t m 1 I 1 > m » » I , I » I I I t Î i f 11 T A ö k i H H ( « î Î I 1 ? 12-3 / ! ------- T w rras d m e t I Front Hornbrook— , From L eft F or H óbm >— Mr.,- a«d M r«- T i C. L afferty o f , B. L. (j< > d U of ilRAt land spent Miss Minnie Knutxen, ornbrböh pve^e btisfhess visitors the day in Ashland.* ’ l»een in Ashland for the days visitina friends, left last in Ashland yesterday. --------; ■ - ■■ " - — ■ ===*=«= ' evening for Eugene to visit m m who come and go, «ad «reata of a friends before returning to her local latereat home in Tatqtna.i JVaMbp^gtori'. I ( Denver, Colorado^ were visitors » *a « » . . . New Hotel ip Qaants - j , ~ ,ln> Ashland yesterday • stopping at * ‘ ■ j •. FOOD SALK ODD FELLOW ACTIVTIISb i Preliminary* work IJ.'C., June 4 j The Presbyterian Ladies Aid ' tlon of the new hotel which will Watch this space every day. — CUP)— The ,336,^00,000 riv^r I * and harbor bill; wu£ passed Iw ; Society will hold a food sale at j repIace the V eseaP ()ifi>|4 hotel, tyi. sited in Aldilfbrd— Subordtoate every Thursday.' Hardy Bros, store, Saturday, June; on SUth and K 8treet8 et6,'drill start Mrs. H. Ç. Galey spent the day the house after the filibuster b^ Encampment, 1st and 3rd Ttaes- i 5, comprised of all the usual eat* tomorrow the middle w e s t^ n M ; was brslj- in t>h{ hukjness.' ■row m p ft\i» | w*t F< I he* ? f* days. gebekahs, 2nd and >4th ‘ ables sold at such sales. Sale rival of j . T. Aitken, oit the 'Ait- j eii. The measure now goes to thin Tuesdays. l i b - t f w ill begin a t , 10 o’clock.— 2S2-2t ken Construction ( qompany , of , < A. A. Mftddsn is having a large senat® where ,ts QlTaPce io r PM P o r t la n d . ,F in a l papers were electric vulcanising sign erected bilge is slight bekause of thte I / ----------- Business. A isitor — , 8|gned today by the Oxford Hotel Stated Session in front of his tire shop. The crowded condition of the calen­ W . E. Pierson, of K lam ath i company and the Western Loan JCL Electri$ Store .la installing dar. Hillah Temple Falls spent the day in Ashland on nn(j Building company of P o rt­ Masonic Hall the sign. business. land, . which assures immediate »♦•«J ¿ L o c a l j P e r s o n a l f i Q t e s ;! v.«, Daily . 77.73 River And Harbor 80n’. . of Bill Is Approved JWf , tigr-*- Mtaigu*.«, Stated seksion. Friday evening, Pocket Combs, 25c- Jane 4. Important business. McNair Bros, / , Light refreshments afterward«. F. D. W A G N ER, Potentate W . & DAW, 'Recorder, te Summer work in High School subjects start June 7 at High Madden soils protected tires. School building. See Mr. For- sythe or call 26J-R — ' 232-4t work. Cost of the remodeling of the present structure and the ad­ dition of two new wings is set at 175,000, with an additional 325,- 000 to 330,000 to ’ he spfeatf ‘ on furnishings for the h o iftrry — Ponzi Fails To Appear In Court Get-Together P i c n ic - Former residents of Prineville aryl vicinity are planning a get-to g«(ther basket pienii là Aie»Ash­ w » BOSTON; Mass., June 4.— land Park June 6. A ll w ill start Charles Ponsi, financial ‘“ w li- from the Medford park nt one ard,” and Flo rid a land promoter, o’clock. j failed to appear In supreme crint- Grants Pass Courier.— Medford Mail Tribune. I ! ï-r Returned From S e a t t le - Mr. and Mr«. J. N . Dennis re ­ turned from Seattle, where they spent, the past three weeks visit­ ing relatives. They also visited Wekr Styjeplhs F la n n e l «nJ be In Tacoma, Portland and Yakim a co m forted . — Paulsqrud’s. t • < 2 i S |-tt u R 7 — Hot sulphur tub baths, day Shoppe, McGee’s Store. - Voting AAldtafl-r .. Ray Olmstead. W . A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Carlfe, and Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe, all of Hollywood, o f Abe >‘M oria Makers of Hollywood*wat the V in in g Tf»«- atré -list efenlng, are ghest¿ of the Lithla Springs Hotel. Madden retreads Urea. 1 98 -tl V» <■ *3 t Advertise Ip TV„ Tidings ip r - urrents, If ydtf • W>H H A L E : want them at 10c pound or $ l.lf t per crate, come and pick theta« yourself. C. A. Gray, 1378 lohra. ( j , 233-2t FO R R E N T : — i Proper Corsetiering Means Comfort for Summer Time Mrs. J. M. Hughes and son, Mrs. A. C. K eller of Berkeley Henry, left this morning for Call- Is in Ashland for a few day’s visit. ^orn,a to visit for some time. They w ill bring Miss Dorothy Clllff Payne makes chair rock­ Reid and Mias Boronough Hughes, ers. who have been visiting in Oak­ land and San Francisco for the Hen* For Summer past two weeks, home with them. E. T. M errill of Riverside, Cal., Candyland — M int wafers are a real estate dealer In timber, will spend the summer here w ith good and m int chews. * headquarters at the Beaver Real­ ty Co. \ , ! • » Visiting Parents— Mrs. Chris Marx of Eugene is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . H . Hodklnson. at their home on Church street. « W S M iO TODAY — TOMORROW »D ouglas «“ AC [EAN K arnak Tonic, Broa. ■ .... "— --- --------- r- — • ! ...... R-. e " I -I . ‘ lip * * ■ ■ ' * ‘f* ‘ Corsets, Corselettes and Brassieres * « R are B a r g a in s in These garments conform with the most advarfeed ideas and lines of ¡»roper fitting. They lend grace and comfort in every movement and the lmild of each garment is a distinct model unto itself. Spring Coats We have dozens of numbers from which to choose and in these you.will he delighted to find such a line so reasonably priced — z SA T U R D A Y 59cT0 $3.50 Price Sale! Dress and Sport Coats all go in ihe June Sale Visiting la Mias Caryle Van Dyke of Med­ ford. form erly of Ashland, is vis­ iting friends in Tennant. Call- jQtOk* for several weeks and Brassieres here. $69.75 $49.75 $39.75 $37.50 Coat» Coats Coats Coats Mow -.$29.75 N o w ..............$24.85 N o w ..............$19.75 N o w ..............$18.75 $34.50 $29.75 $25.00 $19.75 Coats N o w .............. 517.25 Coats N o w .............. $14.85 Coats N o w ....... .... .$12.50 Coats Now ................ $9.85 underground telephone service In the Ashland Normal School. Returned From South— M»1. and Mrs. F rank Bess re­ Oh, baby! A rollicking, rip- roaring coinedelirium that starts fast and finishes fast­ ed • ■ ■■ —— turned last evening front Lot Angele«, where they spent thet past few day« visiting relatives • * cAHto'dV TAA x k s W « , wish to thank all- our friends for t|telr kindness and i beautlVtll flowers duhng our late ADMISSION A#ulU-«ltoi?25c; ET^35c OHUbW, » » .e ^ .o .- r u .l O e bereavement. pMm. 9