W F m .T $ .. <• . * ASHLAND* CLIMATE Without the- 4 of medicitei c nine ca?' V ten of aittana, Ttafc * fact g n e eu »paper For Nearly Fifty Years W ir« ▼OU X L IX to Ute B«1-W m U 7 IMtoca, Volume 41 Asmete * Y, MAY 7, 1926 ASHLAND, OBEOON J - ----------------- NO; 230 IN niRPn FORTY-MILE GALE SWEEPING Nerve Wins Out In Battle With Disabled Launch ARMED FORCES Delivered Today AS STREETCARS TWO FEET OF SNOW DESCENDS CALLED DDT IN STRIKE RIOTS « HEAD-ON Of The Rogue Is Local Man ia Unanimously Elected to Guide Destin­ ies of National Sport BY-LAWS ABE ADOPTED Clean Amateur Baaeball tor South­ ern Oregon Will Start on May ie th A. C. Ninlnger was elected president of the Southern Oregon Baseball league by unanimous rote of the directors at a meeting In the chamber of commerce quarters last night. Bert Cook, of Klamath Palls, was elected vice-president, W . < H. Perkins, secretary, and A1 Plche of Med­ ford. treasurer. The league season w ill open a week from Sunday, May 16, with Ashland clashing w ith Medford at the Medford grounds for the opening game. Grants Pass w ill cross bats with Klam ath Falls at Klam ath Falls in the opener. A ll of the Medford home games w ill be played on the Jackson county fa ir grounds where a fast dia­ mond has been put in shape. F or Clean Hport The directors adopted a com­ plete set of by-laws by which It Is proposed to conduct a semi- professional or amateur baseball league. The rules insist there shall be clean sportsmanship at a ll time*, and it was W ‘ that the starting of the Southern Oregon Baseball league would put the na­ tional pastime on a sound basis In this part of the state. Under the laws of the league each team Is entitled to 20 play­ ers on Its roster, but new players cannot be added after the season opens unless they have lived-4a one of the three counties at least I I days prior to playing In a game. Seven Home Games Under, the schedule as adopted by the directors, Ashland will have seven games on its local grounds at Jackson Hot Springs. Medford and Grants Pass also w ill have seven games on home grounds, while Klam ath Falls w ill have nine games at home. Klam ath was given the two ex­ tra home games because It ia expected to prove the greatest drawing card and would thus aid the other three teams from a f i­ nancial standpoint. Business Manager John Enders of the Ashland baseball club an­ nounced today that approximate­ ly *600 has been subscribed for support of the local team, but a goal of * 7 SO has been set in or- der that the team" w ill M t m « t ! with any financial embaraait- ment during the season. Suits and other club equipment have been ordered and w ill be ready for the opening game. Playing Manager Doug. Reid, is much en­ thused over the baseball m ater­ ial which is showing np nightly for practice on the high school grounds, and It now looks as though Ashland w ill have a team that will win Its share of games right from the start. Huge Oil Blazes Cost 811,765,000 LOS ANGELES, May 7.— The iosa in thè Union. O1J Company'e tank farm Hres at San Luis Obli* P» and B»e» veeeaUyt etoted 4 *1,- 766,000, officiai report revealed ,today. The, company1« actual Ipss ia *3,000,000, , The inaur­ ane» compente» earrled. from 76 to 90 per c«qt of f i o damage. Bank Discourages M U •f,,i Loafers,'Bandits I u May EM PO RIA, Kan. ( U P )— A spiked railing has bdJtf eónstructeH in front of a bank ierg to prevent lòaférii j front e ú ín g kgálnst th« building' hnd bearti Í sign felth ekhll Aiid cross bonerf In **9 Îrhrs/iàf agalnkt bank b an d ite.'! l " - - . Î I 111JURLU CRATER LAKE PARK; NEARLY A comprehensive and In- 8 teresting recital of high 8 A frisky young cub A 40-mlle gale whleh brought the park. school life la contained In w ith It 19 Inches of new snowtea* was seen by him up toward Gar­ the 1126 edition of The been raging at Crater Lake N a ­ field Peak Just before the storm Rogue, the annual school started. The other bears have tional Park during, thte Between 30 and 40 Persons publication edited by the been coming down to civilization three days, according to a Are Victims of Crash senior class. The annual, daily In search of food. phone message received by. in San Francisco • ld o pages in length, and s I - t One unusual sight reported by ager C. S. Richardson of the printed by The Tidings 1 Maben was (he fact that one af- Llthla Springs , hotel last n ig h t., SEVERAL ABE DYING press, was. delivered to from Johii Maben, caretaker ■ ut j ternoon the lake was a veritable the high school students ' v U ¡churn with the big rainbows lenp- Cabie C ar Races W ildly Down the park. this morning. The snow was still com!