Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, May 13, 1926, Image 1

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Cannot survive three months in
the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure
domestio water helps.
Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
Tidings Has Been Ashland's
Successor to the Seal*Weekly Tidings, Volume 41
Land Settlement
Forces Will Meet
In Medford Today
List of Those Who Will Re­
ceive Diplomas Made
Public by Officials
No Failures Reported Daring Fin
. al He mo« ter; Commencement
Fifty-four students of Ashland
high school will receive their cov­
eted diplomas next Thursday eve­
ning at the armory, according to
the list made public today by
George A. Briscoe, city school
Every member
of the senior class who has com­
pleted the final semester will be
given a diploma, there being no
failures in the final examinations.
The number of graduates this
year is Identical with the num­
ber who finished their high school
work last year, said Mr. Briscoe.
The following are the mem­
bers of the graduating class:
Jessie Baker, Lester E. Beck,
Brown, Phillip F. Bryant, Daye
BurgdOrf, Elber Harvey Bush,
Frances J. Chisholm, Velma
Marte Clapp, . Grayden 'Crews,
Iris Opal Deter, Helen Estelle
Detrick, Warren K. Dore m us,
Florence Elizabeth Ehrke, Virgin­
ia Frost, Ella E. Garwood, Veeda
C. Gideon. Virgil O. Gillette, Hu­
bert James Gilmore, Arnold Gos­
nell, France« E. Green, Ruth-U.
Green: Lois Joy Hanson, Ned
H arrell,, Doris Margaret Hitch-
cocfc.; Hefiry Ho0ne&.Alep,a Jones,
Arlene Johnson, Gladys Johnson,
Lyla Johnson, Mildred Johnson,
Hazel Bernice Kincaid, Albert W.
Marske. Beulah A. Medley. Steph­
en C. Mergler, ’Frank A. Moore,
Ida Newbry, Earl D. Nutter,
Lynda C. Oeder, Helen I. Pember­
ton, Roland Lawrence ’ Parks.
Margaret it.- Perrine, Albert F.
Petit, Jane K. Pollard, Alice F.
Pratt, Celia H. Reinhart, Cuildn
L. Selby. Elizabeth I^eigh Stearns.
Charlotte M. Switzer, Charles S.
T.Iton, Wilbur L. Tucker, Ken­
drick E. Watson, Annie Wells.
New York Authorities Un
able , to Get Any Trace
cf Walter S. Ward
NEW YORK, May 13.— The
fear is growing that Walter S.
Ward, millionaire son of George
8. Ward, the former bread king,
who disappeared May 5. has m’t
with foul play. It is thought he
may have become the victim of
the old gang of Clarence M. Pet­
ers, a sailor whom Ward con­
fessed to killing in 1922, but
for whose slaying he was acquit-
ed when he gave an impregnable
Returned To Jail
ANBURN, N. Y., May 13.—
In again, out again, '"Cat-Eyed
Annie” is back again— in the Au­
burn state prison from which
she escaped Monday. Lillian Mc­
Dowell, yclept "Cat-Eye Annie”
schemed foi* a month to escape
the prison where she was sent for
10 years because of a $76,000
The police
caught her In a day. ■
Members of the Jack-
son county land settle­
ment committee,, directors
of the Ashland and Med­
ford chambers of com­
merce bankers, farmers
and others Interested In
land settlement work will
gather at the hotel Med­
ford at 4:30 this evening
at which time they will
discuss a land settlement
emergency which Is said
to fade both Ashland
and Medford at the pres­
ent time.
According to letters re­
ceived here toâay, the
conference will discuss a
matter of vital import­
ance to all of Jackson
county and a big repre­
sentation from Ashland is
urged and expected. It
is understood that the
chambers of commerce
will get together on some
plan whereby they can
cooperate in working out
a solution of the land
which Is said to exist.
Police Discover
Forgery Suspect
Is Wayward Girl
Federal Grand Jury At Se-
| attle Unearths Coast-
Wide Liquor Ring
Big Section of Water Line is
Blown Out in the Owens
River Valley
Polim* Cuptain Among First A r­
rested ;• 175 Persons Are
Ponding LR ignition O i|-r W afer
Right» Believed Source o f
SEATTLE. t Wash., May 13.—
(U P )— In one of the most sweep­
ing cases in the history of the Pa­
cific northwest, the United States
grand ’jury today returned secret
indictments against more than
175 persons, mostly on charges of
conspiracy to violate the federal
liquor laws.
The^rand Jury action will dis­
close operations of a gigantic
rum ring with ramifications)
throughout the Pacific coast, and :
particularly in Seattle and Ta
coma, was reported. Liquor en-[
forcepient agencies of many cotin-(
ties between here and Canada will
lie involved, according to federal
Captain E. L. Hedges of the
Seattle police department and E<1|
Hunt, former policeman, are *
among those indicted. Other po-
lice officers are involved a n d '
their names will be disclosed as) This radio-photo shows Capt.
fast S3 arrests are made.
