ir À N D » A ï I Y V T «Oder- stand what, life la, the blamed thing 4s about a ll cone. D is n e y Wtfrie Ihfcertion. per inch -Psti 'cal. Display, per inch \n > ‘ insertion a week • v*W —T...„.,............................. .— in sertion s a w eek _____ _________ -& •«--.........* ____*-------- When a man marries, he turn! over both his heart and his atom ach to his wife’s beeping. insertion ................------- :..........'.................................... .... Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising Jtlnw insertion, per 8 point line ...—.________________ — Each subsequent insertion« 8 point line ..........._................. T^ihd of Thanks . —---- •Obituaries, per line „— , , . * , • ------ --— ....z„ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Oity fe ti» who -*» WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “All fnture event*, where an admission charge la made pr a collection taken is Advertising.” No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders. tflm ioycette Jones. 18. of Okemah, OKla.. will represent Okfaakscwmnty »rtnneaa Mt (ho third annual convention of Oklahoma .nmams nt m » - X K ^ W a T ln She to the granddaughter of Mrs. Alios Devto. Mfttt desnlnole loader, who 4a said to be the only wotuan chief of a»y ImUus ÓAP Bed cherries rip en in g m id st leafy b ra n d ie s ; peonies igal in th e ir p ro u d a ris to c ra tic sw ay ; lilies of th e v alley filing* the a ir w ith f r a g r a g j incense—th is is " Ju n e .. Roses ^-A m erican B cau ties^C o liid d u as, A aro n W a rd s, rod ra m ­ blers, tea roses, dank re d roses, deep p in k roses, roses ^’liite an d roses fe llo w , im p a rtin g to th e y a rd an d g ard en p a ra d isia c al g l o r y — th is is J u n e . F ie ld s o f.w tjeat, knee iiigh, w av in g in th e wind and beg in n in g to rip en under, Jhe sp len d o r of the' s u n ’s ra y s — th is is J u n e . S treet Where the hair Is short, g a rb le of n e stin g b ird s first h e a rd a t d ay b reak , th en a t Eating peanuts puts everybody find no fleas. on the same social level, t In te rv a ls th ro u g h o u t the day, an d b u rstin g into v esp er m elody ju s t before tw ilig h t — th is too is Ju n e! { J u n e is th e m onth of com m encem ents, of th e sw eet WASHINGTON feirl g ra d u a te , an d th e o ra to ric a l youth who ta k e s fo r pis v a led icto ry them e “ T he W o rld ’s Problem s and How Jo Solve T h e m .” T h is is th e m onth when school, college |n d u n iv e rsity ta k e th e oen ter of th e stage and hold it in WASHINGTON — General Lin­ jm d isp u ted so vereignty. W h a t p o e try there is in the coln C. Andrews, assistant secre­ Commencement season — th e g irls in w hite, the bouquets tary of the treasury in charge of J»f flow ers, th e m usic and th e diplom as, and overhead in prohibition enforcement, is a mil­ lam ing le tte rs th e class m o tto “ Beyond the A lps Lies itary man through and through. His idea of attaining an Ob-, ta ly .” W ho h a s n o t sensed th e rainbow s th a t halo the: Jectlve la to attain it at any coat. com m encem ent occasion, and likew ise who has n o t re ­ Casting «bout for means of spon d ed to th e m inor chord of sndncfcs as the g ra d u a tes multiplying the number qf Ary *iug w ith gusto an d possibly fo r the "lasfl tim e to g e th e r agents in the land, he was struck , h e ir class songs. F o r, school, college and u n iv iersity by the thought, “Why not make {lays a re such d e a r days of in sp ira tio n , of fun and frolic, j state troopers and local policemen ( . l*f la stin g frien d sh ip s, and of d ream in g dream s which may i dry agents too?" It was a bright hunch, which I r m ay n o t come tru e. would have more than doubled > T hen J u n e is th e m onth of w eddings, th e b rid e ’s the forces at his command- ~U nojitli in all v erity . All the w orld loves a bride, w hether there’d been no hitch. Andrews la a soldier, and le­ he come from the ran k s of the hum ble an d th e w edding gality is a question the soldier, fx* a m arvel of sim plicity, o r she em erge from th e home j)f Lie rich and the g reat, and the occasion be one of pom p doesn’t have to consider. T h e1 leas- legality the better, in -time |in d elab o rate cerem onies — w liat m a tte rs it. AU the of war. The commander who Jirorld loves a b ride. I t will be a so rry d ay fo r society stops to Inquire, "la this stunt ’.onld the rom ance of m arriag e suffer loss o r the w edding I'm about to pull off according « tre a te d as com m onplace and a m ere fo rm ality . W ed- to law?