nomination «U W « been ntakiag epeectaee throughout the pouniry oa l i i t t rtUM Itafcle- l*tloo. . ■ -, IÜU- WetMa— ¿rmréÁlr' t » W Onel ; best to you. Without your aid ahd interest It cannot grow ss It »isnnuld and Camp Firs girls w ill, . be unabel to return your kind-j new We need yonr support. elements but tertfl prospci ] is o f first co sfe e W M U |s V u e ; in intra R ow ell as .inlet-I c i U m o v e m e n t ^ tlte a r o ta b le t aire. Rffepíed by'p roxj- jnfo- to the clans'room. A good school w ill surroupa ilttíf with a(»olid) jk ’im'ntibn o f indgtstifiAus fam ilies; J fam ilies w h óáú -¿anU limst be stipp|id& : who build U p* titles of lin de w i t h ftnpFife Cfrh * Seeking Support m» i The Better Schools League calls attention to this plmee of school influence, ah influence that aids in building nji ttie business welfare Of a district as well a» leading in the mental and ethical developm ent of its youth. A »uhdantial, sigh tly aud well-equipped school plant, man- noil, b y a teaching force of imraoBality and power, with a($Ápiate fa cilities " tot St tidy and ptav, is a source of p i ^ R e , a worthy asset to city district or country town. Sitoh a school atmosphere makes for stability and solid- itjrm the property surroundings, increasing land values thtíÁ gh its influence on the character o f thb neighlmr- hotad and on the voliftne o f trade. , 3Ve have the testimony .QÍ'a former cahinet member i w íh ’ tclls of hi» fath er’» leaving the hack-wood» of the ca|l^t may he had fo r their children. The same point is < nhphasized in the story, o f another prominent American wW rteH ';0 f his father’s-le a v in g the hack-woods of the Ojgfk Mountains because there.w ere available but three) m o r tis of. k U oo L , “ My. father packed our belongings in a fco’cred w agon,” he r ela tes,? ‘aud went to a new state —J m we mdVed out of a three Ynoriths’‘schoftl into a nine hkj ^ i « ’ with a free high school.” I T his leads us to wonder how desirable are new resi- (Contributed) -Above all other Ideab la G*mp. Fire work, there la one w hich, atanda supreme—good cltisen- ehlp. In working tor ranks and honors, each Camp Fire girl la unconsciously becoming a beter if you carry no insurance BRING HOME to your children the right incentive to economise and save by presenting them with savings bank books with a few dollar» credited to their account«. The CitiaeHB Bank, of Ashland P R E S C R IP T IO N b R ’ tG G IS T S Oomer of Second gnd Main Sts. Phone fit Work Duds ALL Let’s Get Acquainted! KINDS MILLER’S TOGGERY “Hab-a-dash Inn" The HAKT-SCHAFFNER & MARX STORE We want to know our depositors. We want them to feel that thia is TH EIR bank,—that the officers and director» o f the F irst National have their in­ dividual interests at heart. " Powder 25c Bodine . ..............l*fc 25c Aromatic Cascara 17c 50c Witch Hasel Come in and »hake hands— le t’s get to know each other better. A delight­ ful and re­ if re s k i n g 25o Aspirin Tablets . ,17c 25c Bpeom Salts, 10 os. 17c FIRST NÀTKW L BANK A ähianü , oregon 85e 50c Peroxide Hydrogen Leaving About June 10th 50c Cocoa Butter Odd Oream ....................... .. 35c luv» A f f ila Iflha MS H »mm» ’ VASIAS AH V A O A T IQ » . tiritan ¿Ite vT V <«A'- 4;B B C 0B D WORTH STRIVING P 0B ' s » » ■ F 'ltJ W k* iBr • w V» ‘ • í* I* 3Í < 1 ■ » » tVj* AfRtJ 4I*he c i t f j ill 4het great cities o f the natiog t f thq-advoony made | liuftting fire hazards, in reducing fil e IpHSes, aud in j iting death» by fire. r eiyftre t a k es the iifp w ork of som e unc a» snrply I ugbH t-drained ftm blood 'directly from hi» veins. f»rrtandh®r just earned a great'victory. W. M. ’ HERBERT JACKSON HOT SPRINGS .2:30 It. M.’ UH. I H* , 1 j Wgc . *