MALARIA GERMS I * Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone i t Asfiland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Newspaper. For Nearly F ifty Years (United •or to the 8eul-Weekly Tidings, V o la m e li vol . XI.IX 1926 BUDGET FOR CHAMBER TO BE RAISED Workers to Take Field Tues­ day Morning to Get Fin­ ances for the Year $7000 TO BE NEEDED Entire Rum Needed W in Bought lu One Drive Be Bucceu Expected Solicitation of funds for the annual chamber of common'« budget will get under way Tues­ day morning by the finance and t budget committee of the cham­ ber, of which V. O. N. Smith U chairman. The budget for the /e a r will be approximately $7000. At a meeting of the committee yesterday it was decided to bud­ get all expenses for the chamber at this .time and complete the work in one drive rather than be compelled to make additional solicitations during the year for special Items. % As previously announced, ad­ vertising and publicity will bo one of the major projects of the chamber and much of the money budgeted for the year will be used for this purpose. Other members of the budget committee Include J. H. McOee, Gerald Wenner, A. E. Kinney, W. M. Wright, and C. W. Banta. The committee has selected a list of members to aid in the solicitation campaign and hope is expressed that thq entire budget can be subscribed in one day. Those who will aid In the work are F. C. Homes, George A. Bris­ coe, Louis Dodge, E. T. Staples, F. F. Whittle, 8. A. Peters, Jr., O. T. Bergner. T. H. Simpson, O. H. Billings, Dan Kay and S. D. Taylor. These workers will meet with the budget committee In the chamber rooms at 8:30 Tuesday morning, at which time the city will l*e districted and the field work will get under way. Wire Service) year." » « Organized Band of Juvenile $$ Criminals Uncovered by , Police Officers » » BAD « » » » » » » « 8 8 CHECKS PASSED « "Two-Bit Gang". KLAMATH FALLS, Ord, May 8.— An organised band of juve­ nile criminals, whose depreda­ tions during the past few months have varied from forging checks to theft of auto accessories, has 8 8 been broken up by police. One 8 boy, charged with passing two 8 bad checks, will probably be sent 8 to the reform school. Eight 8 other youths 'are under surveil­ 8 lance. Ranging in age from nine to 8 13 years, the young boys have 8 been* responsible for much of the 8 petty thievery which has puzzled 8 8 the police during the past four months. Breaking up of the gang 8 g ! was affected through the arrest g J of a 13-year-oId boy on the charge Mlo f passing two forged checks on AA I John Vale, local merchant. The arrest of the youth led to other disclosures, and soon the activities of the juvenile gang in all Its ramifications were uncovered by Chief' of Police Harry Loucks and his patrolmen. "Two-Bit Gang" Grants Pass Defeated in Six The gang dubbod itself the Straight Games by Local "Two-Bit Band.” Each mern- Court Stars l>er of the band, before they were admitted? took an oath that they Aghland High won the tennis would not sell any article stolen match with Grants Pass High yes­ for less than two-bits. Receipts terday afternoon, winning all six from the sales were, police said, matches. turned Into the treasury o f the Dick Joy won the feature match band and dividends declared at with Carl Bennett, 7-6, 7-6. Phil stated Intervals for all members. Bryant won, 8-3, 4-6, 6-4. Jim­ It is believed by police that the mie Nutter, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4. Lee boys have a cache of stolen goods Boyd 7-6, 7-6. Lee Boyd made a but Investigation has failed to re­ fine comeback as the score stood veal the hiding place. 6-2 In Tavor of Grants Pass and Hjs winning five games in suc­ cession enabled him to win the match. In the doubles Jimmie Nutter and Lee Boyd won 6-4, 7- 9, 6-4. Dick Joy and Leslie Ketch, 6-3, 6-4. € BY W. H. PERKINS B n I N K WILE DOWN S M S ; FATAL PORTLAND. May 8.— Cogitat­ ing orar t ie faiehtal strfeU and de­ mands of their profession, add distftsslng rifthnardomdstlL irostr,- Clay F. White, 33, and James Donnelly, 31,* both 1 llb&typers, cPadt|dd K 1 sensation • Thursday when Mri Wh ft e'quaffed bofcrtn and* his crony essayed to 1 admin­ ister antidotes. Both were' 6uf* ferthg from' alcob^Md 'hl44s and boote/follAArlng kii all nlfcbt Ses­ sion In a hotel robih'. ThCwMrld- wekry typo aVakededf to a bright­ er world ;lb St. Vincent's hodjfttal. that brought a glow tq her eyes as she said in her heart: “ That is mv hoy!’’ or “ That is my daughter!” lak e a healing balm will be such memor­ ies when you kneel by the grassy plot where, with tired hands folded upon her breast, Mother sleeps at last in peace, all unmindful of the solemn requiem of the pines that point 'with tapei* spires to Hea­ ven. God pity you if such memories may not be yours! __#__ #__• __» • VANCOUVER, Wash., May 3. (U P )—Approximately 3000 acres of land.