BUSINESS CHANCES— >7.00 an hour actually earned in spare time selling for the largest di- rect-to-wearer shoe flwu pi the world. >5.44' values at >2.95 Write quick for free particulars. The Double-W^ear Shoe Co., Min­ neapolis, Minn. 218-4-mon. bocal i P ersonal flo te s A DeUy Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local lntereet ’ODD FELLOW A C T inU K H Watch thia space every day. Regular Mccti igs Subordinate every Thursday. Encampment, 1st ar.d 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. 150-tf Social hop at I. O.O. F. hill Friday evening, June 10th for Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, their families and invited friends. Fine music and refreshments. Every­ body hop to it. 235-4t Rep<*rte«l Improved— Mrs. George Blumenhauer of 1S8 South Pioneer, is reported as recovering from a serious illness. SNAP KALE OFFERED— 40 Jimmie Blair of Klamath Falls : acres near town, fine soil and lo­ Will is spending a few days visiting - cation, part In orchard. sell crop and land at price you friends in Ashland. will like. >800 will handle it. Staples Realty. 235-tf 2 and one-half lbs. homemaid As3t. Chocolates, 98c. McNuir SKA buys fresh, handsome, Bros. highly bred, young Jersey cow and calf, right In every way. This Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty week only. R. D. Sanford, 399 Beach Street. 235-1* Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 198-tl FOR SALE—Cull Bing cher To Diamond latke— ries, Gc pound. Fruit Association Al Jordan'spent the week-end 235-tf at Diamond Lake with jack Mat- tern and Sam Jordan. Here from Klamath F alls— Parker Duofold Fountain Pen. The water at the Ashland Nat >7.— McNair Bros. will give yon pep and radiant Good used piano - for ■ A le— health. Easy terms. The Rose. 234-2 Paulserud’s for cleaning. We call. 235-ti Visiting in Ashland— Horace Seargent of Doris, Cali­ fornia, is spending a few days in Returned from North— The Halls and Breedings of B. Ashland. street havb returned from Salem Cliff Payne makes window- and Portland, where they spent the past week. They report a very- frames. pleasant trip. Get your window screens and Summer work in High School lereen doors at Jordan Sash and 194tf. subjects Btart June 7 at High Cabinet Works. School building. See Mr. For­ sythe or call 261-R— 232-4t Left for Turlock, Calif.— J. L. Ketch left yesterday by Madden retreads tires. 63-tf car for Turlock, California to be gone somo time on business. (Continued From Page Three) came as a surprise to her friends and class mates. , Miss Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson, of Scenic Drive and is a member of this year’s graduating class. The. bridegroom is an employe of the Southern Pacific. Tho young people will make their hoftie in Ashland, on Union street. For them, their friends offer good wishes for a happy nnd pros­ perous journey through life. R « « Kories o f Parti«'» F or Ont-O-Town Orres Guest» — From Idahi Hot weather suits at Katherine M. Vincent and El- tailors next to McGees’ Store. merna Garden of J^wlstnn. Idaho, are visltors In Ashland and stop- To Spend Kununcr H ero— ping a f the Lithla Springs hotel. Mrs. Hale and son, Frank and daughter, Helen, of Brownsville, Hot weather clothes at Paulser- sister of Mrs. William Rice and ud's. 235-tf Mrs. J. A. Putman, are in Ashland to spend the summer. Madden svila protected tlrea. Kodak finishing. Studio Ash­ land. Left for North— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enders Jr. left for Seattle, Tacoma, Portland L eft for Berkeley— and Spokane, to Rpend ten days Miss Eva Poley left Friday for visiting friends. Berkeley, where she will attend the summer session at the Univer­ Panama and felt hats cleaned sity. and blocked. Orres tailor shop. 235-lt* Maying , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reid and Hot sulphur tub baths, day family are moving from the Avent or night, Jackson Hot Springs. place on Nell creek to 463 Fourth street. Paper cnrl a specialty. JLlthla Hotel Beauty Parlor. 228-tf Try our 60c Merchants’ Lunch. Every day from 11 to 2 at The Plaza Confectlouery. 162-tl Today — Tomorrow W ednesday HAROLD LLOYD CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all of our kind friends who helped during our recent be­ reavement with their many serv­ ices and sympathy. Mrs. D. D. Bemis Mrs. Kate Spangler H. M. Peabody. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Peabody W. R. Peabody. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT— 3 room furnished apartment. Close In, nice lawn. >20.00 per month, water paid. Phone 264 J. 235-tf and MrB. E. V. Carter, Mr. and! and the Inspection and discus­ Mrs. P. 8. Provost, Sylvia Provost sion of interesting collections of and Mr I. R. Storm of California. old music, with the pleasant visit On Friday evening, the pleasant of friends claimed the hours. Later in the afternoon, refresh­ flnate of a happy visit was a din­ ner given by Mr. and Mrs. Domino ment's, typical in Swedish hospi­ Provost with the visitors compli­ tality were served. Those enjoying with the hostess mented gnests. During their stay, Mr. and Mrs. the delightful afternoon were: Thomas and Mrs. Million called Mrs. Herman Mattern and daugh­ ter,, Mrs. Hile, Mrs. H. G..‘ Gil­ on a host of ojd friends. They left Saturday, enroute for more, Dr. Mattie B. Shaw, Mrs. Seattle after a week spent most A. H. Pracht, Mrs. Gordon Mac- Cracken, Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mrs. happily with friends. P. K. Hammond, Mrs. Ella B. « a a D elightful House Party at Lake Mills, Mrs. V. V. Mills, and Mrs. Reed. of th e Woods— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vining, a a a' i with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winter, J. C.'s Have B usiness M eeting— Mrs. Grace R. Fountain and Mrs. The J. C.’s, a class of the Pres­ Mabel Russell-Lowther as gueats, byterian Sunday school, under the were members of a delightful supervision of Mrs. W. M. Poley, houseparty at the Vining cottage held its regular business meeting a.t Lake of the Woods a few days this, Saturday, afternoon with last week, returning on Friday. their teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Vining return this At this the usual business in­ week. cident to the work of the class Mr. and Mrs. Vining are hers will be taken care of and the re­ (or a short visit and when they mainder of the afternoon will be came brought Mrs. Fountain and of a social nature, during which Mrs. Lowther with them. Sketch­ the class do special work. ing and painting occupied some At the close the hostesse served of (he artists’ time, and boating light refreshments. and bathing, walks and talks fill­ This class has done, during the ing the hours most enjoyably. past year, unusually successful Mr. and Mrs. Vining, Mrs. work, for a class of young glrlis Fountain and Mrs. Lowther are and Its contributions have been the guests of relatives while here, liberal. From all indications, the a a a girls plan to go «till beyond' the Normal Note»— goal set for last year. An attractive feature is added a a a to the social columns of the Tid­ Wednesday Club Picnic— ings, beginning with this issue. Wednesday, June 9, In Lith.'a It is expected to have from half, Park the Wednesday Club and to a column of items of Normal their families will hold their an­ happening», with the personal nual picnic. note preeminent. The membership will assemble From now on there will be at 4 30 p. m., for the business ses­ much of Interest to every one In sion which will conclude the reg­ the various events transpiring at ular activities of "that body until the Normal, hence the special fea­ fall. ture. Later In the afternoon, the fam­ a a a ilies will congregate and the feast Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thomas and Mrs. Million, mother of Mrs. At Mr». .Ionian’s— v Thomas, from Seattle, who have Miss Margaret Armentrout of been house guests of Mr. and Tillamook, who arrived the first Mrs. P. S. Provost, Mr. and Mrs. of the week to take the position E. V. Carter and Mrs. Angie as stenographer for President J. Engle, have been the motif for A. Churchill’ of the Southern Ore­ a number of very delightful af­ gon Normal, is at home at 678 fairs. Boulevard, with Mrs. E. A. Jor­ On Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. dan. Thomas and Mrs. Million, who are Miss Armentrout expects to do old-time residents and have many some teaching In the Normal friends in Ashland and the valley, later. arrived by motor from Seattle, a a a where they now reside. Here For Normal— Tuesday following their arriv­ Mr. and Mrs. Elgin S. Altlmus al, they were guests at an attrac­ have taken an apartment at the tive dinner at tho Provost home. “Hardy Apartments” on Second A picnic dinner at the Summit street. Ranch on the Siskiyous, marked They expect to enter Normal Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. when It opens, having moved hero Thomas, Mrs. Million and Mr. for that purpose. and Mrs. 8. P. Provost and Sylvia a a a Provost members of the party. Guests at the Goheen-Hnan Resi­ Mrs. Miles of Medford was dence— hostess at luncheon, Thursday There will be a number of with Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Million, I