*« Ing for several feet out or the Steep HUI; In ju red Strewn The editor in chief of down In driving flakee wh«nMh- water. Thousands of the rain- on Streets the 1926 annual was V ir­ b«n telephoned hi«-report and he hows were jumping and stirring gil O. Gillette, whose hard predicted that more than two' up the watfer as it never had been SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., May work and loyal assistance feet of snow would fall before stirred before. He said this was 7.— ( U P )— Between 30 and 40 from associates has made the first time In many years he persons were injured, several the storm would subside. possible an annual that w ill The caretaker also reported the has been at the lake that he ever fatally; when two cable cars, live long In the archives heavily loaded, crashed today at appearance of a new cub hear at witnessed such an occurrence. of Ashland high school. the bottom of the steep Californ­ His associates were Rol­ ia street hill. and U Parks, assistant Every available ambulance was editor; Barney M iller, rushed to the scene where the In athletics; Jack Nlms, jured were strewn over the jokes; Veda Gideon, or­ streets and sidewalks. Some ganisations H arriet Bev­ were unconscious and others were ington, features; Lois NEW: YO R K , May 7.— teopr dying. Some were attempting to Hanson, dramatics; Mary men in a taxicab fired at Jam«» High Vaster Prevents Fifth - crawl into the shelter of door­ Galey, music; Lois Han­ Birmingham and then took h im , ways. Near The Dalles; son, Jack Nims and V irg il to Mount Sinai hospital, where They were rushed to hospitals dians Drinking Gillette, a rt; business as fast as ambulances could care" they left him on the steps, critic-! manager, Roland Coad; ally hurt. Police believe the men j T H E DALLES, May 7.— (U P ) for them, and confusion barred circulation manager, El- probably Sound t*0ey had: fehot .' — W ith the city Jail filled with first attempts to learn who were bec Bush; advisor, Miss the wrong man. * drunk and fighting Indians, pollen Injured and whether or not any Berg. ' here despaired of housing any of them had died. The Rogue is profusely I more of them and are confing The crash was caused by a illustrated with photo­ • their efforts to running the rest truck striking one car when it graphs and drawings of them off the streets and down was on top of the hill. I t started which depict every branch to the beach of the Columbia down the' steep Incline and gain­ of school life and activi­ ■ river. The high water at Cellio ed a speed of 60 miles an hour ties. I t is dedicated to . iq. preventing fishing operations before it crassed into another car all persons who have aid­ : for a few days, and the Indians near the bottom of the hill. Robert Scott, Noted Chicago ed in the advancement of ; having received a little money Criminal, is Convicted Ashland high school dur­ ; from previous sales of salmon, a of Hold-Up ing the past year. I general exodus from Cellio was New Yoi;k Gunmen Wound W rong Man jj ARE FILLING JAIL 10'ffiAB SENTENCE HANDED IO BANDII PAYS M O B S 10 o n OUI OF PRISON Aviator Gets R6000 to Settle Debts Because Jail Life is Bad N E W H A VEN . Conn., May 7.__ Because his quarters In the coun­ ty Jail were not comfortable enough,. Ralph Pryde, an aviator, has settled with .his creditors and is free. He was jailed tor failure to pay a Judgment of *6000. High School Team Plays Final Game W eather permitting, the Ash­ land high school baseball team w ill close its 1926 season at Med­ ford this afternoon against Med­ ford high school. The game is scheduled to be played at 4 o’clock this afternooq. « Coach H " r t “ to wel1 “ ttef,ed w,th the work of his proteges during the present season. From a squad of green players he has developed them into a speedy and hard-hit­ ting team, and w ith their share of breaks of the game they are expected to take Mbdford Into camp in the closing game of the school year. Says Washington Much Too Wicked P IC K E R IN G TO N , Ohio. May 7.