H I THUIWDAY, May LT TIDINGS I Duslnesa Visitor— Rev. Van Nuys, a member of Ihe Oregon Stale Board of Re­ ligious Education, of Portland, Is In Ashland to spend several days Oil business connected with that work. ' ♦ o - ()DD FEIXOW AfcTTVIT Watch this space ev«ry i 1 ‘ Regular M eetligs . Subordinate everycjThu Bucainppient, 1st and 3rd days. Rebeliahk, 2^d an Tuesdays. ¿ • Í k »♦>»»» .F^nWnl Si-rvlces-i- I Fifrteral services for Mrij. Ksn­ iper Knbll, who died in Portlund ,'.Sunday, were held at Jacksonville, uluesday. Mra, Knbll was S^pion- Ijefer of Jackson county and well ’¡known here. . ’ , ’ ; ' ' Parkers Jriepettes are delicious with Milk aud Fruit Juice«. • , Ashland Lodge Nou A. F. A A. M. Special • communication Frid.-fy evening. May 21. Work in Firs) Degree. They show personality R. L. BVRDIC. Jr., W. M character —Studio Ashland W H. DAŸ, ^ee’y. tographs. Fn»m Talent— Visiting Daughter— Mrs. E. M. L easing aud daugh­ Mrs. Nehrer of Oakland Is in ters of Talent were In Ashland Ashland visiting her daughter, yesterday shopping. Mrs. Walter Gl|l of Scenic Drive. Madden retreads tires. Legion Aux. selling The Baptist Ladles Aid hold a food solo at Hardy Saturday, May 22. Hot sulphur tub baths, da Visiting in Ashland —I or night, Jackson Hot Springs. M. J. Wolfer and family of Portland.stopped In Ashland yes­ Chocolates from Candyland are terday and were guests of the staple. Hotel Oregon last evening, going on to 8an Francisco this morning. Pie Social— The Brotherhood of American Get ÿour window screens and Yeoman of Ashland will hold an scrqgn doors at Jordan Sash and old fashioned Pld Social aud Ford Cabinet Works. l#4tf. dance at the Odd Fellows Hall on May 24. Everybody Invited. Doors Swim Kaps, 15c, McNair Bros open at 9:30. Have you a I’opny I .eave for Heme:-—’- ’ From Squth— Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottoman chldreri of Sari Diego stoppé the Hotel Ashland last mr« enroute to Seatttejv « V D I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i anril Ave., pakU jid} Calff. f ‘ Cfown Mills . Flour— Best made. $2.20 per sack. Ashland, I 210-10 our 50c Merchants' Lunch, F. & Pro. Ass’c. day from 11 to 2 at The Ly m * 162-tr Business Visitors— r ~~ Confectionery. ' -mo, O. R. Klutb, H, H. Gillette . ‘ » V MEN- t -T o cut , Iqgs at 1’W Don’t suffer with aches and and G. H. Hillhuu, made a k^gb- Apply Bob Factory. pains when you can gat relief at ncss trip to Jacksonville yester- ÎFi-kly day. . . > Jwäfll , -f m -i the Ashland NaV. UANTWh-T-^ruokjs to hai^ ■ Gift« for .tbp Graduate-H-Darl- Will Leave for Centralia— Bumber and logs. Apply Box Fac­ 217-tf Rev. J. G. Mergler, who Just ling Art Store. tory. „ 221-6 ¡recently tam e from Centrulia, *V; 1 (MR Ï1HXT: Fifrhiqhed itplyv Washington, 'wherq he spent the Visitor In Ashland— Mrs. Warren T Ler.ch of P u ­ dirt front apartment j-tsclo ie In. past two weeks, will leave with his family the last of the Week eblo, Colorado, stopped In ~Abh- iphone 263-R or;, çall at .Shoot 221-4 "for their ne^- home in Centrftlia. land yesterday and was a guest’of jüdg: the Llthls Springs Hotel last eve­ LCHT-;—Rosewood eoat some­ , , Scientific Facial Treatments— ning. where between Ashland and top Litkin Hotel Beauty Parlor. of Siskiyouo- Finder please re­ 207-tf MILl.IOX BOYS AND GIRLS turn to^Mrs. R. C. Goodman,581 ' TO ATTENI\HI M.MEB ('AMI’S E Main Sfe and rdcelvo reward. Cliff Payne makes panel doofs, NEW YORK, May 20.— (UP1 220-.3» — Moro than 1,000,000 hoys and FOB BENT— Splendid front Fioni <'amnia— «■ girls are expected to attend G.UOQ apartment— close In. Phone 263- Mrs. "G. Anderson and Miss G. camps in the United States and R or cal! at Shoojf Bltfg. 