c 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ j ’ * V .} SUR n r r r * v t? W . V . V i j C V i , ' ■ * J rn * T C a th efm l of Vlblana here in pontifical high ehmled by the RA tnell. blake» i f L o s A a g elee and «pôBinnnt of tth a ji ï was mads by John tor of th e cath ed ral. HRB . B K gL IN , ( U P ) — Suspicion (h at an underhanded slu r a gain st th e Locarno policy was, intended, h as caused the German patent o ffic e ie prohibit a prom inent n et m an ­ ufacturing com pany from ad op t­ ing "Locarno” as a trade-m ark. It was suggested that the. use of th is nam e m ight be construed as m eaning that G erm any w av enticed into the A llies' n et a t Lo- earno. • Another ban w as im posed by the patent o ffice w hen perm ission w as refused to a n , underw ear m anufacturing concern, w hich w ished to em ploy th e word “ D e­ cency” as Its trade-m ark on u n ­ d ergarm en t E vidently su g g e s­ tive o f Indecency. ' Stability Ç C H U MAGHE P laster W« Board is mac}? last It is tnadeol durable orinerai- OfMurq— combined with a tough, abv ewyfibre. Fire does not bum it, neither doesitrot. ForwaUs of unusual strength and stability.iuse It. » .‘ I f . ‘. i »l L k- sat up thplr flag» qn tftn atra ftq yn . r(P<* i ■ * lapd p o st A m erican Legion * h o ' (teg and country. ( « >> >•* tub sh o w in g «>e ’ Wgf ’iih n ’ *Onj ‘ j . . .. a « .J O H N S O N j . M ayor O. H .io ftr ia o n aa c h ie f h pecn tlre o f thq city; laauod yaa tordqy th e proctoaaatlon th a t ewn- ■ in a W l B g W id e M a j r tt th and l is t a | P o l ffkP darp F|eW D aya.’» 1 . fiu d a r a F ie ld " ’ «4 th e V in in g theatre next T h ursd ay and F rL day. '■1 - ♦, U .) i * . Maypr ’ * ■' ’ ; i n Issuing th e proclam ation Mayor O. H. Joh nson com m en ded th e local vetera n s in carry in g on th eir m eritoriou s w ork , and tor th e secu rin g o f th is film td ■ b e »shown here. F o llo w in g Is ,'tbe proclam ation: W hereas th e A m erican L egion o f A shland h as secu red fo r e x ­ h ib itin g p urposes , In th is city , the w ar d ep artm en t’s o ffic ia l m o- ! AND Portland, « 'tu oh W ww« lowing is quoted from4b© .olppit;g paragraphs: “ Time has mellowed the lives and broadened the vision of the vetep^ g pf the Spanish-Ameri­ can war. They know what responsibility means, and they Know what it is Jo serve and to give the last, full measure of devotion.” - Senator Stanfield, standing by his pledge made in 1920 to the ex-service men was a fine example of standing by your colore under fire. ten d e n t who, Is u nder n o -ohllga- t ie n s tn a n y ' p o lit lea l m ach in e; cliq u e, o r In dividu al and th o r­ o u g h ly train ed In N orm al C ollege and U n iversity, exp erienced and su cc essfu l la R ural, V illa g e and City S ch ools, Vote for Fred J. Toose R ep ub lican C andidate (P a id A d v .) ; Its difficult to keep a good m u tlon p icture m ade by th e sig n a l corps, and The com pany he k eep s aw ay W hereas? th e sa id p icture» from d eterm in es a «nan. « show A m erica’s part la th e W orld W ar, and a lso show th e part p la y ­ ed by a ll o f th e a llied co u n tries, You don’t need a la n te r n to lo d ep letin g th e great b a ttles, Chn- cate a rocking e h a l/ In th e dark teay Thlep-y, St. M ibiel, aqd tije or a good weed, doqrn. P ed estria n s h a v e th e l * v b f the lan d on th eir s id e , h a t th e m otor­ is t h a s th e la w n of physics. Lots of beer