Chorines G o'tò High School r the p r a l l t jloctors endur'd suffering. . z 1 toil -B(R. 6EOOGB B « r a One cent the wprd Baoh - t i W • e v e r y issue for one-month f t mosey l-2c the word eaojr time. ■ • • - leVo» irrigated »eafiow Igpd ta d DR. GHARLEB A. HAINES {reft wate«, alno >5 d a l * cows; lnpg<>4, t o . -Wood H l l * 7 valley, x ; Physician end Burgeon , -• , Klgmàth t o . ÓTfi. A d W Ai Office Phone 1O4-J Culbertson, Ft.K ifim ath, Ore. . • ■ , i • . i , 'Rome Phone IBg-L ’ . . - » 201-12 Office hoars, 10-(to l a A, H .; 2 to V f . M .i J Sff evenings, — FOB SALE: —r At Dunsmuir, Citizens Bank Building. Calif., Completely furnished — modern 3 room house with sleep­ DR. ERNEST A. WpODtfre-Prae- tlce Mmlted to eys, epr, udae and ing porch and garage, on Corner throat— X-ray Including teeth. lot 70x18« ft, very reasonable. Office hours, 10 to 12 am} 2 Cash or terms If desirfid. Address to 6, Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ C. D. Shoemaker, Dunsmuir. 20*-tf land, Oregon. FOR RENT: *cre chicken ranch anti orchard^ « .qpoa»; house. On ¡paved, street, 335 per month: JL><¿ Ketch* Ashland, Hofei Bldg- I V ‘ JÎ . . J ld r f t FfXR BaSNT* — A>ehoiee, a e v two-roem apdrtment, nicely furn­ ished with bath, storeroom; and screened ' porch. Close in. Call afternoons at -31' South Second St. ' J • ‘ 213-tf •i -— ■ ----- -— —------------- FOR RENT; — Two room house keeping apartment. 348 E. Main. 206-tf C. ELhYSON SHINN FOR SAKE— K splendid city Dentist 8 1-2 acre creek bottom, free * CitLcns flank Rlilg- water alght with buildings. Beau­ tiful view of surrounding moun­ Office Phone 151. Res. Phene 184 Evenings By Appointment tains, >3.00d. M. Jacker, 4138 Laurel Ave., Oakland, Cal. , PLANING MILL , 196-1 mo. • JORDAN’S SABH AND CABINET • WORKS, Corner Helpmq and MISCELLANEOUS Van Ness. Phone 161. 134-tf FOR RteXT; — Small apart­ ment'* very attractively furhlsh- ed. MBdern cogvenlenjRs and close In.* Especlalfy suitable for stu- dentir Of women who work. 316 ‘ ‘ ’ 284-1 mo. Hargadins ' FO R .R E N T — Clean.well furn­ ished apartment. 94 Laurel St. 194-tf Attempt to control education 4g,Qr/!g9u by a loosely organis'd, but far-reaching political mo- chine, was revealed Mondam by ap Investigation conducted by a News reporter. The machine, whlcli has Introduced poljjlcal propogahda into the city.’» public schools, has for It» primary Ob­ ject the defeat C. Alderson as state school superintendent, and control of that office through a man of the machine’s own choosiitg. ^£rlnclpals and teachers have been organized, td an unknown extent, political subjects have been discussed with school child­ ren and political propaganda spread Among them. •£, ' Numerous complaints from teachers and parents sent the News reporter out on the hia- 'chine’a trail. The machine Is out to beat Alderson In any way possible. The only objection to the candi­ date Is* that he Is a "'politician/’ This Is the only otitspoken objac- tion, but underneath, the machine I is out to'"get’’ Alderson because LOST: — J u d ies blue and U’UITTLB TRANSFER CO. brown sleeveless sweater between For Service FOR RENT— Karnlshed apart­ Plasa Market and Tuttle’s on Or­ Dealers in Coal, Wood, Packing, ments and sleeping rooms. Lithia ange St. Finder please return to Crating and Storage. Long dist­ Apts., 36. S. Second street. Tidings Office. Reward. 214-4» ance trucking. 130-tf WANTED: — Roomers and FOR RENT — Furnished cah- bordefa. 196 Central Ave. Mattie T. L. I’OWEIA,— General Trans­ fer — Good team and motor Ips and apartments. Reasonable, Bryant. - 214-tf trucks. Good service at a rea­ by month or week. Call 163. sonable price. Phone 83. BUILDING, repairing, painting, 139—fif tinting, cement work. J»ay or con­ PAINTING CONTRACTOR tract. Blackwell, 511 Elizabeth. Phone 859L, 195-1 Thompson uml Burlingame Painters and Decorators FLOORS LAID, sanded and fin­ FOR SALE: — 28 acres, mostly ished. Hardwood a specialty. First Paper Hanging — Tinting a alfalfa, large barn, well and wind­ Specialty. class work. Write Irwin Koenig, mill. Close to highway and Ash­ Estimates gladly furnished. 