have mins, A nparently Defeat- Diego; two brothers. Frank H. Park P hotos Are called on all present to Join in PORTLAND, Ore., June 8.— F ilip in o Women ly in Iow a Whitney of Portland and Don on a song, “I Want to Go Where ganizatlon, opens a new era ln the (UP)— Police ar© investigating a Officiò! Shakeup mysterious Whitney of Ashland. They will You Go,” which Loveland said University’s effort to bring desir­ M ailed To Writer D ance Charleston attack on 18-year-old DES MOINES, Iowa, June 8.— also be here for the funeral. had been dedicated to the Siamese! able material to the campus. “We Nina Fuller at her home early to­ are stressing this year not so (UP)— Smith W. Brookhart, in­ twins A group of new' photographs of. CHICAGO, June 8.— Immediate day when an unidentified man W. A. Wiest, pas| president of j much quantity as quality of tho dependent proponent for farm re­ summer scenes ln Lithia park and* WASHINGTON, June 8.—Na- removal of. C. H. Jenkins, state entered her room, bound her and men and women whom we will lief and former United States J D rinks Carbolic e: ave the Klamath Falls club, brought auto camp were mailed by th the, l,vp Filipino 1’ l|>P'no women are bobbing weifare director, and Will Col- cut her hair. Otherwise the girl visit.” he pointed onL senator, today apparently won a message of good fellowship from . chamber of commerce yesterday the,r ha,r and learning to dance v,n superintendent of the state was unharmed. She could not James Manning, of Klamath the republican senatorial nomin­ Acid; Found Dead across the mountains and derided to Kenneth W. Barr, Saturday Charleston, says Dr. Marie Pnz division of pardons and parolai, describe her assailant. Police Falls, is general chairman of this ation as he was leading the veter- the mad, helter-skeKer rush of district. He wlil be assisted hv • Evening Post writer, who last Mendnsa Guzon prominent Phil- to check the flow of dangerous think the girl may have been an senator, Albert B. Cummins, present days which prevents so week notified the chamber that IPP*nn feminist who is visiting convicts back Into the under­ drugged. Orth Slsomore, Katherine Ulrich, by 30,000 votes with over half BEND, Ore., June 8.— (UP) — many from giving due thought to he plans to feature the Ashland h°re- world of the city.” has been rec­ Edith Dodge, John Galey, Ward the returns In. i Riding to a secluded spot along friendship and sincerity in living. park In a Post nrtlcle to appear ommended by the special grand Beeney, Dorothy Brown, Art Brookhart’s the Deschutes river below Bead, Politicians believe Aged Father Is After the banquet and procram Jury which spent five weeks Inves­ Gets Long Jolt Schoenl, Dorothy Lundburg, M11- lead will Increase as distant rural i Clarence Mahn, aged 45, took his Bhor«y last evening, the Kiwanis, their ton Green and Ted Tambs. The writer spent several days & tigating the causes of the Chicago own life by drinking a bottle of precincts are heard from. Drowned In D itch wives and friends enjoved danc­ ) ln the local park and declared For Sm all Theft crime wave following the machine carbolic acid, according to nn op­ ing and cards at the hotel. I Ashland had the best municipal! gun murder of Assistant State’s . f* inion expressed by the coroner W CXO held "Oltl in 111 con- 1ST -■ -W -W g This meeting was I auto park of any city he had vis- — ■ , Attorney William H. McSwiggln MOUNT VERNON. Wash.. June today. The dead man left a fare­ Camp Terrorized ! ited in his 12,000 auto tour of thej BROOKLYN, June 8.— Wllflam junction with the international ¡Normal Registrar 8.—An aged man, John Tlvkertn?, well note but gave no explanaiion j country. » i Brown, whose share of the pro- Kiwanis meeting in Montreal. 84, was drowned t?day In a five- B y Rabid Coyote for his act. ' reeds of robbery was 82, was A storia Business Arrives In City foot Irrigation well in a celsry (Continued On Page TwoT i sentenced to serve from 5 to 20 patch on his farm near Burling­ E xecution Halted H ouse Is Closed ton. six miles north of here. ' years In Sing Sing prison. BEND, Ore., June 8.