Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, May 07, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' «
FRIPAT, Mny 1. 1M 0.
p .rr;n
WHdJu*». htU JUiUorUliu
i» .ip -, .tovas.«AA. î W * . oo JL a ï, a Jawlju-o»»«. Ja. tha Jlktrfet .«L ap­
bocal ■ Pen ional N®!
XiHiting W . G. Prescott H o n
Mrs. C. A. W right of Marsh!
Is visiting at the home o f W
»□B p
ify Thursday,
Eicuunnnent* 1st ind 3rd Tues-
difre.'? Rebekahs, ia d rand 4th
.1 5 0 -tt
>rògthm f° r
Sting and ceremonial Sat«r-
t» M *< » » > * < £ -
propriation 1 « construction o f of SIB,000,000 and instituting a lum bia and a fivo-yanr 3100,00^.-
federal buildings
sixty-six, .fhnasypAr■ jtfr0»000<000j * bpMdtag 000 program la the various status.
i According to reports of peoi
coming up from the South, th<
M two )44hea of snow at Slss<
’ FO R S A LE— Holstein co#. gflr
lnM 7
»♦ 4 v -
W ill eg.
change for dry cow. E. L. Payne,
1410 Boulevard.
Tuesday s V tin ffr.'W ay 11— br:
and 500, 50 cents Including
freabments. Public Invited.
W A N T E D — Woman to do lig^t
housework and act as companion
for invalid. Phone 418-J. Mrs.
Hansett, new proprietor of tl
H otel Ashland, are being m o r
L ith ia Hotel
t * «1^
. 31,0-1
Prom Grants Pass
Mrs. E. O. Roberts of Grants
Pass was s h c ^ p ^ i n A sid g itf jee-
Sheriff R alph Jennings was e
business visitor In Ashland Feste/,
Taflet Or earns and Powders
Left for Chicago—
Julias Orres. arho has been with
the Orres Tailor, Shop, left yes­
terday by auto for Chicago. He
expects to return to Ashland the
later part of the summer.
Hot sulphur tub baths, da
or night, Jackson Hot Springs.
Dress up for Decoration Day,
let Orrea take your measure now
and save money.
210-1 •
Bastaras Trip to Grants. Paas
. Mrs. B. F. Leach spent yester­
day la Grants Pass on business«
Adolphe Atenjouanc
InThc Grana Duche
' A Paramour
1 í ¿ —-- - j I J
Kiwanians Listen -
To Two Addresses
w ith
Saturday Only
C artera R a y o n V e s ts
C a rters B lo o m er s . .
N e w G e o r g e tte S c a r fs o f sh a d e d
G e o r g e tte .................................. $2.45
S a tin
fin is h
k n itte d
S li p s . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P r in c e s
. $2.95
G os ^A i M ^-jW arner«
C am eo, D e
B e v o is e
C o rsets,
C oreelettes;
G ir d les a n d B r a ssie r e s.
Tiarr ’
8. 8» N aiarene.
210-1 From Yoncalla —
C. F. Applegate of Yoncalla,
A baby isn’t a baby very long. Oregon, Is in Ashland visiting
Photographs never grow np. — relatives and la the guest of the
Hotel Ashland.
Studio Ashland.
E. R. IS A A C & CO
ard Orres, who have been visit­
ing at the L. J. Orree home, left
for their homes at Riverside, 111.,
by auto, yesterday.
They w ill
visit a t Richmond, C alifornia on
their way.
Visitors In Ashland—
I T j
f I I
s Z f r
/ â
W Z/
Saturday of Every
Past Matrons Club of Alpha
Larvex Mothproofs Fabrics— Stopped in Ashland—
Chapter No. 1-, O. E. 8. Card party,
J. C. Ainsworth, well known
McNpfr Bros.
Masonic H a ll, Taesday evening.
banker of Portland, accompanied
May 11. Bridge and 690, 50 cents.
by Mrs. Ainsworth, stopped In
Mello-Glo Beauty Cream
Including refreshments. Public in­
Ashland on their return to P o rt­
M cNair Broa.
land after some time spent in
South. They were guests of
Left for Home in Illinois -
ith ia Springs hotel.
Chauncy H . Keeblar and Barn­
“The Grand Duchess
And The Waiter”
E x t r a g o o d q u a lity in b lo o m ­
e rs ...................................... $2.95
Congress To Quit
Work About June 1
Visitors in Ashland—
Miss Alice Collins and
Phil R. Singleton of Roseburg,
Try oar 50c Merchants' Lnneb .Salesman
Zellerbach Florence Concannon, of Portland,
Every day fro « 1J to 2 at Th» Paper Co., was a business visitor are visitors in Ashland and guests
P la n Confectionery.
182-tf in Ashland today.
of the H otel Oregon.
Last Times Today
^O ow ri .o f Santa
FOR R E N T — Furnished four-
room. apartment, first floor, with
garage. Also cheap tWo-roogi
apartmdat? «Both 'neat and clean.
Phone 1 6 l .o r 'ckU 153 Granite.
2 1 0 -lt
Mildred C rain , one of the local
leaders In the Camp F ire Girl
work, told - members of the K i-
W A SHING TO N. May 7.— (U P ) wanis club of the aims and ob­
— R ep resen tative/fib »«. Refebbli- jectives of thèse two» Whrth’ While
f » ) < »
can flo o r-leader and v irtu a l dic­ organisations.
d h té rtijn ;
tato r Of the housb; tdld'PrekfDSllf
Coolidgp yegtefddyi tb ^ i’the Sbhne ed th e . Kiwanians w ith à ; |olo
and senate would adjourn about while Carl Loveland Joined h er
Hiwinem Visitor—
J u n e l . ' ---------«-------
; ” In a pleasing d u et.’
