m obile w h U h “ rS à being parked and crashed THE ASHLAND ta c ó n Btoo^pt ttundiijr I>y PRINTING CO. Kalànìasòo College, ks 'B rf ' H ia m anner la crisp and busi­ ness-like. B u t he ain’t a g o o d in te rv le w e r. F o r one th in e , h e ’s In too big a h a rry . F o r another,. I th in k he’s a tra ld he’ll any th e 'w ro n g th in g . In th e course o f yo ur tw o m in­ ute«* ta lk w ith- h im he te ll you “ I ’d ra th e r not b e 1 quoted,’ at le a a t eig h t o r ten times. By Mall and Rurul Boutes tree Month« c Months — . te Y ear # ; - DWPLAY' ADVERTISING BATES Bangle Insertion, per I n c h ..... .........— ................ Politicai, Display, per inch .„................................... 4...... ¿ i, ‘ Yearly Contracts Cure insertion a ^reek T^o insertions a week kfitly insertion ...... - — .............................. ........................ Rates for l«egal and Miscellaneous Advoet M o th e r w orries about h er fig ­ ure a t hom e w h ile fa th e r Worries about hia fig u re a t th e bank. fir s t insertion, lier 8 point line ....................— -------•— Mach subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ----------- ~ - Cftrd of Thanks tgiituarie», per line WHAT CONST “All future eveutk, whei lection takeq Is Advèrtialni Ko discount w^U be silt DTEB ADVERTISING ’ in admission charge, Is, made or a Most fools a re self-m ade men. ad Religious or (Benevolent Orders. DONATIONS ' No donations to charities or otherwise will be made In advertis­ ing or job printing oar contributions will be in cash. New Edison Phonograph lT Itoti A BV rp T o coir, ALL 0 öh T TRACTORS AND RADIOS • One tractor does not make a farm, nor does ’a radio ajways keep the home aires .learning, hat thè government j ctynsus óf agricolture fot 1925 show's an eriüghtófiing , relation between the number of tractors and radios re- I>oFted. Announcement has been made of prelim inary figures for several state», one stateMeiït inèl'uding- figurés fyr Alabama, Idaho, Iowa Michigan, Missouri,- Nebraska, Nevada, New York, ■ North Carolina, Ohio, tykle^iomu, Virginia and West YirtppiiÇ Í J » i ’ , P ! ¡ \ J u t i . Of those states,; N/uw Yotk wa» ih iajlioá Îwith ¡ ‘i f , 620, Iowa stood^Bfxt with M»kòuri - ranged third with J 7,592', AÌbio wan fourth îwUh I$,9ltj NobCaplAv •WASHIN6T0N-WU? t J$fth with 12,140,taa^M ièbigail sitili Miti. 9,02F-. AU tiic • éthers reported Icaè.tfian, 5,Q0Ç -■ jU )/, ■ o f ! CHARLES !’■ STEWART ? In traetqrs towa led with 87,‘.fob, OÊw carnè he*t Aviari < :ÌO,932, NeW York .was thìW with 25,701, Mieliigapi tòèk j- Ipurtli place with 19,288, 'Nebraska was fifth witn l8í-’ - ¿60 and Missouri sixth with 12,762. Except Oklahoma, j fiith 10,950, all tlio other states reported less than 10,000. f i Tliia evidence confirms belief that the fanners aré ¿ beating tke (umiliar plow horse vyitUtho tractor, but it 1 ulrt) adtfe another “ R ” to the traditional trinity, taught J ip the little red school house, "‘j 1' ~~ z - .. ] L etter ? NO NEED TO HURRY • Not that any appointments need bp changed, hut I rtdher as a m atter of unfinished business, it » 'w o rth while 1 to make a note of the largest apptaisnl of the e a r th ’s I durability. This battered old will hold together to r ( another 9992 »9*.00<»,im years, n ocu rfto Ho ’ the calcilla-ij tíons of P r o f e s s o r i ; r », by reducing oi ig i» the modern machinery of sale»—and possibly busjs individuals. ‘ He’s accessible enough, you have to see him on that Steck’8 a new type of sena­ tor—he speaks right out and gets Htìtófe' VINING THEATRE 4'I’m So Well And Happy Again I Don’t Guess Any­ body Wonders That 1 Think Karnak Is The Greatest Medicine On Earth,” ’ Declares Mrs. Nelson. • "I dejn’t guess anybody will wonder that I think Karnak is the greatest