k s) f A shland D aily T idings MALATTIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pare domestio water helps. •*--- ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use o f medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven f a c t Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading fimuwpapeK fo r Nearly Fifty. Years (United Presa Wire 8srvlce) Two Wives, One Husband ASHLAND WINS M M ® PLANE CRASH «s M m m w re EPIC CONTEST 10103 IN SHADE KILLS BOY AT GRANTS PASS FROH LEADERS Park and Summer Resorts A live W ith People A ll D uring the Day N IN TH INNING RALLY Pinch H itters Have Day For Ix>- cala; F ast Game Given z Sunday Crowd This is the »aga of an awaken­ ed Ashland; an epic of the Mood- tingling realization of hope and faith. • For Ashland’s baseball club yesterday turned jeers Into cheers when when they they humbled cheers humbled the the mighty and hitherto Invincible Klamath Pelicans In a driving finish which sent more than 500 frenzied fans into a delerium of Joy. It was one of those ninth In­ ning rallies that are meant for the classics; a whirlwind attack In the closing minute of the game which left Klamath helpless and stunned, and which left Ashland perching proudly on the top of a 7 to C score. It was the last of the ninth. Klamath wan leading 6 to 3. Ash­ land came to bat for its final ef­ fort. Fans began starting for the Some of the things which are gates for It seemed Impossible in store for Ashland will be pre­ that Ashland could win. sented In an interesting manner Mohler M arts Firew orks at the chamber of commerce Lefty Mohler, who had been forum at the Llthla Springs hotel pitching like a champion dprtng tomorrow noon. the closing innings, came to the F. M. Carter, who, with Olin bat. He crashed out a single and Arnaplger, returned Saturday ambled to first. Next came Mike from a trip of two weeks to the Cassidy, first baseman with his Owens Valley, California district, three broken ribs. Another hit will give an outline of what Ash­ crashed through the totteripg land may expect In the way of Klamath infield, and Mohler was new settlers from that section this resting on second. summer. The two men were sent Here is where Field Captain to Owens Valley by the Ashland "Red” Watts started the strategy and, Medford chambers of com­ which won the game. He had not merce,'and succeeded In Interest­ been hitting the Klam&th pitchers, ing a large number of prospective so he yanked himself from the settlers In Jackson county. lineup and sent In Billy Richard­ Lou Hansen, new proprietor of son to bat for him. His faith was the Hotel Ashland, has just re­ rewarded when Richardson crash­ turned from a 1500-mlle motor ed another hit through the amaz­ trip through the ^lorthwest in ed and .helpless infield, and three which he studied tourist condi­ tions and attended the hotel Continued on page Two men's convention at Spokane. He will give his impressions of the tourist business as it affects this city. PROGRAM OUTLINED School Directors Will Be Elected Two director for the Ashland school board, district No. 5? will l>e elected at the annual election to be held June 21. The polling booth will be at the city haTl. V. O. N. Smith, chairman of the board, and W. H. McNair are the two directors whose terms will ex­ pire. Roth probably will be can­ didates for re-election. Senate Rearing Halted By Fight e WASHINGTON. D. C., June 7. (UP)— A free for all fight In which ink wells, water glasses and fists flew Today halted the house committee hearing on Impeach­ ment charges against District Co­ lumbia Commissioner Fenning, Representative Rankin, Mississip­ pi deocrat, and Defense Attorney Frank Hogan were principals In the bout. H eard for B lo ck s The crash of the plane was heard for many blocks. It inter­ rupted church services a short distance away and members of the congregation rushed from the building to view the wreckage. The plane was one which crash­ ed several weeks ago at Crescent City. It had been purchased by Titus who had repaired it, and with young Phelps as a passenger was making (lls first flight over the city. According to reports from per­ sons wjio .witnessed the