* / jt ONT jä t , M tà o i (C o n tiw ito ta to i Bato tofo/ Candidate for the R eptM teae nBrntoatlira för atete senator, » « » M i to the May > M - »rtmwriaA » ä ' ó r ------- W ----- C a n d ia te h r State senator, —------ —- * - J - ----- — 2—w—3 ' T 11 FOR RENT: *— Four room fur- nishtof m W , gB W JWL' to 1»-- » quire I Beach A t a IW -It 5< •ab ject te the May I 1st prim ante. 1 Bive no toner gmbrtion tint» to totot <étf abtf faitiifuîiy toy É tau had County. My SkJtatf: "More éeonttito* And TeVér Law«.” FOB RENT: — A choice, now two-room apartment, nicely turn- ished with bath, sforotuom, and screened W * . ¿¡It*. M. CaR arternooas at I I South Second St. ' B * ~ t, „ FOR RENT; — Ttoto rOrthj* bouse kedptog ¿¿drtrttot. Id * A J Main. BO«-« J _ FOB BHNTf Small apart- meats. Yery attnwtfvrty forntto- ed. Modern conveniences sad dose m. Btoecraiiy to r tta c fair Std- dents Si drdtoto W dort. l i * HargdMMt ' • tal-I too. hare appetite to enjoy even the m/ost tempting dishes, and a short time ago. I Would have given anything I possessed to have been able to enjoy the hearty meals that I do now. "What little I used to eat Memed to do me more harm than gdod, and I fell off in weight to , oAly 115 pounds, and just seemed to be dwindling away to almost nothing. I was so extremely ner­ vous I' couldn't get a restfal night’s sleep, and was going down hill so fast that it alarmed me and kept me worried day and night. '»Well dir, outsidp my wife add family, Karnak has been the , greatest blessing I ever received, ahd all the money in town could net induce me to make such a statement were it not the actual truth. I'm almost sixty-six now, add just think of it, Karnak hac . given me perfect relief and has built me up from 115 to 128 lpeunds. Why, I just feel like a new man from head to foot. "Why, It would just make any­ body rejoice to get the wonderful relief that I have, and I’ll pray for the good men who make Kar­ nak that they may keep up this good work. Yes, sir, I feel it a duty to mankind to tell others about this medicine— just to have the people in this city see me toou t it and those outside the city to write me— I will gladly verify thia statement tor all of them," Karnak is sold in Ashland by I the East Side Pharmacy, and all tending druggists. * ,A . H hh tototed tod AH droit guaranteed, d # Baraga. tort Wtow tf stetoto Attuto C. varal Mai's experience Mrt s a g rttfo repairing, Oregon. Phone 1*1. OJr W o » A NtffGag, P y E. D.. Brigg»- pmdye to / t l i w e i t . I l J— d——MO. piention as having the second •* 8t e“ « 8he attends the » o p h y school near Trail. ’ M|Bg Mildred Ca/letorf, presi- gent of thd Jackson COtriMy -------------------- H ealth Association, has but r<- > SHOT* CACAE tontly returned froih a monttt’3' “RCUfT COURT OP gtay in Salem whert she assisted OP OREGON, W* t>r Stella Ford Warner with het CRgOtf COUNTY. Clinics in' cdtanOcifon wff h the MATTER OP THE Marloh County Health Dtmott SH IP OP M I N N » ‘«ration. While there, Miss carle- LPLEY, Insane. tdn also attended some special 5 to the Court from gdurseS given for public health at O. K. W helpley, guraes by Dr. Walter N. Brown, above na#ned, [tom is in charge of this work and Whefpfoy, that rtf t o o is considered an expert along netfcttt to’ his said these lines. A week was spent e real estate be- at the Midland Empire Educa- rt- td het, described tfonal Conference at Spokane. f8 T -l m o? * ! MÍ FOB RENT—furnished apart­ ments and sleeping rooms. LttM l Apts., I f 8. Second street. 111-tf jày H. úptoh Republican Candidate GoVetü» FOR RON« to * n lsh to eat- O fflee P h en e IdS-J ins sad apartments. Reasonable, Rooms 1 and I . P i n t National b / month or waok. CaN 1 « . a tn£ BTdf. Office Hours. 10 1» MOBS'; t t » f f . B.T T to FOHSAlto to m s M h to to» in GoldyiWtte, Wsahidtorti, dlto 1«I dcraa Alfalfa ranch In Prlne- vilK' Oregon—

