w - I MALARIA DAILY TIDINGS - germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volerne 42 YOU XL1X PATTERSON IS WINNER; FRED STEIWER, 100 Jay Upton And Robert N. Stanfield Defeated in Republican Primary BALLOTS TABULATED But Small Chance Io Change Re­ sult; Bert Haney la le a d ­ ing Watkins PORTLAND. Ore. .May 22.— (Special)— Frederick W: Stelwer, Pendleton lawyer, Is maintains a safe lead over Robert N. Stanfield for the republican senatorial nomination, and I. L. Patterson, Eloa, Polk county, farmer, has a commanding lead over Jay Upton, his nearest opponent, for the re­ publican gubernatorial nomina­ tion, acoordlng to latest figures compiled here at *2 o’clock this afternoon. Klamath Rejects Managerial Plan By Heavy Margin H 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 XX 8 8 tt 8 8 8 8 8 8 KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. May 22.— (Special) — By a vote of more than two to one, Klamath Falls voters yesterday went to the polls and rejected the proposed commlssion- manager form of govern- ment. The campaign was ono of the most bitter staged here since the days of the old court house fight when the city was torn asunder by rival factions. The commission - man- ager plan was approved by the chamber of commerce, lumber operators and merchants generally, but organized labor and the supporters of Mayor God- dard were violently oppos- ed to it. In t^e other race which engered much bitter ¿«¿tog, Mafyoir Fred! R. Goddard .defeated Robert H. Bunnell for the repub- 11 can nomination for county Judge by a plurality of more than two to one. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IS BBOOVSKED Leaves Brief Note to Friends Hay- Ing She Feared She was /’ loosing Mind Miss Maud Baldwin, daughter of a prominent pioneer Klamath county family and well known In Ashland, committed Buicide at 8 o’clock last night by leaping oft the Link river bridge Just off the old business district ot Klam- athath Falls. Her body was re­ covered this morning at the point where Link River Flows Into Lake Ewauna. , Miss Baldwin, who was 47 years old, had been taking care of her Invalid mother for many years, and the strain of this con­ stant attention for the aged parent unbalanced her mind. Is the belief of relatives and Klam­ ath authorities. Leaves Farewell Local Woman Has Broken Collarbone and Shoulder, Telegram States In a tabulation of 1053 pre­ cincts scattered over the state out of a total of 1847 precincts. Stelwer was leading Stanfield, 25,580 to 16,849. Clark was runnig a poor third. Patterson Ahead In the governorship race on the republican ticket, Patterson bad 35,843 votes in the same numtier of precincts. Upton was second with 22.641 votes and Carter third with 12,313 votes. In addition to a fractured skull. Miss Grace Chamberlain of this city also Is suffering from a broken collar bone and a broken shoulder blade, according to word received In a telegram from Red Bluff this morning by Mrs. H. C. Gsley. Miss EllzaWh Palmer, who was Injured in the same auto accident, suffered no broken bones and Is recovering rapidly, the telegram states. She Is suffering mainly from a deep scalp wound as well as other cuts and bruises. She will be able to alt up within a few days. Miss Chamberlain is conscious a greater share of the time and Is expected to recover, barring unexpected complications. The unfortunate woman left a brief note addressed to Mrs. Kath­ erine Wright, house-keeper at the Baldwin home, in which she stated she feared she waa losing her mind and had decided to end her suffering. So far as is known, nobody saw Miss Baldwin take the fatal leap from the bridge. Her body was floating on the surface of the water when searchers began looking for It at daybreak to­ day. The deceased woman had many friends In Ashland and through­ out Jackson county, all of whom will mourn her tragic passing. STAGED AT TACOMA Four Men and Large Quan­ tity of Moonshine Seized On Lonely Ranch (OonttmiM Page F onr) J .. „ THIS ISSUE VIRGINIA CITY, May 22.