1 " ; ' Fined lor R w klccs Drlvlnff—- For making a “hprss’’ out ot * Mr. aUd Mrs. Haryÿ Forde of San Francisco were visitors to Ashland yesterday and stepped at the Llthto Springs hotel. A DARBY BUY— House with large lot, 11850. Brown A Rice, 63 N. Main. 220-1 * Parkers Jrfspsttea aro delicio«* with Milk ubd-Fruit Juices, i ' '■ > }> i, i WANTUD — Çharry packers register with us .or Mrs. Smith. 232 Oak St. Ashland Fruit Á Produce Association. 220-3t aos-tt, Returpçd from Dnnsn|at»«- Subordinate every (campment, 1st and pi. Rebekahs, 2n< tesdays. her hom i on n after fng «V» 'days ih'nM m nulr, was accompanied . by her CtoMUhl Mani Rhodes. . W. Blake and family of Weed have come to Ashland to ■ make their home. Mr. Blak« Is em­ ployed at th e box factory. ! Dadles - ’ . ih -tf Safe Cracker Is ; B i •Caught By Police SALT LAKE CITY, May l$ .r (U P )--ta u g h t In the w lngim f the Now horp,,D. C, nlirham, plano(.stopped in A„hlaiiJuky, wad pentenepd to serve from one guaranteed. R. D. Sanford, 399 PaynS Try our 50c Merchants' Lunch, Every day from 11 to 2 at The Plata Confectionery. 162-tI Show your patriotism* tor j | c#hts— wear a Ppppy. 220- Tidings A dvertising Pay>. A New Mode That Harmo­ nizes Beauty and Econ­ omy— Wouldn’t you love to pos­ es« a quantify of exquisite nn- derthings If their cost were not prohibitive! SUNBEAM Rayon Underwear solves the problem effectively with Vests, Bloom­ ers, Step-in Pants, and Com­ bination. You'll be delighted with their soft sheen, long wear, pleasing colors —- and surprisingly low cost! PARTICULAR SUN BEAM RAVUN VESTS Each $1.28 PEOPLE USE in Pink. Peach, O r/ild Nile. FRANKLIN ROME, May 19.— Raging riv­ the Alps have burst their banks In the dis­ trict between Turin and Venice, flooding farms, carrying awav rattle and causing the loss of millions of dollars to property owners. ers descending from Fred Taylor went to Portland yesterday on business. He will For the Athletic.Girl! BREAD RAYON STEP-IN BLOOMERS Because it is made in onj? of tile cleanest shops in Oregon and of the best of materials. * P air $1.26 n Peach, Orchid, Pink ud Nile Green. On I he campus or golf course for the hike or the day’s rou­ tine, you will find that Sun­ beam' Rayon bloomers and combinations adnlirably suit /our purpose — they are very moderately priced at only Dawn RAYON STEP-IN COMBINATION GARMENT RAYON VESTS Franklin llpsinefM Trip, to Portland— Rexsll Orderlies, 26c— McNair Stopped in A s h la n d - Mr. and Mrs. L. A. AndreWs of Sacramento stopped in Ashland be gone several days. From Idaho— qt the Hdtel Oregon last evening, E. B. Vlcfcfcls, Evelyn Vickers' skiroute to Vancouver, B. C. Scientific Facial Treatments— and Roland Vickers of Boise, Ida.| Lfthla Hotel Beauty Parlor. Hot sulphur tub baths, day 207-tf stopped at the Hotel Ashland lasj evening enroute South.'. or night, Jactson Hot Springs. School memory books — Darl­ Buy a Poppy Thurs., Fri Former Ashland Girl— . ing Art. Store. 317-tl Sat., for Memorial D a/. Mrs. Xewl» Gerber and son, drove up from Glendale, Califor­ BnslneM Trip to Klamath— Moths eat on soiled spots.. Have nia, to visit for some time with JF. J. Murphy and Joe Bachus made a business trip to Klamath your ■ winter clothes cleaned nt Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hedberg. Paulserad’s, before putting them Airs. Gerber will be remembered Falls today. as Mfca Muriel Swigart. away for the summer. 