J - — -w ■ TOO u m 10 C I O T Local ■ Personal flotes o f thoM w ho corns a s f go, and events of local Interest A Dally f y y fry ODD FELLOW ACTIVITIES Watch this space every day. Regular Mecti igs Subordinate every Thursday. Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th 150-tf Tuesdays. Business V isito r— R. H. Maples of Seattle, Oh Henry representative for the Wil­ liamson Candy Co., is a business visitor in Ashland. The water at the Ashland Nat will give you pep and • radiant health. s L. From Talent — WEDS s D. W. Bradley of Talent spent SUSANVILLE, Cal., June 5.— the day in Ashland on business. (U P)— Willing to live in the squallor of an Indian village with Try our 50c Merchants’ Lunch, the man she loved, a pretty 1S- fivery day’from 11 to 2 at The year-old high schdol girl ran Plaza Confectionery. lC2-tf away from her Nevada home and came here with a full blood­ H ere from South— ed Indian. Dr.,and Mrs. Dwight Paul Stur- The girl is Lareta Beeson. She getn of Los Angeles are visitors was arrested with Lester Evans In Ashland and guests of the Col­ Thursday as they stepped off a umbia hotel. stage after an all night trip from Lovelock. Nev., Evans is being Madden retreads tires. 52-tf held and may be charged with violation of the Mann white slave Candyland — A carton of act. creams for the picnic. Aged Portlander Commits Suicide Eastman Kodaks and films. Mc- Nair Bros. WANTED— Work for man and team. Ben Nlvason, 311 Wimer st. 234-3* FOR SALE— Big load of kind­ ling, $3.00. Box Factory. Phone 30. 234-tf I j OST —Ladies wrist watch. Elgin, gold link bracelet. Mrs. E. E. Evans, Talent, Ore. 234-2* FEMALE HELP WANTED— Ladles make big money at home addressing cards. Experience not required. 2c staitip for particu­ lars. Mid-West Service. 6248 University Ave. Room E258, Chi­ cago. Noted Leader of Camp Fire Girls Coming 234-tf. FOR HALE— Close in, nice large house and large lot, going for 11000— less than actual worth all modern for $2.100. $1050 far 5-room house on a corner. • Brown & Rice, 63 N. Main. 243-2 FOR RENT— Furnished house, close In, with store room, garage, stationary tubs. Call 123 Central Ave., Monday. 234-1* FOR HALE— Be3t pie cherries In Oregon, 6c pound. 335 Almond St. 234-1* WANTED — Monday marning, experienced cherry pickers—over 15 years of age. 608 Terrace. J. M. Rice. . 234-1* WANTED— Apple thinners at Suncrest Orchard, 4 and one-half miles north of Ashland. 234-3 “THAT’S MY BABY” SUNDAY ONLY rr XL ELECTRIC Station Say it with photos— don’t wait for flowers— Studio Ashland. To Jacksonville— R. W. Johnson spent the day In Jacksonville on business F rom E ugene- Mr. and Mrs. George E. Web­ ber of Eugene spent yesterdny In Ashland visiting friends. Visiting Aunt— Willis Hale, of Brownsville. who just recently graduated from the University of Oregon Bible School, is spending some time ip Ashland visiting his aunt, Mr^ William Rice. Stopped in Ashland— 1 1 with Lowell Herman Mr. and The Dalles. Ashland on were guests Willard. Louis Helene Costello WARNER BROS 9 PRODUCTION i' An American in a Web of I Entangling Alliances with Royal Heart«. Crowned with .Jewels of J Comedy and Spiced with the Purple of Royal Excite- lU. Mrs. Cunningham of Oregon, slopped In their way south and of the Hotel Oregon. You can make the summer more pleasant IF YOU HAVE A One-Minute Electric Washer We will be glad to Demonstrate Ashland Electric Supply 346 E. Main Street GUY GOOD, Prop H H FOREST FIDE it was reported. Officials of the power company said some damage had been done yesterday and lo*t night, but reports that all power lines but one between the two points were down today were di<- credited. A big force of fire fighters Is attempting to check the blaze. Sunday A REAL HOLIDAY A more enjoyable day will be Sun­ day if your family is taken to Lithia » Springs Hotel For Dinner SEATTLE. June 5.