* M DÀÇLY 4«». < V f H»I J r k L Ma ( i m TI 1 5 T I C L s v L ln £ i forward aatf stoptud. ” Tk. Italian debt goUlemont aUMtftO gJla^W W X S53t Business Mai ....... Newa I h m m i lU i^ W trtiriS h 'i« •DAssihMt'.-* ?«Uw‘t ™ * IHiU-. « d tttM » - , V th ' f t t t f t t M ntottetafta- maat*,;rea»4Maad fitttptUM« to na^ # 4 » CIAL f e l w * *“♦ WhUe » * “ • “ « .TfSaanTF1- Dspartmeut pf tt’ W " ¡ ¿ S i » « - n«pp. fl»fr"°n 9f tW* •*tUe' ? y 9 M ftrV $ « i n # $ t wlB ba gn tnrttatloc i |o fr.J T / r ' iuJy t» p ^ p a r N B r ,” ate. ¿V , n w i* |n ^ ad- \ I ’R l*®k *baut three month* ¿or W <» w w m J f e w , ,t * tf inenU i° M a» l^ c' i could not easary efteet and then when a M m « «ret of- majority MM «wae around & Ihe t&Ju)Bdat!one settlement ltgw u brought forward Iffgijiiry Mel abd adopted. One Year One Month „ Three Months a Month* ... M Year ....... G rhfn ’first of- e d itio n pro- t j $ d ' | f | f long. It should be made to do ..the work for which it Wes m eant ' '*;• —7— r { ' t The birth, of a daughter to the Puke, and Ihicliess of York gives to England anopiet heir to the throne. Until the Prince of Wales marries dud bps children, and until the, young lady herself has a brother to share her nursery, she shares with her father, the Duke of York, the title of Heir Presumptive to the Crown. It is not on any divine right but on an act of Parlia- ufeut th a t the title depends. If the hereditary principle is followed it is because it is convenient», not because it is’ Sacred. In the United States is it possible to elect a President |»y vote. In the British Commonwealth, so scat­ tered and so varied in race, religion and culture, no fran­ chise is conceivable whereby a President could thus be chosen- The crown is therefore a symbol of sovereignty, npt the fact itself. It is a symbftl to which <»ne-qenrter of the human race admits a peaceful allegiance. CALL AND SEE OUR DOORS You will be pleased with the quality and workmanship. * BY CHARLES P . STEWART NBA Service WUter WASHINGTON— Senator Reed Smoot of Utah sprang a Jftke the other day. It's the talk of the whole Sen­ ate. Not that, as » Joke, it was any­ thing to write home about, htat it waa the first one,, according to all the best authorities, that that particular senator ever perpetrat- Smoot takes life seriously. He Isn’t melancholy hut he's solemn. , He never laugns. He never unfleo. Sometimes he gets irrit­ able, buL never, except In this lone recent instance, has he ever ' . ;•' • CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. been knoton to get fundy. J Marshfle Smoot Was m ating ah appeal Metal Co At thè time for sòme nèw govet**- dredge ai nient buildings In Washington "plant neat Me pointed ppt that a la^ge-pyt of the governmental personnel in the capital is housed in what were intended, origially, a temporary quartern, mostly ot pretty sketchy, war-time construction and now in a sad state of dilapid­ ation^ “It’s an urgent necessity," ho insisted, "to get these employes out of the old shacks, they have, ó work In now, or I’m afraid they'll fall down altogether.” « , •' * ’ "Do you mean,” asked Sen­ ator Norris facetiously, "that you’re afraid the employes will fall down or that the buildings will?" ’ "I mean the buildings," aq- iwered Smoot. “Government employes dont move fast enough to. fall down." In the Heart of Town The Ashland Chamber of Commerce is working continually to promote the best interests of the City of Ashland. 'Didt it has succeeded in its efforts is an „ unquestioned fact By an organized program extending oyer the last six years, it has established Ashland as the OUTSTANDING SCHOOL CITY of Southern Oregon; as one of the best e q u ip a d HOTEL and TOURÍST communities on the Pacific Coast; as a Center for the development of many INDUSTRIES, such as CANNERIES, VlBOltEACtORÉÉS, etc. ♦ This work has beeh done in a quiet mariner, with no flourish of trumpets, with ' no exaggerated hot air promotion and with much less financial cost than is usual s for such undertakings? • • THERE ARE MANY THINGS TO BE DONE. CIRCLE JOUR W«k* UNITED STATES oaf Constitution lias been-so stretched out of shape that it enjs very little figure and should be “ construed” to per nnt this claim a place in coprt. '¿I British statesmen now admit» thqt tl|e league of îty must be recoguigecl, tyid projtose a fclaii providjiiiJ for a division of the TVfthcil seats into three clas^fR ]»çfiminent, semi-permanent and temporary — with con .tijdental divisions to settle th e ir‘own 'affairs. When h etiites to )>erfecting t^.divjsiqp.4if .ihi» »luqBcber.aMionf 5J |iostile states, it i|> baitiy ^ o s s i d e : ^uau df tin continents will prefer Ao^Lhize leagNeskf tl<-ir owM, anc cooperate by delegate representation. J act that ... k f more ' J ■ $5 millions.of foreign debts liuvc been ftmdWd, American »flayers will receive but little lajnefit fo r^ ia n y years Uome. The total annual payments daring the*next ten ¿Brelve years will l»e about $100.000,000 at most — and r i will not go very Open lights carried by coal miners have caused 3,3(51 lis during the past 20 years according to the Bureau lines. The B u ro ^ | reeomjyc«ids.fhe‘^te|yf tlif ji|iodeqi Many watering places ■ns drink more water u || at home. i Kain ha« started a nal Second: Fourth R oundtri(O um m er excursion fares efiectlyfc all summer; return limit Octohrib 31. Take advantage ‘ o f these culMtantial reductions in kt A«. varo a f rx ■ j/IwVV O ' s a i D o and s it more this summer than ever hhtore. See California onyflu r w ifc Know rfiq Whole Pacific Coafe It costs so vety fittlc more. H avcfhe Southern Pacific agent helrfjkiu plân your-trf^. . Thus get thlnnost for your travel The fertile lands ad ed into many smaUi Hry rsisipg, aqdsnii new desirat eland, ‘i costs o: HWI h To this end our effort this year will be directed largely toward an ade ............... ’ ¡ „ t e s t e d eitiaen and frdfc^ ^ r tte iff g arid publicit cam are o tiecahi Irt*»« «gálrfwr » the mails to - Í- HOMES CLYDE A. MJ E. B. ISAAC PAX KAY t—Phone 43 We, must obtain to distribute, the Jabqr ai • B. E. DETBICK Ht-L. OLA j YUÔMB MOMfiB BILÍ¿MM8 J. H, If ULLEii, Socr