ÛTl l'if * - dJ»ilwy CTi - nVKnC » . ' ■ ' t « » i . .acw i tiraci I f í •1ÎU T ft -S W ? V ' w iB Y M fc b r a « . W AgidtY " | losses, exercised correct . farm | management and marketing prlq clples, and in other w ajs doubled their profits The inevitably re­ sult would be a much greater c u tarmecu to “Pick dollars from prosperity for the entire cdunty. the air” by improvlag their agrl- •'The profits from • this great pulture methods through radio is the plan of I t » McUM, head of basis U difstry Watte: Bring great­ S a w a - " * " v er sales of clothing, furniture, automobiles, machinery, and other ,opm modi ties, In ' the. small­ ntow broadcasting sgricalture lec­ er towns, 'a subsequent Increased tures and information dglly, factory production In the cities fHckard told the United -Press. Snd most Important of all— great­ The liveetockmaa, the general er happiness and contentment on 1 firm er, the poifltryman. tpe thp farm.” "This Is Just what radio la go­ gardner and the dairyman each has a day one J a week on the ing t9 do,” said Pickard, who be­ lieves that the reason more state collages have not disseminated "More than <.00 letters are re­ their Information straight to thfe ceived by the department each farm Is not due to their lack of . week requsting farm iatorma- appreciation of this far-reacbiny tion by radio,” Pickard said. voice. ‘ • f'Uncl 8am for a long time has “The scientist, and he is thfc conducted a farm information backbone of th e factories that bureau at Washington, bnt this produce new farm facts, Is a caw-, i year Secretary of Agriculture i tlous creatare-, T hoh-■ to, . 'the Jardine planned to improve the hreatb-takiat swiftness „ with service by Introducing radio which radio has estsbH shod.it> ■ "By air It to hoped' to train the se lf» has accentuated the tardi­ 'average old-type farmer* Into a ness , of agricultural agencies in scientific business man,” said , esta b lish in g adequate means for Pickard. Through Increased e |- , advantageously untllislng It. ; ,»• clamoring for attention.” ; r J ’ Dciency la the agriculture In­ Uok of dsslmbl w * ta -. The Department is making def­ dustry the prosperity of the na­ inite plans to inaugurate a ‘ far- lengths for those mprjs tion to certain to expand. flung V- 8. Ra4io Farm, School ■ U»U1 this yfegr a great «sal ' •u s Ins^gtlons able fc> sponsored b yegrlcu lÄ irat col­ oirn station has also caused had been said about radiò on their 1 leges aifd the U. 8. Department of some faltering. Recently several tarma, hut not very much done 1 about IL The old spot news m ar­ of the eellagts hgvs acehpted t i e Agriculture cooperating lo an effort to present' the authorities ket and weather service have long 1 cooperation of better. eatanUslmd and practical Information dealing keen broadcast, but now the way « • W e c M ,t* LU>nf i° '<***P0°* with production and marketing of Is open to disaemlnate real In­ atlng their radio materia). * agriculture • '■ producta, Ptckird “ With th is situation clearly In formation.* Only about half of the agricol­ mind ttfc Department of Agrlctri- comprehensive tura! colleges1 to gate huge emit, tnfe planned ted by the radio route mom than radio service—one which nscsssi- a few feeble flickers of their gold tates, not only the united effort ■»tee of Information. And thin •f every investigator in the De­ else, timely lecture courses which dovetail wlth^lbe dall> farm vfllfk ait nation la the fkce of the state- partment itself, %kt also the co- If »‘W h f «BeflBtod'V? all agricultural not- 9& * style by the foremost agricultur­ authorities that farm profite in lags authorities. al authorities of the nation. Each "A million farmers In the Unti­ the Unied States may he doubled by application of batter methods ed States It to estimated are al- radio short course will be supple­ o f production and marketing— rw »y equippsd to Join this gseat mented- with a file of bulletins dealing specifically with the sub­ ammunition with which farm class room. “The most visionary futurist ject. There will be a generous specialists are heavily belted, flckard pointed out. . r ** would doubtless underestimate number of courses in which a "Let ns suppose, Osai 50 per- radio's .educational possibilities St farmer or his w its may enroll.” cent more farmers plah ted the he were to prophesy the next de­ best yielding local varieties of cade of progress in- this new field: The Social Circle of the Christ­ props, avoided Insects and disease Psevioualy educators have con­ ian Church win 'hold a cooked cerned tbemse)vea with training foot) sale, at Hardy Brothers Sat­ a few. Today the masses* are urday, May 8. 1 . ftOto—2 <«F> «M I C W « I , . | A t FAÊÎ «1» J io . ottonili Ai .V E R H E A O * Í Í D U S , I N Qt 8T1U K N‘4 Friday) ¿ toard Tyson Dow^ ’a o û t ' tibhlt« ’ engineer. ' , i "I expect to study bridge eon- . strnctlopi o f-a n d s u t times when J I visit Europe," skid Mias Dow. j "Then when I -nome home I ex-» . pact to build bridges all ovar the “ world— Just Ilka my father did.” ,Y. M. C. A. W ork ers—■ John Rudd, town and country Secretary of the Ÿ. M. C. A, work Jn Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and Lester Adams executive sec- Thls became known when Su-, rotary of the Y. M. p ’ A. council perlor Judge Thomas F. Graham, of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, ordered the final distribution oft bpth ofS eattle, gre In Ashland, for the <20,000 estqte which she in-, few days in the Interest of the ^ i t g d fro!» -the million dollari ;loc*l Y, it. C. A. Work. *r » ee ' / Biff Ghanffe in, ' : Face Powders ay that .to mot affected by prospira* w —» a, worn 1 If" Ir:.:: ; Wflq Brand Fleur te um < toipply the table with a T ^ lie ty which onlybot jr 1 take It offtf fine and pure; »»heft the pores Invisible; looks like beautiful aktbrol skin; gives a 1 pott n fr a ty oomplexton. Oot this npw wonderful beauty pow­ der called Mello-glo — Llthla Springs Pharmacy. t *' ' A a soEd .dation K coatatn a a '«ment p i trial —GIGANTIC STRING T U R S S -O a i' o f W e ite m «¿1 erected ynthso ^ «rved pipings rpnsc^ a « nd founda- Î J f MPnta«as9tsisw« »