R SALE: — Four, fifty by ¿ruéis. Good service at a rea- on* hundred and fifty foot lots oh *alm And.,' hetwee» High r sm a b N prtcA Pljone SI. Schdtol and Normal. Priced righ t tetote. Box , Tidlsgs. lg l- l m o . Thompson a>d Buriïngame to m SALE: — Big toad of röteten att« Htoocrtteto kindling, to-dd- Bo* dXctory Paper Hanging — Tinting a PSrtfo 80. 800— tf Specialty. ftoR S A L E ? -t» M iM M Itfif, ' fltfImatCs gfrdfty furnished. C d » .. Completely furnished — Phone »8 z I»«« modern 8 room house with sleep- lag |orch and dtodgd, 0» Corder lof 70x100 rt, to to rtdstonrtto. CdsB or terms if desired. Andreas * mapkaMe ^ d e r -g r sd u a te ; , Kaph P. Cowgill > talked over. The offloers named at this meeting were: President, Mrs. F. W. Hitchcock; Vice-president. Mrs. C. V. Howell; Second Vlce- -g$esident, Mrs. L. R. Coombe; Third Vice-president, Mrs. K. P. Kims; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. O. A. Briscoe. » » » » . Oulhl Meets— The Westminster Guild meota (Continued on Page Four) of all kinds for ymir camping trip. Biggest Little Store m Town Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings ' ' (P aid A dv.) ftckw ick Stage Systems ArtLSiro to aia ronera south Vote for a man who can help your section of the State. He lr a firm supporter of the Direct Primary. He is opposed by fhe Old Guard Republican leaders and the big newspapers of Portland. Vote for a reaf life wire for c. B. «tarthttto/ MBtototo. id i-n tin t i W M M ¿rty 0*1-1 here creak bottom, free water sight With huMBsgs. HPtob SIIIT1Í AMD ELMORE . tiful view cd atonoundtog stodd- O totfortori tod Builders. New dt.1 MMONS Ulna, 88,00W. M d ie » « dlto a»d rrtstoelteg. 1 want the people of Ash**»«1 in T h e C ir c u it c o u rt o f Ldurai A vs./ O»dfo»d,- Cal. fo k no* that during the fight to THE STATE OF OREGON, IN 118-1. mo. * ¿¿-establish the Ashland Normal. AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Vhe leaders o f the Republican ANT OIKL IN THOUBLB-^May . G. O. VAN NATTA, party in Mddford wired me to crttfmtfflcute With HMlgn Lee Plaintiff, MISCELLANBOUS ditch all other leRMation md to of the Srtvatlon A W at «hé white sw toi «tot*.’ toB Étto- MABEL L. JACOBS and ROY put thd Noknukl rttef U pertMMe, BUILDING, repairing. paMtldg, Which i didf. fair Ava., Portlhnd, Oregon. JACOB8, her husband, J. M. tidtiag, cement work. Dgy dr con- I will, appreciate a vofo of con- « Markwell. B18 BUaabetk. BA STERLING, SAMUEL DAVIE» «fence f l « « « F Of W - Ptfone 8BIL. 1IB-1 AND LAURA ‘DAVIES, husband éou County aad «specially Ash- and wife, tod the unknown heirs, ,Mnd cow iriL L . furniture stained gnd r*- If any, Wf s ttA S B. GANIARD and f id ished reasonable, 17» 4. Bt ASA E. OANtARD; also, all other CanAMate for Republican h to» tod* persons or parties unknown claim­ Nomlnhtlon for State Senator ing t o y right, title, estate, lien FALLING OONTBBCT open, at nnfsiúg 1 or interest In tkp. real estate des­ Read, what t i e Oregon Voter Slhkiyou mill. Appl* B o /F a cto /* . ' 118-41 cribed In the complaint herein or has to hay about ih». Cotogni: "Representative Ralph P. Cow any part thereof,.. WANTED: « - 8 men to work Defendants. pill has'carried over Into his pro­ W the wood*. Apply Box Factory. Left f«to’ ATI» I torth To (he unknown heirs,,lf say, of fessional and public Htd the fire, n>a Al to. Womtoft «* Dunamtir, i ÉHas.fll. ia n ito d aft« A sa' E. aggressiveness and stamina of a t in Atol rfhp tar «ton t a Oaniard and all other persona higb-stihing aChlyte. He waa an WANTED: Lawn mowing and left for Klamath Ils today. or parties unknown claiming any athlete in college. Ifo is resource­ gdrden spading. 