f M onday . iawa ■'¡"T,. > ■ i í i w rjg w written in Greek, telle the same story, using the word Hades as the equivalent of the Hebrew? 1 .... --------- aheol. With the wonderful con­ « (EetabUehcd ia 187«) cordances and Bible helps in the hands of the people today they PaUlebrd Evhry Eventi ng Except Sunday by ■ i may easily determine this. For THE ASHLAND PRINTING 0 0 . £ instance, we read In Psalms I« :- 10, “Thou wilt not leave my sonl dlfor Reft R- Greer - . .. „ ' * AnHvet In Ashland—i. in hell (sheol): -neither Wilt thou George Madden Green ..................... ...........•___ . Business Mài Mrs. M J. Olson of Woodburn. suffer thine only holy one to see W. H. Perkias ------------------ —— ..........________ :...... News g Oregon, arrived in Ashland to join corruption.*' St. Peter on the ____ ____ _________ Téléphoné 89 OFFICIAL CITY PAPBlt ------ ■ ■■ ■ ----- T T*'g ■ her husband; who has been here Day of Pentecost quoted this for some time. They are moving psalm, saying ,“Thou wilt nbt Into the house at 1*47 Cefftril leave my soul in here (h ad esh ” One Month __ Ave. • (Acts 2:7) We therefor^ have Three Months inspired authority for saying that SU Months .. one Year ____ Returned from South-— hades in the Orrek is the same as Mrs. Bertha L. Smith returned sheol in the Hebrew. One Month ... from San Jose, where she spent In the second century the the­ Three Months the winter visiting her daughter. ory began to prevail that the bleb» SU Months ... One Year ----- bps were as much inspired as Je­ From Medford— sus and the apostles. The Catholic DISPLAY Mr. and Mrs. j o i n Roseberry of Encyclopedia" says: “Holy Scrip­ Single Insertion, per inch Political, Display, per inch Medford wore guests of Mr. and ture is therefore not the only Mrs. A. A. Madden \yesterday. theological source of the revela­ One insertion a week ______„.. tion made by God to His Church Two insertions a week ___ ___ Returned from Vacation Ti f c - Side by side with the Scripture Daily insertion ................... Rates for Legal and .yr. and Mrs. Glenn Addis re­ there Is tradition, side by side Eire’. insertion, per 8 point line turned Saturday from a two with the written revelation there Each snbsequent insertion, 8 p weeks vacAtion trip in the North. is the oral revelation. This Card of Thanks---------------------- enitentiariefi does not prevent crime. ing at the Armory. Dinner at English word “crisis.** Then ¿here Neither does n sentence in our jails and penal fariqs 4:80 p. m. Good attendance is Is krlno, which alsrt contains the desired. always bring about the desired results. thought of triAl and of sentence In connection with that trial. The Baltimore is trying the old-fashioned whipping-post Vacationing, at ..Mice (tie Greek word krima signifies sen­ fo r wife-beaters with success. However, even that has Woods — tence only, as is shown in 1 Peter not as much effect ns having the whipping post, judging Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond 4.17: “Judgment must begin at from the remarks of the accused to moving-picture men. are spending thetr vacation at the the house of God.” Lake of the Woods. A news dispatch from Baltimore says: The translators nf the Revised Version, like the educated clergy “ Four women watched and a motion picture camera M t tor Idaho— of our day, knew that the words ground today as •Jdmes H. Kingspiore was given five Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenner sheol and hades did not mean a lashes on his bare back for lieating his wife. They left SundAy for Emihett. Idaho, hot place, where some unfortun­ thought the pale and nervous sheriff, John E. Potee, was where they will visit their daugh­ ate humans would have to roart tn all eternity; and so they trans­ too easy. And when the writhing man muttered between ter. ferred these two Hebrew and teeth as each red welt arose upon the white flesh one Take* FoeKloi— Greek words into our English Bi­ woman smiled, another giggled and a third exclaimed: N. O. Nelson of Pasadena is the ble-wtthoiit telling us what either ” ‘I should like to lav that lash on myself.’ new coat maker at the Orres meant. Of course there may be “ Kingsmore’s loose lips tightened into n gray line Tailor Shop. some good men, ignorant of the meaning of these words, wba and he shouted: really believe that hell is a place “ ‘This is too much, warden! I don’t care about the W. c . T. fr. to M e e t The W. C. T. U. will meet in of suffering. B u t^ h e educated whipping, but I don’t want a circus made out of this the library TuesdAy at ¿:S0 p. m. clergy know better,Tfnd yet they thing.* ” All are cordially Invited. permit thelf congregations to think that they believe in a hell In other words the public humiliation has more ef­ of torture while privately they fect upon the guiltv than the pain. Why not use the old- THÌNHS THE ('LEROY confess to the contrary. Such fashioned pillory for crimes of this kind. WILL NEVER TELL ministers Are fooling the people and are driving men away fjom An Interested audience listened God, from the Bible and frbrn the fo Mr. W. J. Thorn at the Wimer churches. That wonderful apjipr. HARD WORK Henry Ford is out with a statement that “ Hand hall on 8unday last. The lec­ ism attributed to Abraham Lin­ took as a basis for his fo- coln will surely come true “ You work never killed anylwdy.” Then he goes on to declare turer majks Hoaea 18:14. “I will ran- cMfl fool all the people some of that a “ man should like his work and should not Work , Hoh^ them from (he power of the the time, and some of the people long hours. He shonld work as few hours as possible, i grave. I will redeem them from all the time* but you can't fool all That gives him a eliapee tn get out and spend the money 1 death; O death I will t* thy the people all the time.” Whoever gets a proper focus he eants and contribute to prosperity. Short hours and 1 plAAuee; O grave. I will be thy deiitrActloA: repentance shall be on this subject will see that all, decent pay make for prosperity. hid from mine eyes.* The speak- good a id bad, go down to the Henry never worries ahont anything. “ I don’t be- , tomb— to sheol. hades, called In ^ w re in anvhody over eight y«»ar« oU drinking milk. It A » a ll o th o r ----- v a e r a ti w r it tn o e 4on’t believe in anyone quitting work — th a t’s bad. ' thè Bipie ie noted tor Its slmpiic- IV opines* is on the road, not in reaching the peak. I Ity. : abd harmony. True fo the ex- of nien and women tho a t on the road and I am happy.” weaknAMies and Imperfections M im e OIIFVt? r lw il. ^ery distinctly I dèatf I n o * not their sons come i know It not. and they perceive , Whyt Because a »gafo siy : "TÉ< „of device, nor wisdom, tn the whftfcer thoh aB go. man and women the weaknesses and Imperfection» of mankind are therein falillrffly set forth. The RADIO, THE WORLD KNLIOHTBNCR Warmth and glow of human lord Radio is bringing the nations of the world into cfos- is rseogniMblh formithout Its an- ontact through international tes|s and (piiek trrtns- cred pages, and the climax in ion of-news items. W orld’s leading manufacturers reached when ft revedle fo us the dlvlAè loti». “ Alt loto èicelllng,” tdio equipment at annual convention at Atlantic City and Allows ns God S compassion Sheol and ha jeted th at radhrfwill bring to listeners not only the tor tha human family and the odt- °:-i, da of music and apoken words, but will eventually worlrtnd of his marvetous plan fo f ) , man's plttm'ite deliverance from , "5 television, ¡fholring tin* actuu] perfbrmances of a<*- .in And «todth. ’ S /' be tortured the Those who wrote tha Bible did The clergy kno' Tbay daclatod radio nets will be vastly simplified, t more compEft and staple, and voiced the need of their duty well. Tha Old Testa- vèry wall, hut . feBfto HiAb Tbfihlation, which while encouraging the meat, covering the history of over' from the people, fou r‘thousand years, tails ns that Jasas «used tha w ««MKlR fttlWre the public the liest possible ser- all mm kiad at death go to the and ifcat our trai grgvp, iheol. The N»< TasUtatnf. up by translatlni inidstAnd would help i n Pass to t to Le' in n ia f And e o i n ,M „ n and held Orante thé rent of the « ASHLAND DAILY TID IN G S Mr, «¡,4 M*. U 1. Orres, and thé-W’.B .? MÓOVe fata­ lly pf Beijview dlstrkt. Rr. W ait and Jdr. Bentoa a y on a U n i\ pf Alaska. They both declared Ash­ land to be one of the finest beauty spots they had srsr seen. ecorelass tor Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ambrose apd Mr. and Mrs. George Daniel, e t San Diego, are v isio n in Aafe- lañd loo«jp¿ for, ¿ location. Thay (Continuai) Ftom «rants PMs l “ < : fw OtM Ï M f Skih Lobt Greasy? Ashiahd plays Grants Pass at ¿nr. O fF O ft Worth, Tèxab, Àrè vlqtthW W . AaÙ Atre. AÀÌfews Me- G rin». Paa|. Medford plays Klamath Falls at Callèn At jh él/ nome at 440 Kihn'Atl F an ., Beach street for an. indefinite time. J(r. Dickerson Is Mrs. Mc- CallSn’s father, and former pro- priefor oi the paint shop now SIDE LINES BY. CHIPS owned b f J. O. felgg. The Klamath fans Who left the ■ è game After their half of the ninth Visiting «Mende— lost 45 centA worth of the fun. W .B . set and M. A. Benton of Upland, California, formerly of JLRBAAd WAS the qúiStést pitee Humboldt, Iowa, spent a few days In years, everybody, was at the ball game. í>idtWifck Stage Systems good Water Hoy, Enders, the game yourself. ÀSÈLÂÂÔ TÒ ALL POINTS SOUTH Some day, somebody will get hit oh the dome with' A pop bottle. By the way, that warm SodA water was a poor Alt for our icing facilities. The Klamath pitcher ought to have brought along * enough of those Indian blankets to cover rfp all the windshields. Ashland’s moveable second bases are sure gam« getters. I The Xeno delegation didn’t see ie game at all. rriiT rrtFwr unr »naia hÿdrtf-êlëctrie plants aftd fafr- J f lu ì» n an im ittfoft lifted havë been built to place ample p ow er at the äöNtohd erf th e fine territori èerVed tre he California € )r e ¿ o iiT o w é f CorfffcM i etttfetife VÉ. e v e f ) jrfoWMe of cóntrnuaftee* oney consranuy tm ist o e m vestea th e. crow in g nêeds for ¿èrviee» t&uW is yôïir Opportunity tö 6b- ïé n d s from êîècîncal developïnefit the sAme as hades but Jemra used the word “fir*** hare symbolically, just as we uga it to represent de­ struction. Thus oar newspapers during tha great World War were continually telling us about the great conflagration In Europe— not literal fire, bat wpr causing greet destruction. Death and hadee-sheol shall ba destroyed, as Ho^ek .poigtt out. Thin fa the Second Death*, sym­ bolically represented as a lake of fire IP the boot of ftevelatlon. This means that the gWYe shall not alwdyS triumph oH r t ie hu­ man fAmiir, M t that mMkiitd Will ba delivered hy MeaSIAh’s Kingdom from the podef of fhe tomb. In other wards, all that arc la thalr graves, in the tomb, the Arison Jioufce of death, shall ultimately be set free by the great Delivafor. the glorified Christ, who hae laid down his life aa the ransags pries that sinners might not parish bat bavb everlAsflng life All who then will not obey the Great icing ahall ha destroyed In the Second Death. 2 1 6 -lt ebmfort - a - . a. _ «. CUUCB H 7 « ♦ * -I'** * * • ‘, t .'.J , . L ' ' '