argomenta 1« Con. sag. Most o f t b s con gressm en eiq to b e a t la g o t e a d a . A rgonne, sh ow in g th e. boyn from j t does seem th a t fo lk s, who Oregon in action and In w h o se record a ll c itie s e f th is sta te tafce I have the fin e st h om es spend th e th e g rea test pride, and ’ , ! least tlrtx© In them . W hereas, said picture« hn^e been officia lly . ' d esig n a ted “O n F lan ders F ie ld .” and t th e Xnhfis received f p m th e eri»lb|tlpn i t th e V in ing th ea tre in thia ,Wty o n , May ZOtfa and 2 }sL T he fu n d s are to bq u ,ed by tftp v etera n s In carrying on th eir m qritoriou« w ork, and f* ♦ ■unp ' Therefore, I. ee»«s»se . v > ■ ■ ■ '»» P roress depends a g te n t dqni P rogress depends n g re a t d eal .than >e upon w AH ef the oUmr Candida tea.’for the nomination have centered their firouponptel we r and contend that he is the man they must defeat. No one ever attacks a weqk.mmu THINNING Î. M , Democratic leaders, are exerting thqir efforts against 8tej 1 dfcaw Special films« a > 4 , tR t w orthy p urposes fo r w blcb they a re sh ow n , do ea rn estly requoet Aha citizen s o f A shland to p ro1 l m ote th e patriotic purposes o f i th is exh ib ition, and urge th e I m erch an ts aad b u sin ess h o u ses to 1 V ote 20 x - ’ - i-À V ’ f< ; steiwer '•’ « f . s ” Hardware The Winchester Stere” SUMMER UNDERWEAR COOL» AT MODERATE PI < ins ~ m n ri' «>*■ gest Little Stere in Tow» New Hotel — i Open Evenings Bon It take chances o p i don x^know about-it, le H ’s far better“tb be and more on the development of this industry ipr tneir prosperity, remember this on primary day! - OBMBBAL TAXES Senator Stanfield is chairman of the Public Lands Committee of the Senate1. At this time he has in charge I ¡and is pushing as rapidly as possible, tax, teoovery pleas­ ures for the state of Oregon, involving oyer six millions 1 of dollars. Better than five million dollars for the eigh­ teen Oregon and California I .»and Grant couhties, and almost one million dollars for the Lincoln county spruce lands. Senator Stanfield, with the loyal support of the rest of Oregon’s congressional delegation, will put these through. Jackson County's ahacgjjill be one million dol­ lars. Every tax payer in this county should go/to the polls next Friday with this in mi»d. As the Mrt&ter approach« d a certain village tea , lepers met Him. They recognized Him and said, “ Jesus, Master, have mercy upon us.” He healed them. When they found that tpdy h a d m a d e ’ . whole, one of them turned hack ahd falling on his face at Jesus’ feet 1»"lined forth his he^rt in grateful thanks. Qhrist nojjfltng the nhaenpe of the others, inquired, ’‘W ereth e» hot tefi cl6ansj edf But where are the nin ety ' This is the most stinging rebuke ever uttered against the sin of ingratitude. H ‘ j We would hate to think that the Voters in Jackeon Oounty are as stiff-necked and unTegenetate as Were these nine thoughtless and ungrateful lepers. But the primaries Ion the 21st will tell the story. (Paid adv.) BJ3RT ANDERSON. IB ALWAYS A9MCIATID WITH 7 It takes ih 4# three Work Shoes for Summer ettted Summertime is here. Prepare f ot your putdoor life and suniOter’s work with 1 " . / ** $ ’• i 1 to ' ' a pair of our serviceable work sljqes PROVOST OVERLAND WARE w fiWWR « « • a * -, Ì A SAfllCl AT E1» O IL s i. à s ì ' t - ‘ ; - '»*‘ •% "’ í / jit- ' S m EMMMK L uB&A '*4* * •fcA’ •’ fc ■ A # 1 ■'■*■*--2 1 ’ M L. t _ —. j B -