-comprising a portion of the old Yacolt burn within the Spanking Proves Fatal To Father ’.A # . Nearly 'Exhausted But Not To Son Camp Fire Girls ' GRANTS PASS, Ore., May 8.— LOS ANOEJLE8,, May 8.— How Enjoy Swimming tional forest, have been reforest­ ed at a cost of about $40,000, the forest service today announced. This Is part of the service pro­ gram to keep young timber com­ ing up, and it re-trees a district which was swept by fire threo times in less than 20 years. , The prdject was stkrtdd four years ago and about 2,000,000 trkSs have been sbt ebt. Thlrty-flye Camp Fire girls and their older leaders enjoyed a •wlmmlag party thia moenirg at the Ashland Natatorlum. The two big.sw im m ing pfungse were re­ served for tho exclusive use of tho girls for more than ee hour thia morning. Hex Social— , - < . ..•» The American. Légion Auxiliary will bold a box sootal at the Civic Club Friday evening at 7 o’clock and all members of the.Auxiliary and Legion are requested te come, Auxiliary members bring boxes. CHICAGO, May 8.— The stork still makes direct deliveries to 71 per cent of American farm homos according to a survey of farm life, by a local agricultural asso­ ciation. In the la*t (Ive yqars. when It was found they w or. not tn(T , only 29 per cent of the country's implicated. mourning the* statute of liberty, rural ba Idea .were horn In hospit­ /o r 10 minutes .two black ban­ als. ? »• • ‘ ners waved from the eyes of the statute until they were discover­ ed and removed. BBWHW (U P )— After 'skating almost con- ' fatuously for fobrdays, tiro Seat­ tle girls, Ethel fiestey add Billie Keyes, arrived here yesterday In a etaW d f fexhauntfon kfter hav­ ing skated 477 miles In 40 hours of skating tim e .' They mid they bad ’’accepted but onei ride, that) being1 for 30 miler la mrfuhtatn- ous country. ’ , , 4* father died as ‘the .reeutl of spanking his son was the unusual story heard by • coroner’s jury Investigating the death of Antone Bnchlcco, 46. Buchleco had been operated on. He had occasion to .correct hie boy end soundly spanked him. The exertloh tore open the wound fthd he died. • ■'< MOSCOW, May 8.— (U P )— The Russian Trades Unions have sent 2.000.000 rubles to the Brit­ ish strike committee in addition to the previous gift of a quarter of a million rubbles. Two mil­ lion gold suhles, at the present rate of exchange equals $1,303,- 000. Tho Communist International has written to the British Com­ munists declaring "your task la to raise the strike movement to the highest form of a liberating struggle of the working class for power.” PROJECT COMPLEO boundaries or » WASHINGTON, May 8.— President Coolidge Is highly grat­ ified by the foreign debt funding fcetti} fnen'tjs, ^taljlir^ $22,143.- 000,000 whicn the bi-partlsan debt commission has achieved un­ der the leadership of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. While expressing high appre­ ciation for the work of the American commission, the presi­ dential spokesman said most cred­ it was due Mellon In whose fi­ nancial judgment the (American people and foreign financiers have complete confidence. KAISER’S PROTEGE IS THROWN IN JAIL Mother! Can y o u picture the full measure Operatic Baritone Educated of her days? Let it he in this wise: Lean­ by Former German Rul­ ing from the para|M?ts (of Heaven, God er Gets Drunk sent forth an angel that winged its way to CITY, N. J.. May earth and entered the soul of a new-born 8.— ATLANTIC Reny E. Marsano, an operatic child — the child that as you first re­ baritone who said he had l>een member her, bent over you with an angel’s educated as a singer at the-ex­ smile upon her face — proud, exultant, pense of the former German Kaiser, was sentenced to Jail for hopeful. Intoxication. He told the court Came then the days that lengthened into he was l>roke because his prop­ the fading years — came days of suspense* erty he had been seized- by the perhaps of heart-ache and sorrow. Came alien property act. joys, too, let us hope, and let ns hojx* that you made such joys the greater. Tho years grew many. The form became bent and feeble* the cheeks wan and white, the hands listless, the hair silver. The Mother became as a child again, and He who said “ Suffer, little children to come Two Hundred Dollars Taken by Safe Wreckers; Big­ unto me,”, beckoned from above. The ger Sum is Missed angel pinged its way hack to Heaven, leav­ ing only the form—the familiar features MADRAS, Ore., May 8.