Louis Mount batten, youthful
— (LP) — The house irrigation
and reclamation hill authorizing
reductions in amounts due the
government by settlers on federal Former Attorney General to
Answer to Charges of
projects cante before the senate
Alleged Bribery
Irrigation committee late yester­
day afternoon. Among the pro­
NEW YORK, MAy 13— Former
ject« -affected ate ihe King Hill,
General Harry M. Dau­
Idaho; Klamath, Oregon; Okano­
Alien Property
gan, Washington; Umatilla, Ore­
W. Miller and
gon, and Yakima. Washington.
John T. King, accused of conspi­
racy to defraud the government,
will appear in federal court here
May 18 to answer the indications.
The three were indicted last
week in connection with the re­
turn of $7,000,000 worth of assets
of the American Metals company
Abcut 1500 Men Involved in to German and Swiss owners by
Walkout Over Open Shop the alien property custodian. A
Plan of Employers
“fee” of $391,000 was alleged to
have been paid.
TACOMA, Wash., May 13. —
/IP) — Battle lines.w ere clearly
drawn in the building trades strike
yesterday afternoon when the un­
ion men accepted the challenge
hurled by the master builders
when the latter announced they
had adopted the American or open
shop plan. The contractors also Little Girls Burned to Death
in Fire Which Bums
opposed the proposed raise in
Home to Ground
carpenters' wages from $8 to $9
a day.
"This action means a fight to
(U P )— Fire resulting from a
a finish and has firmly cemented
still explosion today
union men,” said T. M. Parsons
victims, bringing the
of the building trades union.
About 1500 ipen are involved In death toll from moonshine blasts
to nine in th» past 10 days. The
the strike.
latest victims are five little girls,
daughters ef Mr. and Mrs. Ugnatz
Shedlowskl. who were burned* to
death as they slept in the small
home which the still explosion
set on fire.
Hunt By Airplane
In North Russia
Warning Given By
British Strikers
LONDON, May 18. — (LP) —
Widespread industrial trouble may
begin again in England, the trades
union council said today In ,a
. gfrarp, statement warning all con-
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 13.
(U P )— A section of the 200-mlle
Los Angeles aqueduct was blown
out by dynamiters In the Owens
river valley today. The blast Is
reported to hnve torn a hole ten
feet, wide in the; big concrete
water Jino.
The gate keeper heard the blast
and shut off the water, prevent­
ing much damage. The explo­
sion occurred on thé hills near
Lone Pine.
A repair crew is now at work
and officials are guarding against
further trouble and damage.
The ranchers of the state are
seething with unrest, growing out
of pending litigation with the city
of Lop Angeles over disputed wo-
ter rights.
Peebles Chaplin and Lady
wife of Hngland’jt richest
jaser, distributing milk a t a si l ike relief station in Hyde
Park, London. The picture was taken in London and
Largest Number cf Passeng­
transm itted to NEA Service by radio.
ers in History Brought
From the Orient
Earl Carroll To
Face Court Trial
Former Military Hero Leads
Revolutionists in Cap­
turing Warsaw
Resignation of Present Govern'
ment ami Suspension of Par­
liam ent Urged
WARSAW, Poland, May 13—
(LP) — Marshall Pilsudskl and his
revolutionary troops today dom­
inated the city. They occupied
the Warsaw barracks as -well as
all public buildings. Mepibers of
the government have withdrawn
under heavy guard to the presl-
drrftial palace.
Occupation of the city was or­
dered by Pilsudskl after peace
negotiations initiated by President
Wojciechowski had failed to ap­
pease the revolutionary leader,
who will settle on a basis of be-
nig made premier. He also de-
rna’nda the resignation fo the pres­
ent government and the suspen­
sion of parliament pending new
Will Make Effort to Stop
Drinking by All Men
Under 25 Years of Age
March On City
WARSAW, Poland, May 13. —
(IP) — A revolution broke out
here yesterday. Troops are march­
TOKIO, May 13.— A nation­ ing toward the capital. Marshal
wide movement to prohibit th e ’ Pilsudskl, Poland's greatest mili­
drinking of alcoholic liquors by tary hero, is leading the revolu­
men under 26 years of age ha» tion. The government has mobil­
been launched by 11 different ized troops to defend the capital.
bodies in Japa nlncluding the
Jupnnse Temperance Union and FOLLOW REBELLION— ...........
he Women's Reform society.
Leader» of the movement hope
WARSAW. May 13— ( H P )—
the diet will enact a bill raising!
