L atest Evhry Evening Except Sunday by ................ Editor Bert R. G reer------------- - Georgi, Madden Green -, W. H. Perkius .....— Business Manager ....... News Editor OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R ----- -------------------------.— ‘elepboae "9 f^ te r td at the Ashland, Oregon P estoffbe M , i • - 'Subscription Prior, ’Delivered in < it) One Month .... Three Months g u Months - One Year Rural Routes One M o n th -------- ----------------------- f——- ............... - i.>6 Three Months — --------------- ’—-----— ......... .................. “"2 ,.50 Six Months ------------------ . --------- ----- J --------------------- ----- 5 50 Ope Year ....... ....... ■ ........ ............................................................ ......... ......... , DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES J(> Single insertion, per Inch — ................... - .....—— Political. Display, per Inch - ..................... ........................ Yearly Contracts One insertion a week —----------- — ........s.™.— - — Two insertions a w e e k --------- ------ —.......... — -*•------------ ------------ 2o Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising Elrst insertion, per 8 point line ----- --------- ---------------------- • ’ Each subset]u cfrfa ^ v tlo n . ,8 point line ...a.— ?---- - lft() Card of Thanks .....’ « « / Obituaries, per line .................. ................................................... , - J l —? WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING "All future «rents, where an admission charge Is made or a a H .I K I ... « ‘ ' DONATIONS . O ra « .. ’ No donations to charities or otherwise will he made la fcdvwtls- mg or jyb printing — our oontrlbutlons will be W BY CHLARLBS P. HTKWAMT - m< n. . PORTLAND, May 14 — ( H b \F A Service Writer , o«ng BrOjk ^ , . B n r , Mil When a man asks a girl for her —Golf ball bpotleggers gre the hand he to liable to want to put WASHINGTON— Washington no- Mellon's s i — la gohig'tti be a dll greatest source of worry to both it in some dish water. . private and pabllc clubs accord­ clety is simply tfirillefl by news loin at. ing to cln^ officers who have held Senator W ill..« C . M I B r t t . V eevefal. meetings to plan wdjra «,n D ..H K. E » .. .n d S « . . U r , Miami, (Fla.) contest to find aad means, to prevent ’’golf hall tho most polite cop failed. So ! , T "” “ »• « « - pr.lt» r.« Ion’s daughter, Alisa’s, engage­ finding.’’ .> . . would one to find a glyptodon. This Industry flourishes to ment. ' i t He bag influential eonnefctiop Portland to an unusual degree, And well may Washington so- eve'n if Gils Is a Republican gi In Auburn, Ala., 1000 ten s and rules prohibiting the sale of eiety be all htlrred up. , , n u istrstlo n and his father's laid 798 egg« in one day, leaving second band balls on courses are The engagement of no couple Democratic senatpr. Maybe F ^202 bens that thought it was to no avail- The ball finders of Junior rbyafttea could hove tl.-1 In-law-elect Mellon himse Sunday. 2- -i stand, outside the fence and trade tnythtag, in Interest and import- Wni «peak a good word tor hi with players who are making the ance,#dn this prospective alliance and Jt's nM aoredthrt Mellon bi New York’s a busy place. It is betw een a son of th e super-arto- . i sid erab le d ra g lu q u a rts rounds. even more crowded than a village Of coarse, the pliyer is to (ocratlc house o t th e.B races o | where ministers and ambassado: barber shop on Saturday after­ blame. If he didn’t buy balls Baltimore and a da tighter of the noon. Mellons of Pittsburgh. j' , Among the socially annotated More trouble In China. China of Maryland and Virginia, the Ca­ problem in America secinc to 1«. bell» and the Erucee have been "Who will wash the dishes.* pre-eminent sinee earl/ colonial days. ' i Once every man who blossomed forth in a checkered suit in the Senator Bruce, before his elec­ spring was considered a gambler. tion to the upper bouse of Con­ gress, was a highly successful lawyer and is extremely WeStHpi Riddje-—State Bank sold tc do but not enormously wewtfltgC owners of Umpqua Valley Bank as w ealth counts todaiy— pre^- Wil1 ytfU ,>e aWe to reiin1, eyen it soma have been sandpap«r '^ Jthnafo -Fulls b u llá n g record ganised cause of me« and bey« steal halls. They /« a lly hunt agd find them, carrying /«JS^ flnds from one coarse to another and salting them. It Is Intimated, opdapd for 2« ^ tie n te, /-y . Thursday and Friday, May 20-21 “O!f FLANDERS FIELDS” Special MATINEE A&D Matinee EVENING School For Children This picture of 9,000 feet of film 6,000 of which are actual pictures of scenes a t tlie front taken by the official Signal Corps photographers of the United States 4 n n y . The other 3,000 feet ia a captured film la ken from a German suhm'arine the U-.35 and show the sinking of Allied vessels. , , ■ ‘‘YOUMAY BEE H UI THERE” Auspices Ashland Fost American Legion -------------- ‘,1:^ ■ I ” < 7 5--* • SPECIAL PURCHASE , S&s&y J a n e W ash Dresses lAoet the requirements ot the Uregon sta te nonra or health as to sanitary lot’ation, construction and operation. Common drinking cups are prohibited for use at these places. ” ■ », ’ ; DiiqKsal of fhccretai Fly-tight privies or water-flush- e t toilets with a system of sewage disposal approved by tfce S tate Board of Health shall lie provided nnd shall lib maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Separ- ajte toilets for men and women shall lie provided; qnc toilet for each 25 men and one for each 25 women. Disposal of Refuse1 Supervision and equipment suf­ ficient, to prevent littering the ground with rubbish, gar­ bage or other refnse,Khali be provided ami mhintaint^. hly-tiglit depositories for «uch material shall be provided and conspicuously located. These depositories shall not be jiennitted to liecomc foul smelling or unsightly, or breeding places for flics. 1 - ( ’amp Sites: Every tourist camp must lie located t«ii a site that is well drained nnd shnll be located.with regard to its bealthfulnoss.1 ’ ■ ■ Ins|»ection of tourist campR is made by the County Health Officer under the supervision of the State Board oidb-alth as often as practicable. The camps arc arrang­ ed as follows: Class-“ A ” enmps complying with every régulation. Class “ B ” camps comply with nil tho regu- •itions except those regarding soniç of the building re- sfilctions. Class “ C” camps arc temporary permitg*ia- simd to give the owners time to comply with the regu- iAtions. If the recominendatiyns are not curried out and Hl* camp is found in an unsanitary condition upon a second insjM'i'iton. the tourist <’iunp is then closed. Thia pain» cannot l>c re-oncilcd urifi, the recommendations 2 1-2 Dyzen Rayon and Voile Dresses just re­ ceived and placed on sale Saturday at prices passed on to you fiy reason of concessions given us. $6.95 for the $7.50 Sassy jfane Rayon Dresses. for the $7.50 Coin Dot Pongee Silk Dresses. for the printed voiles, Snssy Jane Models. bit at your slightest touch. Every day, G eneral has everything that real gasoline should have. I f I always the satne —always the best that w e k n o w how to th a k e lt G eneral never has an off day. Jhis week, we are featuring all silk ilttderWear and rayons in all the latest tints Stop at th e G reen arid W h ite Sign and say " G en era l” to th e In d e p e n d e n t D ealer. T hen you’ll k n o w What w e m ean by "different.” Hose tor all Occasions pRichmcnt, French, Nude, Champagne, Mauve, XflÄüfc und many othefr abades at Popular Prices « THE BUSINESS MAN’S VOCABULARY IJ.i <,.i l; - '^Tb