-R a lp A O o w g iJ r candidate »tate dìo* tor? 1 | advocAttd/ I ¡o heàlth; «Un Ito ViSiOU ti : The ttebtotWe rira <« o ftddptW flat llcsfcse f a f o i j i o t fesa i M f l $3 0«. or more than >10.0» lW I alble. The Episcopal Chuych. ’i 111 care, and a property '-tax " M l tfcere/oni, according to Fr^n i l i a ’s Un, VltwPresldent ’ not more than 70 per cedt‘'oa tM I pj th e Hatlooal Import, la free of dabL except M ’ value of naw cart and. gradaAM$i 4 s e lf through its reserve deposit reduced tq a flat assessed tralM J S cou n ta. Thia la the first time, from the fourth year on of 10 f c f rank Un declared, that th e ’ 20 par cant. *•. •*1 ' ; | Church has been in such' a favor­ Thia plan la meeting with’ tBs I able! condition financially since approval of auto dealqrs, g a r a n f l 1619. He stressed, however, the and automobile owners In M i w l importance of restoring th e re­ ford, Ashland, Talent, P h odttfcl serve deposit accounts without Central Point, Gold Hill, R o n f j delay. River, Eagle Point, Butte ***■! and Jackaonville. ' '•* » * '? A highly favorable report w » The following firms havA per-., the position of the Church In sohally Indorsed the plan: * Mexico was made to, the Council PARK OARAGE, -<• | by Dr. John W. Wood,, Execu­ By H. D. McNa|r. tive Secretary of the Department I The, “reserve deposit accounts” oak 8T. G arag e , are special funds available for use e f Missions. Bishop Creighton, By H. R. Norrto. by the Missionary Society. Jn i t - who was recently 'dispatched to f Perry E. Ashcraft. look after the Church’s interests fhct, the Church itself, at sueh WILHITE MOTOR CO. . .‘I times as Its ncome may be less here, has reported that he has By A. C. Wllhito. FORD AGENCY. CHEVROLET AGENCY. CLIFF’S TIRE SHOP, By Cliff Jenkltm. SKINNER’S GARAGE, The Quality Store By H R Skinner, TALENT GARAGE, By L. I. Crawford. EAGLE POINT GARAGE, ‘ By Geo. Holman BUTTE FALLS GARAGE, By Hawkins & Wymore. Klastic Stitch, ajl par« RIVERSIDE GARAGE, Wool in Plain and'Fab- By P. F. Clone. . ' »nr f rics. GORDON STOUT’S GARAGE * By Gordon Stout. PRICED AUTO SUPPLY-PARTS Co:, By Wright A Strange. < 0 . 9 8 to < « y .9 5 LITTRELL-JENNINGS P ’RTS, GO. By E. A. Littrell. WESTERN AUTO 8UPPLY CO. By H. M, Johnson, Mgr. ' WASHINGTON, ’. May 18.— IfUP)— General Frank;'T. Hines CARL FICHTNER GARAGE, has issued a w a r n lu t to the 8,- By Carl, Fichtnqr. E&flicKró Ignace Jan Paderewski famous BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. 7 . 800,060 world war. veterans who pianist, was presented w ltb the By Walter Bowne. have not taken advantage of American Legion’s distinguished ser­ making application for reinsur­ C. E. GATES AUTO CO. vice medal a t a dinner in N ew York Wool Suits, Size 24 to a t which he was the guest of legion By C. E. Gates. ance that all claims must be filed Fe^trit^Pbf^r^SPBBXy* officials. H e recently gave the p r o PIERCE-HARRISON MOTOR, before July 2 to be valid. ceeds of four concerts to the legion’s Co. • Bjr Wm. Allen. There has bean,88,48» applica­ fund for disabled veterans. Above PRICED MASON MOTOR CO., tions for government life Insur- are a picture Tat .Paderewski and a Everyw here—wherever facsimile o f the medal. —" By Earl Moore. ,qnce totaling dbout >160,000,000 there’s water—you will DODGE BROS. AGENCY, filed since January 1, General see the new, striking styles 4 ' By C. S. Eakln JHlnes, Director of the -V eterans o f Gantner & Mattern,'' ’ ' NOTICE OP SALK HILL MOTOR CO., Bureau announced. Each policy Am eriea’i largest pro­ By Roy Hill averages’»bout >8,400 per vet- Notice Is hereby given that thq undersigned will, at the heur ot ducers o f stylish swim­ ten o'clock a. m., on S^urday, the ming suits. 29th day of May, 1926, a t the of­ C aliforn is “ S P E E b ” fice ot Powell’s Transfer, 337 Oak PRICED Models are distinguished >Street, Ashland, Jaffirson County. by colorings such a$ only A N D YOU EX PEC TED TO JEXPRESS YOUR Oregon, offer for sale and aell'to artists Create. Excellence the highest bidder for cash, one in knitting gives them an wardrobe trunk and contents for W IT H A G IFT ’ * the purpose of paying a lien that enticing snugness. I claim, on said trunk for board G W ’s are pure wool in and lodging of Corrine Lowe, for every strand o f their firm, Come in and InspeoH Our Litres of 150.bO. BathiAg Shoes Made of durable, form-fitting elas­ Dated May 18, 1926. Pure Gum Rubber, 1 - LEATHER GOODS, KKYiTAJNERS, PU R SE S, tic stitch. CORA M. CROSBY, BILL FOLDS, V A N ITY CASES, TO ILET GOODS 218-2-Toei. ASK T O BE SHOW N THV "Tl PA IR 11.00 .b e tte r Honored E. R. IS A AC & CQ. H W F fr ' y WOMENS Sjvimtning Suits CHILDRENS UNEQUALLED in perform ance and speed of w ashing, the \ O N « -M IN U T E is unique in the safeness with which fine things are washed. 9 • W e w ill be glad to dem­ onstrate this w o n d e r w asher of th e age. ’ F qh I s , Cb# els, Nash, Stevens, fOR QÎHGK SALB Ashland Electric Fordson Bathing Gaps PES Ifrte 9 Difference fff F ot Buy Your Ford GRADUATION!! GOOD WISHES i NEW C H I CALIFORNIA "s ra a n ” m o m ls IL 1| YOU ARE C O R D IA L L Y IN- VITED TO ATTEND A Monarch Home Service Cooking School WHICH WILL BE HELD IN OUR DISPLAY ROOMS MAY 20TH TO 22ND, INC. AND SETS, STATIONERY^BOOKS, FO U N T A IN » ourgrocer has i QuakerOatew« iwn tliem. ’ :' i ’ ; »; A », . * • ’ - • ' * * THE EAGLE M ARKET Ashland, Oregon Cookery, Oven Dinner Planning loray Receipeg will be the principal covered and demonstrated during ping school. CoHUURuder Hyrd flew to tb^ P o le,'a n d the rçasoq lie d id .it. was' bp- ,.b>g plane was MATERIAL E xdasively With f SELL THEM the data /and tgke advantage of ¿onal opportunity, e >, i f i»4j Í L ’EIRCTRIC enson & Feebler W w i t o Good, Prop. Completé ’ building jn a te r i^ l ,M l» r W shopping around. ; ' IT?'* without. <' • »5 * * ' ‘ ■ \ * doctors am f: authorities advise. ORDER YQUR MEAT BY RHONE r ’ ’ • 9bft»Hes the balanced «ood rattoa of proteiw, askbebydtotss Vtto- tnincs — plus the- ‘‘built" fa make laxatives l w often. ne44esix|n