— Although "there Is too much wickedness" in Washington, Mrs. Katherine Robinson, mother of Senator A rth u r Robinson, who won the Indiana United States Senatorial nomination, Is glad her «ftft SM? ge b»«fc. ng" to hSvo him go to the Capitol,” ah» «aid, ",hut I would bare liked it less had he been defeated.” SmállBoy* Shoots h " His Baby Sister A STO hlA , Mky (^ p )— Edith Donovsm, s-yeaF-old* daagh- ter of Sergeant and Mrs. James D o a o iin o f ’Foirt Stevnfa«, was in a shrldri« ebnditl6n ’ In' the local hospital today, ai a result of a gvn-SNot1 wound inflicted accid­ entally, ifrhtls the little Rfyl was playing with her 5-ye*r-old «ftetlSF. t * 6 ' hi', K A n irS N M F Ä K Affi FAIAL10 BOY British Government Author­ ises Soldiers and Sailors to Take Hand NEGOTIATIONS DENIED Labor Leader Says Peace Not to Hight; Several Striker« In ju re d W A SHING TO N. May 7.— Great B ritain ’s strike d ifficu l­ ties, growing out of the coal sub­ sidy, were called to the atten­ tion of the house during opening debate on the Haugen *3 76 ,0 00 ,- 000 farm relief b llj which its op­ ponents are attacking as a sub­ sidy to the farmers. "The Haugen bill, declared Representative Ffert, ¡New Jer­ sey. republican, "proposes a sub­ sidy to the farmers for two years and a tax on them thereafter. I t Is very timely that the house' should be discussing a subsidy* bill this week w ith the example of Great B ritain and her exper­ ience with a subsidy to coal miners." Four days of general debate were authorized by the house, Representative Haugen of Iowa, chairman of the hous« agriculture committee and sponsor of tha Lowden plan to finance surplus crops, opened discussion w ith a general explanation; of his bill and a plea in behalf of financially entangled farmers. Democrats to Opposition SAUSALITO, Cal., May 7.— One hundred miles off the coast of California John Michaels and John ChaBq found ,themselves faced by several forms of death. The motor In their 36-foot launch had broken down, and they were out of the path of the coastwise steamers. Iiut with a remarkable display of self reliance and cool-headed nerve they rigged an auxiliary mast, made a boom of their oars, a sail with blankets and thread, and steered for Golden Gate. They sailed two weeks, unsighted by passing ships. Food and water, sparingly used, came within a day or two of spanning the gap. EaHy today, arriving w i t h-1 n th e fishing grounds off the Golden Gate they caught the at­ tention of a craft which, towed them to berth at Sausalito. ’ STRIKE AIDS FARM RELIEF WORK IN D. S. 8 4 8 8 8 8 House Stan Action With Ex­ ample of Englamd and 8 Her Subsidy Plans 8 8 8 COMPARISON IS MADE 8 Haugen H riie f BUI Debated — 8 Holoas Deluged W ith Ap­ 8 peals tor Relief » 8 LONDON. May 7.— (U P )-— 8 8 British government, acting under the* drastic emergency powers act, today authorised soldiers and 8 3 i sailors to act as they saw fit to riots and disorders resulting from the general strike. A. J. Cook, secretary o f the miners’ union, denied reports that labor and the govbrnment are la contact regarding negotiations for a settlement of the labor crisis. In H ull six men and one wo­ man were removed to hospitals following disorders in which strikers rioted with strike break­ ers. LOCAL TENNIS TÎAM TO STRIKE IN SYMPATHY COPENHAGEN, Denmark. M«y 7.— (U P )— Danish labor unions today decided to strike in sym­ pathy with British workers. The unions announced tlv v are pre­ Fast Contest Expected on paring to send strf?e notices to Ashland High School employers. This is the first im­ Courts Tomorrow portant Instance of B ritain’s la­ bor dispute extending to the con­ The tennis match between Med­ tinent. ford H>gh and AshlaiC High will start at 2:30 at t.Te Zetland High MEXICO CALL« HTRIKE . School courts tomorrow after­ M EXICO C IT Y , Mexico, May 7. noon. Dick Joy will play the fea­ — (U P )— The executive commit­ ture match against Eddy Dennir. tee of the national confed«ration Leslie Ketch w ill take the place of electrical worker« has decreed' of Billy Hulan, who is unable to a nation-wide sympathy strike play, against Ralph B a ite r Phil a protest against the "attited» Bryant will play Ralph Klein and of he British governmen against Jimmie N utter will play W illiam organised labor of that nation.’ Purdin. In the doubles Bryant The strike will begin Monday and Nutter will play Dennir and unless Britain agrees to tho Bailey. Joy and Ketch will play workers* terms! It Is understood Purdin and Klein. that only electricians engaged to work In private homes w ill be in­ volved. I t also was decided that neither British ship nor shipr bound for England w ill be loaded * or fueled by Mexican labor. Although a m a jo rity of tho CHICAGO. May 7.