, J, &. Lpwrle, general aupertn- teufieat ftf p la ilt ó f J the Pacltle Telephone and Telegraph Co., « r Seattle, W. D. ODD FELLO W a u n v r a r a i» Watch this space every day. « ^ ^ 1 « M e e tly Subordinate every Thursday. Eucamp|ippt, l« t and 3rd Tues­ days. iU b e k a b s .S o d and 4th Tudsdsyt>?T ’ »'<■<*•• 150-tf Moore, Floral Exhibit 1 Reaì ^ttrilcbvi a¿a glorioua thing to a' ig U la e rtb l^ -lo ,d ra < an ” F O R HALB: Good Ford touq- t car at a bargain. Eagle Brass’ ^8Slnfci psed, weary body from a The chances are undry. . 209-3t* restless bed. ^ |a t Im paired kidney and V|siWe< ’ , ;POR RENT*.— Furnished house action has failed to clear the blood -Hlast bouse on Helman St. close atreann of lurking polaona which to Greenhouse. < $ •> & ik « aP Guy distressing aches. Foley Barnett. ?7 • 1 i f U K 209^2* Fills, a B iu rttle stim ulant for the I kld^era,» constantly used over 25 mp-s,|aQr,a (¡Mipble, valuable med; division Many delightful and ' vkrieta ,siU>«M>Uija»nt y t f . maivteiuRMeJ « a y Gg^dner.’ dfirrelon plant e n fif floral exhibits were tastefully neer and E. *W. Gardner, all of displayed in the lobby o f >ttu> Portland, were visitors la Aflhii L lth ia Springs H qtel th ls ,3 fte f- Returned to Ba lr t P ■ . ( land on u> tour of Oregon add noon at the floral exhibit held J. W . Walsh and Kenneth gpfata p t ,tlfe! L itó la • Springs jo in tly t>r tta k s h la k fl So­ iW eckter, returned to ‘ tfalem. Hotel. ciety and the Women’s CivhLcfaihg. , , They have been stopping at 153 Both c u t,tl. A rle tlp tto r« Granlt» street, , Parkers Crispettea are deliciosa plants o f' The e iU lb fé ing disp^a: yrith M ilk aud fru itJ u ic e if. * Scientific Facial Treatments— o'clock this V I , 2 0 3 -|f continue u ■Llthia Hotel Beauty* Parlor. ning. ■ <• '2 0 7 -tf Among the Guests a t the Hotel A s h la n d - Ingersol Watches, Charles J. Saline, Los Angeles; N alr Bros. Phil A. B s a ip u -Ix » Angeles; E. Hanfc&ck, Long Beach; Mrs. A. B. West, Salem; John H. Rudd. Arrived F ro m Pennsylvania— Seattle; R. C. Cannon, Fresno; More than 200 menfhers o f the Miss Annie Francis o f- East J. A. Rode, K lam ath Falla; W . Modern Woodmen of America and Brady, Penn., a rriv e d -in . Ashland 'Roos, 'P o rtlan d ; John Pearson, ¡*their Invited guests last night en­ the first of* the week to make Portland; R. M. Lana worth, Port­ joyed a boxing and wrestling her home with the J. D. Perrine land; O. H . Perreln, Silver Lake; «"joker staged at tk ® arnMU'y fam ily. R. W . Thomas, Portland. Thsfra «wore ?sevsn boxing mdteian during the evening. The boxen The Social Circle of the Christ­ The latest In suits for gradua-’ were selected by drawings and ian Church w ill hold «a icookqd >n, We sell fo l less. Paulseruds. some humorous bouts were the ’ • ■ 207-tf food sale at Hardy Brothers Sa$-¡ result. Those who attended said $rday, May 8. ’ 1 y 209— ,2 I 4 t was one of the most enjoyable hand at the Ashland events staged by the lodge for Get your window screens and after the welfare of many months. lereen doors a t Jordan Bash and I m e j »sesami ^Friday feve^ng, . im portant husktess. Re- ,etiUi dfteswa^ds, k D. W AGNER. B ò telU te. . M g t e g f t ?•; f i »’7 < ¡ h » « at * . R. Rarrl« ffc*>e— , c. P- BtoomfteM and 1er, M arjorie. o f Los An B e f i l i n g } *t 3*4 ,‘ E R r a s ta at 26$ street Toilet Tennis Team W ill Meet Grants Pass Friday Afternoon Among the Guests at the L lth ia Springs Hotel— K. A. Burnell and wife, Seat­ tle; LouiBe Burnell, Seattle; A W illiams, Seattle; A. L. Bra vat, Klamath Falls; M r’, and Mrs. The Ashland high school tennis P a u ld e Tremery, Oakland; P. E. Cody, Medfbrd; Mrs. T. O. Web­ team Will meet the Grants Pass ster, San Diego; Mrs. F. H. high school team on the high * A ir x m ' AahfoheJ ’ dinner w ill 'D r. Hess Lonse Powder, 30c— Maison vjlle, r|etpott. Midh.;1 C. school courts here tomorrow aftdr- W. Shatia, Seattle; H. W . Ran­ noon; starting at 2:30 o’clock. McNair Broa. dall, Portland; A. , C. Abbott, On Saturday afternoon the local Seattle; Georgia W. Edwards. racquet stars w ill clash w ith the Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover Medford high school on the local Shampoo at The V an ity Beauty They show personality courts. Shoppa, McGee’s Store. 