Fighting began on the streets of
the drinking age. which is now 20 Warsaw today. It was estimated
yenrs of age.
that 60 were killed and many
Mrs. Wittenbach
Called By Death
J. Deakin Is
Freed By Court
Spanish Aviators
Complete Flight
transported a mid-wife td aseifci,
sT. JOSEPH, Md„ May 13.—
the expectant ^mothers of th<p When a truek struck Mrs. Thoiri-
as Johnson, 28, as she was croes-
' ' . ;
\ ■’ ' ' •
i Ing a street, ihe stretched Out
* ' ' ' ' 1 ’
her arms in which she held het
North Powder— Grand Rondo three-months-old baby. The truck
Lumber’00. will build 'YB-mlle passed over her body, killing
lodging and mine' road; from her. but the Infant was not In-
Amps Crossing to Sanger.
! Jared.
»RATTLE, May 11—
Never did a male fashion
plate look nobbier than
Bobby Coleman, 23, when
arrested by the police as a
suspected check forger.
Bobby was acting as
the escort of May Han*
son, 27-year-old woman.
Detective E. R. Herbert
took Bobby to the latter's
apartment and Instituted
a search. He said he
snatched tWo worthless
checks as the suspect was
about to swallow them.
To make the search thor­
ough, he ordered Bobby
to disrobe.
At this point Bobby
stammered: "Well, I'm a
The search was post
poned and the two adven­
turers were taken to po­
held on open charges.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 13.—
,Tlie Admiral - Oriental line, now
the center of a sale controversy in
.the senate at Washington, hung
up a new traffic record today.
NEW YORK, May 14. — Ear.
wounded. The civil war extends
The steamer President McKin­
Carroll, New York theatrical pln-
Throughout the country. *
erator of Pacific Coast ley was scheduled to dock here at
ducer, must stand trial for per­
Air Mail Gets Permis­
4 p. m. from the Orient bringing
jury, as a result of "the chnm-
sion to Use Field
700 passengers, tbe largest num­
pagne bath party” he gave here in
ber to arrive since the service was
SEATTLE. Wn„ May 13.— started by the Shipping Board
February, Federal Judge H. W.
Vern C. Oorst, North Bend, Orc., shortly nfter the war.
Goddard ruled today.
Miss Joyce Hawley, actress, was coastwise air mail operator, was
Sum of $500 Posted for Ap
alleged to have bathed in a tub of to let contracts today for con­
prehension of Slayer of
champagne as the climax of tha struction of a hangar at Sand­
Two Ranchers
Man Shackled to Officers to
point Field, here, to house hlr
Face Charge of Murder-
planes at the Seattle end of the
ing His Sponse
A report that George D. Nilson,
run. Permission to use the field
alias, George N. Peterson. Nava­
wag graiited by the navy depart­
KANSA8 CITY. Mo., May 13—
jo Indian charged i^lth killing Very much alive and eager to ex­
F. M. Howell, Portland Bar two ranchers and burning a onerate her estranged husband.
ber, Succumbs in Hospital ranch house, was seen in the Lone Mrs. Clara Thompson, 27, and
At The Dalles
Cone country, late yesterday, and pretty, strolled Into police head­
no word being received today
Oregon Public Service Com
THJ5 DALLES, Ore.; May 13.— from posses, led officials here to quarter» to prove that he had not
murdered her several months ago
mission Says Program
F. M. Howell, Portland barber, believe they were on his trail.
and burned her body in a stack
is Being Followed
died at The Dalles hospital at six
At a meeting of county com­ of straw. She was about two
o’clock this morning from injuries
SALEM, Ore., May 13.— (IP) — Colonel Thompson Slated to caused when he was thrown under missioners o f San Miguel county hours late.
last night, a reward of $500 .was
With the exception of the Crane-?
Shackled to two deputy sher­
Take Over Manila Post,
the wheels of a rapidly moving ordered paid for the Indian’s
Odeil extension, the order of tl;®
iffs, the husband, Earl Thomp­
is the Belief
freight train at First and Union capture, dead or alive.
interstate commerce commission
son, 29, already was aboard a
streets herei Saturday evbnlng
A coroner’s Jury returned a train speeding to Des Moines,
MANILA, Pi., May 13.— Gov­
covering rail construction in con*
The Inst eight cars passed over verdict that John C. Wolfe and
tral Oregon assures fulfillment ernor-General Wood is planning
Howell’s lower limbs, necessitat­ John H. Wolfe came to their Iowa, to face the charge.
of the Oregon public service com­ to resign early next year, the
ing amputation of both late Sat­ deaths at the hands of Nilson and
mission’s entire raUroad program, United Press was rellnbly inform­
urday night. The injured man ral­ recommended that no expense be
according to a statement issued, ed today. Governor Wood, how-
• lied Sunday and yesterdny, and
spared In capturing him.
by the commission todpy.
ever, declined to comment on Ihe
seemed out of danger, but died
The commission expressed grat­ report that Colonel Carmi Thomp-
early this mornifig. It is thought
ification over the result and hold , son is slated to take over the of­
that he attempte to board the
Jiopes that the ’ Crane-Odell line fice after submitting his econom­
Addle M. Witten bach. 14 yean
freight and missed his hold. He
¡will soon be authorized.
ic report to President Coolidge. is survived by his father, 0. P.