young women spend the summer Mrs. E. H. Wagner, Mrs. P. S. I with the Misses Edna Goheen and Provost guests from Ashland and , Gertie Hann, at the pleasant Mrs. Alford from Medford, enter­ i home on Palm Avenue, among taining In honor of Mrs. Thomas them Miss Ree Morrison of Grants and Mrs. Million. Pass will be there for the opening Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. session. E. V. Carter were host and host­ a a a ess at a delightful dinner, with Mrs. Norcross Ha« Guests— the Seattle visitors as guests of There will be a number of. stu­ honor. dents make their home with Mrs. ♦ I A picnic luncheon in the park Norcross, formerly of Central with a number of old friends Point, who has recently purchased made Friday a day long to be re­ the comfortable Beeler residence membered. on the Boulevard. a a a At this were gathered: those A Delightful Afternoon — In whose honor given, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods wa» at home Mrs. C. H. Thomas, Mrs. Mflllan: Mrs. H. S. 8anford, Mrs. Don to a group of her friends at an Whitney. Marietta Whitney, Mrs. Informal afternoon. Thursday, of Angie Engle, Mrs. Eugenia At­ last week. Music from Swedish composer». kinson. Mrs. E. H. Wagner, Mr. WANTED— 100 old cars to wreck. The Motor Market, 39 E. Main St. 235-ma.* FOR KALE-—Used parts for all makes of cars, bawn mowers re­ paired and sharpened to cut like new or no charge. The Motor Market 30 E. Main St. 235-1-mo.* WANTED—Small apartment or fufnished house. Phone 39. WANTED— Lady , to cook for private dining room. State ref­ erences and wages expected. Write 100, care Tidings. 235-lt* WANTED— Good gas or electric range. Lloyd as an upliftcr who stirs up laughter. Working with and double-crossing a gang of crooks for the girl who runs the mission. lie rocks laughter! the world with ADMISSION Write 100, care Tidings. 235-lt * ' FOR RENT— Furnished rooms, with gas ranges, for light house­ keeping. Oxford Rooms, cor. 4th and B. 8ts.. over Loomis and Nel­ son store. 235-3t FOR HALE—Soda fountain oak bar, popcorn machine. Ice cream parlor complete and lots of i other fixtures at bargain prices. 1 with terms If desired. Will sell I altogether or separate. O. W. Trefreh, 267 Fourth 84. 286-3t FREE WOOD — At corner 50c Boulevard and East Main, weod Adulti '■II ’ Children .......................... 25c and klndlln«, some free and some to sell from an old building taken soon. Ree Mr. A. C. Mf ner on the ground. 235 ä will be spread at 6:00 p. m. This . First, second and third grade Is a covered dish dinner and judg­ piipils appeared, on this occasion, ing by the menu usually furnish­ in numbers which evidenced the careful, painstaking work of the ed It will be a feast, Indeed. Every one will brln^ a covered] teacher and advancement of the dish and come prepared to enjoy1 pupil. All who performed did excep- the social hour during the late tionall well, some playing from afternoon and evening. All members are asked to hold memory and others using their the date for this pleasant affair, music. At the close the hostess served a a a delicious refreshments. Lovely Home R ecital— About twenty were assembled flowers were presented Mrs. Mad­ to enjoy a delightful evening, den from her pupils. The following program was with Mrs. A. A. Madden, hostess, when her pupils were heard in a rendered by the young perform­ home recital, pf pleasing numbers. ers. May Waltz, Ahearn, by LaVdiiii Tonner. Sweet Bye and Bye, Butler, Norma Peterson. Ben Bolt, Butler, Mabel Clary. Minnie’s Oalop, Long, Helen Madden. Jolly Times, Guthler, Mercedes Tonner. Liberty Waltz, Weber, Mao Clary. Carry Me Back to Old Virgin­ ia. Butler, and Lyric Theatre March, Beaumont, played by Wanda Schwein. Cedar Brook Waltz, Perry, duet played by Mae and Mabel Clary. Circle Bargains ' For This Week Silk Dresses $9.95 for values to $14.95 $14.95 for values to $22.50 $19.75 for values to $29.75 SPORT AND DRES3 ( ’OATS NOW AT HALF PRICE. Heavy R i b b e d Stitch Bathing Suit« for Women GRASS $4.45 SHEARS - — —-■ ----------... AND Children’s Wool Suits THINNING $2.25 — $2.50 — $2.95 A SHEARS Simpson’s Hardware “ The W inchester Store’’ Don’t Forget Dad! JUNE FATHER’S DAY/ THE NEW ONE-BURNER Wafer Heater Efficient, Economical, Servicable. You’ll be surprised at the low initial cost and upkeep. — ______PRICE. A A A ’ Icc.Ou . WICK FURNITURE CO. ’ VISIT OUR EXCLUSIVE MENS »STORE and PICK A DESERVING GIFT FOR HIM New Shipments Arriving Continually -, BEST QUALITY SHOES that will bring Summer Comfort, Meal OVERLAND SHOE SHOP . • p Miller’s T oggery “Hab-a-dash-Inn”