Local iPePso$al FOI? A S. Butler. l e f t for Vancouver— Plan To Tunnel i < ' Thru Mountains Paatu M r. and M * . Irving Porterj who |a v e been visiting at the C. I. J. Porter home on North M ain S t, left Sunday evening fpr Vancou- >13-41« SE A TTLE, Wash., May yer, B .,C . to dl with the Dwfg eheatra, who to afar month eng Davenport hotel 12,— W)R KALE: — 20 aoree, mostly The possibility of putting a high­ alfalfa, large barn, well and wind­ m ill. Close to highway s a l Ash­ land, level, >150 per acre. See Daniel Payne, Ashland Realty Co. » V ■ s i v i t way tunnel through the Caseadee between eastern and western Washington w ill be Investigated by a committee appointed by Governor Roland H . H artley to, .-FOR KALE: - Modern house, report to the next state legisla­ The tentative plana call near the Norm al Terms, O. F. ture. >14-6t for a SO-mile bore, coating about Carson. >4.000.000. ■ . J FOR R E N T : — Five room fu r­ nished bungalow, Phone 389J. •' J ODD FELLOW ACTIVITIES ' ' Bastaras VMtae— >« J ’ ' ÌO. A.- Lear ■'» o f the CaHforglg Regular Meetings ' ‘ ‘ Paint Campaayis'* busihem viel¿< Subordthatg * every4- T h u rid ay. dr in Ashland and wan « gaept Encampment, ld t find 3rd Tdds- of «Be Lithia Spring» hotel last • ■ 1 1 - •* days. ' Rebekah*, 2nd and Oth evening) ’ : M Tuesdays. ’ i 1! 1 150-tf ' Watqh thia apace avary 3*2* th e re w ill be a bok social at I- O. O. F. hail T h u rsd ay‘evening; May IS tb , for Odd Ffetlo^re, - Re­ 214-tf bekahs and one accompanying, in-*, vlted friend each, Ladies in­ cluding. guealt, expcc.194 .to b rb yi lunch for1 twp and, gentlemen, in­ cluding guests, expected* to buy 1 a box. No other'expense. Coffee, cream and sugar supplied by the cobimlttee. Doors open at 8:30'; rie l will start at 9 p. m. Danc­ ing cards and gossip. Madden rotfsadr Urea. . The W hite Sulphur water at the Ashland Nat. will relieve your aches and pains. < , shland Lodge No. 38 A. F . « H )R R E N T : — 3 ^cre chicken ranch and orchard. 6 room house. On paved street, >25 per month. J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. 214-2t A. M. ¡Stated communication Thurs­ day evening. "May 18. Important routine business to be disposed f j « <■ * m -- of, including petitions and re­ ports.« Also, work in Third De­ gree. Supper at 6:30 o’clock sharp. * , . R. L. B U R p iC , Jr.. W. M. Tbo latest In Men’s Suits: DaWn W . H. Day, Seg’y. Grey Double-Breasted Models at Paulserud’s. 212-tf Visitor— M orarlty of San Fran- Returning from S o u t h - Mr.*and Mrs. George E. Munro, cisco is visiting friends in Ash of Vancouver’ B. C., 'who have land. been vacationing; In the South, Get your window screens and stopped at the L ith la Springs hotel screen doors at Jordan Sash and on there return home. m Cabinet W orks. 194tL Come and swim at the Ashland Scientific Facial Treatments— L ith la Hotel Beauty Parlor. 247-tf Boston Bandit Is Purported Heirs Wounded When He Fight For Estate ¡ Tries To Escape Of Montana Farm BUTTER Mot.. May 1 2 — (U P ) — A hearing to establish heirship to the late Senator W illiam A- d a r k wap continued u n tj W e d ­ nesday in the local district court by Judge Jerry Lynch today. Op Wednesday, a motion to take the (Imposition in the case will also be considered. Three Missouri women, Mrs. fcffle Clark M cW llliam. Mrs. Alm a Clark Hines, and Mrs. , Ad­ dle Clark M iller, who claim to be daqghters of Senator Clark, will continue their fight. High Climber Is Killed At Salem BOSTON, May 12.— (W F ) -f j A fter holding up 25 cld rk|,a n d ' 5 customers and obtaining >5300 Geprge - Mortoris o f Dorchester was shot and probably, fatally wounded at the Uphams Corner branch of the First National bank. The unmasked bandit was Bhot by the manager o f ; the bank as be prepared to leave the bank. Margaret Gleim Called By Death OSLO,. Norway. May 13.