I of age, died at her home at 1401
Announcement that Governor
Howell of Walla Walla, and his
Boulevard yesterday. , Funeral
Wood will leave with his famly wife, who was here whon he died.
services will l>e held from the
for the United States In Novem­
residence at 2 o’clock Saturday,
ber is interpreted here as the
3ig Dirigible Succeeds in with J. P. Dodge aid Sons Fun­
first step in his retirement.
Leng Flight From Norway eral Directors in charge. Inter­
>. It is understood «hat President
Across North Pole
ment will e be in the Mountain
Coolidge and Governor Wood
View cemetery.
NOME, Alaska, May 13 — (UP)
agreed Jointly to the appolnt-
She was born In Marshal coun­
The Amundsen-Ellsworth polar
i ment of Colonel Thompson In or-
Illlnola, October 27, 1801,
LA BELLE. Fla., Mny 13.x— dirigible Norge, has successfully
; der to make him a logical suc-
Henry Patterson, negro, was tak­ crossed tbe top of the world and and In ^er early girlhood united
, cessor to the post>
en froth his work on a road gang is safe over Alaska territory. A I with the Methodist church. She
It is believed Governor Wood
by a band of white men here to­ landing will be made In Nome had lived In Ashland for the past
, will retire from public life and
six years. Besides her haahand
day and shot and hanged.
later today, according to radio
reside In California, where he will
’ He is accused of attacking a word received here from St. Paul •he is survived by three Bitten.
whtte women.
advised Depaty Real Estate Com­
Point; Mrs. Josie Greenlee, Froe-
missioner Mullin to take the '-use
raont. Nebraska;
dlrfect to the grand Jury if he
Thorpe. Vallejo, California; two
wanted to proceed with any pros­
brothers, Edward W . Russell.
Duluth. Minn., and Will L. Fry,
Dickson. Illinois.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 13.—
WELLINGTON, Kan.. May 13.
Mrs. J. L. Moore charges J. L.
Moore, a plasterer, with bigamy
wheu — Joe Thomas wanted on a mgr-
Mrs. dar charge filed against him
In superior court at Olympia ’to­
two more than a year ago, was re-
old. turned here from Marshall. Ark.,
Moore left his family here aud
MANILA, P. I., May 13. — HP)
SEATTLE, Wn„ May 13— Pe-
i buy by an amateur detective who
—i- Captains Lorgia and Oallartgi went to live at Olympia. His wife
were seeking today for two
Spanish filers, completed tbsir
■t, n ha suspected his man. The detec- automobile bandita who lastalght
flight from Madrid today when failure to continue remittances,
»d of tlva shackled Thomas to h!s, car held «p two wen, stole two auto­
they landed Just outside of Man­ and found that h» had roarrlod
band and made the trip without both­ mobil«». $4> aad a watch and
ila. The lis t leg of the journey another woman, but that this
ering about extradition proceed­ caused (Be wreck of two antowo*
brought them from A pair! on ihg
Advertise In The Tidings.
vious matrimonial status.
island of Luzon.
Negro' Assailant
Is Slain By Mob
Alleged Bigamist
Nabbed At Seattle
Woman Is Slay
Aviators Injured
When planes
WASHINGTON, .May 13— Two
army airplanes collided and wero
totally Wrecked at a 3,09(5 font
a^tjtude at Langley. Field, Virgin­
ia. thjs afternoon. Majors Har­
old E. Geiger and Horace» M.
Hlckhnm, the pilots, escaped'
thrpugh use of parachutes.
Wire Service)
Senate Committee Takes Up
Plan to Reduce Amounts <
Owed by Settlers
MOSCOW, (U P )— The airplane
is helping the hunter to make
life miserable for the walrus and
the seal in Russias polar waters.
The airplane . “Prombank,”
scouting in co-operation with
hunting parties in the White Sea,
was a big factor in enabling the
hunters to obtain a record bag of
more than ten thousand of these
sea. baaats.
. „
tout the ase of medicine caree
cap- t out of ten. of asthma.
< p **
'jien fa ct
Amateur Sleuth
Grabs Murderer
Seattle Bandits
Steal Two Autos