One cent the word’fiilbh ^ime. To /up every issue for one month Or m ore'I-2c the word eachtipie. Furnlshi VOR RENT room modern house— close inf 6th St. 2*3 WANTED: —- Cherry Pickers, over 14 years of age. G. W. Nich­ ols. Phone 18F2. 231-40 Í - ' maternity Rosso nable Rates Telepbqne IB* ? JQom, fur­ l i * Granite. FOR RENT: nished apartment, . > a teg u « « * fc B b te ttS AND LUMBER at tyro blocks from post office. 160 Box Factory. Phone 30. We North Malin or Phone 264J. deliver- l**-tf • 233-tf FOR RENT i— Two apartments you will like. Clean, cool, modern and beautifully furnished. Cal) afternoons at 31 8. Second St. 231-tf Professional and Insiness Directory FOR RENT: — A good garage. DR. W. J. CRANDALL Cement floor. Call afternoons at Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 31 8. Second St. 2Jl-if Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Office Phone 120 « FOR RENT— Furnished h eu u on Laurel 8t. Inquire 332 Har- DR. OBQROE SMITH gadine. Phone 362-L. 229-tf Physician and Surgeon Office Phone le s -J FOR RENT— 180 .acre ranch Booms 1 and 2, First National for season. Cherry Creek, Klam­ B a n k | j - - O f f i c e Hours, 10 ath Co. Excellent pasture,' water« to 12 Noon; 2 to 6 p. m.; 7 to fencing. Cattle or sheep. Phone 8 evenings. S14-R J. P. Rose, Ashland, Ore. DR. CHARLES A. HAINES 328-5 Physician and Surgeon ; FOR RENT; — Two room Office Phone 1O W . hones keeping apartment. *41H Home Phone 104-L Main, 208-tt Office beers, 1« to 18 A. M.; 2 FOR RENT; — Smell apart- to 6 -P.-Mr»-7 to 8 evenings. — menC„ yery attractively furnish­ Citizens Bank Building. ed. Mpdern conveniences and close DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ in. Especially suitable for stu­ tice limited to eye, ear, uose and dents or women who work. 316 throat— X-ray Including teeth. Hargadiae. , 206-1 mo. Office boars, 10 to .12 and 2 to 6 / Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ FOR RKBT— F u m ifted apart­ land, Oregon. ments and sleeping rooms. Llthla Apts.,1 35 S. Second street. Furnished cab- FOR RENT ins and apartments. .Reasonable, by month or week. Call 153. - " 139— i ’ ifr . M W with preside ‘kPij president at Kiwands-iJMei - pre$s unjted fellowship. r .. La Grande; ztôj>p«Ü;iâ,X»»Îand Ú national, who will endhlaadas'!'- the Llthla ipWll'gi d W ’-i 8®«>tttë to 1 Loh^ n g ö e « ‘ f t f V . V è it tó n . fBtrstiva duties fallowing that Mth annual convention; Xnd be Afeldntam> art frient}«' ’ of^Df? <£*! X. So. lir e . Closures and Dyer»— ; - Thby k w 'd p next week, arrived todayc(p l»k r Tts- Spettavirn ; Oregon Cleast i a up the many task* of axsentivi, add nysJ-s .wfll HuMdtthnir.r.itfSli official natnnel* carrying oowlll come—-fight ‘ . zens of this city, and the local aiong and do i t iy.u f »ai In answer to question« of whet A^hJandj.^sterday./ representatives of the Interna- the outstanding* accompllshmen' tinal Bible Students Association had l>een during bis administra­ wish to extend a cordial invitation tion, Kiwanis’ president spoke of to all to come. The lecturers have the furthering of the work of their expenses paid by the Asso­ aiding the under-privileged child, ciation, and the meetings are the efforts of creating a betti r therefore free to the general pub­ understanding between the town nroKeUS and country people, vocational lic. «< ' 234-lt guidance and the dedication o f t.l)3 HaTdlng International Good Memorial In Stanley Park/ Van­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS couver, Canada, last September In the C aunty Court of the The monument in honor of the State of Oregon for Jackson late President Harding, a mem­ County. ber of the Marion, Ohio, Kiwanis In the Matter of the Estate of club, and a memorial in remem- A. C. Caldwell, Deceased. . brance of the more than a cen­ Notice is hereby given by the tury of friendship and peaceful undersigned to all persons having relations between Canada and - •• :i.;. - . ^ , , ^ 1 RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF SAMSON SLIT CASES’’ Hand; B ag s« n i Steel Auto L«gg< SEE THEM BEFORE BUYING V ;• .1 (inenrj .® —■ ¿ssvfC pan; — Biggest Little Store in Tojun • ■' * Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings Transfi orto t i Take a Kodak W ith. You On the walk, at the game—j wherever you go there are snro to be chances for pictures. And it’s easy, and all fun, with a Kodak or Brownie. One-Day Service Adtographio Kodaks $5.00 up on Use Eastman Films and let us do your finishing. Shoe Repairing rhe ’ea8OB op*ned lltfool f. h a v e b e e n refin in g a n d im p ro v in g C Ecv- rol^t’s time p r o v e d d esig n . E x a m in e th e Im p r o v e d C h e v r o le t an d y o u w ill d is­ co v e r eyery en g in ee rin g d e v e lo p m e n t essen tial to fin e r p erform an ce, sm o o th er O peration« t# 4 r e s tr ik in g b e a u ty ^ a o d greater e c o n o m y o f o p era tio n an d o w n e r ­ ship,. Q uality* jQ^ahty m a t^ & lsi Q u a lity workmaa d e m o n stra te. So Sm ooth Pow erful Agee’s Shoe Shop Touring - 339 E. Main Street R oadster Coupe Sedan MEMORIALS Mark every grave with our crystal gray, for Immediate or Fall delivery. S. Penniston Manager, 175 East Main. • i/£-Ton Truck 3 S (CLuMaOahS 1-Ton Truck (Cfcs.ri.Odv) An prisa, f. o. fc. rum. manta Smail Down ’’’»v-vw t Convenient Tenne Piano Instructor For Be ginuers amd Advanced Students CHARLES S. MITCHELL 128 Laurel St. rirrirnn r Shop New Edison Phonograph , Jth(BL «- fore. . Winemakers,a#p prewired to handle all the loganberries pro- duc«b iW» their beverage product gaining In popularity both, hero and abroafL __ >, 1 Favorable reports are being re- reived from pot .only thia vicinity ’>ut from V aqt^yhfi W* he inferior. - - ;T £ «► —— J or FOR MEN WHO WORK HARD Factory workers, railroad men, farmers, miners, mill-employees, teamsters, and those constantly exposed to changing weather, who work at hard physical labor.! are moye or less subject to kidney qilments $nd kindred ills. J | G. Wolf, Green Bay, Wis., says: ‘‘Foley Pills (a diuretic stimulant to the kidneys) relieved me of a severe backache, that had both­ ered me for several months.g A few bottles fixed me up in good shajie.” Cost little, but a reliable, valuable medicine guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ask for Foley Pills. Sold everywhere.— No. 3. **r8'