221-1 Ilarlyn, of Alviugton Ontario, Canada during the summer. Canada, and Miss L, Luckham and Enrollment of t i l l s year’s camp­ y The popularity of summer Mrs. J. L. Luckliam of Glencoe, ers for a greater season than ever 8on said.. Within tho last decade Ontario. .Canada, are visitors in before la now pracfically coin ¡¡the number o f boys In Young Ashland and stopping at tho Col­ pleto. according to H. W. Qlbaon, M e n ’s Christian Association li rbia hotel. of Boston, president of the Na­ j camps alone has quadrupled. Sta­ tional Camp Directors’ Associa­ tistics given out by tho various Tailored and tion and head of Y. M. C, A. work Inlernatlonal organizations qngfti- We sell suits, 221-tf among boys for Massachusetts' ert in character-building activi­ Iteary-to-Wear. and Rhode Island. t ie s show that 259,702 persons Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover camps Is steadily Increasing. Glb- attended Bey Scout camps and Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty 103,153 were In Y. M. C. A. Shoppe, McGee’s Store. l'J8-ti camps in the United States dur­ ing the summer of 1925. The Y. Former Ashland Resident— W. ,C. A. reported 101,967, Girl Glenn Inman, who has resided ^Siouts* 22.601, and the Camp Firo in San Francisco since leaving" [Girls, 17,626. Thousands of oth­ Ashland,, now a resident of Eu­ ers. it is estimated, attended large gene, slopped in'Asliland Tuepijjiy, ‘private camps arid unregistered visiting old frieniis. te»mp3 run by welfare agencies. J-Yont Medford— Former Ashland llw J e n ts— W. E. JJtev«nst of Loa Angeles, * Mr. and Mrs. WHkaon of Med Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson weater/i representative of Hodes- ford wore visitors In Aghlandt rd» and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Jaqua of From Medford— ¡of M tj;and Mrs. Howara Berry mer frfènds.f jMr. Stevene « JWeil at their home on Beach street. In Ashland at one time. Mt,: janl Mr< W inters’- of Ashland Merè alio’ guriats of the Congratulate the boy and girl Howard's. graduate with a commencement greeting card— Elkan's . Book Htopixle in Ashland— • Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Haley* and boys of Seoux City, Idaho, stopped In Ashland yesterday dn their H-jirw-i , , , turn home after Visiting In theW rorn WashinKlon__ South. They were KUestS1 of thgj, Mr. and Mrs. D. 6 . Klnyon of Advertise In The Hundreds of Beaútiful \Vall Paper Patterns frorn which to select ’ • », f Paints, Vamislits mid Wall Paper' 1/1 thia Springs Hotol last n*nS- ' , eve- Dungeness. Wash., stopped in . •!,Ashland on their return hpm e'al ter-v isitin g in| Mtfrshfield for some time. They were gueat't of Advertise In TUe .Tidings. the Hotel- Ashland. mming Phone 172 PICK-UPS BIG TURKISH TOWERS SATINIZËD SKIRTS 35c 95c CRASH TOWELING KAPOK CUSHIONS 15c 59c UNBLEACHED MUSLIN DAMASK 12c 45c COTTON BAT LADIES VESTS 16c 19c PLAY SUITS * Miss fclara Anderson and Miss Nora Ward will leave tomorrow ovening for there homes. Miss Books for graduation-week. Anderson will visit relatives and 217 Darling Art Store. friends nt Roseburg and Miss Alarm Clocks— Me Ward will spend the summer at her home at Dorena near Cottage Grove. To Attend Berkeley— •' | ---------- Mias Mell Carter and Miss Alice‘j School memory books —1 Dari- Robertson expect to leave soon'lug Art Store. 217-tf to attend summer school at Berke- ---------- ley. , Madden soils protected tires. Cleaning renews the life of a garment. Paulserud's. 221-tf SHOP FRIDAY AND SAVE AT Me . Rogne River High School— Rogue River high school holds Its annual commencement exer­ cises tonight at the high school in that city. Dean M. Elwood Smith of O. A. C. will deliver the 90m- mencemont address and tho inem­ bers of the class will provide hn excellent program. — Medford Mail Tribune. Where Your Dollar hus More Conte Main Street • The Picture That Is Authentic Rocking America Historical To Its Foundations Thrilling T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL YOU MAY S ee Him THERE WITH TilIJ ( BACK OF THE LAST SHELL ON THAT MEMO1L\BU5 NOV. 11TH, T H K lif hiM-r.u J nr, ,y