699 Walnut St. 212-4* land, level. 1168 per acre. Sbe Phone 98 196tf Daniel Pafnd, Ashland Realty Co. WANTED: — Experienced Ir­ FEHIGE’S TRANSFER 214-11 rigator, phone 371J1 or call Sun- 875 B St. erest Orchard. 213-3t Phone 410 FOR HALE: Modern house, Drayage, storage and long dist­ near the Normal. Terms, O. F. FURNITURE stained and re­ ance hauling. CO-tf Carson. 214-41 finished reasonable, 178 A. St. .jaiii -u <“-4 j • ;r DR. J. P .’CHISHOLM 213-1 mo.» FOR SALE: — Timber, me Veterinary Graduate pine. In tiackaon County. 48C FALLING CONTRACT open at Phone 80K-J 707 Oak St. M. J. L. Ketch, Ashland H Siskiyou mill. Apply Box Factory. HlflTH AND ELNIORE Bldg. 21 213-6t Contrvctors anfi Builders. New SPECIAL OFFER. — For. »hart L* WANTED: — 3 men to work anq rerntdelingN^ time, 9 acres good land near Pa­ In the woods. Apply Box Factory. 80 Granite St. cific Highway. 2 miles from Post 180-26* • 213-6t Office, fruit and garden, plenty water, land all In cultivation with WANTED; — Laundry to do. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee garden in, good 2-story plastered 563 Fairview street. 209-tf of the Salvation Army at the house of 8 rooms, outbuildings, WANTED: Lawn mowing end White Shield Home, 565 May- on line street. Only 34600 under fair Ave., Portlahd, Oregon. big reduction for quick sale, part garden spading. 393 Granite. 204-1 mo.» cash, balance easy terms. This is Phone 141. MEMORIALS an exceptional opportunity in ’ FOR EXCHANGE— A modern Mark every grave with »ur growing district east of the city. home, with large lot, good var­ crystal blue gray, and avoid the iety of fruits, tor small honse MCE HOME — Six big. lots with lot In Portland. For par- rush. S. PENKISTON, Manager , and 4-foom house, close to school tloiilara. call at 9 6 Laurel. 173 East Main and churches, fine garden, lots W* 193-U fine berries, good street. 32100 NURSING u_ Private nursing BLOCKS AND LUMBER at Better see thi». Good home cheap done at 549 East Main. 212-6t Phons 30. We With dhknee to raise much of yoUl r Box Factory. 188-tf living.— H. C. Galey, No. 65 Easi ■ deliver. Main. 214-3, FIRST CLASS automobile, TRADE: Have Ashland busln property bringing 3100 per moi to trade, will take Ashland r< donee, .31300 cash give terms balance. Fred R. Nell, care Ashland Creamery. Box No. 24 213— 2t H » - i 1 . FOR HALE:. Loganberry 713 Oak 8t. -- ! truck, tractor and machinery repairing, valves refaced and ground. AU work guaranteed First Street Garage, Just below , Union Oil station. James C. .Barr, tevsral years experience as machinist and auto repairing, .Ashland, Oregon. Phone 191. 187-1 mo.» MATERNITY . Reasonable Rates Granite. Telephone Slightly Injured In 65-Foot Fall KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 12.— Walter Weatherford, 38, spriln- ed his leg and received a small scratch on his face when he fell 65 feet from a hoisting tower, to the ground. Sari» Jane to­ cto. Ô. X.,Öray IW — tf igne Uttndred and*r -b n l W ‘ Ays.; bl ; schedi’ and irormal' , tènfiV,.;B.ox , Tldin of Eola — Polk County Republican Candidate for GOVERNOR indiy-sti all they woman | nijwl: ina si 1 date for the Iíepdbltfcan lattea for state senator, :C taHhe May l i s t , primaries. Medde Bul-ae. famous crow country coach al Wtsdonain, who h a g ,a n sou need his .withdrawal from 0» university coaehtng rin ff in ordel t i complete a medical ifimfsd ayP.uen Medlcaf Collese Chti-ngo. Bulge hkl developed many grent "riwawX JlAf of the best being Victor tCMpphiail. Bhrke is a- former athlete niihaeir, T h sv e no ether ambition than ,to Big load of serve well and ftsithfally my State Box- Factory. and CtaBty. My Slogaa: “-Mòri» glaring-wppnthe «es tardies gt the , ■ fi.n a (Atiis-saverakaeaaoee a«e. ocoasmy aad Fswer LaVa” > j - ; ? í* í Building Material OF ALL KINDS At nigh t E velyn N alr (letti and Vivian 1X> V oci draw berti o f a m ualcri com edy*chorug in Ixw Angele.