— (UP)— The lethal gas chamber in the state prison yard cheated additional victims today when Sam Brown confessed to the mur­ der of Martin Trujillo here Tues­ day night and was sentenced to from 10 years to life. Brown’s confession was followed by the release of Mrs. Josephine McCor­ mack and two companions who were held accessories in the slaying. Officers said that had not Brown admitted the murder they were going to free him and charge Mrs. Brown with the crime. Is distributed gratis to the guests of The Llthla Springs and Ashland Hotel and to the campers at Llthla Park and Jackson UM Springs camp grounds-—a total of approxi­ mately 200 copies each day— ln order that Ashland’s visitors may know sotnsthlng of our elty. Llthla Springs Hotel Hotel Ashland Llthla Park Board California Oregon Power Co. Ashland Natsi orto m Jackson hot Springs > City of Ashland .Talent Irrigation District m l« D E M O IN F lit mo SPEEDYMMEM Bridegroom 92 Years Old Not to be Allowed to Enjoy Honeymoon PORTLAND, One., May 22. — (UP) — Although old, happy and just married Mr. and Mrs. Collin A. Wallace, 92 and 70* yeert of age respectively, will not be per­ mitted to enjoy their honeymoon in peace. Wallace and his bride, who was Mrs. Lourorra McVlcker were married by Rev. P. O. Booebrake Today, when relative« of Wal­ lace' learned of the marriage, a threat that annulment stops would be taken wae Issued. DETROIT, Mich., May 22.— (UP)— Henry Ford will dismantle ’the 200 shipping board vessels purchased from the government last year in a large floating dr>- dock now under construction by the Great Lakes Engineering Works. The drydock. expected to be completed by June 1, will cikt approximately 2100,000. Ancient Papers Used For Trial WHITE PLAINS, N. SEATTLE. Wash., May 22.— (UP)— Federal agents early to­ day made a surprise raid on the ranch of G. R. Ohls, 35 miles southeast of Tacoma and captur­ ed one of the most modern stills ever taken. Four men were ar­ rested and two 500-gallon stills and 7000 gallons of mash were seized. The agents also got 70 sacks of s.ugar, 360 gallons of kerosene and almost 400 gallons of moonshine. 8hortly later they also seized a tourfag car Loss of Million Dollars Re­ containing 130 gallons of moon­ ported in Big Blaze at shine. The filant was located on Baltimore Today a specially constructed building BATIMORE, May 22 — FIro and had Its own water and power plant. Ohls, owner of the ranch, today destroyed two Canton fer­ tilizer plants with a loss totaling was placed in Jail. 21,000,000. Originating from an unknown cause In the Griffith & Boyd com­ pany's plant, the flames spread to the Summers fertiliser factory occupying the next block and des­ troying both. ms Henry Ford Will Junk 200 Vessels Y„ May Sam Brown Admits Slaying 22. Faded and torn old deeds ' for Which Woman Faced dating back to the reign of King Possible Conviction Charles II., of England, have been, m C. A. Howard, Marshfield ed ucator, wgs a certainty for the republican nomination for state superintendent of public lnstruc tlon. He was leading with 23,- 657, with W. C. Alderson of Portland second with 14,743. In the democratic senatorahlp race, Bert E. Haney was keeping Ralph Cowgill ot Medfvri!ran Independently of the conven- early this afternoon was leading! (ton's action. The race Is so close that returns from missing pre­ his opponent, George Dunn, cincts may change the present re­ thlp city, for the RepuM! sult. nomination for state Ashland. Dunn, 338; Cowgill, with reports missing from 81. outlying precincts, where Medford, Dunn, 349; dow^Jll. election officers failed to 689. erly report the returns of TalentrCunn, 37; Cowgill, 58. primary held yesterday There was no contest for the While Dunn has been gene: two Republican nominations for conceded the nomination du the morning the lead had b e « » » ! 8tate representative, Wm. M. such a small margin that the Brigg8> oi th'B c,ty’ and John Car' test was proving one of the a»st kin- of Medford, both of whom exciting races in local polUfcal w<‘re indorsed by the Republican history. At noon the lead i a s Pre-primary convention, being switched to Cowgill by a «null nominated. No active opposition margin Developed In the Democratic ranks, although it Is possible that The final report before going to [ independent oppoa|t^on may show press Indicated that Cowgill «as ! up later, according to some re­ leading by the margin of onlj('12 ports. votes, Cowgill having . receWteit George Alford, present county 1159 while Dunn was credited 'Commissioner, was renominated, with 1147 in 42 precinets. i defeating his opponent, C. E. e I Terrel by a healthy margin. The This was