— (UP) — Miss Katherine M. Vincent, who After terrorizing people In the F riendly A utoist B v French Leader p r, rtirr T ,t . T T J T g T g g T T P '___ has been chosen registrar for the vie In Ity of a local ts s iy ground R W FbAWP. Ore-., June A— I n la ” — U U H I ! J. 1H L IIL C 1 U new Southern Oregon state nor­ G ets In Tron 1 )1 for half an hour, a rabid coyote (U P )-—Because Thomas Withers, PARIS, Franco, June 8.— (UP) is distributed gratis to the mal school, arrived In Ashland A shland was shot and killed by Clarence landlord, appeared more interest­ , B e H eld Tonight —Acting on Premier Briand’s in­ yesterday and is low shading her guests of The Lithia Springs Lamb, Warren Construction com­ ed in renta than In the character and Ashland Hotel and to the work In order to he ready for tho PEORIA, 111., June 8 - To structions, War Minister Pain- of the place. Federal Judge Bean The Starting Point For campers at Lithia Park and regstratlons and other work in­ pany employe. show his gratitude to three leve today telegraphed the gener­ Band practice for the Ashland today granted' abstinent proceed­ Tourists! Jackson Hot Springs camp cidental to the opening of the strangers who helped him get his al commanding tho army of the municipal band will he held at the ings which will close an Astorta ordering him grounds—a total of approxi­ summer session of the school on automobile out of'a ditch. James Orient at Damascus , ,, , mu tonight at 8 o'clock, and business house for one year. The Spend a few day« here and mately 200 copies each day— June 21. Dare whipped out a bottle and of­ to Prevent t h e l . L ? " I , ! Car' Loveland, director. urges alt visit the following scenic won­ F illin g Station action was asked because of nu- der« within a day’s driving in order that Ashland’s visit­ fered them a drink. Then he was Clare, an American member of| Miss Vincent for the past three foreign legion. Clare is be­ members to be present. The or-1 merous liquor law violations by distance: ors may know something of years has been registrar for W ill B e Erected arrested for transporting lbi'ior. the i the Lewiston, Idaho, state nor­ His helpers, he learned, were lieved to be Bennett Doty, cf ganlatlon is mapping nut a series renters of the building. our city. latke of The Woods of summer concerts for Lithia ________________ three federal prohibition agent«. Memphis, Tenn. mal school, and comes to the Ash- Klamath Falls , park and is now putting on the I THE WEATHER The Shell Oil company Is erect­ Lithia Springs Hotel ' land Institution highly recom­ Oregon Caves • finishing touches preparatory to 8 Oregon — Unsettled ex­ ing a filling and service station Hotel Ashland mended. Rogue River Fikhlng Spots the opening eoneert which will tt cept In southeast portion Ashland Natatorium Prof. A. C. Strange, a faculty at the corner of Main and Second Klamath River—Fishing be announced within a short time. 8 tonight and Wednesday. California Oregon Power Co.' member, has arrived In the city srteets, and workmen are now do­ Jacksonville— County Seat --- ------------- ' » While you aro a guest in our cltv. be certain te vitslt Lithia Thunderstorms in east Lithia Pafk Board with his family, and other fac­ ing the excavating and getting the Crater Lake— Opsn Lntor. Park, a playground of many acres, with the main entrance Taking Vacation— • • « portion. Moderate coast Jackson Hot Springs ulty members are expectwl to ar­ property in readiness for the con­ at the Plata, where Nature's deepest beauties are found Beautiful Sisklyan Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith left winds. struction work. The lot is owned along the walks that lead you through the forest border- City of Ashland rive during the net few days. Diamond Lake— Fishing last evening for Redding to spend ' lag on Ashland, oreek. • by H. G. Enders, Jr„ who has giv­ Talent Irrigation District Tidings Advertising Pays. a few days visiting friends. Classified Ads Bring Results. en the oil conoern a lease. jay Ä 1 Baughman. CROOKED PREACHER WILL GO 10 PRISON FUNERAL FDR M .MARRIED WOMAN HELO VICTIM ANNOUNCED AS BIG JEWEL THIEF HAIR OF SLEEPING G I O CLIPPED TWH IN SENATE BATTI! VISIT LITHIA PARK