218-tf Help wounded veterans— buy a Poppy, Thurs., Fri., or Sat. Word Received— 220-1 Visiting In Ashland— Word has been received that Lloyd Judd of Davis, Califor­ Mr.'and Mrs. R. W. Brlclker, nia. Is visiting at t$e home of Returning to San F ra n cisco — who left Ashland last Wednes­ Mrs. George Stevens Is return­ bis cousins, A. F. and L. H. Dyer day tor Baker, Oregon, met with ing to San Francisco this evening at 77 Pine street. an accident in Oregon City Fri­ after a few days In Ashland. She day. Mrs. Bricker was quite bgd- Thp Baptist Ladles Aid is staying in San Fraqclscp with ly hurt. They have maile their hold a food salé art Hardy Mr. Stevens, wh Popples Thprs., Friday and Sat. Commission. 220*1 E. R' ISA A C & CO. tha hood of his automobile by placing a saddle thereon, upon which a girl. Wilma Sima, mas ridtng, Jack C ourt o f Ashland was fined $10 and suffered the iuspeBsion of his driver’s license tqr,4O <|pys when be pleaded guil­ ty *in Judge Roe's court yesterday to a charge of reckless driving preferred by Sergeant J. J. Mc- Majioa of the state traffic force. Cqiart is also said to have been speeding at the rate of 40 miles per'hour. , } Special Thursday Each 89c Bakery Come In Peach, Pink, Nile Honeydew. $1.75 Trimmed with silk lace to match. Come In all the wanted colors. One of the most ¡important offices of the state is th at of Superintendent of Public Instruction. For this position, we unqualifiedly indorse ■HlFSi George A. Briscoe V?V. Mills B. C. Forsythe Ernest A. Woods, M. D. Walter R. Hughes L. L. Leedom C. A. Malone Louis Dodge O. F. Carson F. F. Whittle C. W. Banta' Ila Myers H. O. Anderson Mrs. Gordon MacCracken Gt G. Eubasks Rosa Dodge Galey » Mrs. J. A. Ruger, Pres. P. T. A, Tho. H. Simpson R. E. Robison & ($■ !$> tfr 1| Mrs. F. D. Wagner G. H. Billings Mrs. Emile Piel J. W. McCoy Mrs. Wm. Aitken Enders E. H. Hedrick Supt. Schools, Medford Hardy PeiFs Corner Get .your .window sCrehng and screed doors at Jordan Sash land Cabinet Works- l»4tf. Madden sells protected Business Trip— f Fred Nell is lh Northern forni* on business for the land Creamer/. - ,» . ■ CT1 4 - » ' ; - , •* Bnsinesa Visitor—>* ' Ralph Russell of Siskiyou Camp sbent the d^y | q Jldwn.on busi­ ness. • • I •’ A - - ’ They show personality character —Stsdl'p Ashland tographs. I Books for graduatfon v d i . * - DaPllng Art Store, 217-tf YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND A sPALDina Swimming Suiis LOOK BETTER - - - FEEL BETTER SWIM BETTER Spalding Swimming Shits are All wool» pre shrunk, color test, shap ed and reinforced. What Do ‘ ■ You Write "** *’ »• <*fX4(,A t Y w ir Check; A t t c n iO H ? Monarch Home Service Cooking School WHICH WILL BE HELD IN OUR DISPLAY ROOMS, MAY 20TH TO 22ND, INC. SWENSON & PEEBLER, ASHLAND, OREGON. These classes will be und er'th e sujtervision of an experienced Home Economist from the Home Service Department of the Malleable Iron Range Company. Electric Cookery, Oven Dinner Planning and Economy Receipe» ’rill be the principal subjects covered and demonstratetl during this cook- n o ir tn Stubs? Remember the date and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. PRICED TO SELL A T j Do von keep an accurate re&ird of each deposit mpdc and each check w ritten! Cato y ITse the stubs in yunr check book so that you have an accurate reepfd of every check, what it k ror^and to whonl isiti4d. m and ee n $10^0 Set Aluminum Utensils F/eel with each Monarch Eleotric Range Purchased during the Cooking School Caps and Belts < Bathing Shoes .H I FIRST NATIONAL A SH L A N D , OEEOO RAfiK fe - ■ y