— ( U P )—-Parliament today decided FOR HALE: — Timber, mostly to order a prohibition plebiscite pine, in Jackson County. 60c por in October to determine whether M. J. L. Ketch. Ashland Hotel the people wish to abolish the Bldg. 214-2t existing prohibition of spirituous liquors. SPECIAL b F F R R — For short time, 9 acres good land near Pa­ cific Highway^ 2 miles from Post Office, fruit anq garden, plenty water, land all ip cultivation with garden in, good 2-story plastered house of 8 rooms, outbuildings, SE A TTLE, W n„ Mny 12.— Mrs. I on fine street. Only >4500 under Mary Myers of Seattle, mother of big reduction for quick sale, part nine children, was killed yester­ cash, balance easy terms. This is day on the Botbwell highway, an exceptional opportuillty in when an automobile In which she growing district east of the city. was riding skidded and crashed into a flower garden truck. N IC E HOM E — Six big lots Five persons were in the au­ and 6-room house, close to school tomobile, but the others were not and churches, fine garden, lots badly hurt. On« berries, good street. >2100. Better see this. 0odd home cheap Silverton— C l u s t e r lighting with chance to raise much of /o u r system planned* for W ater, Oak, living.— H. C. Galey, No. 65 East F irst and Main 8treets. Main. 214-3t La Grande— Hospital here’ in* LOWT: — Ladles blue and stalls >8,500 x-ray plant. brown sleeveless sweater between Plaza M arket and Tuttle's on O r­ ange St. Finder please return to Tidings Office. Reward. 214-2* Woman Is Killed In Skidding Auto Margaret Annie Gleim, four year old daughter of M r. and Mrs C. W . Gleim, died last night at her home in Talent. She was a* granddaughter of Mrs. Hensley. W A N TED : — Roomers and Funeral services wlH be held to- jnorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock borders. 196 Central Ave. Mattle 214-tf from the home in Talent,“ H . C. Bryant. Stock in charge. Interm ent will be in the -Steam’s cemetery. Hubbard— F ru it Growers build Jarge warehouse, expecting 450 Business Visitor— S. E. Lepley of Salem, represent­ tons berries. Keep the flies out w ith Screen SALEM . Ore., May 12. — F a ll­ Doors. Complete assortment. ing 130 feet from a spar tree, A. H. Pracht left yesterday for Southern California with Henry Carson Fowler Lbr. Co. J. A. Jqhnseit,. a high climber 214-2 employed by a logging camp at Provost on a short business and pleasure trip. Silverton, near here, was almost Parkers Srlspettes are delicious Instantly- killed yesterday. I t was T ry our 50c Merchants* Luucb. with Milk and Fruit Juices. thought his hook failed to catch 303-tf in a chain and his safety belt Every day from 11 to 3 at The Plaza Confectionery. « 1 6 i-tf broke. The dead man was a resi­ ing the Allen A. Hosiery Co. of dent of Portland. Trying Ashland CUmate— K lam ath Falls— Addition Oshkosh, W is., is a business visit­ Memory books for the graduate Mr. and Mrs. Henry F . Hollen­ ills School, w ill cost >18,000 or in Ashland, stopping at the B lh art’A 214-1 beck of Eugene, are stopping at p ith ia ^p rings hotel. the R utier Apartments for a few Astoria— Lutheran Church will dkjm. MT. Hollenbeck 'Is trying Classified Ads Bring Resnlts. build and operate hospital bore. They Mr. and Mrs. D. L. RohlnMon the climate for asthma. of San Diego were visitors in Ash­ werd accompanied by their niece land yesterday and guests of the and nephew, Mr. and Miss Jen­ N E W YO R K C IT Y , May 12.— kins. Miss Jenkins is connected Hotel Oregon last evening. ( U P )— Judge A lton B. Parker, with the University and return­ once democratic candidate fcr Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover ing to- her work today. president and a leading figure in Left For South— Alton B. Parker Called By Death Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty Shoppe, McGee’s Store. 