— (UP) — Mrs. Bertha K. Landes, Seattle's first woman mayor and the first Power Company Lines D am -1 aged by Blaze W hich is woman to ever ^ead the city gov­ Reported Spreading ernment of a city the size of Seat­ tle, will take her oath of office A brisk forest fire is ragaingji Monday morning. Mrs. Landes succeeds E. J. about 4'0 miles south of Ashland, 11 Brown, the “open town’’ mayor for the past four years. The two have been bitter political ene­ mies. Mrs. Landes’ first official work will be a sweeping reorganization of the police department which has been under constant fire. given to your garments if $1.00 Whenever you have unexpected guests bring them here for meals. You will eiijoy it, too; as well as avoid the worry and work' of preparing a meal for them. Summer Fairness Advertise In The Tidings School is Out you let us clean them. Do not let small spots or Hundreds of Beautiful Wall Paper P attern s from which to select J. o. Rigg Thomas Hill has purchased a Chrys'tr 70 sedan from thi Busy Corr ¿r Motor Co. of Medford W HNG between Copco and Ager on the Klamath river, and the power lines and property of The Cali­ fornia Oregon Power Company are threatened, according to word received here this afternoon. The fire has been burning for the past three days, but was burn­ ing over a much wider area today. MRS. LANDES WILL TAKE OFFICE MONDAY Purchases Chrysler— Hot Weather Is Here KEEP COOL Electric Fans PONA GETS CHANCE 10 SETTEE AFFAIRS BURLINGAME, Cal., June 5.— While Mrs. Arthur Whlfler was Form er Financial W izard taking her morning hath a 24-inch Must Appear Soon to Get snake gilded into the tut» with Court Sentence water that was running (rom the faucet. The young matron BO8TON. June 5.—A five day screamed hysterically and her i stay of sentence was granted to father. rushed to the rescue. '”*11 Charles Ponzi, financial “wizard” the reptile escaped. Mrs. W hlf-, 1)y j udge Frederick Fosdick In ler returned an hour later to re- • superior court here. Bume her bath, when her fright This action followed a receipt had gone, and found the same '■ of a telegram from Ponzi request­ snake, or one just like It, in the ing ten days In which “to settlh •wfdter. The swooning woman his affairs,” In Jacksonville, Fla. was found unhurt some time later. The judge ruled that Ponzi should have just five days to appear in court for sentence of seven to nine years as a “common and no­ torious thief,” and ordered a de­ fault warrant, which had been Issued withdrawn. Seattle’s Woman Mayor to Take Over H er New For bargains in Real Estate Municipal Duties try Brown and Rice, 63 No. Main. ' Classified Ads Bring Results. sale— (Continued From Page One) 234-2 Contraetors Herr— J. J. Tranchell and D. B. Ha- mar of Portland, contractors for sire to make reservations are From W e e d - the Normal are in Ashland In- i asked to phone Miss Edna Go- Mrs. Edna Sullivan of Weed specting the work on the Ashland , heen, 359-J, The girls will take was a business visitor in Ashland Normal. They are stopping at ; their lunches for a picnic on the yesterday. ‘ grounds. the Llthla Springs hotel. Can, Are Xiiileil Oet your window screens and Miss Squire will visit with the If you are looking for a health screen doors at Jordan Sash and builder, spend fifteen minutes a t girls Saturday morning before her Cabinet Works. 194tf. day in the water of the Ashland i train arrives. Cars will be need- Nat. 1 ed to take the girls and leaders $5.00 and up i to Pinehurst on Friday, so those Paper curl a specialty. Llthla 'I who would be willing to donate Electric Ranges Hotel Beauty Parlor. 228-tf the use of their cars are asked to J Electric W ater Heaters notify Miss Goheen before next Finishing Toniight Jtrrivol from B e r k e le y - Electric Washing Wednesday. Mrs. T. A. Culbertson and sons, There will be a special meeting Machines DOUGLAS MacLEAN Paul and Homer, arrived In Ash­ of the Ashland camp of Camp Electric Appliances in land this morning from Berkeley. Fire Girls at the library at 8 California. After visiting rela­ o'clock Tuesday evening to com­ tives for a few days they will go plete detailed plans for the visit to their ranch In Ft. Klamath for here of Miss Squire. the summer. Good used piano for Easy terms. The Rose. Snake Frightens Bathing Matron Real Estate , PORTLAND, Ore,, June 5.