— Burg­ of Mother. lars believed to be professionals Thus were her days, and thia shall he In the use of nltro-glycerlne, wrecked the safe In the store of your days, Oh, Mothers ’of men I sentenced to two years In a fed­ eral reformatory when they pleaded guilty in federal court at Portland yesterday. News of the disposition of the case was re­ NEW YORK CITY. May 8 — ceived by the police today. Two (U P )—-In Satiric proteat against other youths who were with the prohibition a delegation from tin, pair were released at' the time World War veterans’ Jlght wines Draped in Black Orientals Urged to Give Assist­ ance; Warslilpe Will Protect Food Mr. Coolidge Highly Grati­ fied by Settlements Which Are Made 7 ALI TENNIS MATCHES Records Disclose JAPANESE WILL HELP PRESIDENT PLEASED WITH DEBT TREATES >• tiro cwuiuBia na­ MADRAS STORE SAFE LOOTED BY BANDITS Girl Is Injured By Stray Bullet . BELLINGHAM, W us|.. May 8. — Celeste Joly, 17-year-old high school girl, was In a critical con­ dition in a hospital here with n m imic ' wnu w B w wer ituinw ir. She wag shot while on a hike with girl friends. Miss Marxian Taylor, normal school girl, fired ! with a rl/le. at a> tafgét gnd the bullet glanced off the target platç and e^rufk Miss Joly. “Wild Man” , just Silly Youngster POTT8TOWN, Pfc, May 8.— The “wild man” , who recently caused a reign of terror through Saratoga valley, Betting fire to a bam and attacking children, Is 13-yegr-old Fannie Young, a supposed victim of tbs “maniac.” LARGE SUH IS SENT B R IM TRADE UNIONS Russians Contribute Over One Million Dollars to . Support Strikers Other officers chosen were: Raymond Cotter, vice-president; Fred Kat- zer, second vice-presi­ dent; Virginia ltose, fo u r th vice-president; Jean Stratton, secretary; Barney Miller, editor of The Hogue News and an­ nual. S. A. Peters, Jr., un alumnus of the high school, was chosen as treasurer for the student body. BoyH R ange PVom Nine to 13 Years; Called Selves The FOLI IN OKLAHOMA Blues And Booze • Cause Of Trouble Kay Neil was elected president ot the student body of Ashland high school for next year at the annual school election held yesterday. He Is now finishing his junior year and is one of the most popular students of the school. "We have enough water to carry all our crop« , through the present HOSPITAL DAY KILL 8£ HELDWEDNESDAY SPIRO, Okla., May 8.— (UP) — One dead, 14 Injujred, six of them serlonsly and more than 20 homes destroyed was the toll to­ day of the tornado which swept through four eastern Oklahoma counties .last njght. The dam­ age was estimated at,$50iP00. Kay Neil Chosen Student To ay Next Year MOTHER’S ' D ftY , Memory, turning the pages of the golden years, lingers in love before one picture— the picture of Mother. Lingers* pauses on a little way, and then returns as if to a sanctuary—a very City of Refuge. F or you know and I know that no m at­ ter how far tem ptation may have led us from the path where Motjier walks in beauty, we.have only to stretch forth sup­ pliant hands to feel again ita touch that heals the heartache—the voice th at dries the remorseful tear. F o r are we not her very own, and did she not in like manner comfort us when childish footsteps strayed* or childish waywardness led to remorse­ ful repentance? To Mother we are none the less children now. To her, always we are children, for never does a mother gaze upon a child, though grown to m an ’s estate, or woman’s th at she does not see, in retrospect, a help­ less little mite of humanity, dependent upon San Francisco Woman Killed her fqr the fulfillment of every want. I Billings* Montana, Man In­ During Family Quarrel ju r e d When Police Stage have seen such a look in Mother’s eyes. And With Husband Raid on Room so have you. SAN FRANCISCO. Calif., May Happy are you if you hear the voice of BILLINGS, Mont., May 8.— 8.— Mrs. Maries Revel, wife of Charles Foster, 24, was shot but Maurice Revel, a baker, was kill­ Mother, or feel the touch of her gentle not seriously injured in the left General Public Invited to Re­ ed today during a fight with her hand,, fo r the day must <’(»me when the ception Which Will be hip here last night, during a po­ husband when he presumably Held Here , threw her down a stairway, voice will be stilled* the touch will be lift­ lice raid on his room, where po­ ed and you will gaze upon her face no lice found some of the loot from breaking her neck. Next Wednesday Is National a $1,000 bufglary at a local Jew­ Overcome with remorse, Revel more forever. elry .store Monday night. Foster Hospital day, and the Community fired a bullet through his temple On th at day, and not until then, can and his roommate, Charles Steph­ hospital will observe the day by and was pronounced fatally earthly sorrow teach you ihe meaning of ens, were arrested In connection holding a public reception