198-tf Visitor in Ashland— ] character — Studio Ashland The Ashland team won its first Albert T. Montreuil, collector tographa. J ? ' - - Past Matrons Club of Alpha of customs and excise of Windsor, matches last Saturday against the Yreka high school and it ' expects Chapter No. 1, O. B. 8. Card party, Ontario, accompanied by Mrs. Masonic H a ll, Tuesday evening. MontrenU and niece, who are jo take both Grants Pass and M a y 11. Bridge and 500, 50 cents, making a tour of the coast after Medford into camp this week-end. N. £ . Taylor haa taken charge Including refreshments. Public In­ wintering in Ariaona, stopped In the A. C. W ilhite garage an vited. Ashlad yesterday. They were tcond arteet, as mechanic. delighted with Ashland. Mrs. B. L. Downing, who hai» VtotUag in Ashland— Madden sulla protected tires. been visiting her cousin, Mrs. W . i M r. and Mrs. Henry Provost of M, Barber, has retnraed to her Watsonville, California, are in N O TIC E I home in Denver, Colorade. Ashland visiting at the J, M. Rev. J. C. Mergler, who resign­ Business meeting of Ashland Hnghes home. ed recently as pastor of the Pres­ High School Alum ni Association, byterian church, leaves this even­ Cliff Payne makes french doors. Thursday, May 6, at eight o’clock ing for Centralia, Wash., where at Chamber of Commerce rooms. W . B. A llen, Pres.j he takes over the pastorate if the Card Party — Mahonie H a ll, First Presbyterian church of that 308-2t , Our Chocolates a. blend of bit­ Tuesday evening, May, 11— bridge city. He has been pastor of the ter, sweet and m ilk chocolate.— and 500. .6 0 cento Including re­ local church for the past twd A delicious bite. Candyland. freshments. Public Invited. years., 303-1 Mrs. Mergler and two children From Sun Francisco— Will remain In Ashland until after O per Valley Cominnnlty Club-^ N. Youngs of San Francisco, the close of the school year. The The Upper Valley Community urne a business vlsttor in Ashland eon, Stephen Mergler, graduates club w ill hold u meeting next yêaterday. ¡this month from the local high Tuesday afternoon, May 11, at W A S H IN G TO N , D. C „ May 6. school. the kosiff o f Mrs. W . O. Tucker. The Medford Fluff Rug maker — ( U P ) — Nationalisation of ra il­ A fter the regular business and Rug Cleaner w ill be In Ash­ roads, telegraph, telephone and Advertise In The Tidings. meeting, W . C. Counter w ill give land Friday of thia week. Phone express properties engaged in in­ terstate commerce is proposed In an Aluminum demonstration. A yonr orders to 113 or 240. fa ll attendance to desired. > a b ill Introduced In the house by Classified Ads Bring Results. Young Men’s Models In Suits Representative Berger, socialist, Hot sulphur tub hatha, da at Paulserud’a. 207-tf of Wisconsin. or utght, Jackson H ot Springs. e An old friend In a new role. In other words, we present the lMustrl- ,us Mr. George Ade. world famous -.uinortsl. brushing up his gome St rrench Lick Springs. Georgs, so they «ay enjoy» a round of golf, just m ucii.»» tlw rvadjng public does it» funny yarn*. T h a t’s saying plenty, too. Four Miners Dead In Dynamite Blast P O T T S V IL L E , Penn., May 6 . - - ( U P )— Four men were reported killed and six others Injured lata today In an explosion' at the South Penn Colliery mines here. Rev. Mergler To Go To Centralia Nationalization Sought By Berger TODAY - TOMORROW ? lolne that promotes healthful, nor- mdl action of kidneys and bladder^ Cost little. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Ask (or Foley Pills. Sold everywhere. No. 4 A N Y ONE wishing grives taken re of, write M.’ J. Olson, 237 PurvhÉsed Ford Coupe— >urth or phone 1. 