«. Bui uustrlous stu d en ts Ui a Eoa Angele»' high «elioni E» he refused to ‘'play ball” with it or submit to Its dictations. Teachers, upon entering tpelr school rooms, have found opposi­ tion propaganda, petitions and other such political material on their desks. Many of these teach­ ers signed the petitions and dis­ tributed the propaganda becaure they were advised that their po­ sitions were “political” and un­ less they “played ball” trouble would ensue. School supply houses have been approached by machine solicitors seeking campaign fifnds in behalf of the school machine candidate One of the most active sup porters of the schoQl machine candidate is a traveling agent for a Portland engraving com­ pany which ^»anufactuijbs cuts to he used In Illustrating high school annuals. Frantic letters have been sent mt by .the machine committee 30- .icitlng the endorsements of busi­ ness men for their candidate. Aldersop Jias 'cons'atently de­ feated the school machine candi­ dates and it is partly due to ids success in the past to do so that the machine is making such an effort during the present caai- ¡algn to defeat'him. ' Portland Newg, May 11, 1926. Paid. Afiv, Get our prices and seo our stock before buying. Commits Suicide By Eating Tacks ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Phone 20 384 Oak St. A cross R. R. T racks BUDAPEST, (U P )— A suicide by eating tacks was consumated recently in the Slovakian village of Bunslan, according to reports received here. Ernst Zadjl after falling to win the affections of a village girl bought a box of tacks. Lying in bed, Zadjl swallowed the whole box one at a time Within a few moments he began to call for hdlp. . A physician who was called eould do nothing to save the young matt. In a post mortem examination tile cosoner found 247 tacks in ZadJi’s stomach. *1 he name of the F u lle r D i a l e r nearest you is list* below. W h en y o u need p a in t, go to him. H e sella Fuller quality pro» WHERE THE ROMAN PAYS — AND PAYM AND PAYS SYDNWY, (U P 1—Forty Mira­ tions in olgfit y ea n failed to savo the life of Bernard Haynes, wounded war veteran. Because he enlisted in* the Australian Iin- product is m ost suitable, the prop­ er w ay to prepare th e surface, th e k in d o f b r u s h to use and give you copies of the interesting Fuller Booklets. It will be well w o rth your ducts and in ad­ dition he Cikes a re a l in te r e s t in giving you helpful advice: H e w ill te ll you w h ic h w h ile to v is it h im to d a y a n d get a c q u a in te d . These ‘Dealers Sell Fuller ‘Paints and ‘Vanishes Medicine —vid your system of Catarrh or Deafnew caused by Catarrh. Alap as sBlood Purl» fier it gives wonderful results. AU Druggists. ui F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, C W. P. FULÎ-Ek Ö» CO, 160 FRONT STRiar - One-Day Service l1 yr X ws vxrcatRNce—voua amuxancs of fuller quality on Shoe Repairing PA IN T S I PIONIER Lgee’s Shoe Shop 339 E . M ain S tre e t C nuld T W r il I » » , run -d u r» Pili, eeuiWU'-t - nt. m - , o » i l very bed. g I ¡ r i-'.T .