from wounded. desolation, for on that day vour heart will 1:30 to 4:30 o’clock In the after­ with the theft. noon. Committees will be on he as a desert* where even Ihe tempests o f hand to show people through the Auto Thieves Get regretful tears can bring no oasis. God hospital and the general publtc gran t that on that day there may be some­ Is invited to visit the local in­ Two Years In Jail thing on which memory may linger — a stitution on that day. \ ________________ flower brought to Mother, a burden light­ Pearl Roberts and Joseph ened for her aging footsteps, a kindly deed Behch, rtwo youthful California Stork is Popular auto thieves who were appre­ One Killed and Fourteen In­ a hended hero recently by Police­ ured by 1 Twister—Prop- jured Visitor on Farms man 10148365 Harry Ingling, were each Liberty Statue erty Damage Heavy IWN SUSPECTED OF B f i J I SHOT NO. 211 ASHLAND, O K EG O N .aV lTlW A Y , MAY 8, 192« KLAMATH LADS A ll 1926 Crops ARRESTED FOR PETTY THEFTS This was the reassur­ ing statement this morn­ ing by Ole Arnspiger,- manager of the Talent Ir­ rigation district, and sets to rest all previous doubt that crops In this section might suffer immeasur­ ably because of the unus­ ually open winter and spring. Mr. Arnsplgdr said that the storm of the past week bad licen of untold value to the Tal­ ent district and meant at least another two weeks of water supply, although the additional storage of wpter was not great. The district manager also took occasion to spike street reports that the district had not caught all the water pos­ sible in the Immigrant Cteek dam last winter. “We got every bit of water It was possible to get, and none of It was wasted," was hts emphatic denial of this rumor. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cores nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact JAPS TAKE A HAND HONOLULU. May 8.— (U P )— The Japanses federation of labor has issued a manifesto urging ov- ery working man and woman of Japan to contribute to the finan­ cial aid of the British workers, according to a special Tokyo dis­ patch. TTHII) NHIPN HALTED LONDON. May 8.— (U P )— A destroyer hps been sent to Man­ chester where the unloading of two food ships has been prevent­ ed, today's government commun­ ique says. Petrol boats have ar­ ranged to protect food ships from on. LONDON, May 8.— (U P )— Havelock Wilson, president of the seaman's union, acted today to prevent an unauthorised strike. ' He sent a wireless message to all < British ship masters saying that unauthorised persons are attempt­ ing to call strikes which cannot be called until after the balloting which Is not yet completed. TROOPS ARK ACTIVE LONDON, May 8.— (U P )— To­ day's strike devlopments bristle with the atmosphere of war. The weight of the army and navy has been thrown Into the conflict. Troops are stationed at stragetic points throughout Britain and are held In readiness In case of trouble. Troops also are sup­ porting the market places and food transports. LINER CAN’T SAIL LIVERPOOL. May 8.— (UP) — Balling of the White Star liner Cedric was cancelled today when the crew refused to sign up. Former Popular Local Resident t f Passes in South the Madras Trading company owned by O. E. Roush, at 3:30 Telegrams were' received la a. m. yesterday, obtaining $200 Ashland this morning Conveying In money and checks. They fall word of the death at Santa Mon­ ed to find $400 more, hidden in ica, Cal., of Harry Casey, former the same room, but outside the popular and widely known Ash­ safe. Officials believe that two land resident. No particulars of men were .Involved In the burg­ the death were contained lu the lary, and that they have headed brief messages from the family. for Bend. Blankets and mattres­ The funeral will be held at ses were used to muffle the noise Banta Monica tomorrow onder of the explosion which was heard the auspices of the Elks Lodge. by rnrty g fww hi to WIT* ■— ' and the body will be cremated. WestPort Man Is . Burned To Death Iti Flaming Home WEBTPdRT, Ore.. May 8.— (U P)— Lloyd Carver, aged 20, a driver for the Westport Lumber company, was burned to death yesterday when some baby’s clothing on tbs back ot n kit­ chen stove In his home, caught firs, «oraiFetely destroying the house His wife and two babies escaped. Carver is thought to have suffocated ns be <11d not leave the flaming building after being aroused. Mr. Casey wm n son of the late J. R. Cagey. He leaves g*o sis­ ter. Mrs, Elmar Magnuson and Mrs.; Charles 'Hargadlne, both of Santa Monies. Spanish Flier . Is Found; Plane Gone MACAO. Chine, May I.—The The story of hov the airplane in which he was flying from Madrid to Manila wan pnk. too Chow Wen hw.* Captain qa bqtag IngmlMlMi