medicine ■ on earth, when they know how it rid mo cf twelve years of stomach troub­ les and made me so weil and harpy again,” declares Mrs. A. S.siNelson, -of E. 3018 Syndicate! Illvd., Spokane, Waoh. “All theao years of ill health had just gotten me in such a run# down «fondttln >lge, too, And many nights I would lie awake all night jmffer- |i-g with intense pains in (my stomach, and gas would make my licgrt pound like a drum. “I dieted for years on soft foods aild milk, but steadily grow worse 1 in spite of all I could do. I h.id terrible ditsy headaches, hdd awful pains In r tf «tornaeh efid lower intestlnoe, arid Jast Became tree schedulca daH» OsSB a . m. 1 :1 0 p. m. 10:00 p. 1 Stop PV»r apywhere and as of’.pn as you like. CATH— Hfgli b a rk rd rcclln in f adaptable throe positions. SAfc FRANCISCO IN SEVENTEEN HOURS The feature of the Highway is 8prlng in all its glory. Get you- tiokete frort .pftckwtdi Stage Agent Tavern C a te«» IC7 B ast Slain St. P h on e 84 "Well, sir. my hrfvband sug­ gested that I try Karnuk and .al­ most before I knew it I was im­ proving right along. k NpWj all the Indigestion, bloating, nervous­ ness and pain la gone. I Just eat hekrty and dqn’t have any. more stomach fkOtthlh o f say kliid. i sleep lik i a c#iild evart. night, and mornlngt x'get up fMilng rested and refrtshed. I simply can’t AJi kinds of common and face brick j ^ijiue — Cement — Plaster SAFETY has received its proper emphasis in the building o f Star’s capital value am ong all lig h t weight Sixes — th e Star Six at only £895 delivered here. Ifenftix Tour $ 4 c e l Brakes— ac* In the H eart of Town IN SEATTLE Ashland Cream- >ery Butter . 'demands a higher price khan any butter manu­ factured on the t "'kikt,- We are receiving a pre­ mium -of 2c per pound Jabovc tliq iriccfjpjiid for other butter. Ashland by ,nd ail lead- on this Safe, J** Light Weight Six! , ( i ' *4i,» I ' < VÄRS0N-F0WLER LBR. CO. « SiB HIM THfeit” Systems , • ’ :: “ Hab-a-dash Inti" / THURSDAY AMD FRIDAY. MAY 20-21 ' . I • v , S. Official Government W ar Picture—Actual F ront Line Fighting. - -idfif A couple of minutes talk with him is a long talk, for Steck. Ha’.-i ■ice and affable, but he hasn’t a second to waste. His secretary informed me, as t waltod an hour and a half be­ yond the time he phoned me to call, for my two minntes’ talk, MILLER’S TOGGERY policemen. If they like a food they are certain to Ik about it tend spread the glad tidings. i that fail- ere nou-M icvei > Patiner Piano , ’’ it Will Please Him (lomiuerce made an effort to iwipularize the use of sea irurw -I k an food. They placed liberal quantities of son ’ussleK in barreia at polibc stations in one or two lnrge ties, and hade policemen help thcihstelves. W hy at po­ le stations f Well, because a policeman is a logical ad- Himng fnedium for food. . f h ........ . The average patrolman is an ablebodied umn, who jrks in the ojien air and in the course of a day develops fiendish appetite. Being hungry most of the time, he kes keen iq^ercst pi food and is often a connoisseur on table». Moreover, he likes to twite about food and will » ao, took whenai’ er l»-bas oitpprtunity. lionce, it -tW* ‘‘c a g e y * W l 3 i i f c U f c t f i W k « 6 t t W t i W jn 1923 were lieadefi.by.men • .Mg . J. I J* ' Special morinee Thnndat, for School Children A N£W TIE lor DAD . citìbfcst ÉISTOKIC injury* to the rècord The iponderftyl Wer-R®f Value Points s s æ s - weight stasi , cep te< J y -tte W i t American bwkUrs,such as Loco- mobiU and iW L u & an d the type used by 90% o f all European cars — britlg to S tir Six the guarantee o f r e d ^ v ih g ir ir t y f t iir a e p r t '' vention ^if ski^ldxn^j. N cw S ta rS u an ditteom radecirJlM IIOMK BÛTTÎ^l—KAT MhllE 6F IT! / ASHLAND ßREAMERY A shland, €>ife. V