! I I .» (J. $. PROHIBITION Cars '/BfilVEHiPPROVk Dealers Report . Sale of . Used Fpra— f The be Bon Motor Co. has sold a good many used ears in the last two weeks.' , Pnrrhaaed Oakland C o a c h - Tile Wilhite Motor Co., report!-, the sale of an Oakland CoBch bo ’ > ' « I A. W. Lewis.'.. Purchased Cl»ov. T°ur4d$ ■ The Automotive Shop rdpotts the sale of a Chevrolet * touring car to "O, C. Goodlètt. Purchased Studebaker Duplex Phaeton— HU Aduni Tho Park Oarage reports tho sale of a Studebaker Standard Duplex Phaeton to Mr. Merritt, of N. Main. Purchased Fordism Tractor— The Claycomb Motor Co. re­ ports the sale of a Fordson tract­ or to E. T. Newbry and son, of Talent STOiCltHÿLMi (ÜP)— Prohib­ ition has.made the Tinned Statep prosperous and 'European pleas for debt cancellations come with bad g l'ace frdm those* whh some­ how manage te pay bigger sums for drjnk, declared Senator John* Bergman lu a churqh address at Valhalla, a Stockholm suburb. .The Senator, who Is also a tor- pier p^difessipr at the University of Stockholm, was one of the Swedish delegates to ^he Inter/ frarltamentary Union in Washing- ton last fall and after the ses­ sions Were over made a tour of the country to observe the effects of prohibition. ’“It is little wonder,’’ he said, “that American public opinion gets provoked when one Europ­ ean nation after another com « as a supplicant, asking for a more or less complete cancellation of Its debts, while at the same time finding means to pay the most exhausting tribute to King Alco­ hol. The American indignation Justly goes beyond all limits when European liquor capitalists in the war-exhausted countries contribute money support for a campaign against the 18th amendment." • Outbursts Of Everett True — AW’D Y A e R e 's no t t h 6 t > cxjö t im nV M IN ’D , M R . TR U G , TH A T M Y TH C O R Y OF HO«A>. :__;____ w a s COMM ITT t o ¿>|M5 flO M & N T . 'Tfcv D c e c v G WHAT GATS TH 6N » 3 .... OF T H C O R l a ' i ’ c r j T o n T Æ -C O M C S LEEDOM’S JUST RECEIVED Large shipment of Special Intake And Exhaust Manifold Gaskets For Every Car Usco 30x3 1-2 Cord, $10.25 Usco 29x4.40 Balloon, .. ....................... $14.05 SUDDEN SERVICE “North Powder News” 10-Page Community and perity édition. Power Champion ILLION Dollar Motor power won this title for Star Four— and stiU the Refined Star Four goes unchallenged as th e best^powered in the low-cost class! Competitors, by their silence to re­ peated Star Four power challenges, admit the earned supremacy of the famnufi Million Dollar Motor. M St. Helens led state |n new tele­ phone gain for January and Feb­ ruary. 2.57 per cent. Thu first purely women's agricul­ tural commune in the Soviet Un­ ion has been organised in the vil­ lage of Lok-Kamenka, in this province. Only women are admitted; and most of the members are widows whose husbands were killed in the civil war. This commune, which has been locally nick-nam­ ed "a Kingdom of Amazons’’ will specializes in raising frnits and vegetables. NEW ORLEON8, May 12.— Wlih a record of 8.96 inches of rainfall yesterday afternoon and last light, rain was falling again in New Orleans today, idlcatiqg. k record for May St the very be­ ginning of the mon(h. Thousands of persons were marooned by the’ htorm. Street cars were idle for several hoitre and auftomoVilea were In many instances unable to force their way through the flooded district. works both ways in the Soviet Union, as (nay be seen from a re­ cent court decision ordering Mrs. Mary Gastev to pay a quarter of her salary to her former husband until the latter finds a Job. Gastev, was a soldier in. the Russian civil war. When he re­ turned from the front his wife applied for and ' obtained a di­ vorce on th< grounds of mutual iucompatabillty. The daughter remained with the mother, while the son was in the custody of the father. Recently Gastev lost his position. When his wife refused to contribute to the support of tho son he went to law on the matter and the court upheld his claim. \Ö Everywhere Why pay from $110 to $125 more and only get a three speed transmis­ sion that is more cheaply bnilt and not nearly so dependable. Come in, let us explain this wonderful planeatory transmission to yon. We can install it in your OLD CAR as well, as the NEW MODELS. \ T h e b rillia n t success o f the Oakland Six is due in no small m easure to th e enthusiastic favor o f w om en motorists. All the following cars equipped with RUCKSTELL AZLE, BALLOON TIRES, REAR VIEW MIRROR, SUN VISOR, DASH U T E , OAS AND OIL, Delivered at your door. It will pay yon to investigate be­ fore buying. . . , W o m e n favor the O akland Six because they have found it superior to any o th e r car in its field — superior in beauty, in safety, in riding com fort and in dependability. T o these loyal w om en owhers, Oakland confesses a substantial debt o f gratitude and pledges always to beep the O akland Six w orthy o f their preference. SEE THESE FORDS WITH 102 IMPROVEMENTS ROADSTER—RUCKSTELL AZLE EQUIPPED, PRICE .. $550.00 TOURING—RUCKSTELL AZLE EQUIPPED, PRICE..........$571.10 COUPE—RUCKSTELL AZLE EQUIPPED, PRICE ............ $682.00 TUDOR—RUCKSTELL AZLE EQUIPPED, PRICE ..............$702.50 FORDOR—RUCKSTELL AZLE EQUIPPED, PRICE .. . ...$748.60 —Heavy wheels (artillery type!} —Easy, Disc Traffic Clutch - —Full Balloon Tires —Durable Lacquer Finish 696 herç At the above prices you get the IMPROVED FORD with Ruckstell Axle, four speeds ahead and two re­ verse. With all this we are still from #110 to #125 b e lo w o n r n e a r e s t c o m p e tito r : ; ' ---------- Why walk when yon can bny one of these can and have 18 MONTHS » i ’ lA M M a n n to pay ? , Gayeomb Motor Co. A. C. W IL H IT E 61 S. Second Low & Panzer Oak Street Garage V IN N I AND H O L D IN G the TO JOBLESS EX-HUSBAND HOSCOW, (U P )— A l i m o n y I e^RTAlNCY T>o THE BISHOP OF PASHAU IMPOSES DRESS REIX)RM T ow in g Star— WOMAN PATH ALIMONY IS EARTHQUAKES A DAY ’ IN TOKIO DURING TOKYO, (U P)—The records at the seismology bureau of the Tokyo had an average of four­ teen eartsquakes a day during 1925, although the number per­ ceptible to the residents was not more than two or three a month. The seismograph, which detects j the least tremble of the earth, , recorded only, 3,825 shivers for | 1924, but 5.297 for 1925. There were thrke earthquakes ; last year of consequence, doing j damage. The heaviest was on the north coast in Takilma Province, i on May 23. The other in Japan 'Proper was at Gifu' 17, while I the third good shock for the Bm- ’ pire hit ¿he eastern coast of For- ; moss on June 14. So far this year there have been.no quakes of any colise- quence. TORSI WOMAN’S COMMUNE I Purchased Four Sport New OrleanS Has Record Rainfall The FORD Garage Ashland GOOD ’ W ILL *• . , , Lincoln '■ i f 9 ' . « » /» « • • • ’ 4 • » • • « « * *«•«**- ♦ ’ • Fordson DOES Make a Difference Where You Buy Your I