tragedy, the plane suddenly went into a nose spin and crashed to earth before the pilot could right it. The machine is a total wreck and it is uncertain if an examination will disclose just what went wrong with It. Titus is married and has three children. Both young men have lived here for years and both were popular throughout the city. JEFF MYERS SEEKS Grocery Store Is SHIP BOARD PLACE Damaged by Fire Oregon Democrat Believed Enroute to W ashington A snjall fire in the Twentieth to See Coolidge Century grocery at 11 o’clock yes­ terday morning did damage esti­ mated at about $50 before It was controlled by the fire department. A small fire was lighted in a stove in the rear of the store and this ignited some papers which were lying on the floor near the stove. The principal damage was to several cases of fruit Jars, accord­ ing to Fire Chief Baughman. Camp Fire Girls To Meet Tuesday Members of the high school Camp Fire Girls will meet at the library at 7:30 tomorrow evening, at which time omportant matters! will be considered. All members of the local camp are urged to be PORTLAND, June 7. — (IP) — Jefferson Myers, indorsed by the chamber of commerce and local shipping interests for appoint­ ment on the United States ship ping board, was thought to be on his way to Washington, D. C. to- today. Myers left Portland without re­ vealing his destination. Local shipping men consider It likely that he was called to Wash­ ington for a conference with President Coolidge in regard to the shipping board appointment. Band Practice To Be Held Tuesday Band practice will be held by The Camp Fire girls will be the Ashland band tomorrow night hosts the Matter part of this weak instead of tonight, according to present. THIS ISSUE is distributed gratis to the guests of The Llthla Springs and Ashland Hotel and to the campers at Llthla Park and Jackson 'Hot Springs camp grounds—-a total of approxi­ mately 200 copies each day— ' in order that Ashland’s visit­ ors may know something of our city. ' Llthla Springs Hotel Hotel Ashland / Ashland Natatorlum California Oregon Power Co. Llthla Park, Board Jackson Hot Spring» City of Ashland Talent Irrigation District to iwtsB wary Stjttfre, editor of f^e notice reitfiy by cart national publication for the or­ ganization, and It Is to complete final plans for her entertainment that the siieclal meeting tomorrow evening Is being called. lot eland, rector. All members of the band are urged to remember thia change in time and to be on hand at the city hall tomorrow even­ ing. Sister Of Local Injured Man Is Woman Succupibs Daddy Of Twins Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, well known In Ashland and sister of Mrs. W. H. Gowdy. died In Med­ ford, Saturday night, at the age of 61 years. Funeral services will beheld tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the Dodge chapel. Idterment will be In the Moun­ t a in View cemetery. » _>____•. CORONA, N. Y., June 7. — Joseph Fasco, a laborer, suffering In St. Joseph hospital from a broken arm and two broken legs, was carried on a stretcher to the maternity Ward Friday to greet his wife", who had given birth to tkrln boys. ! .u \ LOCAL IS DEAD I ■ IN CAR CRASH A«' „ i U Delegations from Klamath And Medford W ill be Here This E vening Alden W hitney of Klamath Eighteen Dead and E ig h t Kiwanians of Southern Oregon 1 Falls Killed, Sunday on D ying is W eek-End Toll will meet at the Llthla Springs Green Springs Road For This Section E rnest Phelps, 20, Dead and i K lamath F alls B all Team Shade was at a premium In Earl Titus. 