209-2t* The Clayeomb Motor Co. re­ ports the sale of a new Ford FO R BALE: — Good m ilk goat coupe Ko N. Erickson of Allison and two kids. Price >15.00. Phpne street. i , PF2 209-3t Z. .Madden retreads-Uree. 53-U Cabinet Worka. 194tf. 1 • 1 l j W ill Leave’ F t * fcmdr— Mr. and Mrs. John Bonar, or R. 8h eeland, N. Ledger and a^ar Phoenix,'Will leave M ay^l2 Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Gardner, of for a trip east: -to be gone ’ ten Vancouver. B. C., stopped in Aah- weeks. Mr. Bonar represents ¿he! ad yesterday and were guests so n th e fn Oregon ‘ Prdsbytery ati ’ {h ft . jA ftlaad. on there the General Assembly. wWch |o Loe AngalSg to Spend a few *week».«»♦’ U ■ * i F O R S A L E :—<Çafe gnd room Ing house, sacrifice far $200.00 1-2 month free rent. Phone 429 2$9 4th St.' 209'-—31 M odem Woodfp/3^ / V U StaeouUBaU \ î Buy Real Estate AND HAVE A HOME OF YOUR OWN 5 room dwelling, fine lot on paved street, part fur­ nished, garage, $2500. Fine little* bungalow, well located near school and business, $2400. FO R R E N T : — 4 - nished house. Inquire AVe., or phone 106-L. 4 One-Day Service { FO R SALE: — 400 W h lte Leg­ horn läylng hens. Hollywood and, Tancred atrain. Phone 366J3. 209-6* on * ¿3 acres good land, attrac­ tive dwelling on Highway, $3750. 2 fine lots on Garfield St,, near Boulevard. ; Agee’s Shoe Shop Mother’s Day Sunday, May 9th In memory of the child you used to be — give mother flowers this moth­ ers day. hydrangeas- F u c i a s, Geraniums, Ferns or cut floWers are appropriate to express your love and re­ membrance. No other gift, quite so embodies the tender senti­ ment that is a part of Mother’s Dfty. ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Phones 148 or 120 339 E. Main Street AT RAILWAY CROSSING ON OAK STREET , Building Material OF ALL KINDS Get our prices and see our stock before buying. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY • Phone 20 384 Oak St. Across R. R. Tracks New SilK Dresses That are both dressy and washable is the last word in dress economy. to I. ■'» DON’T WORRY! Let Us Prove It! Our method will not shrink or fade the most delicate fabrics. We Call And Deliver Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Works 35 First S t < a We Deliver Smooth and snappy ! Swift and Binarti Luxurious and U h ^ f - T&ckedt ’ I The whole prodnetiorf 'is ’Wiih ^feahcbrdn Aktie SPECIAL TOOAt The Scope of Our Service Our task embraces not only service to those who have lost a dear one,'bût also the equally important work of safeguarding public health, by sanitation and the stamping ont of the dang­ er of contagious disease; You will alwayft find us ready to assist in anything that means better citizenship and a happier and more prosperous community. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral piraòttarj. Dut Bhoua J l r f f î î Night «HMM 311-L—311-J * I * . SOME HAVE LONG SL E E V E S- SOME HALF SLEEVES, OTHERS —BISHÇP SLEEVE. Priced to sell fast at The New Patterns in AND^ ; hess I ' Here you will find a dandy assort­ ment of seryicable, well made silk, dros8es~-in varied ctdors—«11 sizes. We dry - clean all kinds of curtains and draperies. Phone 108 Pound . . ........ . $1.50 Two P o u n d s.......... $3.00 ; Shoe Repairing Real Estate « .R eal Inaurane DRY - CLEANING Standard Cleaners W e suggest this exquisite do* coratod G ift Box of Artstyle Chocolatea, - The package to the most bcatallful we have ever seen for this occasion. 7 room dwelling, 4 bed room£> partly furnished, $3000. No matter how bad your suit or garment looks we can clean it. 95 Oak S t PRUG3TOM c«iak«f Dinn EAT MORE V B •We have thetn — they’rO frf Now is the time of year whi tjieir best !. Plrin your Vegetable Dinner an all you need to do. l: Ashland Feed,0 , ” i ' ’i l 1 353 East Ml Phone 63 Ladies Spring CO ATS Are “Ravens of Style.” The designings equal the best we have ever sold. The Materials Used in These Coats are of the W est’s Best ‘Pure Wool.’ WE QUESTION IF EVER YOU LOOKED AT BETTER GAR­ MENTS AT THESE PRICE». $12.95 $19.95 1 ‘ 1 $15.95 $24.95 . . . . , .♦ If You Buy It Here