818 GmniU. right, fftH, Sdtatd, lien or Interest ful and daterò*»«*, tot < » » a P io n e 141. _________ - ■ ■■ -»----- fri' thé féal ésfate described in the personal discipline, and off-shoot FOR BX O TA N O E-A » M a n B : isompWInt, or any part thereof, of his collegiate and nationul guard iu ilta ry training, that en­ bdrns, with largi 16t, good fNh’ ; défehdénts: trty of fruits, for sm all house B IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ables him to keep his mental wRh lot in.;Portland. F a r ito r ^ ,* ' i DF WWOOW, t v s , to ff é « w Of vlg«v uM er ceutrel. "R epresentative Cowgill was tlculara, call at I t Laurel, i p you,, pre hereby sum m om d «ad . - . lllX » li * - car- B r at ^ n e g e , belttR fo debate, editorial work, student should be sold and that tba same ¿¿mmlttee * ortc and On athletic •be sold at private sale. - teams; engineering experience has It la therefore ordered that the g^en varie* Ifteludi’ng eônnectfoiis next of kin of the saW Miawlt with geological sttrvéys, land 0F- May Whelpley, and all persons In- fives, adfodfcaffon sutoeyé its/ terested in the estate, appear be- Oregon state water board; englh- fore this Court on Monda», the eer for various iMpToVement com- 21st day of to n e, 1128, at th e f a nies; since 1312 has been con- houv of 10:00 o’clock, A. M., ,ttten ¿ectod In engineering cipaetty an* there to show Cause, If any, p ith Medford and Eaglfe Polttt 1/- t o y a. license* should not be grafR-legation Districts; sorted during ed for ¿he sale of suCh réal estate, wa¿ as captain in Engineer corps; it Ik farther ordered that ser- first COmihander, Medford Amer- ylce be made by the publication b’t o Legion post; rtethber MasoU- r 'of this order for four Successifs ic, X.. P., and' Elks lodges; cap- weeks Itt thé Ashland TKÉngs, à lain of 18«4h tnmutry company, ' newspaper of general circulation, X. O. ; chairman Leonard Wood ' printed and published at Ashlanrf. ‘rtp algn lu Jaçfcson county, and ' said County for «tog tim e BCttvO fn eontafy /«- Dated this 7th day of May, pohlican organisation work; mar- > jj2 6 ried; owns home In Medford; has r " W J HARTZELL, * f1*d chádren. Stflendíd ty¿e óf en- \ • judge ttoslaatic American. , ATTEST: "Covfgitl’ wat Joint àSthôr of DELILIA STEVENS. hill re-eetabllshing Ashland Nor- County Clerk. mal* Sdhool and actively promot- 212— 4— jfo. ed Its passage; a legislator of con- \ --------------------------- siderable ability to negotiate and F 6R SALE: — One quarter aedflhn of timber, land Included, loctoed about 5 miles In a north- erV direction from Rogue River. Ofogha- It la near a road and ltd tossssd valuation la 11000.00 Vo/ taxation. AU taxer d » in l» t< are paid. Will told t a >800 Ctoi‘. Lincoln H*B, toert ( 4 5 1* SL. Los AngsleBA 6 « # . tom s REAL Bargains In Real - «EsURe. Brow» B Rice, <1 N. Main St. » « -« train, to apoxane eaucanon .TT_ . t t . -, . i ’»Insists of business and college course ! - d prtparatàry colIeglate <()rk at W Mttnrton coiiege; Yreka Weed We believe you metí and women op­ posed to liquor arid narcotic’ tfaffie want CROSSLEY lor U. S. Senior m** ««»•••••••••••••• » i » - g ......................».«o ento ...... ........... » 1 0.50 Hi fee «idea «¿toy 4 :2 » a. rt. B:1O p. m. 1 0 :0 0 over anywhere and as often aa you like. TRUNKI 4iee the Agente. p. b i . I t o barfcM reclin in g Adaptable three positions. N F rancisco in BE v e n te en hours urn of the Highway hi Spring in all its glory, year tfeftetB from Piekwick Stage Agmrt Work Shoe DICTATORSHIP by