the closest race primary, with practically ail of vote this afternoon in this race the attention locally centering on was conclusive. In Bellview precinct, Dunn led the candidates for the nomination Çowglll, it will be remembered, Cowgill 21 to 7. At Valley View was Indorsed by the Republican the votes was: Dunn, 23, Cowgill, pre-primary convention held in 5. The results In Barron precinct Medford while Dunn did not ap­ pear before the convention and were: Dunn, 16; Cowgill, 3. CONFESSES GUILT Delphians Stage District Session Members of the Delphian club from Klamath Falls and Medford ,are meeting with the Ashland Delphian club today. ,A Joint meeting Was held at tha civic club house this morning and a lunch­ eon was tendered the visiting guests et the Llthla Springe hotel today, noon. Another program was ln progress this afternoon. Classified Ads Bring Results. r NO. 223 tTLBDAY, MAY 22, 192« RALPH COW GILL HAS SLIGHT LEAD OVER GEORGE W . DUNN FOR SENATORIAL NOMINATION Daughter of Pioneer Oregon Br Family Leaps From F Over Link River BODY Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, MAUD BALDWIN RILLS SELF AT KLAMATH FALLS o Frederick g newspaper, For Nearly Fifty Years The Tidings Has Been Ashland's ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures r jfi cases out of ten of asthma, x8 a proven fact. introduced as evidence by Mrs. Olivia Hoe Slade of Mamaroneck, . , , ln her « H « a ln s t John B. Stevie, to compel him to remove an old mill dam which she claims is on her property. Hubby Too Nice Declares Wifey NEW YORK, May 22.— Robert W. Schofield .an electrical engi­ neer, “always wore women’s silk lingerie and corsets" and fre­ quently wore women's satin pumps, dresses end hats. In which he stood for long periods before mirrors admiring his appearance, his wife, Mrs. Edith Schofield, al­ leged In suing him for sepatatlon. Haugen Farm Bill Beaten In House WASHINGTON, D. C„ May 22.— Farm relief legislation In the waning session of congress was virtually killed by the Cool­ idge administration forces yester­ day. The house defeated the Haugen farm bill by a vote of 122 to 200. Ashland Alumni Hold Reception ASHLAND WILL PLAY MEDFORD HERE SUNDAY Local Baseball Team Great­ ly Infproved During the Present Week VICTORY PROPHESIED New Inflelders A<1<1 Htrength to Club; More Players Are Enroute Bert È>, .aney Beats Watkins In Local Vote Bert E. Haney carried Ashland over Elton Wat­ kins, former congressman, 60 to 26, In the demo­ cratic primaries yesterday. In only one precinct did Watkins rfin ahead of the former shipping board member, that being ln the east Central precinct. As was expected, Gov­ ernor Pierce ran far ahead of Louise Palmer Weber for the democratic nomin­ ation for governor in Ash­ land. Pierce carried all eight precincts with a total of 82 as against 9 for Mrs. Weber. Milton A. Miller, old- time democratic war horse, ran ahead of Oswald West, former governor, and Will R. King, present demo­ cratic national committee­ man, for that office. The vote was: Miller, . 55; West. 32; King, 7. J. O. Rlgg received. 13 democratic votes for state senatof, bis name having been wfrljEtenl In by his friends in six of the pre­ cincts. IN THIS QTY Man Given Largest Vote in Race for Sena­ torial Nomination a OTHER RESULTS GIVEN 8 --------- 5j Slunfield mid P atterson Are jj Choice of Ashland Rvpub- ♦♦1 llcan V oters jj Sate Senator George W. Dunn jj led the republican ticket in Ash- With a rejuvenated team ln the XX land in the state primaries yes- field, Ashland hopes, expects and jj'terday, with William Briggs, uii- promises to make It a real game jj opposed for slate representative, against Medford when the two ♦X second and C. A. Howard, in a teams line up at the Jackson Hot XXI field of five for school superin- Springs ground at 2:30 tomor­ XX tendent, third. row afternoon for the opening Out of a total vote of 419 in game of at the local park. the eight Ashland precincts, Dunn “Smokey’’ Hull, who chucked got 338 to 81 for Ralph P. Cow­ a good game last Sunday had his gill, his opponent. support been worth while, will William Briggs got 296 votes again do the mound work for the in Ashland and John Carkin 259 locals, with one or two other for representative. There wero twlrlers ready to relieve him If two to nominate and neither had the going gets rough. an