30, N ot Ex- i Humbled, 7 to 6, in Ashland yesterday when the mer­ pected to Live x D riving Finish cury mounted steadily through­ out the day until It reached 103 GOES INTO NOSE D IV E degrees by mid-afternoon. This was by far the hottest weather re­ Trial Spin o f Repaired Airplane corded here this year. Reports R esults in Htihday Night from Medford were that the temp­ Tragedy erature climbed to 110 degrees there yesterday. GRANTS PASS, Ore., June 7. Dittila Park and other resorta — (Special) — Ernest Willard were crowded' With people Phelps, aged 20, Is dead, and Earl throughout the day. The cooling Titus, aged .30, is in a local hos- waters of of Ashland Àshland Natatorlum Natatorlum and and , piul not expected to live as the waters Jack80n Hot 8prlngs proved invlt- re8U,t of an airplane crash at 8:15 Ing to large numbers who sought o’clock here last night. . to escape the excessive heat. The plane which the young Indications were that It would men were operating went Into a not bo so hot today, according to noge dlve at- a height of a*bout Louis Dodge, official government 500 feet and crashed Into the weather observor here. middle of Third ¿street, almost opposite the home»of a local phy­ sician. Young Phelps was killed in­ stantly. Titus was badly crushed j hut still alive when they pulled I him from beneath the mass of wreckage. He was rushed to a F. M. Carter and Lou Hansen hospital but reports from there W ill Describe Recent today were to the effect that he A uto Trips probably would die. DEATH STALKS LAND AND AIR ALONG COAST AUTO TOLL IS H E A V Y P leasure Seeker* Maimed and Killed Over Sunday, Re. port Shows SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 7. — (U P)—Eighteen persons are dead, eight dying and 56 injured^ as tragic death stalked Pacific coast pleasure hunters during the week-end play hours, according to the record compiled here today by the United Press. Death roamed the highways, entered the forests, visited rivers and beach­ es und invaded the air. Nine were killed in automobile i i mishaps and at least seven of the other 40 victims were reported dying. Fulling trees in a forest killed one. Two were killed by electrocution, one was killed in an' airplane crash, three persons were drowned and there were two sui­ cides. Pacific northwest victims were: At Salem. W. B. Harris, a Central Point farmer, was killed in an au­ to crash. At Seaside, Mrs. R. L. Nugent, of Portland, was drowned Mrs. Ruth Tiley A utry (h it) yf Omaha, Neb., found a in the surf. At Grants Pass Er­ telephone number in the pocket of her bfisband, Ivan I ah ' nest Phelps was killed in an air­ plane ernsh. Near Klamath Falls Autry, one day. She called it and found another Mrs. Alden Whitney was killed irt an Autry (right). The two women got together, found that automobile accident. 0 they were both m arried to the same man, and had him arrested. They áre shown here discussing plans for pro­ secuting him on a charge of bigamy. M B MEN 10 hotel this evening around the' — ■ banquet table at 7:30 o’clock as! AUTO GOES INTO DITCH part of an international program whereby every Kiwanls club will Carl K im ball, D river, T ells Of­ ficers V ersion i>t Fatal meet coincidental with the open­ Accldrtit ing of tlie International Kiwanls convention at Montreal. Ashland. Medford and Klamath Alden Foote Whitney, aged 37, Falls will celebrato this event to- former Ashland resident, was al- getlior, ah well as hold a good most instantly killed on the Ash- tellowffliip meeting to cultivate, land-Klamath highway early yes- eloser inter-club relations. iterdav morning when a light car President Hardy and others nr-1 in which he was riding overturned tanging the program for the eve-j on a curve 30 miles west of Klam- nlng stated today they had a ath Falls, pinning him beneath •pientiid program prepared. r . Whitney sustained internal in­ juries from which he died with­ in ‘20 minutes. The body was taken to Klamifth Falls, where an inquest was to he held late this afternoon. II DES MOINES, la., June 7 .-- (Ul’i —A light vote appeared In prospect for Iowa today as Iowa voters balloted for republican sen­ atorial nominees and other of­ fices. Fair weather held farmers In the fields and this was Inter­ preted ns favring Senator Cum­ mins. Former Senator Brook- hart, his chief opponent, has most of his strength In the rural sections. People Asked To Hear Radio Talk Special Rate For Woman Who Killed Students Allowed A radio program of interest to Husband Attempts residents of Oregon and of this The Southern Pacific District section particularly' will be given at Medford announces the T o Collect Bonus over K. P. O. at San Francisco ■Office granting of a one way fare for the tht*. c r iN nlng. according to a tele­ M iss Palmer and Miss Cham­ gram