AAttftPAY. Ito a, 1 Passenger Traffic Increases • aKpraately.- a* - s h o w by «ueeea elve to® 1-8 °{ depoalta. In oae French cave In the Department o( Haute Oaone, skeletons hdva been1 found, for Instance, of no jess than- 800 hears, who had need It as a place to die. carrl id on by the' city of Asnlapd; Mr. JhCltsoh tits ordered’ k bfg, ' porci lain ‘enameled sttoel sign’ with <¡0 exposed lights whlslf wilt replace the preidnt wooden, flgn over hla cate. Jt will be install­ ed wlthfc tho qeyt few tgeeks and will add much to the. Improve­ ment of that section" of .the busl. * ne«s district. ' ’ • • BY WILLIAM J. MefcVOY (V. F. Staff Correspondent > WASHINGTON. May 8.— (UP) — The lure^of the Senate- Every election ye^tr, without exception, numerous member« of the House who enjoy firmly ce­ mented aeats In the" lower body, are attracted by the glamour of Senatorial toga. LONDON, (UP)— Doubt aa Ur the practicability of building an airship with a duralurmln cover­ ing. aa proposed by $ group of De­ troit engineer«, was expreaaed to­ day by Commander C. Donnie Burney, managing director of'the Airship Guarantee Company. Ltd., and foremost authority on air­ ship construction in England. “I have seen samples of the metal that I understood It la pro­ posed to use," said Commander Bandit Seeks To Buy Hiß Release * ’From prison Cell CHICAGO, May 8.—Althodgh Joseph "Yellow Kid” Well, 'the king of con men,"fs In jail await­ ing sentence to prison for poses- slng stolen goods he hasn’t stop­ ped promoting. Thursday “The Kid” offered to reveal the hiding place of $350,- 000 la securities missing since $2,000,000 Rondput mall robbery in exchange for leniency when he appears for sentence. Rows Mean Oai from C a lifo rn ia— th« whole 74®k>* for a wlnninu .'ampaign on the s u t . r v itli ihe annual I ’ntighkoopsie r.^ u iiu standlmt out as the biy event * Missing at sea fo r 130 daysj’the prey of alternate storms and calms, the four-master schooner Irene finally made its way to San Pedro, Calif., after Wing given up as lost. The schooner sailed from Grays Harbor, "Wash., Dec. 14 for Miami, Fla.’ with a load of lumber, but was drivep far off its course. There were rations for only about one more day when it finally reached the harbor. But the crew ’s first cry was, “ Give us a smoke.” Burney, "and It la so much heav­ ier than fabric that 1 do not see how an airship constructed of it could (be commercially practic­ able. We studied the querflon of the building for the proposed England to India airship service and after due consideration we turned it down." The new dirigible which Bur­ ney'« firm 1« building is of ap­ proximately the same site aa the one proposed for construction in Detroit. It has a length of 720 feet, a diameter of 130 feet, and a ga« capacity of approximately 5,000,000 cubic feet. The dir­ igible will be driven by seven (00-hqr«e power motors at a «peed of approximately 70 miles an hour.- It can carry 100 pas­ sengers. It Is expected that the new airship will be ready for test flight# early in 1927. FIFTY - TWO * • ’ t . 18 REASONS RAQUEL ORANGE BLOSSOM PERFUME $2.50 You will be pleased with the quality and workmanship. CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. In the Heart of Town GRADUATION GIFTS Purse S in , >1.50 —The witching breath of orange blossoms — whis­ pering of springtime. Lithia Springs Pharmacy Phoqe 116 We invite you to inspect our lines of Beautiful and •useful items — new and snappy — Of course you care about the price too. We are specialising in the new and up-to-date merchandise and making very low prices. We would be pleased to show you. JOHNSON'S JEWELRY STORE Prescription Druggist Lithia Springs Hotel Building Unmatched in performance and speed of washing, unique in the safeness with which fine things are washed, the One Minute 52 is recognized as the wonder washer of the Why the One Minute is Selling itself to the careful housewife. 1— Nothing mechanical in the tub. Washes • sheer silks and fine curtains as safely as heavy carpets and rugs. 2— Triple washing action — m ighty water waves—moving clothes atod the tub • itself. i " . .. • •• ' 3— The heaviest copper tub ever used in a washer. Enclosed in a solid enameled steel ja c k e t 4— Air space between copper tub and jacket creates a vacuum, retains the heat in the water, keeps the outsid^ of , ,'the washer-cool? 5— Balloon Type W ringer Rolls—Will not , break button# or break clasps. G—Nothing to lift out preparatory to wringing. ----- 7— No drive shaft th ru bottom of the tub, thru coyer or thru sides of the machine* 8— Washer is completely enclosed- easy to dust and keep clean. - Working parts are safely guarded. • 9—Cover lifts off—clothes may be put in ^ o r taken out while washer is running, lo ir im k e n Roller Bearings. 11— Velvet Disc Clutch. 12— Danger of overloading is entirely done away in this washer. 13— Washes a few pieces of cloth or a tub- . full. ]4—Clothes cannot block the w ater outlet. 15— Uses a minimum of electric current due to ease of running with Timken Bear-. ings. 16— Enclosed gear case — grease once in three years. 17— Compact round construction. Only two. fe«t m diam eter. 18— Cldthes are washed in the water and not carried thru the a ir., Another rea­ son why the heat in the w ater is re­ tained. , ; . A tte • n tio n L a d le s • See Tf his W pnderful Washer — W ith triple washing action—With numerous im­ provements — with the wringer that wrings a handkerchief dry and at the same time will not crush a medicine dropper, foun­ tain pen or your Angers. We want every housewife to see the wonder­ ful One Minute Washer in operation. We will demonstrate with any washer or cheer­ fully do a washing any time. Simply phone Ashland Electric Over À Million Satisfied One Minute Users t CALL AND SEE OUR DOORS ONE MINUTE . . (Continued on Page Pour) S creen D oors World’s Wonder Washer 1 la almost all MMf.’ {he Honae member« who labor for a trans­ fer to the npn»f hpdr havf estab­ lished enviable raeorde aad valu­ able prestige and could hold their seats with .little difficulty. Bnt yet they court political disaster by seeking Senate p|acf* In the coming November elec­ tion «an even doaen House mem­ ber« will be found reaching eut for Senate place«. Pour members have already announced formally that they will run while similar announcement« are . expected H. Sams,