— W sentence j undertaken, democrats are expected to sup­ of 10 years In prison for his part port the Haugen bill, the first In a north side holdup was im ­ speech from the democratic side posed on Robert Scott Wtodnesdny was in opposition to It. Pou, Son of Wealthy Capitalist following bia conviction on > the North Carolina democrat, declar­ Dies Near Los Angele« , first gf t£e long series Of Indiet- ed the HauX«” h ill has vicious vneute pending- against him. From Poisoning provisions in it. Eventually he may be tried for "Before I can vote for It, I LOS ANGELES. May 7.— Jim ­ the murder of Joseph Maurer, a Former U. S. Attorney Gen­ must first vote for a protective mie Bissell, 4-year-old eon of drug store clerk, for whose slay­ eral Accused of Accept­ tariff. You gentlemen who come Harvey S. Bissell, retired Grand ing Scotts brother, Russell..was ing $391,000 Bribe from the cotton belt better read Rapids, Mich., capitalist, died once sentenced to hang and later the bill a good many times before placed In an Illinois insane asy­ N E W Y 0 R K C IT Y , May 7.— Tuesday at the Glendale research you vote for it." ( U P ) — H arry M. Daugherty, •at­ hospital from the effects of a lum. For Equalisation Fee torney general In the cabinet of rattlesnake bite. The boy was Pou was referring to the pro­ President Harding, was Indlctod strudk several time« by a big vision in the Haugen bill which today by a federal grand jury on diamond-back on which he step­ charges of conspiracy to defraud provides that the proposed fed­ ped while playing in the brush the government. The indictment eral farm board, in fixing d iffer­ at "H igh Up Ranch," Bissell*« estate at La Crescenta. was returned In connection with ential tax equalisation fee to be the investigation of affairs of the charged to farmers to defray the Eleven High School Students at Aberdeen Puff Weeds office of alien property, custodian cost of getting surplus crops out of the domestic m arket shall take in School SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 — during the time Thomas W. M illr into account the ta riff on farm Aliens arrested for bootlegging er was custodian. A B ER DEEN . Wash., May 7.— commodities. Haugen describes W ith Daugherty, M iller and w ill be turned over to the immi­ hl» bill as a measure to make the Eleven boys, including four sen­ gration authorities for deporta­ John T. K ing, former national expelled yesterday Air Mail Service Prepares protective ta riff on farm pro­ iors, were tion, it was announced today by republican committeeman from to Extend its Coast to ' from Weatherwax high school of ducts effective. Released Pending Trial on Prohibition Director Ned Green. Connecticut, were also indicted. Coast Airways "You are proposing to hand Aberdeen tor smoking in one of are charged Green announced that he had' specifically, they Charge of Shooting at the farmers a gold brick,” ’ Pou the rooms. The action came as a received orders from Secretary of w ith attempting to return *7 ,- W ASHING TO N, May 7.— (U P ) Mother-ta-Law declared. "Furthermore, every- result of a meeting of the boya the Treasury Mellon to Instruct 000,000 In stock to German and the body knows the Haugen bill yesterday, when Lieutenants May — A contract was awarded had been LA GRANDE, Ore., May 7.— federal agents to question and de­ Swiss owners which and W o lff qf Vancouver barracks, Dou«,M company, Santa Monica, hasnt a chance of becoming a Mrs. Gay Harrison was freed by termine the status of every alien seized during the war. The In­ law, even if it passes both the addressed them in connection' Provide 40 airplanes for dictment alleges a fee of *391,- the Justice of peace late yester­ arrested for law violations. with the cltisens m ilitary train use in the government operated house and the senate." Aliens turned over to the immi­ 000 was paid them. day on her own recognizance af­ transcontinental a ir service be­ ing camps. Objects to "Vela” gration authorities w ill be charge ter being bound over to the coun tween New York and San Fran­ " I favor passing the bill and The officers are alleged to have ty grand ju ry on a charge of as­ cisco by* Postmaster General New putting it