Opposition. Two new Inflelders have been Robert N. Stanfield and I. L. signed up during the week, and Patterson carried Ashland for two additional outfielders also United States senator and gov­ will be lin the lineup, thus pulg- ernor. i , ging up the holes which made It a Votes for Senator runaway game at Medford last The vote for senator here fol­ week. lows: Stanfield, 140; Stelwer, 110; Prizes Offered Clark, 79; Crossley, 49; Sand­ A. C. Ninlnger, president of blast, 27; Shumway, 11; Barrett, the Southern Oregon Baseball 8; Evey, 1. league, is going to try to sput> the j The vote for governor was: Pat­ local ball toBsers on with a few Former Ashland Resident terson, 205; Upton, 161; Carter, prizes for some heavy .hitting. Commends Association 59. For the first home run by an Ash­ For Taking Action For school superintendent the land player ho will give 25 ln Metal Valued at $20,000 is merchandise. For the first three- Ashland vote was as follows: Uniform packing and market Stolen From Chicago bagger he will give 23 In mer­ ing of Ashland fruit will result Howard, 291; Alderson, 31; Firm by Masked Men chandise, and 22 In merchandise in better markets and bettor Tooze, 29; Parrott, 28; Bryant, CHICAGO, May 22. — Mask­ for the first two-baggar. The prices. In tihe belief of David F. 25. For county commissioner Alford Ashland resident, ed bandits today raided the plant boys have been doing some hefty Fox, former heat Terrill in Ashland, 262 to batting practice this week and ex­ who now liven in Portland. This of Price & Co., gold leaf manti- facLurecs, and escaped with 220,- pect to trample over Foley, Vho to especially true at the peach 163. Terrill carried but t*o of the eight precincts, east Ashland 000 of thia product taking It away is scheduled to do the mound crop, he believes. and Southeast Ashland. work for the Pear Pickers. in their pockets. In a letter to S. D. Taylor Senator Stanfield curried seven Although the team will be 100 manager of the local fruit asso While I. L. Shaffrey, superln of the eight Ashland precincts. In tendent, was formed to open the percent better than last week, elation, Mr. Fox gives his Ideas still other Improvements will be of the value of proper packing the other, northwest Ashland, vault where the leaf was stored, Stelwer was leading. / made during the coming week, ac­ so far as it relates to the Port­ 20 men and six women employes Patterson carried all bnt the cording to the team management. land market. His letter follows: were herded Into another room Oak street precinct against Upton “I see by the Tidings that your and forced to lie down upon the "Red" Watts, captain and second and Carter. Upton won out In the baseman for Klamath Falls last Association is about to do what floor with their hands over their Oak street precinct by a substan­ heads. The bandits escaped in an year, is expected here In a few Bhould have been done years ago. * days. He has lined up a job in Namely, that of having all fruit tial plurality. automobile. The total vote cast In Ashland Ashland and expects to remain sent out from th^ Fruit Associa­ here Indefinitely. “Red" O’Brien, tion- packed by expert packers— was 425, which wae the peak another start player In the Klsni- ■which you, I am pleased to know vote in lioth the governorship and ath-Sislklyou league last year, al­ are now having done or will have. senatorial contests on the repub­ so is expected to come to Ashland I have lived ln Portland the last lican ticket. within the next few days. O’Brien nine years and during that time VIRGINIA CITY, Nev., May 22 Is both a catcher and an infielder I have not seen a decent Ash­ and will strengthen the team ma­ land peach In any of the storpj — (UP) — The first woman to or markets. In asking the Port­ face possible death In Nevada'* terially. • Locals Should Win land merchant why the Ashland lethal gas chamber is Josephine According to John Enders, bus­ pear hen were not on sale as were McCormick, 22. who will be tried iness manager of the team, the peaches from other locations, the with three men. Miss McCor local boys should win tomorrow, reply would invariably be, ‘The Using Mail to Defraud Alleg­ mack is accused of slaying Mar or at least give Medford a game Ashland fruit is badly packed and ed Against Manager of tin Trujillo, whose body was that will Ac in doubt until the Trust Company make a bad showing.’ I-ast Aug­ found here earlier ln the week. •i .. . final Inning. With an added ust, while tirtklng to one merchant PORTLAND, Ore., May 22. — week of practice the 'Ashland about the Ashland peaches he cal­ players have rounded into much led my attention to a box of Ash­ (UP) — Harry E. Irvine, facing better shape, he says. - land peaches be had Just received charges 4n the federal court at The new diamond at Jackson and opened, saying 'Would you Loe Angeles, of having used the Hot Springs has been put In good believe any peach grower would malls to defraud, has been oust­ condition and will be ready for a be guilty of sending such peaches ed as president, manager and di­ WASHINGTON, May 22. — fast contest. The chief umpire to market as these * I was cer­ rector of the Northwestern Trust (UP) — President Coolidge to­ will call play promptly at 2:30. tainly surprised and amazed for company, It was Irnrnsd today. day signed the civil aviation bill The aution was taken at a special they were hardly decent culls. providing for development of civil meeting of the firm’s board of "Until the Ashland peach la aviation through a special branch properly packed they will remain directors. of the department of commerce. tabooed in the Portland markot The provisiona of the bill were and they should be. Fruit of formulated by the Morrow air­ every description from all other craft hoard. BRIGHTON. Colo.. May 22.— points sept here Is artistically (UP)—Virgile Massie .former packed making It look very In­ SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 22.— special executive prohibition viting.” (UP)— "Very satisfactory. In­ agent under Governor J. C. More- deed," was the comment of Col­ ley, must spend the rest of his onel Alexander Williams when in­ life in prison following his con­ formed of his naw assignment to CHICAGO, May 22. — Three viction of the murder of Mrs. take charge of th« recruiting sta­ of Chicago’s best * groomed wo­ Katherine Massie, his wife. The tion of the marine corps for the men — Mr*. Edith Rockefeller N W YORK, Hay tT.—BTgl- western division at San Francisco. McCormick, Mrs. J. Ogden Arm­ his wife. teen law firms are represented In or, aad Mrs. Richard 8. Folsom the contest on the will of Etsa — had their hair bobbed Thurs­ Robers, who left an estate of day aad the fact was chronicled 21,000,000 from which several at half-eolnmn length on the front cousins were cut off. pages ot the city press. f uni mins u n HADE OF GOLD LEAF Girl May Die In Lethal Gas Cell President Signs New Aviation Bill Probi Sleuth Is Given Life Term Chicago’ Elite Have Hair Bobbed Officer Satisfied With New Station Lawyers To Get Most Of Estate 4-H Club Leaders Meet Next Monday Members of the Ashland high •school Alumni association were hosts to the 1224 graduating rlaas at a reception' last night at the civic club hones. The graduates were Initiated Into the assocUk WASHINGTON, D. C„ May 22. tlon. Light refreshments were »—(UP)—Colonel Alexander Wil­ served and dancing was enjoyed, liams, who was found guilty of following the set program. drunkenness by a court martial at San Diego, Chl„ will lose four Oregon City— 150 men to work numbers la his rating under a rul­ la Hawley paper aad pulp milla, ing approved by Secretary of the Mace rise ln Willamette River. „ Navy Wllbar, yesterday afternoon. Williams Loses Rate in Service 4-H Club Leaders In Ashland and Its vicinity are planning a .Leaders meeting at the Public Library on Monday, May 24tb at 7:30 P. M. The subjects for dis ctisslon are reports. Fair exhib­ its and demonstrations, and the O. A. C. Club Summer School. Mr. R. 0. Fowler and Miss Ada IBrww<«r w#l attend thia meeting. Mrs. A. C. Joy la the president of the ackson County 4-H Club Leaders Association. Ashland The Starting Point foi Tourists! Communists Fail In Polish Effort LONDON. May 22 — (UP) — Warsaw communists were frus­ trated In an attmnp to create a soviet republic In the Vllns dis­ trict by police who fired on the« with rifle« Spend a few days hare sad visit tha following scenic woadsrs within a day’s driving distance: Lake of The Woods. Klamath Falls. Oregon Caves. Rogue River Fishing Spots. Klamath River—risking. JackasnvIUs—Coast* Seat Crater Lake—Open lator. Beaatifal «sklyoa Mountain« Diamead ■I? ¿«fez ■ B »