— (U P)— “A man over 85 years of age has no right to live any long­ er,” were the last words of Sam­ uel Colps, found dying on a river front do?k. He had two bullet Dr. De Walt Norton— wounds in Ills head. Sheet music—Elhart's. Dr. De Walt Norton of Little Nothing is known about Colps I Rock. Arkansas, will preach at here. Left for Seattle— the Baptist church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Thomas The text will be, "I will arise I,oft For M issouri----- and Mrs. Thomas’ mother, Mrs. and go to Ay Father.” Mrs. Rinehart left for her homt Million, left this morning for their In Missouri for an indefinite home in Seattle. They have been Hot sulphur tub baths, day stay. visiting Mrs. Angle Engle and or night, Jackson Hot Springs. other friends for several days. Enroute Houtli— Visited in Portland— Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Churchill of Miss Juanita K. Tarr was a Portland stopped in Ashland en­ Cliff Payne makes crates* visitor In Portland recently and route south. They were guests Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover registered at the Hotel Seward? of the Llthla Springs hotel. .... \ Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty Shoppe, McGee’s« Store. 198-tf MacDonalds Atlas Com- Returned to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman 60c. McNair Bros. returned to Portland after spend­ Stepped In Ashland— ing a few days in Ashland. They From Oroville— E. West, proprietor of the Ven- Mrs. A. C. Briggs'of Oroville, were called here by the death of dome hotel two years ago, stop­ California is in Ashland visiting Mrs. Newman’s father. Dr. Cald ped in Ashland yesterday to vipit well. friends. Mr. West has been In friends. business in Medford but is travel­ ing around at present. FOR SALE— Good saddle or work horse, cheap. 371 Gresham St. 234-2* Nevada Miss Elopes W ith WANTED— 2 men to cut logs Full-Blooded Redskin; 233-« apply Box Factory. Bridegroom Held Madden sells protected tires. --------- , Left for Nevada— Returned from Dunsmuir— Elmer E. Lyman left for Mon Mrs. W. J. Daugherty returned tello, Nevada, where he has been from Dunsmuir yesterday, where given the position of car foreman she visited her son, Frank, for Summer work In High School several days. subjects start June 7 at High Wear Styleplus Flannels and be School building. See Mr. For­ comfortable. — Paulserud’a. sythe or call 261-R— 232-4t 233-tf I A atu n U y, J um « 8, »020 ASHLAND DAILY TTOWM M Û K TR IM V dirt ruin your appearance. hy not Brighten up the Home W ITH Paints, Varnishes aiid Wall Paper Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing W orks 35 F irst St. Phone 172 Phone 63 Sherwin- Williams Products CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. CAR BARGAINS 1925 Chev. Touring - - $500 Fair Grounds 1925 Chev. Touring - - $475 Near Medford Three Nights 1924 Chev. Touring - - $300 22-23-24 1923 CEev. Touring - - $250 1920 Dodge Touring - - $300 ALL GUARANTEED The Automotive Shop Chevrolet Dealers We Snub W ith Gabriels BABY PICTURES AT REDUCED PRICES SOUTHERN OREGON PAGEANT Blazing The Trail PERSONAL SUPERVISION ANDREWS AND HAZELRIGG JU N E 7 TO JU N E 15 Darliny Studio & Art Store PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE. IT’S THE WATER! All Former Efforts Outdone 300—PEOPLE—300 INDIANS — SOLDIERS MINERS — SETTLERS CAVE MEN COLLEGE GIRLS COVERED WAGONS PONY EXPRESS STACK COACH INDIAN ATTACK FIR E WORKS Pure mountain water, only, is used in making A Good Cool P la c e To Eat Y our Sunday CHICKEN DINNER THE PLAZA (OF COURSE) Ashland Creamery’s •/ Soft Drinks AND SEE THE PRICES < Centre Boxes and Orchestra Seats ..................s ........................... $1.50 End Boxe3 snd Reserved Section of Grand Stand ....................... $1.00 General Admission — 50 Ask for our bottled Soda W ater by natne. All the l>opnlar flavors. ASHLAND CREAMERY Mail orders received beginning June 7 must he accompanied by return envelope. Make check payable to S. L: Brotfn, Treas., No. 7 Sparta Bldg., Medford, Oregon. * fcLi -d «