on the president's told the boys: "Smoke up; we sault with intent to' k ill. yesterday. . . desk,” Representative Percy' don’t mind." F ear of deportation, in the She is alleged to have' fired The postoffice department will Qtilnn, Mississippi, democrat. In-1 -------- several shota, none of which took opinion of prohibition agents, pay *11,900 tor each plane, New terrupted, drawing applause1 . _ _ effect, at her mother-in-law, Mrs. w ill, stem the bootlegging activi­ said. Under the terms of the from the ’ democratic side and A S n la ilU S t u d e n t C. Harrison, and her brother-in- ties of aliens. SAN ANTO NIO, Texas., May 7. contract, the ships will be deliv­ shotits of "Oood boy, Percy.” — A burglar worked half the law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. JJm ered within 1*0 days. Regarding reports that Presi­ .night digging his way through a Harrison. She pleaded inno- When the new planes are plac­ dent Coolidge intended to veto cenct. roCk wall into a factory office, ed In service, the government w ill the Haugen, bill if it passed con­ where he stole an alarm clock ' O R E G O N A G R IC U LTU R A L have 116 ships available for op­ gress, the W hite House spokes­ tend a package of safety pins. man sa(d Tuesday that tho presi­ COLLEGE, Corvallis. Ore., May eration on the coast-to-coast Hue. -----------r— ------ rv + rt Bates of Ashland, dent wished the newspapers 7.— Hugh sophomore In pharmacy, won a LONG B EA C H, Cal., May 7 — would "couch the matter in gome Over, 300 oases of Sootch whis­ other language and. not use such ticket in a poster contest con- ducted to advertise the operetta, key valued at *20,000, was sein­ a striking ward.” ed when the United States coast Congressmen and senators are the "Chimes of Normandy,” given Several. of Ashland physicians guarQ cutter CG-261 captured the being deluged with telegraphic her« his week by the O. A. C. are planning on attending the Glee and Madrigal clubs. One fishing boat M auritius off thp SP R IN G FIELD , Mass, May T. th irty-fifth annual meeting of OSLO. Norway, May 7.— (U P ) ad m all propaganda fo r and against various farm bills ***** ****** f o r *acfa o f th * — When Mrs. George’ ff. Cassll- harbor here tods^r. Two men I FI“ uFYigiiri“ fvtyrn“ ■" woivii ino ooninor vf » vn iviOuicai as- . r< manning the rum-runner i i p - 'our winning posters, which were llere went out. her daughter stay­ the Amundsen-Ellsworth polar first test vote In the house prob­ ■ociatlon to be held In the Ma­ Judged for their attractiveness, ed at home, because t i e two wom­ ed when their ship was forced exposition hopes to fly over the ably w ill not be reached until sonic hall at Medford next Tues­ Individuality, end workmanship en had but one hat, the mother alongside a channel drrwbrldge. top of the world, arrived at King's early next week. day. Speakers w ill Include Dr. declare*) In domeette -wlatloue Bay, Spitsbergen today. Thomas M. Hoyce, Dr. Laurence court. Mr. Baa t ter Investigating records of East­ , LBMARS. I« ,. May 7— James N E W YO RK, May 7.— (U P )— Bourn«, well-to-do-farmer, cut his ern sehools tor girls, students M DBS MOINES, In., May 7.— Ida Oregon and Washing­ M ills College here have annouue- May TUden, a school teacher; has Sinclair Lewis, .author of "Arrow- threat with a raaor. He com­ *1000 plained that he could hear voice« to n -U n s e ttle d with occa­ ed . that the loeal Institution naked the district court to award am 1th,7 which, won the KANSA8 - permanent fused (p accept th< award ,|e b«U»ved (o have, h w Vte reeotepi wtoA.iMI f f : lege; Moderate temperature to­ which $arned her scalp and which balaaqed his miad.. Iva* m Ftm* night and Saturday. Fresh eaused her *964 worth of mental W r mm*feA w *» nw o i. I -rr Classified Ad« southerly coast winds. Result«, ■nguish. 'J':'. ' I * , ' ft I A iv «tel«« te* O te. Ttdtaga. INDICT DAUGHERTY OH GRAFT CHARGES BOYS EXPELLED FOR Aliens Arrested In Liquor Cases Will Be Deported POSIOFFICE ORDERS 'F O R IY O P IA N E S IA GRANDE M A N IS GIVEN LIBERTY "’ Burglar Run» Up Agflinst Bad Luck Wins In Contest Boat With $20,000 Booze Cargo Taken Physicians Will Hold Convention Dirigible Norge Is At King’s Bay Neglected Woman Will Get New Hat ^California Girls WEATHEB Badionxania. Held Sinclair Lewis Establish Becord Permanent Wave Declines Award r Cause Of Suicide Burns Her Scalp Woman jtunied In Gasoline Fire