'«MMM üR «•••■< ’-'î’T Tv IL •' V*' 4 il ,» • ’m ¿1 Much of the tourist travel which come« thfcagh Ash­ land during the summer month* is .either coming» from C rater Lake ongoing to ( ’rater Lake, the w est’s greatest scenic attraction. C rater Cake Ledge will not he open until -Lily I, altlu.ugh indications arc th at the liighway will le open to the rim of the,lake ertrly.next month. fil K? over. ' ’l i Jsrk so n con aty p earj and oth er fru its n iiim a iid th e top p rices t i n cou n try The ab ove d ep icts an orchurd arene d u rin g h arvest tim e. C ontented qpws m ake hc n ltliy people. T hill k: w hy A shland and Jack son county h a v e su ch a rem ark ably low d eath rate. A n atu ral park in the h e a rt of the city and an auto camp second to none. The Talent Irrigation district with 13,100 acres of irrigable lands under canals, of which 600 acres are within the city limits of Ashland. The Lithia Springs hotel, built by com munty spirit, and the Hotel Ashland, both ready to serve the to u rist and the traveler. . Jackson H ot Springs, th ree miles north of th e city, famed for its medicinal m ineral baths, as ^ ell as a health and pleasure resort. ’ The Ashland N atatorlum , th e la rg e st inclosed Swimming pool in Southern Oregon, w ith hot and cold plunges and m ineral baths. Open th e year ’round. . The new Southern Oregon norm al school fro n tin g the Pacific highway on the southern edge of the city. Ashland is noted as a city of schools and homes. Its moral tone is higher th an th a t of any other city in Ore­ gon. It is a delightful place to re a r a home for yourself and children. ' • A djacent to Ashland is th e fam ed C rater Lake n a­ tional park, one of the g re a te st scenic spots in all A m er­ ica.. Close by are Lake of the Woods, Diamond Lake and innum erable m ountain stream s w here tro u t abound. THIS CAMPAIGN SPONSORED BY Ashland is a division point over the Southern Pa cific’s Shasta Route. H ere is a scene of W izard Island In ( rater La » . In the country's noted park, Auto tourists ran 'retkeh C rater L ake National pari by two routes from Ashland. Ashland is the southern gatew ay to Oregon, ju st 22 mjles north of the California line. A shland is now com pleting a nine-hole golf course close to the Pacific highw ay am ong th e rolling hills south of the city. A shland j s in the upper Rogue river valley. I t is along the tu rb u len t Rogue *that th e California Oregon Pow er com pany g enerates much of its hydro - electric pow er which is doing so much fo r the'developm ent of all S outhern Oregon. • A shland has the city m anager form of governm ent, under which rapid strides are being m ade in civic pro­ g ress and development. - . . » !.d A shland is out of the-fog belt and gets bu t a min­ imum of fog in fall and spring. Because of its equable climate, Ashland is fa s t forg- ing ahead as a poultry center. There is still plenty of room and plenty of opportunity fo r the poultry raiser. Besides its Chamber of Commerce, Ashland has the Lithians — noted hospitality organization, which is alw ays‘ready to asSist the tourist or the newcomer^ M a la r^ germ s cannot thrive in Ashland. This is a proven fact over a period of years. It is also noted fa r and wide fo r the relief it affords sufferers from asthm a and hay fever. v F ru it grow ing, dairying and general farm ing are prosperous industries on the fertile acres adjacent to Ashland. » . Ashland is- noted for its effervescent and health­ giving Lithia w ater which bubbles up constantly through rocks of granite. A shland has its municipal owned electric light and w ater plants. Nowhere in Oregon is the electric light ra te lower than in Ashland, while its cold spring w ater com pares with the famedi Bull Run w ater of Portland. Ashland is not entering upon a business or build­ ing boom, It is enjoying a normal, gradual growth. Prop­ erty values are reasonable and tem pting to the person who is seeking a perm anent home in surroundings which cannot be excelled. Come to Ashland for a visit and see for yourself the opportunities which aw ait you. You will enjoy your visit and we will enjoy yoUr presence am ong us. TAIJ3NT IRRIGATION DISTRICT; CITY OF ASHLAND; JA C KS0N HOT «BRINGS; THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY ' BOARD; LITH IA SPRINGS H O T E L ;. ASHLAND NATATORIUM; ASHLAND HOTEL. ASIILAN ITHIA PARK VISIT A sh lan d V a c a tio n ist ■Here to a summer h«j />ut e ^ n t v t w » t W «ad pl« |arg e enclosed pltpges< <«Q both hot and - Cold mineral water. Por t «rtrimhiing pur- poses nr for health's sake, it to a favorite w ith auto tourists. R-ifhuJk > • - . ----- . -A. „ •. -- dh- • _ , . x------- ** Ì ,| s Ä ■ • i» • ' • I , ■ - . w . * t '. it' *•. ■ . . ItL.k., ÍÁ .