198-tf national politics, died yesterday For Cleaning and Pressing, afternoon while driving through Phone Paulserud’s. W e call. Central P a r k .. He was enroute to 212-tf his country home at the time. FREE DIRT In vicinity Beach and Liberty Friends said he half been in sts. Come and haul It away. City Takes Position— normal health during the day. of Ashland. 214-3 L. I. Moon, who is well known Hot sulphur tub baths, day In Ashland as a firs t class elec­ Visiting Mrs. Pierce trician and battery man, has taken or night, Jackson H ot Springs. Mrs. Gertruds Barcley of Los charge of the department at the Angeles, is in Ashland visiting Claycomb Motor Co. Ford Garage. Mrs. Charles Pierce. . Finishing Tonight They show personality character — Studio Ashland tographs. with ^ allaçe beery RAYMOND HATTON MARY BRIAN Grants Pese Cavetncn— Cgueme0 of.-Gfants -Fas», will J TOM MIX make their long planned trip t o ! Creacoiff ICtty this week and, ford which a ll* plans are now* being J definitely foámntatéd. 'the d w i l l wwr MWAdtomebei a a i «ptUraUTn I wm ptruffiffu a Rffai ¡'night*and will be followed kby a! ¡dance for the Cavemen. On Bun-J day a reception w ill be given fo r' ; six navy aviators and on Monday i (he ,brtdg> ^e^lpaflsq wfui jqe ,qeld. - ; The Cavemen w ill ¿eturrt homo op ‘ > Monday e v e n in g .M fc d fo td . Mkll Tribune. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS’ ance, studded with sup- iooter spoke, there was ibacktalk. u I * . ' of the Hartman Syndicate, Incor­ porated, trill ¡be held at the office o f, the company, 126 Pioheer Avenue, Ashland, Oregon, at o'clock p. m. Thursday. May >7, 1 2 » . 1 lAtrimifn 'flytfdicate, Inc. Chas. D. Crouch, Pres. - .»1, I-./ Vi t GREAT Clearance Sale of Spring Coats ALL THIS WEEK a r/way sale / We have never before offered such values as these at the height of the sea­ son. Collection includes every type of high grade coat, (some with fur trim­ ming) every smart style, every fash­ ionable mode, correct shade, smart fabric featured this Spring. WOMENS AND M ISSIS $14.95 Coats, Sale Price J3very Requirement for the tiny tot’s health and happiness is selected here with extra cpre. $25.00 Coats, Sale Price $29.75 Coats, Sale Price $34.50 Coats, Sale Price $39.75 Coats. Sale Price $49.75 Coats, Sale Price $59.75 Coats, Sale Price Phone 116 Prescription Druggist Lithla Springs Hotel Building i Lithia Springs Hotel Bldg. Beautiful New GEORGETTES Another * The Quality Store $19.75 Coats, Sale Price, Demands The Best Lithia Springs Pharmacy & CO Darling Studio & Art Store 36 AND 40 INCHES WIDE 25 New Colors., This Georgette is very adaptable for combining with Crepes of all weights and figured flat Silks. . ‘ » Spring & Summer WE » SELL IT FOR . 1 $1.50 and $2.25 I ■ * )•: Gives You Prestige ' à ìj . ' ' il.» * . . ■ ■ ‘ New TAFFETAS S U IT S • TO BE ABUS TO SAY:— ’i . ., : ' ' : ' ' ■ ' . Now selling in Shades of Sunburst, Toltec, Lettuce, Sanddune, Black and Grays. “I am w earing á Hart-Schaffner & - Marx Suit PRICED AT X E T ’]F,2i.i S C O T C H $35 M Each Others tor L ess ■ h i-thrills. When his.sbt- 4 1 A Shipment Visiting in Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. j(* R - K irk of Aberdeen, tyaah,.. are visiting In * Ashland and stopped at the Hotel Ashland last evonlng. Tomorrow — Friday hang up western ro- * Underwood of Reno, Ne- vlsitlng in Ashland and of the Columbia hotel. FRONT" > Baby’s Care NOTICE Old fashioned dance at W inter Garden instead of I. O. O. F. hall Friday night, 2:20. Por Fraternal Brotherhood members and Invited friends. 214-1 "BEHING THE OUR BUSINESS Kodak finishing thät gives Smiles of Satisfaction. U Norway To Vote On Prohibition E. R. I S A A C 1 * t j. ■ * *• Toggery ! i Hab-a-dash-Inn” FOR THE NEW THINGS AT