received by the chamber of round trip to the boys and girls WASHINGTON. June 7. — The berlain Im proving Rapidly commerce this evening. The pro­ selected to attend the Extension United States government has I A t Red Bluff gram will start at 6:15. It is Course at the Oregon Agricultur­ formally awarded the permanent prize for nerve to Mrs. Florence William of Verona, Pa., Mrs. Wlj- ligms, convicted of killing her husband, tried to collect his j thought it will be a program tell­ ing of the vacation and recrea­ tional possibilities of Oregon and the Pacific coast. The telegram was received from the manager ¡of Donner Lake camp. California. Friends oft Miss Grace Chamber­ lain and Miss Elizabeth Palmer will be pleased to ¿now that they are steadily improving and are laying plans for their return to comptroller of the treasury de­ Ashland before long. "We paid them a visit at 'he nied her application. Sister’s hospital in Red Bluff on onr way home from Ooakland last Friday a*nd found them both in good spirits but somewhat hom.i- sick for Ashland,” declared Mrs. Emma Oeder, who has just re ­ Children’s swimming classes turned home. "The heat at Red will start Wednesday morning, it Bluff at this time of the year is was announced this afternoon by very trying to anyone confined in Three Detroit Men Confess Miss Carver, playground super­ They K illed Prowling bed. visor at the city pnrk. The classes Prohi Officer "Miss Palmer spoke of the will be held eaeh Wednesday and dally letter they receive from DETROIT, June 7.— Bootleg­ Friday morning during The sum­ Ellen Oaley and said that her mer season. Girls’ classes will writing brings them a great deni gers have confessed today that start at 10 o’clock and boys' of pleasure. They feel themselves dry enforcement Officer L. Bar­ classes at 11 o ’clock. The swim­ very fortunate In having Dr. gee, found slain in his automobile ming elusses will be held lit the Thomson for their physician as yesterday, was shot while prowl- Hetman baths. Children using he is bringing about a speedy re­ , lng around a “blind pig,’’ ac- their own suits will be charged covery for both of them. They | cording to police. Their confession, coming on the 20 cents a lesson, while those who sent back their best regards to I heels of the dismissal of 16 other must rent suits will bo charged Ashland folks." ; policemen on graft charges, caus­ 25 cents. ed Commissioner of Police Frank H. Croul to turn over all evidence against the discharged officers to | prosecutor Robert M. Toms with ( a view to recommending wnrrnnls charging extortion. Swimming Glasses Start This Week al College during June. Also the operation of a special train for these students from Ashland to Corvallis. The train to leave Ashland at 10 a. m. June 13th, returning to leave Corvallis early morning of June 26th. It is expected that there will be sixty students from the Kjam- nth country, and a like number from Josephine. Jackson and Douglas Counties. The severnl County Agents have l>een working on this matter for some time, the Southern Pacific announcing the one fare rate and special train this morning. Hawaii Students Visit In Ashland Twenty-six students from the University of Hawaii at Honolulu passed through Ashland yesterday enroute to Camp Lewis where they will enter the summer train­ ing camp. Sixteen of the young Islanders were met at Hornbrook by a local delegation Including Dan Applegate and Otto Klum and were given a motor ride through the Staklyous. They horded their train again here. Several of the young men are SCOTCH ULAINS, N. J.,_Juhe Mrs. Roselia M. York. 6-1 years members of the university foot- iof age. died at her home near 6all team of which Mr. Klum Is 7.—One icecream cone each >oar la willed to 900 school children Granta Pasa Saturday. She was coach. by the late Dr. J. Ackerman thp wife of W. A. York, and lived I l i I k n Coles, an educator, who left W 0 0 in the Tl Bellview district for some for the purpose. 1 tljne. The funeral servlcea will SALEM, June 7.—A contrnct lie held frem the Dodge Chapel for 298.8*# p airs-*6 antewseM Is to m o rro w a fte rn o o n at 2 o'clock license plates for 1927 was let with interment in the Mountain Friday by Secretary of Sta te I View cemetery. Kozer to the Irwin-Hodson com-1 HONOLULU. T. H.. June 7.