L. C. Jenkips of the .Mason
The senate today -set the im ­
¡Returned from North—
Ehrman Co. of Medford was *a peachment tria l of Federal Judge
* Fred Cushing and H . B. I
business visitor in Ashland today George W . English of Illinois, ac­
Returned last evening from
cused p i mfecanduct and .misde­
(attle, where they attended
Visitors from Grants Pass—
meanors in office, for November
^ re m o u n t convention.
Mrs. E. B. H a ll and son, and 10.
Mrs. McCallister, of Grants Pass
Dear Mother:
were visitors ih Ashland yester­
Sum of $105,000-000 to be
W e are planning a special pro­
gram in honor or yon. Now, of day.
Spent by Government in
course, all of our planning would
, • ; Next lÿ re
be In vain without your pres­ Moving Into New Home—
L. I * Norcross, who recently
M a * , 7.—
ence, so we are asking you to
the Beeler house on - Ç. V . H dVel), secretary, of
(U P )T h e senate late yesterday
surely coma and enjoy the pro­
passed the |185,.OOQ,P0Q publlo
gram prepared for you. on Sun­ the Boulevard and has been im ­ Ashland Y., M. C. A. .and _ J
day, May 9th, at 9:46 a. m. proving It, Is moving up from
Meet me at Fourth and C streets Central Point tomorrow.
« lfh « Ä P -
To V isit In E u g e n e -
■aod’*T.arl Anderson o f
Get your window screens and
Bobby Bowers le ft today to visit
waçe business callers In screen doors nt Jordan Sash and
ber sister, Mrs. T. C. Luckey at
Cabinet W o rk s .,
Eugene Dor some time. She ex­
pects to visit in, Sebttle before
Have«a Fitch D andruff Removdr
The latest in suits for gradua­
returning to Ashland.
tion. We sell for less. PauIserudS. 8 ham poo at Tho V a n ity Beauty
207-ff Shoppe, McGee’s Store.
Repairing, remodeling, clean-
ing and pressing done at : Orres
Tailors, upstairs.
¿ n a tio n s o f g o o d
Rimed, ..< a $1.90
C liff Payne makes shelves.
nut top c h o c ó o s .
From M
d ^ ik fllk y R a y o n w ill g iv e y o u
f a c t o r y s e r v ic e and th e c o s t
men le s s th a n s i l k . ,
highway,* sample case of ladles
shoei- Finder return to Tidings
office. Reward.
¿<4¿ ie 4 -I Il.n .u .1 at I IlWa
Ceremonia«»» Kieniilm Baker
A rtto ry -a C S rg ta » -.*!. ' Rada
O ÌH 'Fellows hall at 9:30 p. m.
M r. and Mrs. L. P. Strong of
Calgary, Canada, stopped in Ash­
land on there way home after
touring the coast, and were guests
of the L ith ia Springs hotel.
Listen Folks. Ashland has one
of the most popular amusements Visiting Parent»—
in Oregon at tha Ashland Nata-
Verne Carey of the U. 8. Navy,
la in Ashland visiting his parents,
M r. and Mrs. Carey 1 of ' Gresham
street, fo ra month. He was on
the V . 8. 8. Idaho. > « ’ • *
A ll baseball tans— let's keep
the ball rolling.
I w ill give 10 per cent of all Home for Week-Hud—
euit orders taken Saturday, (to ­
George V irg il G ille tte ,' a stu­
m orrow ), to the baseball fund— dent a t the Oregon A gricultural
Get busy, have your measures College, Is down from Corvallis
taken tAnorrow and help the for the week-end.
boys- Orres Tailors. Upstairs.
Here are the lowest prices we have ever offered so
early in the season. , ,F ■{
$14.95 Coats Sale Price . . . . .$ 9.95
This is
The “Picadilly”
$17.50 Coats Sale Price . :.. .$11.95
T h e fr o n t o f th is c o a t is flex ­
ible,« an d w id e open n otch
la p e ls th a t r o ll g r a c e fu lly to
th e 3-bntton. fr o n t sta m p it
a s id e a l fo r b oth sp o r t and
d r ess-u p w ear. H ere in th e
n e w lig h te r sh a d e s at
$19.75 Coáts Sale Price ; : 4;. .$12.95
$25.00 Coats Sale Prjce ...,.$ 1 6.Í15
$29.75 Coats Sale Price
eo n
$34.50 Çoajts Sale Price . — $22.95
$49.75 Coats Sale Price
firtn /ilt
.. .$32.50
School Memory Books For The
I Sfudio & Art Store
lithia S p r in g s H o te l B ld g .
Silk Dresses
2000 Shirts
To Pick From
Com e
“ Habra-dtuh inn”
wanted cotera and sizes.
Style is the Headliner
T h e s ta g e is s e t e c u r ta in is u p ................... “ S t y le ” is in th e
s p o tlig h t in our w in d o w s to d a y . W e p u t y e a r s o f e x p e r ie n c e an d j u d g ­
m en t to w ork w h en w e se le c te d th a n e w m o d e ls fo r S p r in g . I f y o u ’re
r e a d y fo r n e w cloth q s w e ’re r e a d y to s h o w y o u som e sm a r t to u ch es in
d e s ig n in g an d ta ilo r in g t h a t ’ll e n th u se m en w h o w a n t “ w h a t ’s w h a t ”
in “ S t y le .” C lo th c ra ft, o f cou rse, s o s a tis fa c t io n ’s g u a r a n te ed
w r itin g .
; .
? i
, '