« ;r .1 1 n |i a' " tp s y ir ih i I w R ;a y i,(A ‘,a4l)tS*l. b >4 u b . Do you feel Jtired out, run-dow n and, e x ­ hausted long before the day’s work is fin­ ished? Why is it that women will permit re­ peated attacks of dizsi- he, nervous exhaustion, ipation, when good general tonic' r best troubled with a test mistake in the world. udhof ailing men and women have been well ami happy with Lyko. The th’s remedy's wonddrfu, success is nMaatian of medicinal ingredients it s. One aids diejsstion; another is a »that keeps the bowels open; another the kidneys, and a fourth aids the liver, With tl hese VttaF Organs working M phnier ha/w -it] v , th« -health-destroying poisons are drivi n u AT carried oat of the system. • ’ • • N o m A, tor what you hake tried befdre, go to your -r. aggist today and ask to t a bottio of Lyki-, tj hZgjeas general tonic; Find out-for »out ;1 f.MrfL staple and ekay k la ho keep w ell w | th thd aid of thia marvaious remedy. POaftANQ C m ih t t in IS f t r i j l t Cititi F n tW ": n m it i « a m n r o . Los anc .U- u , sobtlsno D i u r i i n t f t f y t lif n r tu tbt Pntifu Cttul NewStrength r K fo f Tired iSBLWomen Announcements RALPH P. OOWGILIi > AT RAILWAY GROSSING ON OAK STREET R'duce taxes by reducing cost of VOLOGDA, (U P )— A new vor- Government. slon of the old theme “The Place penitentiary under Board of Worfisn Pays" can be found In the Control. Make Boacd of Control peasant villages of this out-of the- the Parole Board; fewer par­ way province in Northern Russia. When a peasant lad begins to dons,. , Enforcement of Prohibition by of­ court a girl he establishes a pro­ ficials who believe in enforcing prietary right over her by treat­ the law. » ing her to sweets and cakes, ac­ .Hasten construction of Roorevi Ft cording to peasant laws." Should the girl wish to break the en­ Highway. Adequate provision for retiring gagement she is obliged, on palu bonds. Issue no tat free bond« of receiving a sound thrashing F(th and Game Commission fundf from her disillusioned lover, to tion for people and not as pot pay him a full indemnity, not on­ ly fo'f the sweets and cakes he ha.i lltlcal machines. Play fair with ‘ex-service men. i- bought, but for the time he has Maintain Mlph standard or public lost In courting her, for the shoe» schools and institutions of highi and clothes he has worn out and for the "samogon,' which he has 1 - or learning. t drunk in the raptures of hl» I do not believe in taking any po­ litical power from the Individual young love. j voter. iNo discount on the taxpayer’s Salem— 3100,000 Elslfiore The­ . dollar. - ; ’ Candyland— Caym els, fudge and I atre will soon be ready for open­ ing. , ♦ (Paid Advertisement) Leaves Badgers FDR HALE O ft TRADE: — 4- roorti Douse fufnlShed for light housekeeping; garage; cloaj lit In Duttemulr, Calif. Sell right or Stomach So Ban Can’t * Eat Even Fruit | trade for house and lot In Ashland or Klamath Falls. Write Box 666 “For years was badly oonetlpat- ' or see People’s Warehouse.,. Klam­ ed and troublgl with gas after < ath Kail»* <513-8* eating. Could n ot eat fruit and many other things. Adlerika has FOR BALK: —ri New Alfalfa done me good'— can now eat any­ thing.” .(siBned)W. H. . Fletcher. hay, 36.00 per ton. F. Beswlpk. 213-4» Adlorlka removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to thqi HOME REAL Bargains In Real 3tomaeh. Bring« out a surprising ! amount of old waste matter ypij Estate Brown R Rice, «3 N, Main never thought Was in the system. Bt. i I’. fi .. t t r 312-tf Stods that full Moated feeling apd .aakea xpn.aalny'flfilla«. IttfiU ooL mio «obstipation Mg 17 quarts a day, WU1 ex- phaaMsl foi* cbvcovf. tì. IT- Payne; 1Ä10 Bdhlevard. . 3Ì2-3» ' ^liioR HALE: — 400 White Leg- h»rg laying hern- IWlIFjreh^ add- Tfiancred atrain.’ Phone 346J3. PATTERSON fit Bapaume In Jujjr 131T, and 0$m that date, until hlW qatkre- .«santly. Haypqa. VH lyjver off N; back. For eight years the ablest ittrgdons'In* Melbourne bent their •llergles toward getting him on Bib feet fig*» O r a tio n s J e - qame ajmbst 4 ■ monthly event travel by SAFE — PROMPT — MOTOR CLEAN — TWO THROUGH STASES I >Ail.Y -* EkW To Portland, leaving Ashland W 7M L 9 ^ , Alio leaves Ashlapdlat A15 P. Jt. for Bos FollowiRg morniag to Portli W e ta k e paHHengers for all w ay poftit«. k or f t tickets call A shland H otel*..Tele] K i - .2 e ‘ rA R i -r POBTLAP Direct C o n n e c l i o y ; ; , ^ ^ ^ | V A R N IS H E S HITS LIAO