Vice dhairinan teHs Senate . He Thought- aU Bide . W ashington , d . c .. May —|(U P)— B. C. Plummer, ^icrf- chiirman of the U nited1 Sthtes shipping board, t opposed the ac­ ceptance of bids for the Admiral- Oriental. Up». h< told the senate commerce committee today.. He said he felt the bids were inade­ quate as the earnings of the line are almost as much- »ai the high­ est yearly payments. An old fashioned dinner will be given on Mothers Day ait the Summit Ranch, top of the Slaki- yous. 208-4tr HARDY BROTHERS The House Of RIGHT PRICES RIGHT MERCHANDISE RIGHT SERVICE COPPEE Never Before H ave W e Had u i A rticle in our store that gained favor so quickly as our HARDY BROS. SPECIAL COPPEE IT IS Only 60c Per Pound And Is as Good as ( Any Canned Coffee You W ill Be Pleased W ith It W e A lso Have HARDY BROS. LEADER COFFEE A Dandy Bulk A t Only 46c Per Pound nun im n l t y Episcopal Chnrch tend this hqihelfke dhnrch. Come as you Aye.' You will enjoy the Christian fellowship and chqerful faith of those who will be there with you. Excellent music, a id Gospel preaching mark a ll’ t&e services. Strangers and: visitors SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 7.— are especially welcome, ¿take (UP)— A World Congress of his- this ¡your home chinch. • jj torias Is planned for the near fu­ ' < ' . « » tt e * ture, Prof. Solon J. Buck of the Lutheran Church , University of Minnesota announc­ - t H. H. Young. Pastor , , . ed today In outlining a proposed Services in the Adventist national policy tor the American church at 4th an C streets. Di­ Historical Association to" promote vine worship Sunda^ morning a i “American history and hlttory in 11 o’clock. “Christ tne Resqrpc- America.” tion and the •Life.” Is the subject The Laura Spelman Rockefel­ of the sermon. Sunday School at ler Memorial has contributed 10 o’clock.- All strangers and $25,000 to the Association, Prof. friends of the Lutheran chnrch Buck said, addressing a joint are cordially invited to attend meeting of the Mississippi Valley al ’our services. Historical Association ’ and thoMl- 11-nois State Historical Society, to aid in organising a permanent International Committee ot.H is- Rpy, p. K- Hammond, Vicar Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Church Schpol at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Strangers and visitors cordUflly welcome. , • * < / 8 8 8 « First piqrch of CTiriat, Scientist Pioneer Ave., South— Sunday mornfng service . at" A i o’clock. Subject, “Adapt, pud Fallen Mao.” Sbuday. Sbhool a i : 10 - o’clock. Wednesday* evening service at 8 o'clock. Reading room, open daily from 2 to 5 except Sunday and feollders., ¡The public Is cordially Invited. J ' . ; , :, # , I •: • Methodist Eptacopal ChuMi H. F. Pembertop, Pastor North Main and Laurel Streets — Sunday is M aher’s 4>ay. The sermon subject ‘i s ’ ’’Tlja Mother­ hood of God.” The choir will sing appropriate music: * Evening worship at t8. Subject: “The Way.” Sunday School meets at 9:45. Bible study and Christian oharaeter building the ’ aims of this school.. You will find a clans for you and ydur children. The Epworth League meets at 6:45. All young people are Invited to attend this inspiring and Inter­ esting meeting. Junior League meets at 4. Children from 8 to 12 are welcome. A real prayer meeting Wednesday evening at Baptist Chnrch 7:30. Myron S. Woodworth, Pastor We cordially Invite you to at- The following should be read with the thought In mind that the day’s program will * be built around “Mother's Day.” . Sabbath School will be at 9:45. No bet­ ter and no other training, so . good ?6r children and growh-up folk as that received in the Sabbath School. Then at 11:00 o’clock there will be special music and a sermon in keeping with the day. Jr. B. Y., at 6:00 o’clock, with Morea Gillmore In charge* Fol­ lowing Is the program of the Sr. B. Y.: “Mother,’* will be the subject at this hour. The songs our Mothers used to irs every Saturday—this week we have 25c boxes at 15c per lb. Masola Oil — For frying, baking or Mayonnaise- Quart Can ............... ................................................49c Pull Cream Cheese—Just right, lb. 2 7 c ;2 for 63c Toilet Paper-Soft sanitary Crepe Paper, 7 ea. rolls, 4 f a r ................................. 23c; 8 for — 45c Crystal White* * Soap, 10 Bars Pineapple — Broken Sliced — Packed the sam whole slices except siloes may he separated-im or two places — Rich, ripe, mellow fruit — Li Cans .. j ................................. 22c; 3 f o r .................. Standard Tomatoes 6 for .............. Golden Bantam Com Can*............................. Cocoa—InBnlk—Pure and Wholesome, 3 lbs. — 15c Port and Beans SOME REAL PRICES ON 1 Pound 2 oz. Can 3 for CANNED GOODS 2 J -2 Can P in e a p p le ............ -28c Enders Best Sauerkraut ....<8e Enders Bern 'Pumpkin ...... 18c StJ»ry Book Corn, 8 cans . ..48c Hatu PUms. H dans J L . . j .-1 .4 8 c Siskiyou Str. Beaus, 8 cans 48c Mpftopole Sweet Potatoes 28c Soup Oysters Can— _ 18c ! O. 6 ANY FLAVORS 3 Packages Featherf lake Flour (Hardwheat) 5ft lb. Sk, $2.19 Wesson Oil 'And .Many, Many Others. Ouy Canned Goods Sale Is ' Going Big— Get Yours We h&ye just opened a Fresh Barrel of Pierson Dill Pickles Large Size q 3 For f Q Kerrs Cracked Wheat, Rolled Large Size ‘'Del Monte*” Hot Sauce ................15c 2 c a n s ...... Prom California, fa r ................... 29c “ Market Day” Raisins — Unbleached Seedless Thompsons — 4 lb. Pkge, . . . . . . . . . — . . . . .39c “Eagle” Milk • Sweetened, a Borden Product Pure Lard—In Bulk—Freshly rendered, 3 lbs. 63c Shredded Wheat — Package* . . . .10c; 3 f o r ___29c Where good Coffee pleases 20th Century will delight — Direct from our Roaster to yon, hence the low prioes. Flour — Kerrs Best Patent.49 lb. Sacks, Royal Club Grapefruit, Lge. Cans, 2 for - - 49c I ¡ t ) j Christian Church Pc Sale Saturday* It Will ; Another Big Sale PeM- P » Pound New Spuds* 2 pounds rh f ! Spinach, 3 pounds . ’ J Asparagus, 2 pounds •P • Celery, per bunch . v Cucumbers ___ Tomatoes (hot house} . . . . Rhubarb — Cabbage* (new) Strawberries, per b o x ........ Cherries, pe$ p o u n d .......... A 1 GROCERY Can 22c; 3 for 65c ♦W poclqlttr. featured, There, wiU ha tai)|« ea the mothers of the Blblg; poems« and a , so lo .. Arleaq Job»; son, singing, “Mother M*chrqe.” H«-- E. D.,. Briggs .will gjys. the mjtln address on the subject of ,|^e " M other», of Tpddy'.’’ At ’tight o’cloc* the p a id * 'if ll preach an ev A«4latlfc'serrafon.• ; I It I i Wbnd dpy, with us