- pany. Portland. The price to be! Who was the unfortunate person paid is 12.87 cents per pair, a whose remains were found In the CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 7.— savings of 10 cents per 400 setr stomach of a huge shark caught Miss Emma Nutt, a telephone op­ over that for the 1926 plntes. Th.> on the north shore of Maul Is­ erator for 33 years, died here in plates will,be slightly wider and land T • her 70th, year. She Is believed the design will differ In that the The remains include a portion Ths Southern Oregon Cleanres to have been the oldest operator word "^Oregon” and the date of bathing trunks, apparently of Association, which was recently "1927“ will be shown In full. In the world. established, held a picnic for em­ army Issue, and bearing a laun­ ployers and employes yesterday dry mark, "B-25". .A quantity of short, black hair, at Jackson Hot Springs. Sixty people, representing the upper half of a human sknll, While you sre a guest in our city, be certain to vllslt Llthla Klamath, Falla, Grants Pass. Med­ leg, arm and knee bones and a Park, a playground of many acre«, with the main entrance ford, and Ashland, enjoyed the portion of the spine are all that at the Plsss, where NatuTe'4 deepest beauties are found outing at the Jackson Hot Springs. the authorities have on which to along the walks that lead yon through tly> forest border­ solve the Identity of the shark’s ing on Ashland creek. victim. Advertise in The Tidings Ice Cream Cones Left To Children Former Resident Called By Death LicCllSt* PlatCS Will Be Cheaper! Human Devoured By Large Shark ___ 1 * Oldest Telephone Operator Is Dead New Association - Holds Big Picnic . VISIT LITHIA PARK Driver K h c a |M' n Carl G. Kimball, driver of the Iowa Senator E xpected to hug, was thrown clear of the Defeat Brookhart for car and escaped without injurieg. G. O. P. Nomination He told officers that he was climb­ ing the grade up Hayden moun­ tain and was going not more than 15 miles an hour when Whitney, who was sitting beside him. sud­ denly grabbed hold of the steer­ ing wheel and turned it sharply toward the left. The car swerv­ ed toward the edge of the high­ way and before Kimball could get it back on the roadway, tho wheels locked, he said. The car plunged into the ditch, with Whit­ ney beneath it. Kimball said he could not ac­ count for Whitney having grab­ bed hold of the wheel. He said there was ho traffic on the road and the curve was not a sharp one. A few minutes before he said he had asked Whitney If he wanted to drive but the other said he felt too nervous. Enroute to Ashland The young men were coming to Ashland where they planned to work in the fruit orchards this summer. Whitney had lived here for several years and was well known throughout-the country. He had been employed by the Klamath Packing company at Klamath Falls for the past year. The deceassd Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lola Whitney, nnd three children. The children are Edwin, aged 11; Peter, aged 2; and Alden age 3 months. He also leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary Whit­ ney of Los Angeles and three brothers and sisters living in Los Angeles and San Francisco. The mother and two of the sisters are now enroute to Klam­ ath Falls for the funeral. Blaze Wipes Out Small Community MONCTON, N. B„ June 7. — Fire raged throughout the night and was still burning today In the town of Alma, Alberta coun­ ty. 45 miles from here. Twelve families are homeless, the Methodist church, the town school house, several garages, three stores, and 12 dwelling housese are In ruins. The fire was believed to he un­ der control thise forenoon. Loss was estimated at more than $100,000. Ashland The S ta rtin g P o in t For Tonrists! Spend a few days here sad visit the following scenic won­ ders within a day's driving distance: Lake of The Woods Klsmath^rglta. Oregon Caves Rogue River Finking Spots Klamath River— Fishing Jacksonville— County Seat Crater Lake— Open Later. Beautiful Siskiyou Mountains Diamond Lake— Fishing