;ii' Writer As May- bile hionth'pt' m6ré, í-2c' the W * 1 * ( v ’ LU a ; « ¿ j J. j i j t8 if r , W haf would you dd ha minion dottora? ''wonldá’L You would 'was two million. 1 '. BUILDING, repairing. paluttog, FOB RENTb-—* A cholee, , new tintine; cement wtorg. Ddy or eon- ro-roona-apartment,* nicely torn- t w « ¿ ti» kéd wftfi*6ath,- a fo ren * » . Mtf Phohe í r ñ . . • „ lo ^ -i greened ppaefe,, Ctoap < nursing ’ - 8óme wómen are ao laky their a u -o t husbands have Io -work the garden:’ ' "■ ' ' ! FO» i II. l i an Army G la s s 'v .. (M ptoye8lffU hf% )}race)f deliver. .Dollars, and .the''further sum of W ty and no 'one' huAdretfra! (fSO.tyO) Dollar«, aa attorney* fees, which judgment wag en­ TRADE: Have Ashland business rolled aria docketed In the Clerk's property bringing 1100 per month office of said Court in said Coun­ to trade, will take Ashland resi- ty on the 5th day of May, 1916. ce, 11200 cash give terms on Notice is hereby given that, ince. Fred R. Nell, care of pursuant to the terms of the said Ashland Creamery. Box No. 34. execution, I wilt on the 12th *S* R. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ ' ? . 214-6-Wed. tice limited to eye, ear, uose and FOR SALE: — 400 White Leg throat— X-ray Including teeth. hora laying hens. Hollywood and O ffice hours, 10 td 12 and 2 Tancrsd atrain. Phoae ftOAJI. MORAUTV AND PENSIONS fo L Swedenborg Bldg., Ash- WASHINGTON, May 12.— lan /, Oregon. (UPJ-^-rEven la w -h r e ^ e r s and Early June to- immoral veterans of the World ch. C. A. Gtay War are 2 edtltfcSp to ^government 208— tf «tosaraiée' flpmpinsatl#? ' invest t^fatioirs W bonne *een notified from U. S. Vet- one hundred and fifty foot lots erdp Bureau Headquarters that. on Palm Ave., betwAen . High moral considerations have noi School and Normal. Priced right, weight fn dètermiifing compéó-l terms. Box , Tidings. 199-1 mo- satloa awards. FOR BALE:— Stock and dairy ranch containing «040 acres of level irrigated meadow land and free water, alao 85 dairy cowsU located ip Wood River valley, Klatoath Cq., Ore. Address T. A. Man Salve» Culbertson, Ft. Klamath, Ore. ê t Stop ever anywhere and - aa often as you like.- The feature of the Highway is Spring, la all Ita glory. Gat your tickets from-Pickwick Stage Agent ' ta rera Cafe— W7 Kamt Mala St. Phone «4 OVERLAND SÖÖE Tidings classified do the business p - .g iM A t 'S ® >7 tf* V A ■ ä S Wb, ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR t OSBORN BRUSHES Simpson’ Af f It takes in all three hat is the definite “idea” back of le refining o f Associated gaso** ne—to provide, {1] satisfactory jick starting according to sea- anal demands, [2] a full stride of power, Ì3) mileage. ’ / To assure these three essential re* A ssodi wm of«l If U ’Hdt-dnly as a mtfa tbiota .big « • « mhn SAy fiw t f «£ show» hi h diaracter..., FOR SALE: — At Dunsmuir j Calif., Completely furnished — modern 8 room house with sleep­ ing porch and garage, on Corner lot 70x100 ft very reasonable. Cash or terms f desired, AddreaS q. D. Shoemaker, Dunsmuir. 4 row »Undpoint aiid Op^orWijy ( ,4 iig wa^*. i t , I . •A splendid elty lek bottom, freb I buildings. Bsan- léwnndtog HOpi- iLFJacksr, Ï138 f t r i f c !f $ O R u j V liiG DR. J. i ? aBllSHOUM J- g^tjs toxy>Hie • the “ ri«Jit stuff” in yoO W fidc- th d you havft by lid a savings account wita twn baqk. > viJF-AÍ t i-T-T