** la apt to get licked. So the general put his scheme Jlin g s a re solem n, not sad; they a rc im passive evepts, and up to Secretary of the Treasury! ipippanev a t such a tim e is th e acm e of poor taste. Jirne, Mellon, and Mellon, who's giving sis the b rid e ’8 m onth, h e r very own. Roses theu fo r the liia dry caar a perfectly ' free p r i d e ’s h a ir, roees in h e r hands, roses in h e r cheeks, roses hand, recommended It t6 Presi­ dent Coolidge, whereat the presi­ Sfor h e r p ath , roees fo r the bride! J tribe in tho country. Moro Troubles Resumed Again MANILA, June 3 — Three con- Stabtflary 'soldiers have been Allied «ml many wounded In a resumption of hostilities against Movo outlaws at Zamboanga. The now forays against the' Moros resulted In the oapture of three strongholds, In addition to th e two captured three days ago. A Is estimated thkt eighty Moros •have been slain. • ' JA P A N W ' NAVAL BILL TOTALS 180,000,000 rNrVERBITY OP OREGON, Eugene, Ore., June 8.— (Special) Joseph Neil of Ashland, was aj<- pointed a .mepaber of the busi­ ness staff pf the student daily newspaper by Earl Slocum of Portland, business manager. The appointment was made .May 8. a t the^gunnal Emerald banquet hold at the Hotel OSburn. TOKYO, (UP) — A measure calling for naval expenditures of upwards of >150,000,000 gold will be introduced in the Diet early next year as part of the government's budget estimates, according to reports In the ver­ nacular press. The expenditure would be spread over four years, starting with 1027. i i i i NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING An ( ittunefutioR of th e reasons fo r a d v e rtisin g has -ree* n tly ,'beu g iv e n ,o u t. T h e re are e ig h t reasons ad v an c­ e d . hut there wre uitftiy others, of course. H ow evef, here tart eight th a t a r e very splendid an d h ig h ly convincing, «is givn in a so u th ern new spaiier: N ew spaper read in g is a,voivqrHfd d a ily h a b it; news JpajM-r a d v e r tis in g , t h e r e f o r e , A a ch e s each day v irtu ally ¿Jill who buy. £ Xewspa per a d v e rtisin g ifl tlie life „blood if f local tra d e 9wcause ititoiw hes a l| 1 i • •>inpl<-,.< hp|H «l h t MRy lo c a lity . 5 . Xcv. paper sidveiitiiiinK «'ids M K d ^ to u t* I nt ^ rsc it ^entails no w aste 1»loeOty ,1 a year apiece and empowered to operate regard lens of state hues. ' Then the row started. It edema that the order is of J doubtful condt«,duonfli9-; it certainly conflicts with a number of »{At« towi. Ht « It enraged the wets. TkgA ^hs to have been expected. tt«tt R doesn't seem to have made much' wf a hit' with the dry«, either. In fact, several of them* Jiave dphdunced it roaadly. In Oongresa. ‘ • 4 N ew spaper a d ta r y r in g insures q n iék , thorough and >qconouiic¡d d ealer distribMioifc « fu í fx* jeause rcty ilew .are w illin g ’to s<>ll p ro d u cts advertisap(‘r a d v ertisin g e h ab lé i TbRtftiftiétÁreH io toll Jsdiere th j r* ' •»JL’xi ** > * . j W f i & t e t M i g f i f t n re» 1 ' » V *V pott's discovered. But our «uto ) jr i . i ig enable^ m anufaetarera* to found a telephone pole. ind costs in every m a rk e t which Our army Is buying automatic •tat«-poeierH, • I B uck' Bri*Ato* b rio W biat« tfck-< hy n e w s p a p e r to nWtr n is n u s in ess now will still be facin g ^'h'at's la A u a r iit S A , L-py t problem s when b is co m p etito r is hack on officer» were arrested at Fort tròok i a • ■ i a - a * n •¿^ gB >1 *«y toWch is IWto Jf l J* I I »■-* «I I M**-* *2' * V À î A M 'â V 'à i Û * « S p e i '> ( p t j i » i